Adds level 0 contributing descendants (descendants with non #MISSING data) for the specified member to the report. This command is equivalent to getting DESCENDANTS of mbrName at level-0 (for primary hierarchy) with SUPMISSINGROWS enabled for the dimension.

The Leaves command compactly describes large dimensions correlated with another dimension (many-to-many relationship) while avoiding internal expansion of members before retrieval.

Because large sets tend to be very sparse, only a few members contribute to the input member (have non #Missing values) and are returned. As a result, LEAVES consumes less memory resources than the equivalent nonempty Descendants function call, allowing for better scalability, especially in concurrent user environments.


<LEAVES mbrName


Single member whose level 0 contributing descendants should be added to the report



<LEAVES("Personal Electronics")

This example produces the following report:

Digital Cameras  1,344,844 
Camcorders       2,747,641 
Photo Printers   1,325,536 
Memory           2,607,186 
Other Accessori~ 6,475,762 
Boomboxes        1,720,446 
Radios           1,657,511 

"Handhelds" was omitted from the result set because it has a value of #MISSING, so it does not contribute to "Personal Electronics".

See Also