Defines which dimensions are displayed as page members in the final report.

This command specifies the dimension or dimensions to be used such that each member or combination of members of these dimensions is an attribute of all data cells on a page.

Page members are displayed at the top of the report above the column members. Any member in the report specification from the same dimension as a member in the PAGE command is a page member. Only one member at a time from each page dimension is displayed in the page heading at the top of each page.

Each time any member from one of the dimensions in the page heading changes, it creates a new page heading. The order of the dimensions in the PAGE command determines the order in which members occur in the page heading. The member from the first dimension is displayed first, followed by the second and so on.

On any single report page, the current page members are representative of (are attributes of) all the data cells on the page.


<PAGE ( dimList )


Dimension name or a comma-delimited list of dimensions.



<PAGE (Measures, Market)

Creates a report based on member combinations of dimensions Measures and Market. The first page of the report lists all values for Sales, East; the next page lists all values for Sales, West; When all children of Market have been extracted, the report continues with Cost of Goods Sold, East followed by Cost of Goods Sold, West, and so on.

See Also