Setting the Point of View in Oracle Financial Management Analytics

The Point of View is a set of dimensions you define that determine the data to be accessed for an application and displayed in the dashboard.

The Point of View is used for all the dashboard pages.


When you exit the application, and reopen the application the previous session information is not saved.

  To set the Point of View in the dashboard:

  1. From the Point of View Selector in the dashboard page, select the following POV dimension members:

    • Scenario

    • Year

    • Period

    • View

    • Value

    • Region

  2. Click Apply to view the changes in the dashboard page.

Table 2. List of available POV Dimension members on each dashboard page

Dashboard Pages Executive Dashboard Process Management DashboardProfit and Loss DashboardGross Profit DashboardBalance Sheet DashboardCash Flow DashboardCurrency Analysis DashboardPerformance Indicators Dashboard
POV Dimension Members
Constant Rate1 [2]NANANANANANAYesNA

1 Phase is not a POV dimension in Financial Management

2 Constant Rate 1 is not a POV dimension in Financial Management


The selected POV values in the dashboard page are propagated to another dashboard page, except the Close Schedule dashboard.