Indents subsequent row members in the row names column based on the generation in the database outline.


{ INDENTGEN [ offset ] }


Optional. Number that determines the amount to indent each succeeding generation from the previous generation. Default: INDENTGEN -2.


This command indents row members in the row names column based on the generation in the Database Outline. Generations are counted starting at the top of the dimension.

The top of the dimension is the first generation of the dimension. The children of the top are the second generation and so on. The offset determines how many characters each successive generation is indented. A positive number places the first generation at the leftmost position and indents each successive generation to the right. A negative number places the last generation on the left.

By default, all generations in a row group are indented by -2 for each relative generation difference. A row group is the group of row members selected before a an exclamation point (!) is encountered. If every row is generated separately (a ! after every row member) all the "groups" are one row only, and thus are not indented because there is no relative generation difference.

The indentation is based on relative rather than absolute generation differences so that if a report is working with only the lower levels of a many-level tree, all the row names do not start heavily indented, wasting column space. If offset is not given, it does not have a default value of -2.

Default Value

-2 is the default at the start of each report. {INDENTGEN}


The following example shows the default generation indentation for the Chicago report followed by the {INDENTGEN 3} command in the Boston report.

<PAGE (Market, Accounts, Scenario)
Chicago Sales Actual

      <COLUMN (Year)
      <ICHILDREN Year

<ROW (Product)

Boston Sales Actual

      <ICHILDREN Year


This example produces the following report:

                         Chicago Sales Actual 
                 Qtr1    Qtr2    Qtr3    Qtr4    Year 
              ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= 
Stereo          2,591   2,476   2,567   3,035  10,669 
Compact_Disc    3,150   3,021   3,032   3,974  13,177 
  Audio         5,741   5,497   5,599   7,009  23,846 
Television      4,410   4,001   4,934   6,261  19,606 
VCR             3,879   3,579   4,276   4,877  16,611 
Camera          2,506   2,522   2,602   3,227  10,857 
  Visual       10,795  10,102  11,812  14,365  47,074 
    Product    16,536  15,599  17,411  21,374  70,920 

                             Boston Sales Actual 
                      Qtr1    Qtr2    Qtr3    Qtr4    Year 
                   ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= 

      Stereo         2,450   2,341   2,377   2,917  10,085 
      Compact_Disc   3,290   3,034   3,132   3,571  13,027 
   Audio             5,740   5,375   5,509   6,488  23,112 
      Television     4,197   3,757   4,740   5,000  17,694 
      VCR            3,645   3,663   4,201   4,509  16,018 
      Camera         2,230   2,255   2,266   3,162   9,913 
   Visual           10,072   9,675  11,207  12,671  43,625 
Product             15,812  15,050  16,716  19,159  66,737

See Also