Performs wildcard member selection. Essbase searches for member names that match the pattern you specify, and returns the member names it finds.

If you defined the members names in the database you are searching as case-sensitive, the search is case-sensitive. Otherwise, the search is not case-sensitive. To define database member names as case-sensitive, use Outline Editor in Administration Services (see the Oracle Essbase Administration Services Online Help).

You can use more than one MATCH command in your report.

If Essbase does not find any members that match the chosen character pattern, it returns no member names and continues with the other report commands in your report.


<MATCH ("Member"|"Gen"|"Level","Pattern")


Member name at the top of the member hierarchy you want to search. Essbase searches the member name and its descendants.


Default or user-defined name of the generation you want to search.


Default or user-defined name of the level you want to search.


The character pattern you want to search for, including a wildcard character (* or ?).

  • ? Substitutes one occurrence of any character; can be placed anywhere in the string.

  • * Substitutes any number of characters; must be used at the end of the string.

  • You can include spaces in the character pattern. Ensure that you enclose the pattern in quotation marks ("").


MATCH does not function with Hybrid-Analysis relational sources.


The following report is based on the Sample Basic database, and uses a * wildcard pattern search.

<PAGE (Measures, Market, Scenario)
Sales East Actual
<COLUMN (Year)
<MATCH (Year, J*)
<ROW (Product)

Essbase searches the Year dimension and finds 3 months beginning with the letter "J":Jan, Jun, and Jul. The report returns the following data:

                        Sales East Actual 
                     Jan        Jun       Jul 
                    ========  ========  ======== 
100                 2,105      2,625     2,735 
200                 1,853      2,071     1,992 
300                 1,609      1,795     1,926 
400                 1,213      1,404     1,395 
Diet                  620        712       778

The following report is based on the Sample Basic database, and uses a ? wildcard pattern search.

<PAGE (Measures, Market, Scenario)
Sales East Actual
<COLUMN (Year)
<ROW (Product)
<MATCH (Product, "???-10")

Essbase searches the Product dimension and finds all instances of products ending in "-10", and preceded by three characters. The report returns the following data:

          Sales East Actual Year 
100-10             23,205 
200-10              8,145 
300-10             13,302 
400-10              6,898