Essbase Unicode File Utility Overview

The Essbase Unicode File Utility is a standalone program that enables you to add encoding identifiers to files used with Unicode-mode applications. Encoding identifiers are markers that identify the text encoding used in the file. Located in the ESSBASEPATH\bin directory, this utility is called essutf8.exe (in Windows) or ESSUTF8 (in UNIX). You can use this utility to make the following changes to text files, outline files, and rules files:

The Essbase Unicode File Utility works with text files and binary files that you can edit and change. This utility does not support user-defined characters (UDC) such as can be found in Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and Taiwanese host code pages.

Applicable text files include:

Applicable binary files include:

Using the Essbase Unicode File Utility to insert locale indicators in outline files and rules files is relevant when outline files and rules files were created by earlier releases of Essbase or its clients (prior to Release 7.0) or when rules files are initially created on a client. For a more detailed description of encoding and locale indicators, see the "Enabling Multi-Language Applications Through Unicode" part in the Oracle Essbase Database Administrator's Guide.


Text files for non-Unicode-mode applications cannot be encoded in UTF-8. They must be encoded according to a locale definition common to the client and Essbase Server.

See the "Enabling Multi-language Applications through Unicode" part of the Oracle Essbase Database Administrator's Guide for additional information about encoding formats, the UTF-8 signature, and locale indicators.