Sample 5: Reporting on Different Combinations of Data

Each page represents a different combination of Product, Market, and Budget data. The total number of pages is determined by the number of Market and Product members. This section shows a representative part of the output.

Some data values have four decimal places. The number of decimal places, by default, is output to the true number of decimal values of the data cell. Sample 6: Formatting Different Combinations of Data uses the DECIMAL format command to define a specific number of places.

The member selection commands select three Product members and fourteen Market members, producing a 42-page report. The number of report pages is determined by multiplying the number of members selected from each page dimension.

                                 Budget Audio New_York

                         Qtr1     Qtr2     Qtr3     Qtr4     Year   
                     ======== ======== ======== ======== ========   

Sales                   6,400    6,400    6,700    8,350   27,850   
Cost_of_Goods_Sold      3,012    3,012    3,146    3,973   13,143   
  Margin                3,388    3,388    3,554    4,377   14,707   
Marketing                 525      515      475      555    2,070   
Payroll                 1,950    1,950    1,950    1,950    7,800   
Miscellaneous               0        0        0        0        0   
  Total_Expenses        2,475    2,465    2,425    2,505    9,870   
    Profit                913      923    1,129    1,872    4,837   
    Profit_%               14       14       17       22       17   
    Margin_%               53       53       53       52       53 
                                 Budget Audio Boston

                         Qtr1     Qtr2     Qtr3     Qtr4     Year   
                     ======== ======== ======== ======== ========   

Sales                   6,050    5,750    5,900    7,350   25,050   
Cost_of_Goods_Sold      2,829    2,695    2,762    3,413   11,699   
  Margin                3,221    3,055    3,138    3,937   13,351   
Marketing                 410      400      400      520    1,730   
Payroll                 1,590    1,590    1,590    1,590    6,360   
Miscellaneous               0        0        0        0        0   
  Total_Expenses        2,000    1,990    1,990    2,110    8,090   
    Profit              1,221    1,065    1,148    1,827    5,261   
    Profit_%               20       19       19       25       21   
    Margin_%               53       53       53       54       53 
                                 Budget Product Market

                         Qtr1     Qtr2     Qtr3     Qtr4     Year   
                     ======== ======== ======== ======== ========   

Sales                 141,490  138,410  145,080  186,650  611,630   
Cost_of_Goods_Sold     55,860   54,579   57,379   73,276  241,093   
  Margin               85,630   83,831   87,702  113,374  370,537   
Marketing              10,555   10,680   10,780   13,915   45,930   
Payroll                43,234   43,248   43,248   43,248  172,978   
Miscellaneous               0        0        0        0        0   
  Total_Expenses       53,789   53,928   54,028   57,163  218,908   
    Profit             31,841   29,903   33,674   56,211  151,629   
    Profit_%               23       22       23       30       25   
    Margin_%               61       61       60       61       61

Use the following script to create Sample 5:

<PAGE (Scenario, Product, Market)
{ PAGEONDIMENSION Product }   // New page at each new Product
{ PAGEONDIMENSION Market }    // New page at each new Market
       <COLUMN (Year)
       <ICHILDREN Year


This report script, COMBO1.REP, is available in the \ARBORPATH\App\Demo\Basic directory, and is displayed in Enterprise View in Administration Services.