Sets the maximum number of lines for one page in the report.


{ PAGELENGTH [ lines ] }


Optional total number of output lines for the size of paper you are using. Because the Report Writer does not recognize any of the font characteristics of the output report, it operates based on lines rather than inches.


Default Value

The defaults are FEEDON and a PAGELENGTH of 66 lines, which normally translates to an 11-inch-long page. This value is assumed if lines is not given.

This command sets the maximum number of lines for one page in the report. After displaying the number of lines, a page break is inserted, followed by the heading. The page break is not inserted if a SUPFEED command has been used. The heading is displayed at the start of the new page unless SUPHEADING has been used.

If you are using legal size paper, the value should be 84 lines. If you are using A4 paper, the value should be 70 lines.


{ PAGELENGTH 50 } sets the maximum number of lines for one page to 50.

See Also