Fixes the number of columns in the report regardless of how many columns are originally selected.


{ FIXCOLUMNS number }


Number of columns that you want to be displayed in your final report.


This command fixes the number of columns in the final report regardless of how many columns are originally selected. Only the first number of columns, which includes row name columns and data columns, are displayed.

This command is often used in conjunction with the ORDER command to select and reorder a subset of columns, cutting off excess columns.


The following examples are based on Sample Demo.

The command { FIXCOLUMNS 3 } causes only 3 columns, the row name column and two data columns, to be displayed even though there are additional columns for the data values of Qtr3, Qtr4 and Year.

<PAGE (Market, Accounts, Scenario)
Chicago Sales Actual

      <COLUMN (Year)
      <ICHILDREN Year

<ROW (Product)


This example produces the following report:

               Chicago Sales Actual 

                  Qtr1     Qtr2 
              ======== ======== 

Stereo           2,591    2,476 
Compact_Disc     3,150    3,021 
  Audio          5,741    5,497

This example used FIXCOLUMNS and ORDER to create a non-symmetric report.

<PAGE (Market, Accounts)
<COLUMN (Year, Scenario)
<ROW (Product)
{  ORDER 0,1,3,5,6 FIXCOLUMNS 5 }

Chicago   Sales

         Jan Feb Mar
         Actual Budget

                             Chicago Sales

                      Jan      Feb      Mar      Mar 
                   Actual   Actual   Actual   Budget 
                 ======== ======== ======== ======== 
Stereo                923      834      834      900 
Compact_Disc        1,120    1,050      980    1,000 
  Audio             2,043    1,884    1,814    1,900

If the command { BLOCKHEADERS } had also been used, the output would be:

                       Chicago Sales

                   Jan     Feb       Mar      Mar
                Actual   Actual   Actual   Budget
              ======== ======== ======== ========

Stereo           2,591    2,476    2,348    2,438
Compact_Disc     3,150    3,021    3,115    3,028
  Audio          5,741    5,497    5,825    5,003

Note that without the FIXCOLUMNS, the column headers would have been:

     Jan            Feb           Mar
Actual Budget  Actual Budget  Actual Budget

See Also