The SUPSHAREOFF command reinstates the display of later instances of shared members after they have been suppressed using the SUPSHARE command.




You can suppress and reinstate shared member display only when you extract data for your report using:

Default Value



The Sample Basic database has a shared level of diet drinks. The shared members are 100-20 (Diet Cola), 200-20 (Diet Root Beer), and 300-30 (Diet Cream). All are level 0 members on the Product dimension. The following report:

<PAGE (Measures, Market, Scenario)
Sales West Actual
<COLUMN (Year)
<ROW (Product)

returns the following data. The example assumes that you have used SUPSHARE in a previous report in the report script. The SUPSHAREOFF command reinstates the shared member display so that the shared members appear twice in the report.

                        Sales West Actual 
                Jan         Feb         Mar        Qtr1 
               ======      ======      ======     ======
100-10         1,174       1,146       1,173      3,493 
100-20           700         726         727      2,153 
100-30           465         426         413      1,304 
200-10           667         705         707      2,079 
200-20         1,203       1,209       1,209      3,621 
200-30           853         845         880      2,578 
300-10         1,102       1,127       1,133      3,362 
300-20           523         546         566      1,635 
300-30           977       1,029       1,040      3,046 
400-10         1,115       1,122       1,107      3,344 
400-20         1,032       1,065       1,100      3,197 
400-30           625         618         619      1,862 
100-20           700         726         727      2,153 
200-20         1,203       1,209       1,209      3,621 
300-30           977       1,029       1,040      3,046

See Also