Specifies the characteristics of a base-dimension member that match the specified values in a report script. You must create varying attribute dimensions in the outline and associate them with a base dimension before you use WITHATTREX in a report script.


<WITHATTREX (dimName, "operator", value,options,startTuple[,endTuple])


Single varying attribute dimension name.


Operator specification, which must be enclosed in double quotes ("").

The supported operators are:

  • > (Greater than)

  • >= (Greater than or equal to)

  • < (Less than)

  • <= (Less than or equal to)

  • = = (Equal to)

  • <> or != (Not equal to)

  • IN (Within a specified range)


Value that, in combination with the operator, defines the condition that must be met. The value can be an attribute member specification, a constant, or a date-format function (for example, <TODATE).



startTuple[, endTuple]

(m1, m2, ..., mN)

Level-0 members from one or more independent dimensions for attrMbrName may be part of the input tuple.

Members from all independent dimensions should be listed. If a member is not listed, the member of the same dimension from the current query or calculation context is used.


This command specifies two or more attribute dimension tags, which are associated with a base dimension. If you use the <WITHATTREX syntax, the command is applied only to a specific query.


<withattrex("intro date","<=",<todate("mm-dd-yyyy","04-01-1996"),ANY,(jan),(jun))

See Also