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Oracle® Fusion Applications Incentive Compensation Implementation Guide
11g Release 7 (11.1.7)
Part Number E20381-07
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11 Common Applications Configuration: Define Approval Management for Incentive Compensation

This chapter contains the following:

Approval Management: Highlights

Approval Management Configuration Options for Oracle Fusion Incentive Compensation: Explained

Incentive Compensation Payment Approval Process: How It Is Configured

Dispute Management and Approval: How It Is Configured

Manage Task Configurations for Incentive Compensation

Approval Management: Highlights

Use approval management to determine the policies that apply to approval workflows for particular business objects such as expense reports. For example, you can specify levels of approval for expense reports over a particular amount, to reflect your own corporate policies. You also determine the groups of users who act on these workflow tasks, for example, the chain of approvers for expense reports.

Approval management is fully described in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Modeling and Implementation Guide for Oracle Business Process Management. Though the concepts described there apply also to Oracle Fusion Applications, the only setup relevant to Oracle Fusion Applications involves approval groups and task configuration. Customization of approval workflows themselves is described in the Oracle Fusion Applications Extensibility Guide.


Approval Groups and Task Configuration


Approval Management Configuration Options for Oracle Fusion Incentive Compensation: Explained

The approval management extensions to the human workflow services of Oracle SOA Suite have the following default configuration options for Oracle Fusion Incentive Compensation.

Configuration Option

Default Value

Effect of Default Value

Ad hoc insertion of approvers


Allow ad hoc insertion of approvers in the approval list. Users who add approvers may also modify or remove the approvers that they add.

Allow delegate


Allow approvers to delegate their approval responsibilities to other users. One approver replaces another, but the approver list is otherwise unaltered.

Allow pushback


An approver can push the transaction back to the previous approver, who thereby has a second opportunity to review the transaction.

Allow reassign


Any approver can reassign the approval to a different approver. The approval list is recalculated based on the new approver.

Allow request information


Approvers can request more information from another approver or the person who submitted the transaction.

Allow self-approval


The person who submits the transaction cannot approve it.

Allow withdraw


The requester or an administrator can withdraw a transaction while the approval process is incomplete. Approvers who have already approved are notified of the withdrawal. The transaction is removed from the work lists of approvers who have not yet approved.

On error notify

Incentive Compensation Application Administrator

An incentive compensation application administrator is notified automatically when an error occurs.

Period before task expires


Approval tasks do not expire.

Period before task escalates


Approval tasks are not escalated to other approvers.

Escalated approver


Approval tasks are not escalated to other approvers.

Repeated approver frequency

Once per approval

An approver receives one notification per transaction, even when the approver appears multiple times in the approver list.

Re-evaluate approver list


The approver list is regenerated after every response.

Rejection outcome

Stop all

When an approver rejects a transaction, the approval process stops and the transaction is canceled.

Incentive Compensation Payment Approval Process: How It Is Configured

This topic covers the incentive compensation Payment Approval business process activities associated with the paysheet statuses, including when and what types of actionable and informational notifications the application sends to incentive compensation (IC) managers and analysts as well as participants and participant managers.

The following figure shows the payment approval business process activities and the job roles that perform them.

Incentive compensation payment approval
business process

Settings That Affect the Payment Approval Process

The application sends notifications to participants, participant managers, compensation analysts, and compensation managers based on the paysheet statuses and rules defined within the approval management extensions to the human workflow services of Oracle SOA Suite, as well as the analyst payment approval hierarchy in the Participant Assignments work area, on the Manage Analyst Payment Approval Hierarchy page. When you act on a notification, and edit the paysheet status, the business rules send a new notification.


If you do not require the payment approval business process, in the Define Business Unit Configuration for Incentive Compensation task list, Manage Parameters task, for the Default Paysheet Approval Status parameter, select Approved, which is the final status before paying the payment batch.

Rule-based Exceptions using Minimum and Maximum Payment Autoapproval Amount Parameters

The provided payment approval business process includes an exception rule that causes the application to send actionable notifications to compensation managers if the paysheet amount is greater than or equal to X and less than or equal to Y (the application also automatically sets the status to Approved). If the minimum and maximum payment autoapproval amount parameters in the Manage Parameters task are NULL, then the application does not automatically approve any of the paysheets. The application still uses the regular approval business process that is in place and continues the regular approval business process activities for all paysheets.

The following table describes the provided approval business process activities, paysheet statuses, who sets the status, and the resulting application actions.



Status Set By

Application Action

Create paysheets



Send no notifications.

Create paysheets



Check the minimum and maximum payment approval amount parameters and if the paysheet amount is between the two values, it sets the status and sends informational notifications to the participant and IC managers.

Request more information from participant, participant manager, or Sales Operations

Request More Information

IC manager, analyst, participants, or participant manager

Send an informational notification to the requestor and a request notification to the person being asked for more information.

Submit locked paysheets


IC analyst

Send informational notifications to the relevant participant and analyst, as well as an actionable notification to the relevant IC manager.

Approve paysheets


IC manager

Send an actionable notification of approval to the relevant analyst and informational notifications of to the relevant participant.

Reject paysheets


IC manager

Send an actionable notification of rejection to the relevant analyst and informational notifications of to the relevant participant.

Reassign paysheet approval

No change

IC manager

Send informational notifications to the analysts associated with the paysheet as well as the requesting incentive compensation manager. Also send an actionable notification to the new IC manager.

* Based on the Default Paysheet Approval Status parameter

Dispute Management and Approval: How It Is Configured

There are times when participants, their managers, compensation analysts, and compensation managers must create, track, and resolve disputes as part of the incentive compensation process. This effective dispute management includes automated notification to all involved parties.

Create: Complete the required fields as well as all fields relevant to expedite the resolution of your dispute. After you submit the new dispute, the application:

Reassign and delegate: Compensation analysts can reassign one of more of their disputes to other analysts to balance the workload. Compensation managers can delegate disputes among analysts. In both situations, the application:

Request more information: The compensation manager or analyst requests more information from the participant, participant's manager, or Sales Operations team--any incentive compensation user. The application:

Update Information: When the participant, participant's manager, or Sales Operations user update the dispute with the requested information, the application:

Approve and reject: The compensation manager or analyst views the details of the dispute. If no further information is required, the analyst or manager approves or rejects the dispute. The application:

Escalate: When the resolution was not as expected, for example, the dispute was rejected, the compensation analyst can escalate the dispute, even a dispute that was closed. The application:

Withdrawn: The dispute creator can withdraw the dispute before it is approved or rejected. The application:

Manage Task Configurations for Incentive Compensation

Enabling an Incentive Compensation Attribute as a Qualifier for Classification or Crediting Rules: Worked Example

This example demonstrates how to create a custom incentive compensation attribute with a list of values for use in crediting rules for those situations where the delivered attributes do not fulfill business requirements. The application has these attributes (in the CN_TP_TRANSACTIONS_ALL table) enabled for use in crediting and classification rules:

Summary of the Tasks

The three tasks covered in this topic are:


Also use the steps in these tasks to create a custom attribute for classification rules by changing the usage_id from -1001 to -1002.

Running Script to Enable Custom Attribute

In this task, use SQL and a tool such as SQL Developer to create new FND LOOKUP values to use in the choice list on the user interface (optional), run the CN_RS_CUST_ATTR.CREATE_QUAL application programming interface (API) to create the custom attribute, and update the BATCH_TOTAL_SQL to assign the new custom attribute.

  1. Create new FND LOOKUP values to use in the choice list on the user interface (optional).
    -- Example: create a Line of Business lookup 
       l_retcode VARCHAR2(30);
       l_errbuf VARCHAR2(10000);
       -- create the FND lookup TYPE
              X_VIEW_APPSNAME => 'FND', 
              X_LOOKUP_TYPE => 'CN_LINE_OF_BUSINESS', 
              X_APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME => 'CN', 
              X_MEANING => 'Line of Business', 
              X_DESCRIPTION => 'Fusion Example: Line of Business', 
              X_REFERENCE_GROUP_NAME => '');
       -- populate the FND lookup values
              X_LOOKUP_TYPE => 'CN_LINE_OF_BUSINESS', 
              X_VIEW_APPSNAME => 'FND', 
              X_MEANING => 'Commercial Leasing', 
              X_SET_CODE => '',
              X_DESCRIPTION => 'Commercial Leasing', 
              X_ENABLED_FLAG => 'Y', 
              X_START_DATE_ACTIVE => sysdate, 
              X_END_DATE_ACTIVE => '');
              X_VIEW_APPSNAME => 'FND',
              X_LOOKUP_CODE => 'RESIDENTIAL',
              X_MEANING => 'Residential',
              X_SET_CODE => '',
              X_DESCRIPTION => 'Residential',
              X_ENABLED_FLAG => 'Y',
              X_START_DATE_ACTIVE => sysdate,
              X_END_DATE_ACTIVE => '');
              X_VIEW_APPSNAME => 'FND',
              X_LOOKUP_CODE => 'CONSUMER_LOAN',
              X_MEANING => 'Consumer Personal Loans',
              X_SET_CODE => '',
              X_DESCRIPTION => 'Consumer Personal Loans',
              X_ENABLED_FLAG => 'Y',
              X_START_DATE_ACTIVE => sysdate,
              X_END_DATE_ACTIVE => '');


  2. Run the CN_RS_CUST_ATTR.CREATE_QUAL application programming interface (API) to create the custom attribute.

    API Parameter


    Sample Value


    Get the current minimum attribut_id and decrement it by 1

    sql> select min(attribute_id) -1 from cn_rs_attributes_all_b




    Not available



    sql> select organization_id, name from hr_all_organization_units
    where name like 'Vision Services%' ;




    Not available



    Not available



    This is the user interface display name and you can enter any name

    'Line of Business'


    Not available

    'Custom Attribute : Line of Business'


    Use any number or pick the next number from here:

    sql> select min(attr_usage_id) from cn_rs_attr_usages_all WHERE usage_id = -1001


    It is good to use the same value p_attribute_id, unless it is already assigned.



    usage_id = -1001 for crediting

    usage_id = -1002 for classification



    Corresponds to cn_rs_usage_details_all table batch_total_sql. Use the next available value for the same data type, in the unused column. To see which indexed_col_name are used:

    sql> select enabled_flag, batch_total_sql
    where usage_id = -1001 
    and org_id = 458 ;




    'CHAR' = varchar or character

    'NUMERIC' = number



    From the batch_total_sql field, there are two tables CN_TP_TRANSACTIONS_ALL and HZ_PARTIES. Use one of these fields as the source_column_name. If you want to use a field from other tables, then batch_total_sql must include those tables.

    sql> desc fusion.CN_TP_TRANSACTIONS_ALL sql> desc fusion.HZ_PARTIES




    Get the next prime number, see To see which prime number is already used:

    sql> select attr_relation_factor, indexed_col_name, attribute_id from CN_RS_ATTR_USAGES_ALL
    where usage_id = -1001
    and org_id = 458
    order by attr_relation_factor desc ;




    Define the value for this custom attribute. Use the positive value of p_attribute_id.

    Naming convention: q<p_attribute_id>_cp



    Populate if using the equal or between parameter.

    Naming convention: q<p_attribute_id>_low_value_char



    Populate if using the between parameter.

    Naming convention: q<p_attr_usage_id>_high_value_char



    Enable the EQUAL operator



    SQL syntax for EQUAL operand if p_equal_flag = 'Y'

    '( A.squal_char20 = B.q2026_low_value_char AND B.q2026_cp = ''='' )'


    Enable the LIKE operator



    SQL syntax for EQUAL operand if P_LIKE_FLAG = 'Y'

    '( A.squal_char20 like B.q2026_low_value_char AND B.q2026_cp = ''LIKE'' )'


    Enable the BETWEEN operator



    SQL syntax for EQUAL operand if P_BETWEEN_FLAG = 'Y'

    '( A.squal_char20 between B.q2026_low_value_char and B.q2026_high_value_char AND B.q2026_cp = ''BETWEEN'' )'


    Convert the varchar2 column to id column, set this value to 'Y'



    Convert the varchar2 column to id column. Only edit if this P_CONVERT_TO_ID_FLAG = 'Y'



    If you want an list of value (LOV) to be associated to the attribute.

    'select /*+ FIRST_ROWS(10) */ 1 lookup_id, meaning meaning, lookup_code lookup_code from cn_lookups where lookup_type = ''CN_EXAMPLE_LINE_OF_BUSINESS'' '

    -- Example: ATTRIBUTE38 is enabled for crediting with list of value
    --          from CN_LINE_OF_BUSINESS FND lookup
       l_retcode VARCHAR2(30);
       l_errbuf VARCHAR2(10000);
          p_attribute_id => -2026,
          p_object_version_number => 1, 
          p_org_id => 458,
          p_SOURCE_LANG => 'US', 
          p_LANGUAGE => 'US', 
          p_name => 'Line of Business',
          p_description => 'Custom Attribute : Line of Business', 
          p_ATTR_USAGE_ID => -2026,
          p_USAGE_ID => -1001, 
          p_INDEXED_COL_NAME => 'SQUAL_CHAR20',
          p_DISPLAY_TYPE => 'CHAR', 
          p_ATTR_RELATION_FACTOR => 227,
          p_CONVERT_TO_ID_FLAG => 'N',
          p_COMPARISON_OPERATOR_CN => 'q2026_cp', 
          p_LOW_VALUE_CHAR_CN => 'q2026_low_value_char', 
          p_HIGH_VALUE_CHAR_CN => NULL,
          p_LOW_VALUE_CHAR_ID_CN => NULL, 
          p_LOW_VALUE_NUMBER_CN => NULL, 
          p_HIGH_VALUE_NUMBER_CN => NULL, 
          p_VALUE1_ID_CN => NULL, 
          p_VALUE2_ID_CN => NULL, 
          p_VALUE3_ID_CN => NULL, 
          p_VALUE4_ID_CN => NULL, 
          p_FIRST_CHAR_CN => NULL, 
          p_CURRENCY_CODE_CN => NULL, 
          p_EQUAL_FLAG => 'Y',
          p_BATCH_OP_EQL => '( A.squal_char20 = B.q2026_low_value_char AND B.q2026_cp = ''='' )', 
          p_LIKE_FLAG => 'N',
          p_BATCH_OP_LIKE => NULL, 
          p_BETWEEN_FLAG => 'N',
          p_BATCH_OP_BETWEEN => NULL, 
          p_SEEDED_FLAG => NULL,
          p_ALIAS_RULE1 => NULL, 
          p_REAL_TIME_SELECT => NULL, 
          p_REAL_TIME_WHERE => NULL, 
          p_REAL_TIME_FROM => NULL, 
          p_HTML_LOV_SQL1 => 'select /*+ FIRST_ROWS(10) */ 1 lookup_id, meaning meaning, lookup_code lookup_code from cn_lookups where lookup_type = ''CN_EXAMPLE_LINE_OF_BUSINESS'' ',
          p_HTML_LOV_SQL2 => NULL, 
          p_HTML_LOV_SQL3 => NULL,
          p_HIERARCHY_TYPE => NULL, 
          retcode => l_retcode,
          errbuf => l_errbuf);


  3. Update the BATCH_TOTAL_SQL to assign the new custom attribute.


    Run this SQL to see which fields are already enabled in the existing batch_total_sql 's select statement.

    sql> select batch_total_sql from cn_rs_usage_details_all where usage_id = -1001 and org_id = &org_id ;


      l_retcode VARCHAR2(30);
      l_errbuf VARCHAR2(10000);
      update cn_rs_usage_details_all
    set batch_total_sql = 
    ' T.WORKER_ID , ' ||
    ' UPPER(substr(C.ACCOUNT_NAME,1,1)) SQUAL_FC01 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CURC01 , ' ||
    ' T.CITY SQUAL_CHAR02 , ' ||
    ' T.STATE SQUAL_CHAR03 , ' ||
    ' T.COUNTRY SQUAL_CHAR04 , ' ||
    ' T.PROVINCE SQUAL_CHAR09 , ' ||
    ' T.AREA_CODE SQUAL_CHAR10 , ' ||
    ' T.CUSTOMER_ID SQUAL_NUM01 , ' ||
    ' NULL SQUAL_NUM03 , ' ||
    ' T.SOURCE_ORG_ID SQUAL_NUM04 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_FC02 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CURC02 , ' ||
    ' NULL SQUAL_CHAR11 , ' ||
    ' T.TERR_NAME SQUAL_CHAR13 , ' ||
    ' NULL SQUAL_CHAR14 , ' ||
    ' NULL SQUAL_CHAR15 , ' ||
    ' NULL SQUAL_CHAR16 , ' ||
    ' NULL SQUAL_CHAR17 , ' ||
    ' NULL SQUAL_CHAR18 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR19 , ' ||
    ' T.ATTRIBUTE38 SQUAL_CHAR20 , ' ||
    ' T.ORG_ID SQUAL_NUM08 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_NUM09 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_NUM10 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_FC03 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CURC03 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR21 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR22 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR23 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR24 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR25 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR26 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR27 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR28 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR29 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR30 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_NUM11 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_NUM12 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_NUM13 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_NUM14 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_NUM15 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_FC04 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CURC04 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR31 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR32 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR33 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR34 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR35 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR36 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR37 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR38 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR39 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR40 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_NUM16 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_NUM17 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_NUM18 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_NUM19 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_NUM20 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_FC05 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CURC05 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR41 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR42 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR43 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR44 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR45 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR46 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR47 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR48 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR49 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_CHAR50 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_NUM21 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_NUM22 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_NUM23 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_NUM24 , ' ||
    ' null SQUAL_NUM25 ' ||
    ' from CN_TP_TRANSACTIONS_ALL T , ' ||
    ' HZ_PARTIES P ' ||
    ' where T.CUSTOMER_ID = P.PARTY_ID(+) ' 
    where usage_id = -1001;


Enabling Custom Attribute for Crediting

  1. Go to the Define Business Unit Configuration for Incentive Compensation task list, Configure Tables and Columns page.
  2. In the Tables section, select CN_TP_TRANSACTIONS_ALL.
  3. Scroll to your attribute and select Enable for Crediting.

    If you want to enable the attribute for classification, then select Enable for Classification.

  4. Click Save and Close.


    To expose your customer attribute in the user interface, and in application-generated spreadsheets, edit and deploy the descriptive flexfield.

FAQs for Manage Task Configurations

How can I enable an attribute to show in the incentive compensation expression builder?

In the Define Business Unit Configuration for Incentive Compensation task list, Configure Tables and Columns task, enable the attribute for calculation and select the appropriate level 2 expression grouping. Also add a user-friendly name for the attribute, that the application displays in the incentive compensation expression builder.

Why can't I enable an attribute for the incentive compensation Classification or Crediting process?

You must first add the custom qualifiers to the incentive compensation classification or crediting rules.