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Oracle® Fusion Applications Post-Installation Guide
11g Release 7 (11.1.7)
Part Number E22380-08
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2 Common

This chapter contains the following:

Verifying Installation

Configuring Oracle Metadata Services

Installing Additional Languages

Setting Up Search

Setting Up Help

Setting Up Notifications

Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence

Setting Up Segregation of Duties

Configuring Oracle Data Integrator Studio

Installing Print Server

Configuring Presence Servers

Setting Up a Secondary Oracle HTTP Server

Setting Up Oracle ADF Desktop Integration

Health Checking and Troubleshooting

Verifying Installation

Verifying Installation Using Diagnostic Scripts : Procedures

After provisioning is complete, run the Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) diagnostic scripts to verify configurations.

Available WLST Diagnostic Scripts

This table lists what diagnostic scripts are available and what they do. You can find these diagnostic scripts at <ATGPF_ORACLE_HOME>/atgpf/bin/.

Diagnostic Scripts


Application User Session (

This script checks the setup and configuration definitions of Application User Session. Specifically, it checks the Session Filters and Filter-Mappings definitions and sequential order of the Filter-Mappings definitions in the application Web configuration. These are defined within the web.xml file of respective application .war file archived inside the application .ear file. This script also validates application user session runtime data for a user in any Oracle Fusion application.

For example, if a user is having problems with the application user session even after confirming that all the application user session configurations are correct, then it might be the case that runtime data for that session for the user is not created properly in the database. This script can detect such type of issues. This script prompts for a session cookie and if a cookie is entered, it performs runtime data validations for the user session. If no cookie is entered, the script ignores this particular validation.

To obtain the session cookie value:

  1. Run the Application User Session Configuration diagnostic test to ensure if the ApplSession configuration values for your Oracle Fusion application are correct.

  2. Use a valid user name and password to sign in to your Oracle Fusion Application.

  3. Follow the instructions for your browser to display the list of cookies in the browser.

  4. In the cookies listed for your domain site (domain site is the host in the URL after the first two periods, for example if the URL were http//, the domain would be, select the cookie named ORA_FND_SESSION_<database SID> (<database SID> is your database session ID).

  5. Check the Content field, displayed in the format pillar_name:session_cookie_value:timestamp. The value that you need to enter for the Application User Session Cookie parameter is the value held by <session_cookie_value>.

If you cannot find the cookie ORA_FND_SESSION_<database SID> in the list of cookies, it means that ApplSession has not created for your application. Run, but press Enter when prompted to enter a value for the session cookie. This action will validate configuration for the application user session.

Attachments (

The script checks web.xml and verifies the configuration in the Content Server.

Data Security (

This script checks the setup and configuration definitions of data security. Specifically, it performs the following checks:

  • Validates JaasSecurityContext configuration defined in the adf-config.xml file, which is archived into the application .ear file.

  • Validates SessionGUID configuration defined in the weblogic-application.xml file, which is archived into the application .ear file.

For the to work properly, you must run the script first to ensure that Application User Session is configured properly.

Flexfields (

This script checks the setup and configuration definitions of flexfields. Specifically, it performs the following:

  • Lists the Metadata Services (MDS) metadata namespaces configuration defined in the adf-config.xml file.

  • Lists the MDS session definition configuration defined in the adf-config.xml file.

  • Lists the MDS customization classes configuration defined in the adf-config.xml file. It also checks if at least one MDS customization class is registered in the adf-config.xml file.

  • Lists the MDS metadata store usage configuration defined in the adf-config.xml file.

  • Checks whether the MDS datasource defined in the adf-config.xml file exists in the domain. If the datasource exists, it checks whether it is enabled and running.

  • Checks whether the MDS metadata store repository defined in the adf-config.xml file exists in Oracle WebLogic Server domain. If the MDS metadata store repository exists in the domain, it checks whether the MDS metadata store partition defined in the adf-config.xml file exists in the repository. Validates that the flexfields servlet context listener is defined in the web.xml file.

Topology and taxonomy (

This script checks the setup and configuration definitions of topology and taxonomy. Specifically, it checks that the topology and taxonomy Java management extensions Managed Beans (MBeans) are correctly configured in Oracle WebLogic Server, and checks whether setup definitions of runtime MBeans attributes are defined in the topology-mbean.xml file.

UI shell integration and preferences (,

These scripts are used for diagnosing the configuration issues pertaining to UI Shell integration and preference settings.

The script is used to diagnose the following:

  • Diagnose an Application which is already deployed on the server

  • Diagnose a .ear file which is locally available in file system

  • Diagnose a list of .war files in the .ear file

The script is used to check if Oracle Internet Directory is configured, and accordingly generates the output in the log file named PrefDiagnosticsCheck.log

To run the diagnostic scripts, perform the following on the Administration Server:

  1. Open the file and set -Dweblogic.jdbc.remoteEnabled property to true.

    The file is located in the following directories:

    • (UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/bin

    • (Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\bin

  2. Start the Administration Server by using the following script from the fusionapps Middleware directory:

    • (UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/bin/

    • (Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\bin\startWebLogic.cmd


      For specific instructions about starting the WebLogic Administration Server, refer to the guide Oracle Fusion Middleware Managing Server Startup and Shutdown for Oracle WebLogic Server.

  3. Start Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) console by using the following command:


    Before running the command, change to the directory where the scripts are stored.

    • (UNIX) ATG ORACLE_HOME/common/bin/

    • (Windows) ATG ORACLE_HOME\common\bin\wlst.cmd

  4. At the wls offline prompt, enter the following command: >wls:/offline> execfile ('').

  5. When prompted, enter the Oracle WebLogic Server user name and password, which is the same as the Oracle Fusion Middleware administrative user name and password entered during installation. Also, enter the host name and port to Administration Server for the Oracle WebLogic Server.

    The following table lists these values as an example:


    Sample Value

    Enter directory path to store the output file


    Enter WebLogic server user name


    Enter WebLogic server password


    Enter WebLogic server URL


  6. For each application, enter the application name for which you want to run the diagnostics. Enter the application name along with its version, for example, HomePageApp#V2.0.

  7. WLST generates a report of the diagnostic validation failures in the directory path you specified. View the output report file in the path displayed in the WLST output, such as the following.

    Applsession Diagnostics Overall Status: Failure. See the output file at /home/user/ApplsessionDiagResults.out for more information.

Configuring Oracle Metadata Services

Generating Optimized Query Plans for Oracle Metadata Services Queries : Procedures

After Oracle Fusion Applications is deployed and provisioned, you should ensure optimized query plans for Oracle Metadata Services (MDS) queries are generated so that performance does not decline until the next automatic statistics collection window. For each MDS schema, execute the following statements in SQL*Plus as a privileged database user, for example SYS.
  1. Regather the statistics by executing the following:

    execute dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats(
    ownname =>'<schemaOwner>',
    estimate_percent =>dbms_stats.auto_sample_size,
    method_opt =>'for all columns size auto',
    cascade => true);


    Replace <schemaOwner> with the name of the schema, for example FUSION_MDS. Also, place the entire command in a single line at the time of execution.

  2. If performance does not improve after collecting statistics, then flush the shared pool to clear the execution plan for the database and generate a new query plan, using the following command:

    alter system flush shared_pool;
    alter system flush buffer_cache;


    Perform this action only when the system is not being actively used as it may affect the performance of production systems.

Installing Additional Languages

Installing Additional Languages : Highlights

Oracle Fusion Applications are released with American English as the default language. However, there is built-in support available for installing additional languages based on locale preferences. To install additional languages, you must apply the appropriate language pack using the Oracle Fusion Applications Language Pack Installer.


This task is not applicable to Oracle Cloud implementations.

For administering the Oracle Fusion Applications environment, refer to the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.

For information on using the patching framework tools to update and maintain your Oracle Fusion Applications software between major releases, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Patching Guide.

Adding and Maintaining Languages

Setting Up Search

Setting Up Search for Oracle Fusion Applications : Highlights

Oracle Fusion Applications Search provides the search framework to manage enterprise-wide searches. Each product family within Oracle Fusion Applications such as Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management, Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management, and Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Management has its own set of seeded searchable objects that are packaged into its corresponding search application. For example, the seeded searchable objects for Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management such as leads, opportunities, and contacts are packaged in the Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management search application. To support the lifecycle management of searchable objects for a particular product family, you must provision your Oracle Fusion Applications environment.


This task is not applicable to Oracle Cloud implementations.

Oracle Fusion Applications Environment

Oracle Enterprise Crawl and Search Framework

Configuring Help Search : Highlights

You can include Help in the list of search categories for the search in the global area of Oracle Fusion Applications. This search is of type Oracle Fusion Applications Search, and administering this search involves tasks in Oracle Enterprise Crawl and Search Framework.


This task is not applicable to Oracle Cloud implementations.

The search in Oracle Fusion Applications Help and the navigators, for example Search by Business Process, are based on other search functionality and do not require configuration.

Oracle Enterprise Crawl and Search Framework administration is described fully in the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide. As you read content from that guide, keep in mind that Oracle Fusion Applications Search is not used only for Oracle Fusion Applications Help; therefore, the content is not specific to help.

Searchable Objects

Configuring External Search Categories for Oracle Business Intelligence and Oracle WebCenter Portal : Procedures

To perform global search within Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) and Oracle WebCenter Portal, you must create the appropriate external search categories in Oracle Fusion Applications. For general instructions on making external search categories available for search, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.

However, before you proceed with the configuration of external search categories for Oracle Business Intelligence and Oracle WebCenter Portal, you must manually create the Business Intelligence data source. Refer to the section Configuring for Full-Text Catalog Search in the Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

You can perform the search-related configuration tasks using Oracle Enterprise Crawl and Search Framework. To configure external search categories for Oracle Business Intelligence and Oracle WebCenter Portal, follow these instructions.

  1. Sign in to Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Applications Control.

  2. From the navigation pane, open Farm - Enterprise Crawl and Search Framework folder.

  3. Select the application engine instance SES 11.2.1. It contains the searchable objects that you want to manage to open the Enterprise Crawl and Search Framework Configuration Settings page.

  4. From the Search Engine Types table, click Oracle Fusion Application Search engine SES 11.2.1 to open the Search Engine Instance administration page.

  5. On the External Search Categories tab, click Import.

  6. In the Available Categories column, select the check box of the external search categories you want to import, and click Move to shuttle your selection to the Selected Categories column.

    • To import BI, select bi_search

    • To import Oracle WebCenter Portal, select Collaboration

  7. Click OK to import the selected external search categories.

  8. Associate the Application ID with the imported external categories:

    • To associate with BI, in the Application ID column corresponding to the external search category you imported (bi_search), enter BI.

    • To associate with Oracle WebCenter Portal, in the Application ID column corresponding to the external search category you imported (Collaboration), enter WC.

  9. Click Save External Search Category to save the selected record.

  10. Associate the Application ID with the Search Service component:

    1. From the navigation pane on the left side, select Enterprise Crawl and Search Framework folder. The Enterprise Crawl and Search Framework Settings page appears.

    2. From the context menu of Enterprise Crawl and Search Framework, select Home.

    3. Select the first active service component and note down the search engine instance that is associated with the active service component.

    4. In the ECSF_QUERY_SERVICE_APP_IDS field, enter the Application ID in comma separated string format:

      • To configure external search category for Business Intelligence, enter BI

      • To configure external search category for Oracle WebCenter Portal, enter WC

  11. Save the changes.

  12. Restart the Search application from the WebLogic Server Console.

Making a Search Application Highly Available : Procedures

Each installation of Oracle Fusion Applications can provision one or more offerings such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Human Capital Management (HCM), and so on. Each offering has its own search application such as CRM Search Application, HCM Search Application and so on. However, the application architecture restricts running only one search application at a time and only that search application is registered as the identity plug-in end point of Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (SES). The identity plug-in end point of Oracle SES is a critical part of Oracle Fusion Search and is used in authenticating all users using the search functionality. Therefore, to mitigate the risk of any down time, it is necessary to identify and make the registered search application highly available by adding more managed WebLogic servers to the cluster.

Depending on the provisioned offerings, the actual search application registered as the identity plug-in endpoint varies. The following instructions help you identify the search application and add more managed WebLogic servers to the existing cluster.

  1. Sign in to the Oracle SES Administration page.

  2. On the Global Settings tab, click Identity Management Setup. Review the protocol identified by the HTTP end point for authentication and the current search application indicated by one of the following values for User ID:

    • User ID = FUSION_APPS_CRM_ECSF_SEARCH_APPID: indicates CRM Search Application is used

    • User ID = FUSION_APPS_FSCM_ECSF_SEARCH_APPID: indicates FSCM Search Application is used

    • User ID = FUSION_APPS_HCM_ECSF_SEARCH_APPID: indicates HCM Search Application is used

  3. Identify the search application and add more managed servers to the cluster. For detailed instructions, see the Oracle Fusion Applications High Availability Guide.

Setting Up Help

Setting Up Privacy Statement : Procedures

The Privacy Statement link under the Help menu on Oracle Fusion Applications Home page is provided so that customers can link it to a preferred URL to display the privacy content. By default, the link is grayed out. As an administrator, you can change the configuration settings to activate the link and point it to the desired URL page. When clicked, the page opens in a new browser window.

To set up the privacy statement:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Fusion Applications.

  2. From the menu bar, select Administration - Setup and Maintenance. The Setup and Maintenance work area appears.

  3. Search for the Manage Administrator Profile Values task and open the task page. The Manage Administrator Profile Values page appears.

  4. Search for the PRIVACY_PAGE profile option.

  5. In the Profile Values region, check for the default profile value that is set to the Site profile level. If it does not exist, create a new profile value and from the Profile Level list, select Site.

  6. In the Profile Value field, enter the URL of the web page that needs to be displayed when users click the Privacy Statement link.

  7. Click Save.

Configuring Oracle User Productivity Kit In-Application Support: Procedures

Users may need to access and take advantage of the Oracle User Productivity Kit (UPK) content while working with Oracle Fusion Applications. To make the Oracle UPK content available for users, you need to enable and configure the UPK link under the Help menu of Oracle Fusion Applications, using the Oracle UPK In-Application Support functionality.

To perform this task, you must have the role of a System Administrator and have relevant privileges on the environment where you want to enable and configure the UPK link.

Configuring the Oracle UPK In-Application Support involves the following activities:

  1. Registering Oracle UPK as an Enterprise Application.

  2. Deploying the Oracle UPK package on a HTTP server.

Registering Oracle UPK as an Enterprise Application

Your System Administrator must have security access to use Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager to complete the steps that follow.

To complete the configuration:

  1. On the Oracle Fusion Applications Home page, select Navigator - Tools - Setup and Maintenance to access the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, in the Tasks list, click Topology Registration - Register Enterprise Applications.

  3. In the Register Enterprise Applications work area, do one of the following:

    • To modify an existing configuration, click the Name link of the registered application.

      For example: Oracle User Productivity Kit

    • To register Oracle UPK as a new application in Oracle Fusion, click Add (+), if this is a new configuration.

  4. In the Add Enterprise Application work area, in the Basic Information section, do the following:

    1. In the Enterprise Environment drop-down list, select your environment.

      For example: Oracle

    2. In the Enterprise Application drop-down list, select your enterprise application.

      For example: Oracle User Productivity Kit

    3. In the Name field, enter the name of the enterprise application that you are registering.

      For example: Oracle User Productivity Kit

  5. In the Server Details section, do the following:

    1. In the Server Protocol drop-down list, select the appropriate protocol for the server that you plan to use to launch UPK content.

      The UPK Player supports both HTTP and HTTPS.

    2. In the External Server Host field, enter the full DNS name of the server host.

      For example:

    3. In the External Server Port field, enter the appropriate port for either HTTP or HTTPS. It could be either the default value 80/443 or customer configured port location.


      The Context Root name is the name of the virtual directory used in the URL that launches your UPK content.

    4. Click Save and Close when you are done.

  6. Click Regenerate Domain Connections.

  7. Sign out of Oracle Fusion Applications and sign in again.

  8. Click the Help menu on the Oracle Fusion Applications Home page to verify if the Oracle User Productivity Kit is now available as a menu item.

Deploying the Oracle UPK Player Package

Deploy your Player Package to any server that uses HTTP or HTTPS protocols.

The content root directory must be configured to the location of your UPK player on the web server.

For example: http(s)://<server>:<port>/<directory>

Test access to the content.

If the Oracle UPK Player launches with all topics, you are ready to configure Oracle Fusion Applications for In-Application Support.

Setting Up Notifications

Configuring Workflow E-Mail Notifications : Procedures

Oracle User Messaging Service is a component of Oracle SOA Suite, which enables you to receive notifications sent from SOA applications.

Applications in the following product families receive approval notifications and complete approvals and rejections of requests through e-mail:


Before you proceed, ensure that an e-mail server exists. If you intend to use the bulk e-mail feature of Customer Relationship Management, you need to set up the e-mail to handle bulk e-mail. To configure an e-mail server, see detailed instructions in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's and Developer's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.

Configuring E-Mail Notification Using SOA Suite

You must configure Oracle SOA Suite as follows to enable e-mail notification:

  1. For existing users, associate the users with their e-mail addresses in the domain.

    For new users:

    1. Add user profile in the domain.

    2. Create e-mail account in the e-mail server for the added user.

    3. Associate the user profile with the respective e-mail address.

    For more information on using the administration console to manage the users, groups, and roles, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Securing Resources Using Roles and Policies for Oracle WebLogic Server.

  2. Configure e-mail driver properties.


    To enable the workflow participants to receive and forward notifications, configure Oracle User Messaging Service by setting the appropriate driver instances with Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Applications Control.

    1. In the navigation pane, expand farm - User Messaging Service - usermessagingdriver-email.

    2. Go to User Messaging Email Driver - Email Driver Properties. The Email Driver Properties page displays.

    3. In the Driver-Specific Configuration, modify the Outgoing and Incoming properties as provided below.

      • Modify OutgoingMailServer, OutgoingMailServerPort, OutgoingDefaultFromAddr, OutgoingUsername, and OutgoingPassword.

      • Modify IncomingMailServer, IncomingMailServerPort, IncomingMailIDs, IncomingUserIDs, IncomingUserPasswords, and receivefolder.

      • Select the ImapAuthPlainDisable checkbox.

    4. Click Apply to save the changes.


    To configure e-mail driver properties for other usermessagingdriver-email services under farm - User Messaging Service, repeat all the above steps (2a to 2d).

    For more information on e-mail custom properties, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

  3. Configure workflow notification properties.

    Set the notification properties properly to enable workflow e-mail notifications. To select the notification mode with Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Applications Control:

    1. In the navigation pane, expand farm - SOA.

    2. Go to SOA Infrastructure - SOA Administration - Workflow Notification Properties. The Workflow Notification Properties page displays.

    3. From the Notification Mode list, choose All.

    4. In the Notification Service section, specify the notification channel values. These properties are used to notify the users of any changes to the state of a task. Workflow notifications can use three types of addresses:

      • From Address: For sending notifications.

      • Actionable Address: For receiving actionable responses. The Actionable Address is the account in which task action-related e-mails are received and processed by human workflow.

      • Reply To Address: For receiving reply notifications.

    5. Click Apply to save the changes.


    To configure workflow notification properties for other SOA servers, repeat all the above steps (3a to 3e).

    For more information on user messaging server and configuring human workflow notification properties, refer to section Configuring Oracle User Messaging Service in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

  4. Assign the actionable e-mail account name.

    To specify the actionable e-mail account name with Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Applications Control:

    1. In the navigation pane, expand farm - SOA.

    2. Go to SOA Infrastructure - SOA Administration - Workflow Task Service Properties. The Workflow Task Service Properties page displays.

    3. In the Actionable Email Account field, enter the incoming actionable e-mail account to use. The default account name is Default, which is the account configured in step 3, Configure workflow notification properties. If a different account name is specified in the Actionable Email Account field, then create and configure that account.

    For more information on configuring human workflow notification properties, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.


    Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 to configure e-mail notification separately for each product family such as CRM, HCM, and so on.

  5. Restart Oracle WebLogic Server

    To restart the Oracle WebLogic Server Managed Servers for the domains in the product families:

    1. Stop the Managed Servers by using one of the following scripts from the fusionapps Middleware home directory. In these scripts, managed_server_name specifies the name of the Managed Server and admin_url specifies the listen address and port number of the domain's administration server. The listen address is the host name, IP address, or domain name server (DNS) name. When prompted, enter your user name and password.




      FA_MW_HOME\user_projects\domains\domain_name\bin\stopManagedWebLogic.cmd managed_server_name admin_url


      FA_MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/domain_name/bin/ managed_server_name admin_url

    2. Start the Oracle WebLogic Server Managed Servers for the product families using one of the following scripts from the fusionapps Middleware directory. In these scripts, managed_server_name specifies the name of the Managed Server and admin_url specifies the listen address (host name, IP address, or DNS name) and port number of the domain's administration server. When prompted, enter your user name and password.




      FA_MW_HOME\user_projects\domains\domain_name\bin\startManagedWebLogic.cmd managed_server_name admin_url


      FA_MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/domain_name/bin/ managed_server_name admin_url

    For more information about performing administrative activities, refer to the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.

  6. Add the host name and address of the e-mail server to the /etc/hosts file on the server hosting the SOA managed servers where the drivers are running.

Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence

Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence Components : Highlights

The Oracle Business Intelligence applications suite consists of two products: the Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence application and Oracle Business Intelligence Applications. To use these components effectively, you must configure them after their installation.


Only the task relevant to Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence is applicable to Oracle Cloud implementations.

Configuring Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence

After you install Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence, configure it to obtain real-time analysis of your organization's day-to-day operational data.

Installing and Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence Applications

About Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

Enabling Language Selection for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition : Procedures

Users must be able to select a preferred language when using the single sign on page to log on to Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) Enterprise Edition.

To enable language selection via Oracle Access Manager, configure the following:

Configuring Oracle BI Enterprise Edition

Configure Oracle BI Enterprise Edition to support the libraries provided by Oracle Fusion Middleware Extensions for Applications.

  1. Install Oracle BI Enterprise Edition using the BIEE shiphome from the BISHIPHOME label.


    BISHIPHOME should be the label picked up in the FMWTOOLS label that is used to setup the ATGPF environment.

  2. Install the ATGPF shiphome.

  3. Install Oracle WebCenter using the WebCenter shiphome:

    1. Download the /fmwtools/soa/shiphome/ and /fmwtools/shiphome/ files from the FMWTOOLS label.

    2. Extract the contents of and to a local folder, for example sh_folder.

    3. Run the WebCenter installer using the command sh_folder/wc/Disk1/runInstaller -jreLoc $JAVA_HOME.

    4. Follow the wizard to install WebCenter to $MW_HOME, where Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition is installed and deselect the ECM Server configure check box.

    5. Run the ATGPF installer using the command sh_folder/atgpf/Disk1/runInstaller -jreLoc $JAVA_HOME, and install ATGPF to $MW_HOME, where Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition is installed.

  4. Extend the Business Intelligence domain:

    1. Shut down the Business Intelligence domain (both administration and managed servers).

    2. Run the configurator using the command $MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/

    3. Select the existing domain (BI domain) that you need to extend and from the list of templates, select Oracle Application Core (Webapp).

    4. In the configuration information field, enter the JDBC data sources.


      Ensure that you enter the same application database details, which exist in the ATGPF environment.

    5. In the Custom Services Deployment field , select Target JDBC/ApplicationDBDS to bi_cluster, and complete the process of extending the domain.

    6. To start the Business Intelligence domain, start the administration server followed by the managed server.

  5. Configure the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher authentication schema:

    1. Log on to Oracle Enterprise Manager and from the menu, select Business Intelligence - CoreApplication - Security.

    2. Enable Single Sign On and select Oracle Access Manager plus Fusion Applications.

    3. Save the changes.

    4. Restart the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher service.

  6. Configure Single Sign On.

  7. Restart the Oracle Business Intelligence domain in Oracle Fusion Applications mode.

  8. Shut down the Business Intelligence domain and start it.

  9. Start WebLogic servers using the command line interface:

    • To start the administration server, use:

      cd $Domain_Home/bin
    • To start the managed server, use:

      cd $Domain_Home/bin
      ./ bi_server1

Configuring Oracle Enterprise Manager

To configure Oracle Enterprise Manager:

  1. Log on to Oracle Enterprise Manager.

  2. From the menu, select Business Intelligence - CoreApplication - Security.

  3. Enable Single Sign On and select Oracle Access Manager plus Fusion Applications.

  4. Save the changes.

  5. Restart the Business Intelligence components.

Setting Up Segregation of Duties

Setting Up Segregation of Duties for Role Provisioning : Procedures

When a role assignment is requested through Oracle Identity Management, it needs to check with the Application Access Controls Governor to see if there are any segregation of duties (SOD) violations. If Application Access Controls Governor reports any SOD violations, depending on the violation or access issues, Oracle Identity Manager needs to send the request for an approval to specific roles, automatically approve the request, or reject the request.

For more information about role provisioning and segregation of duties and the integration between Oracle Identity Management and Application Access Controls Governor, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Security Guide.

Setting Up SOD

To set up SOD, complete the following procedures.

  1. Ensure that the following configuration requirements are met:

    • Set up an Application Access Controls Governor server

    • Set up the Oracle Fusion connector

    • Define a data source

    • Update the Application Access Controls Governor server details in Identity Manager

    For more information on setting up these as part of the Oracle Application Access Controls Governor, see the Oracle Governance, Risk and Compliance Installation Guide.


    Perform all the setup tasks only from the Identity Manager domain.

  2. To manually switch from Oracle Identity Management to Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) as the source of user roles for Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) server deployed with Identity Manager, perform the following configuration steps.

    This step is applicable only to the environments set up with Oracle Identity Management and Oracle Access Management integration, and LDAP synchronization of users and roles enabled in Oracle Identity Manager.

    1. Sign in to the Enterprise Manager Console as a Weblogic_Administrator user.

    2. Access the Weblogic Domain in which Identity Manager is configured.

    3. Open Security - Realms.

    4. On the Providers tab of the security realm settings page, open OIDAuthenticator.

    5. In the provider specific parameters for OIDAuthenticator, update the Oracle Virtual Directory port with the Oracle Internet Directory port by changing the value of the port from Oracle Virtual Directory port to Oracle Internet Directory port.

    6. On the Providers tab of the security realm settings page, create a new authentication provider with the name OIMSignatureAuthenticationProvider and the type OIMSignatureAuthenticationProvider.

    7. Configure OIMSignatureAuthenticationProvider with the following parameters:

      • DBDriver: oracle.jdbc.OracleDrive

      • DBUrl: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<db_hostname>:<db_port>:<db_sid>.

        For example, jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:5521:iam4.

      • PKIKeystore Provider:

      • Symmetric Key Keystore Provider: com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE

      • DBUser: the Identity Manager database schema user name

      • DBPassword: the Identity Manager database schema user password


      These parameters as same as in OIMAuthenticationProvider.

    8. Delete the existing OIMSignatureAuthenticator.

    9. Reorder authentication providers into the following sequence:

      1. OAMIDAsserter

      2. OIMSignatureAuthenticationProvider

      3. OIMAuthenticationProvider

      4. OIDAuthenticator

      5. DefaultAuthenticator

      6. DefaultIdentityAsserter

      7. IDMDomainAgent

    10. Disable the Weblogic user profile in Identity Manager.


      You need to disable this user profile to avoid the authentication errors at Identity Manager Authenticator level, as Identity Manager Authenticator is now placed ahead of the Default Authenticator in authentication provider ordering. However, you cannot disable the user profile from Identity Manager Administration page. Instead, run the following SQL scripts on the OIM database.

      • update usr set usr_status='Disabled' where usr_login='WEBLOGIC';

      • update usr set usr_disabled=1 where usr_login='WEBLOGIC';

    11. Create the Weblogic user profile in LDAP and add it to the Administrators role. If the Administrators role does not exist in LDAP, create it first and then add the Weblogic user profile to it.

      You can create a user in LDAP by creating an LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) file and using the ldapadd command.

    12. In the jps-config.xml file, locate the element group <jpsContext name="default">.

    13. Under <jpsContext name="default">, locate the identity store element <serviceInstanceRef ref="idstore.oim"/>, replace its value with idstore.ldap and save the file.

    14. Restart all servers in the domain, including the admin server.

  3. Administer role memberships using the Delegated Administration tasks in Oracle Identity Manager. To apply SOD checks on these administrative actions, configure the following Identity Manager system properties.



    For more information about managing system properties of Identity Manager and its request-based role grants, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager.

Turning Off SOD Checks

To turn off the SOD checks, perform the following.

  1. Sign in as an Administrator into the Enterprise Manager application that administers the Oracle Identity Manager server.

  2. Navigate to the system MBean browser for the Identity Manager server.

  3. Locate OAACGConfig MBean option.

  4. Set the property SODEnabled to False and save.

  5. Sign in to the Identity Manager's advanced console and set the system property XL.RM_REQUEST_ENABLED to False.

  6. Restart the Identity Manager server.


To turn on the SOD checks, set the properties SODEnabled and XL.RM_REQUEST_ENABLED to True.

Modifying the Segregation of Duties Routing Policies for Approving Role Provisioning : Procedures

When an access control necessitates an approval, the predefined routing rules determine the approver for a role provisioning request. These rules are defined in the OAACGRoleAssignSODCheck composite because of Approval Management Extensions (AMX) functionality such as Supervisory List.

The following rules are used to route the request to the suitable role.

If you need to modify these routing rules, you can do it in two ways:

Modifying Rules Using Oracle SOA Composer

Use the Oracle SOA Composer associated with the SOA server used by Oracle Identity Management, and change the RemediationRules ruleset associated with OAACGRoleAssignSODCheck composite. For instance, you may want to shift the task assignment in the Catch All rule from the Controller role to a different role.

  1. Sign in to the Oracle SOA Composer.

  2. Click Open - Open Task.

  3. Select OAACGRoleAssignSODCheck and click Open.

  4. On the ApprovalTaskRules.rules tab, click Edit.

  5. Expand Catch All and in the THEN statement, replace GL_CONTROLLER_JOB with the new role.

  6. Save the changes.

The figure shows the ApprovalTaskRules.rules tab in Oracle SOA Composer.

ApprovalTaskRules.rules tab in Oracle
SOA Composer with Catch All section showing.

For more information about using Oracle SOA Composer to add rules, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Rules.

Modifying Rules Using JDeveloper

You can directly make the modifications to the configuration file available within


To perform this task, you must have the administrative privileges or the role of an Administrator.

  1. Go to OIM_HOME/server/workflows/composites/ and extract the contents of to a directory.

  2. Open the application in JDeveloper. You can see the routing rules in the ruleset RemeditationRules of the ApprovalTaskRules.rules file, where the following SOD related information is available for configuring the rules as part of the task payload element oaacgResponse.

After the rule modifications, update the following values in the OAACGRoleAssignSODCheck_cfgplan.xml configuration plan file.




The OIM server t3 URL


The OIM server host name


The OIM server port number

Thereafter, deploy the modified composite with this updated configuration plan file.

Troubleshooting Segregation of Duties for Role Provisioning : Procedures

The following scenarios may require troubleshooting measures to ensure successful completion of segregation of duties (SOD) checks and approval of role provisioning requests.

Failure of Role Assignment Request

The role assignment request fails and the request gets the Request Failed status. To troubleshoot this, do the following:

  1. Sign in to the Identity Management domain in Enterprise Manager.

  2. On the home page, under (Service Oriented Architecture), click OAACGRoleAssignSODCheck composite.

  3. Under Recent Instances, click the latest instance and look for any error message or description of failure of request.

  4. Check if the Application Access Controls Governor server information provided in Oracle Identity Manager is correct.

  5. On the left pane, click IDM domain and from the context menu select System Mbean Browser.

  6. Under Application Defined Mbeans, navigate to oracle.iam and select the OIM server and Application OIM.

  7. Expand XML Config - Config - XMLConfig.OAACGConfig and select OAACGCOnfig.

  8. Ensure that the attribute values used in Host, Port, DataSourceName, Service URL, and UserName are correct. To modify any incorrect information, on the Operations tab, click updateOAACGConfigInformation method, and provide the following parameters.




    Application Access Controls Governor host name or IP address


    Application Access Control Governor port


    Admin username


    Admin password


    Application Access Control Governor service URL


    Ensure that there is a forward slash at the end of the URL. The URL must be in the format /grcc/services/GrccService/.


    Data source name of the Oracle Fusion connector that is configured in Application Access Control Governor

  9. After saving the modifications, restart the Identity Management server.

Task Details Missing

If you do not find the task details of the assigned task, perform the following checks to troubleshoot.

  1. Ensure that the taskflow is deployed on the SOA server.

    • Sign in to the Weblogic console.

    • On the left side, under the menu, click Deployments.

    • Ensure that TaskDetails application is deployed to SOA server and its state is Active.

  2. Ensure that the predefined Admin user in Oracle Identity Management (OIM) is available in the Oracle Credential Store Framework (CSF), do the following:

    • Sign in to Identity Management domain in Enterprise Manager.

    • On the left pane, click Identity Management domain and from the context menu, select Security - Credentials.

    • Expand OIM and check for the key entry sysadmin.

    • Select the entry and click Edit to view the details.

    • Ensure that the user name is set to xelsysadm.


If these steps do not help, refer to the generic troubleshooting tips associated with Oracle Identity Manager.

For generic information about troubleshooting OIM, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.

Configuring Oracle Data Integrator Studio

Configuring Oracle Data Integrator Studio for External Authentication : Explained

Configuring Oracle Data Integrator Studio for external authentication is necessary to prevent any unauthorized access. The access credentials are stored in a configuration file. To make the external configuration work, the jps configuration file (jps-config.xml) must be configured and placed in the prescribed directory where the application is installed.


To be able to configure Oracle Data Integrator Studio, ensure that the following selections were made in the Oracle Data Integrator installation wizard:


You must install Oracle Data Integrator Studio in a separate Oracle home other than Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle homes and Oracle Fusion Applications Oracle home.

For more information on installing Oracle Data Integrator, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Data Integrator.

Configuration for ESS

In the <ODI_HOME>/oracledi/client/odi/bin directory, access the file odi.conf and update the parameter AddVMOption This enables ESS configuration properties to be visible in Topology.

Configuration of jps-config.xml File

To configure external authentication for Oracle Data Integrator Studio, you need to configure the jps-config.xml file for Oracle Fusion Applications and place it in the appropriate directory on the computer where Oracle Fusion Applications is installed. The jps-config-jse.xml file is already provisioned for Oracle Fusion Applications, and is available in the <APPLTOP>/instance/domains/<server_name>/<domain name>/config/fmwconfig directory. The recommendation is to directly point to this file by providing complete path of the jps-config-jse.xml as the value for the parameter AddVMOption, within the Oracle Data Integrator configuration file for Studio (odi.conf) in <ODI_HOME>/oracledi/client/odi/bin directory. Alternatively, copy the provisioned jps-config-jse.xml file along with the /bootstrap directory to the <ODI_HOME>/oracledi/client/odi/bin directory and rename the jps-config-jse.xml file to jps-config.xml. You may also need to copy any additional file that is referenced in the jps-config-jse.xml file for example, system-jazn-data.xml and default-keystore.jks.

Adding Additional Users as Oracle Data Integrator Supervisors

The Oracle Fusion Applications super user is the default supervisor for Oracle Data Integrator. However, it is recommended not to use that role for performing the administrative tasks within Oracle Data Integrator. Therefore, create additional users with supervisory access rights to Oracle Data Integrator.

Perform the following tasks while signed in as Oracle Fusion Applications super user.

  1. In Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), create a user without provisioning it with any role.

  2. Sign in to Oracle Data Integrator Studio using Oracle Fusion Application super user, and create the same user that you created in LDAP.

  3. In the Supervisor Access Privileges section, select the Supervisor check box to assign the role of Supervisor to that user.

  4. In the Retrieve GUID field, reconcile the Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) for the user.

    The new user has a supervisory role in Oracle Data Integrator. The user can perform all functions of an Oracle Fusion Applications super user.

Installing Print Server

Installing Print Servers : Highlights

You must install print servers for external applications as part the implementation activity in Oracle Fusion Applications.


This task is not applicable to Oracle Cloud implementations.

External Applications

Several external applications require specialized print servers. See the related product documentation for installing print servers for these applications.

Configuring Presence Servers

Configuring Presence Servers : Explained

If you have an on-premise installation of Oracle Fusion Applications, you can optionally use Microsoft Office Communication Server (OCS) 2007 or Microsoft Live Communication Server (LCS) as the presence server. The setup involves creating external application connections, and instant messaging and presence connections, to OCS or LCS for each Oracle Fusion application.


You also need to set up prerequisites for OCS or LCS. For more information on instant messaging and presence server prerequisites, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

This table lists the Java EE applications that you can configure with OCS or LCS.

Product Family or Product

Java EE Application Name

Oracle Fusion Application Customer Relationship Management

  • ContractManagementApp

  • CrmCommonApp

  • CrmPerformanceApp

  • CustomerApp

  • MarketingApp

  • OrderCaptureApp

  • SalesApp

Oracle Fusion Applications Human Capital Management

  • HcmBenefitsApp

  • HcmCompensationApp

  • HcmCoreApp

  • HcmCoreSetupApp

  • HcmPayrollApp

  • HcmTalentApp

Oracle Fusion Applications Projects


Oracle Fusion Application Toolkit


For each application, you execute the following commands against the appropriate domain:


Replace placeholder values enclosed within brackets (< >) with real values, for the appName, url, poolName, userDomain, and server fields.


Execute this command:

createExtAppConnection(appName='<JavaEEApp>', name='IMP_EXT_APP', displayName='Presence Server Login Credentials')

The appName field is environment specific and requires you to enter a value.


Execute this command:

addExtAppField(appName='<JavaEEApp>', name='IMP_EXT_APP', fieldName='Account', fieldValue='', displayToUser=1)

The appName field is environment specific and requires you to enter a value.


If Oracle Fusion Applications is deployed in a high availability configuration, there may be multiple managed servers targeted for each Java EE application. You must run the createIMPConnection command for each application on each server, and specify the server in the server field.

If you are using the LCS adapter, then execute this command:

createIMPConnection(appName='<JavaEEApp>', name='presence', adapter='LCS', url='<http://host:port/contextPath>', appId='IMP_EXT_APP', poolName='<poolNameHere>', timeout=60, default=1, server='<managedServerName>')

If you are using the OCS adapter, then execute this command:

createIMPConnection(appName='<JavaEEApp>', name='presence', adapter='OCS2007', url='<http://host:port/contextPath>', appId='IMP_EXT_APP', userDomain='<>', poolName='<poolNameHere>', timeout=60, default=1, server='<managedServerName>')

These fields are environment specific and require you to enter a value:

Setting Up a Secondary Oracle HTTP Server

Installing and Configuring a Secondary Oracle HTTP Server : Procedures

A secondary Oracle HTTP server needs to be added to the Oracle Fusion Application environment to effectively handle the load and improve the application performance.

Before you proceed with the installation of the secondary HTTP server, you need to ensure that the following prerequisites are met.

Installing the Secondary Oracle HTTP Server

Follow these steps to install the secondary Oracle HTTP server.

  1. Log on to the computer where the secondary Oracle HTTP server needs to be installed.

  2. In the command line interface, change directory to the installer location: /net/adcnas421/export/fainteg_repos/FAINTEG_11.

  3. Enter the command ./runInstaller. The Installation wizard appears, displaying the Specify Inventory Directory screen.

  4. Click OK. The Inventory Location Confirmation dialog box appears.

  5. Select the Continue Installation with Local Inventory check box and click OK.

  6. On the Welcome screen, click Next.

  7. Select Install and Configure and proceed to the next screen.

  8. On the Prerequisites screen, verify if all the prerequisites are met and click Next.

  9. On the Specify Installation Locations screen, provide details to create the Oracle Home and Oracle Middleware Home directories, and click Next. The Configure Components screen appears.

  10. Select the Oracle HTTP Server check box and click Next. The Specify Component Details screen appears.

  11. Provide the Instance Home Location, Instance Name , and OHS Component Name and click Next.

  12. On the Configure Ports screen, select the Auto Port Configuration check box and click Next.

  13. On the Specify Security Updates page, clear the check box I wish to receive security update and click Next. A confirmation dialog box with the message Do you wish to remain uninformed of critical security updates? appears.

  14. Click Yes.

  15. On the Installation Summary page, review the information and click Install.

  16. Click Finish after the installation is complete.

Installing the Webtier Patch

Before you proceed with the installation, ensure that you shut down the secondary Oracle HTTP server using the following commands in the given order:

  1. cd to /slot/ems5905/appmgr/APPTOP/instance/CommonDomain_webtier2/bin

  2. ./opmnctl stopall

Follow these steps to install the Webtier patch.

  1. In the command line interface, changed directory to the installer location: /net/adcnas421/export/fainteg_repos/FAINTEG_11.

  2. Enter the command ./runInstaller. The Installation wizard appears.

  3. On the Inventory page, specify Local Inventory. This location should be the same as the one used during the secondary Oracle HTTP server installation.

  4. On the Welcome page, click Next.

  5. Provide the same Oracle Home and Oracle Middleware Home directory names used for installing Oracle HTTP server, and click Next.

  6. On the Security Updates page, click Next.

  7. On the Installation Summary page, review the information and click Install.

Configuring the Secondary Oracle HTTP Server

Follow these steps to configure the secondary Oracle HTTP server.

  1. In the command line interface, use the diff command to check differences between the httpd.conf file of the primary HTTP server and the httpd.conf file of the secondary HTTP server. Except the server name, everything else must be the same between the two servers.

  2. Copy the webgate related configuration from the httpd.conf of the primary HTTP server to the httpd.conf of the secondary HTTP server.

  3. Copy all the .conf files from the config - moduleconf directory of the primary HTTP server to the config - moduleconf of the secondary HTTP server.

  4. Within the .conf files inside the moduleconf, replace the references to the hostname of the primary HTTP server with the hostname of the secondary HTTP server. The references should be changed as per the following directives:

    1. Listen

    2. <VirtualHost >


    While making changes to the hostname, please do not make a global change because WebLogic servers in the same host as the primary HTTP server might be referred in context roots and that might get changed.

  5. Preferably, shut down the primary HTTP server and then start the secondary HTTP server. Ensure that there are no problems with the startup. You can then try to access the BIG/IP URLs.

  6. Sign into the custom provisioning tool and ensure that all the HTTP server custom provisioning is completed in both the HTTP servers.

  7. Add the secondary HTTP server information to the Admin server and update the start/stop script at $HOME/scripts/efops/start(stop)

For more information about configuring the Oracle HTTP server, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle HTTP Server. You can also refer to the section Scaling Out Oracle HTTP Server in the Oracle Fusion Applications Enterprise Deployment Guide.

Setting Up Oracle ADF Desktop Integration

Deploying Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client : Procedures

Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF) Desktop Integration is part of Oracle ADF and enables desktop integration with Microsoft Excel workbooks. Users can manage large volumes of data from web applications using Excel, for example to create journals, load currency rates, or create expense entries. To enable the integration of Oracle ADF with Microsoft Excel workbook, you need to make the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration add-in available on each client where Microsoft Excel is installed.


This task is not applicable to Oracle Cloud implementations.

As Oracle ADF Desktop Integration is an add-in to Microsoft Office products, ensure that all the system requirements are fulfilled. For more information, refer to


To install the client version of the add-in, you must first deploy it at one of the following locations:

After these tasks are performed, you must inform users about the link they can use to download and install the client.

Deploying Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client on a Web Server

You can deploy the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client on a web server that is accessible to the end users from their respective computers running on Microsoft Windows. Ensure that the web server is always up and running. Otherwise, the integration fails when end users access the desktop integrated workbook.

  1. Create a folder in $APPLTOP/fusionapps/applications/desktop_installer.

  2. From the /u01/APPLTOP/fusionapps/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.desktopintegration_11.1.1 location, copy the file and place it on the local computer.

  3. Extract the contents of the zip file to a folder and ensure that setup.exe is present among the contents.

  4. Using Windows Command Prompt, navigate to the folder path where you extracted the zip file.

  5. Modify the URL property of the setup.exe file to assign the final URL or full path to the installer, as shown here:setup.exe/url="https://<web server url>:<port number>/homePage/desktop_installer/<name of folder created in step 1>/adfdi-excel-runtime-client-installer"


    Replace the variables indicated within <> with actual values.

  6. While remaining in the same folder location in Windows Command Prompt, verify the URL assigned to the setup.exe, as shown here:


    A dialog box appears displaying the full path.

  7. In Windows Explorer, zip the same folder that contains the modified setup.exe and copy it to folder created in $APPLTOP/fusionapps/applications/desktop_installer.

  8. Extract the contents of the zip file.

  9. Bounce the Home Page of the managed server in Common Domain so that users can access the setup.exe directly using the following URL:https://<web server url>:<port number>/homePage/desktop_installer/<name of folder created in step 1>/adfdi-excel-runtime-client-installer/setup.exe

  10. Uninstall any existing version of Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client from the end user computers.

  11. Access the URL to install the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client on the end user computers.


After you place the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client on the web server, it is recommended that you use the Manage Menu Customizations task in the Setup and Maintenance work area of Oracle Fusion Applications to establish a link to the web server and install the client on the end user computer.

  1. Sign in to Oracle Fusion Applications.

  2. From the menu bar, select Administration - Setup and Maintenance.

  3. Navigate to the task Manage Menu Customizations. The Manage Menu Customizations page appears.

  4. Select the Tools folder and on the menu select Actions - Insert Item Child. The Create Item Node dialog box appears.

  5. Enter a name in the Label field. For example, Download Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Runtime client.

  6. In the Destination field, enter the URL of the setup.exe as shown here:

    #{EndPointProvider.externalEndpointByModuleShortName['HomePage']}/desktop_installer/<new folder created under desktop_installer>/adfdi-excel-runtime-client-installer/setup.exe

  7. Click Save. The custom navigator link for Oracle ADF Desktop Installer appears under Navigator - Tools menu of Oracle Fusion Applications.

    Users can use this link to download or directly run the setup.exe to install the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client on their computers.

For more information on customizing the navigator menu by using the Manage Menu Customizations task, refer to the Oracle Fusion Applications Extensibility Guide.


Whenever a new version of the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client is available for upgrade, you need to consider the following to keep the client up-to-date:

Deploying Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client on a Shared Network Location

You can deploy the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client on a shared network location that is accessible to the end users from their respective computers running on Microsoft Windows.

  1. Identify a shared network location where you plan to host the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client.

  2. From the /u01/APPLTOP/fusionapps/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.desktopintegration_11.1.1 location, copy the file and place it in a folder at the shared location.

  3. Extract the contents of the zip file to the same folder.

  4. Uninstall any existing version of Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client from the end user computers.

  5. From the end user computer, access the shared folder and run the setup.exe to install the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client on that computer.


Whenever a new version of the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client is available for upgrade, you need to consider the following to keep the client up-to-date:

Health Checking and Troubleshooting

Setting Up Health Checking and Troubleshooting : Highlights

The infrastructure for health checking and troubleshooting Oracle Fusion applications is provided along with provisioning. However, before beginning any production activity on Oracle Fusion applications, perform the following configuration tasks.


This task is not applicable to Oracle Cloud implementations.

Health Checking and Diagnostic Tasks

Configuration Tasks

The configuration tasks are described in the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide unless otherwise specified.