Inserts text or other information on a new line in the report. You specify the character position (charPosition) to begin the text along with the text (text) that you want to display. The command can accept multiple sets of charPosition and text arguments.

In addition to text, you can use this command to insert special information based on keywords into the report. These keywords begin with a "*" and must be entered exactly. For example, you can display the current date and time, the page number, or information such as user name and application.

The following list presents the keywords and associated display information.


{TEXT charPosition "text " [ charPosition "text" ... ]}


Character position on the line to start the text specified in the next text argument. When multiple sets of charPositions/i>s and text can be specified, successive charPositions need not be in ascending order. If the positions of two text strings cause an overlap, the last overwrites the first. "Last" is determined by left-right order in the TEXT statement, not by charPosition.


Text to add to the report. Commas, tabs and multiple spaces are ignored. Maximum length: 500 characters.



  TEXT 2 "*DATETIME" C "Annual Report" 65 "*PAGESTRING" SKIP
  TEXT 2 "City: " 12 "*PAGEHDR 1"
  TEXT 2 "Account: " 12 "*PAGEHDR 2" SKIP

<PAGE (Market, Accounts)
Chicago Sales

            <COLUMN (Scenario, Year)

            <CHILDREN Year

<ROW Audio

{ SKIP 2 "Prepared by: " 18 "*USERNAME" }
{ TEXT 2 "Server Version: " 18 "*ARBOR" }
{ TEXT 2 "Application: " 18 "*APPNAME" }
{ TEXT 2 "Database: " 18 "*DBNAME" }
09/15/03 14:14:59          Annual Report                       Page: 1

  City:     Chicago
  Account:  Sales

                     Qtr1     Qtr2     Qtr3     Qtr4 
                 ======== ======== ======== ======== 

Stereo              2,591    2,476    2,567    3,035 
Compact_Disc        3,150    3,021    3,032    3,974 
  Audio             5,741    5,497    5,599    7,009 

  Prepared by :   Admin
  Server Version: Gemini Alpha - 9/6/95 [Fri Sep 15 14:14:59 1995]
  Application:    Demo
  Database:       Basic
                              Chicago Sales

              Actual               Budget
   Qtr1    Qtr2    Qtr3    Qtr1     Qtr2     Qtr3
======= ======= ======= ======= ======== ======== 

See Also