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Oracle® Fusion Applications Post-Installation Guide
11g Release 7 (11.1.7)
Part Number E22380-08
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6 Human Capital Management

This chapter contains the following:

Setting Up Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management Coexistence : Procedures

Setting Up Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management Coexistence : Procedures

Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management (HCM) Coexistence functionality enables you to integrate your existing Oracle Human Resource applications with a hosted Oracle Fusion HCM implementation. As a result of the integration, you can use Oracle Fusion Workforce Compensation and Talent Management functionality alongside your existing setup.

Using Oracle Fusion HCM Coexistence, you can extract, transform, and transport files from PeopleSoft Enterprise or Oracle E-Business Suite and intelligently synchronize selected business object data between your source application and Oracle Fusion HCM applications. For more information, refer to HCM Coexistence: Explained.

Setting up an implementation of Oracle Fusion HCM for Coexistence with an existing application involves the following procedures.

  1. Ensuring that tokens are correctly replaced during Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Service deployment

  2. Setting up an FTP Server

  3. Setting up FTP Accounts

  4. Setting up SOA FTP Adapter

  5. Setting up Oracle Data Integrator

  6. Configuring the Oracle Web Services Manager for Interaction with the Source Application Web Services

  7. Setting up the HCM Configuration for Coexistence Parameters

These procedures set up the connections in the Oracle Fusion environment to work with the source application. Therefore, you need to set up the connections in the source application as well. The instructions for configuring the source application are in the following documents, which are available on My Oracle Support (MOS):


Use Oracle Fusion Applications Provisioning to provision a new Oracle Fusion Applications environment. For information about using Oracle Fusion Applications Provisioning, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Guide.

In addition to the components installed using Oracle Fusion Applications Provisioning, Oracle Fusion HCM Coexistence requires the following products to be installed.

For more details, see the topic Coexistence for HCM Offering: Overview.

1. Ensuring Correct Token Replacement During Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Service Deployment

Ensure that Oracle Fusion HCM invokes the following services defined in the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Service connections.xml file for HcmEssApp.

Ensure that the service URLs of the above entries are replaced correctly during deployment. Ensure that the Protocol, Host and Port tokens are assigned valid values for the application domain.

2. Setting Up an FTP Server

Oracle Fusion Applications Provisioning creates an FTP server and installs Oracle WebCenter. Ensure that the server is configured on port 20 and 21 and start the server.

3. Setting Up FTP Accounts

Create two user accounts with read and write access, a generic user account to configure the FTP adapter and a user specific account for Oracle Fusion Applications.

For example, create user accounts with directory structure and permissions as shown in the following table.


User Name (Operating System User)


User Home Directory







Read and write for current directory and child levels only

User account used with Oracle Fusion SOA FTP Adapter configuration.

Customer 1




Read and write for current directory and child levels only

The <ENTERPRISE_ID> corresponds to the Oracle Fusion Applications ID of Customer 1. The user account is used by the PeopleSoft Enterprise application interaction with the Oracle Fusion SOA/BPEL process.

4. Setting Up SOA FTP Adapter

Set up the following parameters of the SOA FTP adapter.

To set the FTP server hostname and set the FTP server operating system user name and password in the FTP adapter connections property file as follows.

  1. Access FtpAdapter.rar available in the Oracle_SOA1 directory structure on Oracle Weblogic Server (WLS) HcmDomain server file system.

  2. Extract and save the META-INF/weblogic-ra.xml file to a temporary location.

  3. Update the META-INF/weblogic-ra.xml file with appropriate values for the following connection properties.

    • <wls:jndi-name>eis/Ftp/FtpAdapter</wls:jndi-name>

    • <wls:name>host</wls:name>


    • <wls:name>username</wls:name>


    • <wls:name>password</wls:name>


  4. Create an additional copy of FtpAdapter.rar

  5. Update FtpAdapter.rar with the updated META-INF/weblogic-ra.xml file.

    Run the following command.

    zip -ur  /<path>/Oracle_SOA1/soa/connectors/FtpAdapter.rar META-INF/weblogic-ra.xml
  6. Bounce the WLS HcmDomain.

5. Setting Up Oracle Data Integrator

To set up Oracle Data Integrator for HCM Coexistence, complete the following procedures.

Before performing the above steps, ensure that the following are set up.

Create Oracle Data Integrator Directories

You need to manually create and specify the directories and files to which Oracle Data Integrator has read and write access.

Oracle Data Integrator Directory Name

Item Description

Example Value


Oracle Data Integrator base work directory



Oracle Data Integrator export work directory



Enterprise directory name, where <eid> is the numeric enterprise id



While creating the directory, ensure that the owner of the directory and the operating user of the Oracle Data Integrator agent are the same. The directory should be accessible from the Web logic domain that runs the Oracle Data Integrator agent and the SOA process.

Validate the Topology Settings

After you have created the directories, use either Oracle Data Integrator Studio or Oracle Data Integrator Repository Explorer to validate the Oracle Data Integrator topology settings.

Configure or validate the following.


Use JDBC connection and credentials to validate and ensure that the connections refer to the correct database.

Verify the Configuration of the Work Repository

Use Oracle Data Integrator Studio to verify the work directories and repository configuration.

  1. Go to Topology - Repositories - Work Repositories.

  2. Double-click FUSIONAPPS_WREP.

  3. Verify that the work repository (jdbc URL) points to your Oracle Fusion database.

Verify Database Connections

Verify that the JDBC data server URLs point to the Oracle Fusion Applications database.

  1. Go to Topology - Physical Architecture - Oracle.

  2. Double-click the ORACLE_FUSION data server

  3. On the Definitions page, verify that the Connection User is FUSION_ODI_STAGE.

  4. Enter the password.

  5. In the Instance/db link (Data Server) field, enter the instance for the Oracle Fusion Applications database.

    Use the following format if the instance name is not registered with the Transparent Network Substrate (TNS) service: <host>:<port>/<instance_name>. If the instance name is registered with the TNS service, specify only the instance name.

  6. Click JDBC.

  7. Ensure that the URL in the JDBC URL field points to the Oracle Fusion Applications database.

  8. Expand and open the child schema: ORACLE_FUSION.FUSION.

  9. Ensure that the Default box is selected.

  10. Verify that FUSION is entered as the value in the Schema field.

  11. Verify that FUSION_ODI_STAGE is entered as the value in the Work Schema field.


Perform the same steps for the ORACLE_WORK_HCM data server. However, ensure that the value of both the schema and the work schema is FUSION_ODI_STAGE.

Configure File Technology Connections

The ODI work directories that you defined now need to be configured in the topology so that ODI can make use of them.

Using ODI Studio, configure files in topology.

  1. Go to Topology - Physical Architecture - File.

  2. Double-click FILE_ROOT_HCM.

  3. Verify that the value of JDBC Driver is com.sunopsis.jdbc.driver.file.FileDriver.

  4. Verify that the value of JDBC URL is jdbc:snps:dbfile.

  5. Expand and open the child physical schema.

  6. For Directory (Schema) provide the directory path that you defined for FILE_ROOT_HCM.

  7. Provide the same value for Directory (Work Schema).

  8. Ensure that the Default box is selected.

Use the same steps to configure FILE_OUTPUT_HCM using the directory path for FILE_OUTPUT_HCM instead of FILE_ROOT_HCM.

Enable SQL*Loader for Oracle Data Integrator

Oracle Fusion HCM Coexistence Oracle Data Integrator uses SQL*Loader to import file data. Use the SQL*Loader in Oracle Data Integrator from the Oracle Weblogic Server environment to perform the following steps.

  1. Determine the directory where the Oracle client software is installed for your deployment. The default name is DBCLIENT and it is placed in the parent directory of <MW_HOME>. You could refer to this directory as DBCLIENT ORACLE_HOME.

  2. Verify the existence of DBCLIENT ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlldr.

  3. Using the cd command, change the directory to <ODI ORACLE_HOME>/bin.

  4. Use a text editor to create a script with the file name sqlldr containing the following.

    export ORACLE_HOME
    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlldr $*
  5. Make the script executable using the following command.

    chmod +x sqlldr

6. Configuring the Oracle Web Services Manager for Interaction with the Source Application Web Services

Configure the Oracle Web Services Manager certificate key with the user credentials for a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) interaction with the source application Web services.

The user credentials correspond to the source application user with entitlement to invoke the source application Web service.

  1. Sign in to the Enterprise Manager Console as a Weblogic_Administrator user.

  2. Access HcmDomain under the Weblogic Domain.

  3. Open Security - Credentials.

  4. Access and expand the key map

  5. Click Credential Key to search for the key FUSION_APPS_HCM_HR2HR_APPLOGIN-KEY.

  6. Click Edit to update the credentials.

  7. Set the user name and password of the source application user.

7. Setting up the HCM Configuration for Coexistence Parameters

After you have created the FTP and Oracle Data Integrator directory paths, you need to set up the related parameters in Oracle Fusion HCM.
  1. Sign into Oracle Fusion Applications.


    The Oracle Fusion Applications user must have the appropriate roles to set up and configure Oracle Fusion applications. At least, ensure that the user is assigned the View All data role for the HCM Application Administrator job role. For details on setting up implementation users, refer to the HCM Coexistence Implementation Guide.

  2. Go to Navigator - Tools - Setup and Maintenance and perform the following tasks:

    1. Find and initiate the Manage HCM Configuration for Coexistence task to bring up the Manage HCM Configuration for Coexistence parameters page.

    2. Set up the following parameters.



      On Demand FTP Root Directory

      Mounted root directory of the server

      ODI Context

      The logical name for the group containing logical-to-physical mappings for connections in Oracle Data Integrator. The default value in Oracle Data Integrator is DEVELOPMENT.


      This value is case sensitive. Therefore, ensure that it is completely uppercase.

      ODI User

      The Oracle Data Integrator user name

      ODI Password

      The password associated with the Oracle Data Integrator user name

      ODI Work Repository

      The repository that contains the Oracle Data Integrator related code definitions. The default value in Oracle Data Integrator is FUSIONAPPS_WREP.

      ODI Root Directory

      The local directory where Oracle Data Integrator processes files and creates work and log files. It is the directory path defined for FILE_ROOT_HCM, when creating the Oracle Data Integrator directories.

You are now ready to implement Oracle Fusion Talent and Oracle Fusion Workforce Compensation using the Coexistence for HCM offering, available from the Setup and Maintenance work area of Oracle Fusion Applications.