Calculating the Average and Maximum Number of Days in the Process Management Metrics Report

To understand the steps involved for calculating the average and maximum number of days taken for any entity from Close to Submit status, consider the USA region.

The total number of child regions is 41, and among them three entities changed the process state from First Pass to Submitted status. The following are the entities with Submitted status: Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania.

EntitiesNumber of Days from Close to Submit Status
New York1
Pennsylvania9 [1]
Average number of days taken for each entity from Close to Submit∑(1+1+9)/3=3.666; however, the value displayed on the report is 3. The value is rounded to integer directly.

1 Maximum number of days for any entity from Close to Submit status.

The following changes are affected in the Process Management Metrics table:

Region USA
Total Child Regions41
Average number of days from Close to Submit3.0[1]
Maximum number of days from Close to Submit9[2]
Regions not Submitted38
Average number of days from Close to Approve0
Maximum number of days from Close to Approve0
Regions not Approved41

1 Condition flag for Average days from Close to Submit must be GREEN.

2 Condition flag for Maximum days from Close to Submit must be YELLOW.