Schedule Summary

The schedule summary report contains high-level schedule summary details from Financial Close Management application.

The schedule summary report enables you to view the current status of all OPEN (running), and CLOSED schedule details and helps you to quickly understand the total number of Pending tasks, Closed tasks, and Open tasks within the schedule. The report calculates the percentage of actual completion and planned completion tasks.

Schedule Summary

  To compile the Schedule Summary report:

  1. From the Oracle BI EE Global Header, select the Dashboards link, then select the OFMA menu list, and then select Oracle Financial Management Analytics.

  2. From Oracle Financial Management Analytics, select the Close Schedule dashboard tab.

  3. From POV Selector, select the required POV dimensions that you want to use for the dashboard, and then click Apply.

    See Setting the Point of View for Close Schedule Dashboard

  4. Click Apply to view the changes within the report.

The report displays the following information:

Table 34. Schedule Summary – Report Details

Column DetailsDescription
Schedule NameName of the schedule in the Financial Close Management Application
StatusThe schedule status can be OPEN or CLOSED.
All TasksTotal number of tasks within the schedule
Pending TasksTotal number of pending tasks within the schedule
Closed TasksTotal number of closed tasks within the schedule
Open TasksTotal number of open tasks within the schedule
Actual Completion The percentage of actual number of tasks completed against the total number of tasks for the schedule as on date
Plan CompletionThe percentage of planned number of tasks completed per plan against the total number of tasks for the schedule as on date
Status IndicatorThe indicator provides the schedule condition based on the timelines.

Based on the following criteria, we calculate the delayed task within a schedule:

Tasks are considered based on the preceding criteria. The color code represents the state of the schedule based on timelines. For example:


The color indicator and the threshold values defined can be modified only by the administrator.