Displays column members in centered, pyramid-shaped levels above columns (the default style used by symmetric reports).




This command displays column members in centered, pyramid-shaped levels over the columns in the report. Pyramid display of column members is the default method for displaying column members.

Pyramid headers cannot be used with asymmetric reports unless the report is extracted as a symmetric report and reordered or truncated to make it asymmetric.

Default Value

Default for symmetric reports. Also resets the default column display following a BLOCKHEADERS command.


The following example is based on Sample Basic.

<PAGE (Measures, Market)
     <COLUMN (Scenario, Year)
     Actual Budget
     Jan Feb Mar
<ROW (Market)
<CHILD "200"
<CHILD "300"

This example produces the following report:

                                Sales Market 
                 Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget 
                    Jan    Feb    Mar    Jan    Feb    Mar 
                 ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== 
200-10            3,220  3,348  3,326  3,230  3,370  3,370 
200-20            3,122  3,161  3,203  3,090  3,120  3,190 
200-30            1,478  1,463  1,499  1,310  1,290  1,330 
200-40              896    988    923    870    950    890 

                                Sales Market 
                        Actual               Budget        
                    Jan    Feb    Mar    Jan    Feb    Mar 
                 ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== 
300-10            3,517  3,613  3,650  2,950  3,050  3,080 
300-20            1,397  1,417  1,434  1,140  1,160  1,170 
300-30            2,960  3,016  2,993  2,560  2,590  2,580

See Also