Specifies a descending, hierarchical sort order.




This command determines the order in which items are sorted in member commands in the report specification. You use this command prior to the other sort commands including SORTALTNAMES, SORTGEN, SORTLEVEL and SORTMBRNAMES. With the SORTDESC command, all members are sorted in descending order starting with either the letter "z" or the highest generation and moving toward the letter "a" or the lowest generation.

This command must precede the selection commands, for example CHILDREN or DESCENDANTS. If no sorting commands are used, members are output in hierarchical order based on the member outline. Any sort command remains in effect until another sort command is issued.


The following example is based on Sample Basic.

<PAGE (Market, Measures)
Massachusetts Sales
<COLUMN (Scenario, Year)
Actual Budget
Jan Feb Mar
<ROW (Product)

This example produces the following report:

                                  Massachusetts Sales 
                           Actual                     Budget           

                      Jan      Feb      Mar      Jan      Feb      Mar 
                 ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== 
  Product           1,251    1,206    1,203    1,170    1,130    1,120 
Diet             #Missing #Missing #Missing #Missing #Missing #Missing 
400                   160      136      132      160      140      130 
300                   130      132      129      100      100      100 
200                   467      468      450      450      450      430 
100                   494      470      492      460      440      460

See Also