Can be used in place of the @SHIFT() function, the @PRIOR() function, or the @NEXT() function to improve performance if the formula meets the following criteria:

If these criteria are met, consider rewriting your formula using @SHIFTMINUS() instead. @SHIFTMINUS() runs the formula in block mode, improving performance.


@SHIFTMINUS (mbrName1, mbrName2 [,n, rangeList])


Any valid single member name or member combination, or a function that returns a single member or member combination.


Optional signed integer. n must be a numeric value, not a reference, such as a member name. If you are using @SHIFTPLUS to replace the @NEXT function, use 1 as the value for n. If you are using @SHIFTPLUS to replace the @PRIOR function, use -1 as the value for n. Default value is +1.


Optional. A valid member name, a comma-delimited list of member names, member set functions, and range functions. If rangeList is not specified, Essbase uses the level 0 members from the dimension tagged as time.


The following example shows a formula using @SHIFT().

Sales = Loss - @SHIFT(Sales, 1);

Here is the formula using @SHIFTMINUS() to improve performance:

@SHIFTMINUS (Loss, Sales, 1)

See Also