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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Technology Adapters
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Part Number E10231-13
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A Oracle JCA Adapter Properties

This appendix lists and describes the JCA and binding properties applicable Oracle JCA Adapters, and is meant to be used with the chapters in this book on the specific JCA Adapters, to assist in the configuration of the Adapters.

This appendix includes the following sections:

For more information, see Chapter 33, "Configuring Service and Reference Binding Components", in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

A.1 Oracle File and FTP Adapters Properties

This section describes the properties applicable to the Oracle File and FTP Adapters, including:

For properties applicable to all Oracle JCA Adapters, see Section A.7, "Generic Oracle JCA Adapter Properties".

For more information, see:

Table A-1 JCA Properties for Oracle File and FTP Adapters

Property Description


If this property is set to true, it causes Oracle File and FTP Adapters to append to a file on outbound. If the file does not exist, then a new file is created.

The file name can either be specified in the JCA file for the outbound operation or in the jca.file.FileName header.


If set to true, it causes the inbound file to be published as an attachment.


Set it to the batch size for the batching transformation.


Set it to the character set for the attachment. This parameter is not used internally by the Oracle File and FTP Adapters, and it is meant for third party applications that process the attachments published by the Oracle File and FTP Adapters.


Set it to the chunk size for the chunked interaction operation.


The maximum number of translation activities that can be allowed to execute in parallel for a particular outbound scenario. The translation step during the outbound operation is CPU-intensive and must be guarded because it might cause other applications or threads to starve. The maximum value is 100.


Set it to the mime-type of the attachment. This parameter is not used internally by the Oracle File and FTP Adapters, and it is meant for third party applications that process the attachments published by the Oracle File or FTP Adapter.


If set to true, the Oracle File or FTP Adapter deletes the file after processing.


When you choose multiple directories, the generated JCA files use semicolon (;) as the separator for these directories. However, you can change the separator to something else. If you do so, manually add <property name="DirectorySeparator" value="chosen separator"/> in the generated JCA file. For example, to use comma (,) as the separator, you must first change the separator to comma (,) in the Physical directory and then add <property name="DirectorySeparator" value=","/> in the JCA file.


This property is used for outbound batching. When the time specified elapses, the outgoing file is created. The parameter is of type int and is not mandatory. The default value is 1.


Set it to the encoding used for the attachment. This parameter is not used internally by the Oracle File and FTP Adapters, and it is meant for third party applications that process the attachments published by the Oracle File and FTP Adapters.


This property specifies the pattern for types of files to be excluded during polling. The property is of type String and is not mandatory.


Use this parameter to specify a static single file name during the write operation.


This property is used for the naming convention for the outbound write operation file.


This property is used for outbound batching. The outgoing file is created when the file size condition is met. The parameter is of type int and is not mandatory. The default value is 1000 KB.


This property specifies the pattern for types of files to pick up during polling. The parameter is of type String and is mandatory.


If set to true, then the Orcle File Adapter does not complain if it does not have enough permission to read or write to the inbound directory. The default value of this property is false.


This property specifies the sorter that the Oracle File and FTP Adapters use to sort files in inbound. You can set this parameter to:

  • oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.listing.TimestampSorterAscending to sort the file names by their modified time stamps in ascending manner or

  • oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.listing.TimestampSorterDescending to sort the file names by their modified time stamps in descending manner


This property specifies the logical directory in which to archive successfully processed files. The property is of type String and is not mandatory.


This parameter specifies the logical input directory to be polled. The parameter is of type String.


This property specifies the maximum number of files that the Oracle File or FTP Adapter submits for processing in each polling cycle. For example, if the inbound directory has 1000 files and MaxRaiseSize is set to 100 and the polling frequency is one minute, then the Oracle File or FTP Adapter submits 100 files every minute.


This parameter specifies the minimum age of files to be retrieved. This specification enables a large file to be completely copied into the input directory before it is retrieved for processing. The age is determined by the last modified time stamp. For example, if you know that it takes three to four minutes for a file to be written, then set the minimum age of pollable files to five minutes. If a file is detected in the input directory and its modification time is within five minutes of the current time, then the file is not retrieved because it is still potentially being written to.


This property is used for outbound batching. The outgoing file is created when the number of messages condition is met. The parameter is of type int and is not mandatory. The default value is 1.


This property specifies where to archive successfully processed files. The property is of type String and is not mandatory.


This property specifies the physical input directory or directories to be polled. The parameter is of type String. The inbound directory where the files appear is mandatory. You must specify the physical directory or logical directory.


This parameter specifies how often to poll a given input directory for new files. The parameter is of type int and is mandatory. The default value is 1 minute.


This property indicates whether the file contains multiple messages and how many messages to publish to the BPEL process at a time. The parameter is of type int and is not mandatory. The default value is 1.

For example, if a certain file has 11 records and this parameter is set to 2, then the file processes 2 records at a time and the final record is processed in the sixth iteration.


If this property is set to true, then the adapter can process all the sub-directories under the main input directory recursively.


Specifies the Oracle database sequence name to be used if you have configured the outbound Oracle File or FTP Adapter for High Availability.


If the value is true, the Oracle File or FTP Adapter poller processes files in the same thread. In other words, it does not use the global in-memory queue for processing.


The source file for the File I/O operation.


The source directory for the File I/O operation.


Set to the schema for the source file.


Set to the root element name for the source file.


Set this to native if the source file is native and xml if the source file is xml.


The target file for the File I/O operation.


The target directory for the File I/O operation.


Set it to the schema for the target file.


Set it to the root element name for the target file.


Set this to native if the target file is native and xml if the source file is xml.


If this property is available, then the adapter creates its own processor threads rather than depend on the global thread pool processor threads (by deafult, 4 of them). In other words, this parameter partitions the in-memory queue and each composite application gets its own in-memory queue.

  • If the ThreadCount property is set to 0, then the threading behavior equals that of the single-threaded model.

  • If the ThreadCount property is set to -1, then the global thread pool is used, which equals the default threading model.

  • The maximum value for the ThreadCount property is 40.


The name of the trigger file that activates the inbound Oracle File or FTP Adapter.


The directory path where the Oracle File or FTP Adapter looks for the trigger files.


This property defines the strategy that the Oracle File or FTP Adapter uses to look for the specified trigger file in the trigger file directory. The acceptable values are EndpointActivation, EveryTime, or OnceOnly.


Set it to COPY, MOVE, or DELETE for the File IO interaction.


This property defines where an error is archived during an Inbound Read. During an Inbound Read operation, if a malformed XML file is read, the malformed file results in an error. The errored file is by default sent to the remote file system for archival. The errored file can be archived at a local file system by specifying the useRemoteErrorArchive property in the jca file and setting that property to false. The default value for this property is true.


This parameter can be set to true or false. If you must read file headers and skip reading the payload while using inbound Oracle File or FTP Adapter, then set the UseHeader property to true.

This is typically used in large payload scenarios where the inbound adapter is used as a notifier.


If set to true, then the outbound Oracle File or FTP Adapter writes translated data to a staging file, and later it streams the staging file to the target file. If set to false, then the outbound Oracle File or FTP Adapter does not use an intermediate staging file.


Set it to the xsl transformer between the source and the target.

Table A-2 JCA Properties Specific to Oracle FTP Adapter

Property Description


Set this property to either ascii or binary depending on the requirement.


Set this property to false if you want to notify the Oracle FTP Adapter that the source for the IO operation is a local file system as opposed to a remote FTP server.


Set this property to false if you want to notify the Oracle FTP Adapter that the target for the IO operation is a local file system as opposed to a remote FTP server.


Set this property to true if you want the Oracle FTP Adapter to use the NLST FTP command instead of the LIST command that the adapter uses by default.


Set this property to true to notify the Oracle FTP Adapter that the archival directory is on the same FTP server. If set to false, the Oracle FTP Adapter uses a local file system folder for archival.

Table A-3 Binding Properties for Oracle File and FTP Adapters

Property Description


Lets you control the behavior of the inbound Oracle File Adapter during the polling operation. If set to true, the Oracle File Adapter does not complain if it cannot read from a nested folder.


Set it to true if you do not want Oracle File and FTP Adapters to throw an exception during the outbound read operation, if the file could not be found. This property is ignored if the schema for the inbound file is anything other than Opaque.


This property is applicable only if UseStaging is set to false .If UseStaging is set to true, then the translation step occurs in-memory (that is, an in-memory byte array is created). If set to false, then the adapter creates an output stream to the target file (FTP, FTPS, and SFTP included) and allows the translator to translate and write directly to the stream.


This property is used to override the encoding specified in the NXSD schema for inbound Oracle File and FTP Adapters.


Setting to true causes the Oracle File or FTP Adapter to call the Notification Agent's onBatchFailure every time an error occurs in a debatching scenario. If set to false, Oracle File or FTP Adapter call onBatchFailure only once after all messages are debatched.


This property lets you control the size of rejected messages for inbound Oracle File or FTP Adapter partner link. For example, if you set it to 100, it causes the Oracle File or FTP Adapter to reject 100 lines from the file because the actual file is too large.


Number of times that inbound Oracle File and FTP Adapters retry to establish a database connection in distributed polling scenarios.


Number of milliseconds after which inbound Oracle File and FTP Adapters retry to establish a database connection in distributed polling scenarios.


Set it to the class name that specifies the mutex for the outbound write operation. This class must extend the oracle.tip.adapter.file.Mutex abstraction.


Setting to true causes Oracle File or FTP Adapter to reject the original content. If set to false, the adapter rejects the XML data created because of the translation step.


This property is used by the inbound highly available adapter when using FILEADAPTER_IN as the coordinator. Remember that when a file is first claimed (enqueued) by a node for processing, the FILE_PROCESSED column in FILEADAPTER_IN is set to 0. At a later point in time, when a decoupled processor threads picks up the file for processing, the value of the FILE_PROCESSED column is updated from 0 to 1. And when the file is processed completely, the FILE_PROCESSED column is updated from 1 to 2. However, if the processor thread picks up a file but the node crashes before processing the file, then the file is never processed. This property is used to undo the pick operation. The adapter does this by deleting the entries in the FILEADAPTER_IN table that have been picked up but not processed within the value specified here.


This property is used by the inbound highly available adapter when using FILEADAPTER_IN as the coordinator. Remember that when a file is first claimed by a node for processing, FILE_PROCESSED column in FILEADAPTER_IN is set to 0. Later on, when the decoupled-processor thread picks up the file for processing, the value of the FILE_PROCESSED column is updated from 0 to 1. And when the file is processed completely, the FILE_PROCESSED column is updated from 1 to 2. If the node crashes when the FILE_PROCESSED is still 0, it would mean that the file is enqueued by a node (no other nodes can pick this one up). However, it also means that the decoupled processor threads have still not picked this one for processing. This property is used to undo the claim(enqueue_ operation.) The adapter does this by deleting the entries in the FILEADAPTER_IN table that have been claimed (for example, FILE_PROCESSED =="0"), but not picked up till now.


This property is used by the inbound adapter to configure the recovery interval in case of errors. For example, if the physical directory is nonexistent, then the adapter uses this value to perform periodic sleep or wakeup checks to check whether the physical directory has been created and is accessible.


If set to true, then the translation step is serialized using a semaphore. The number of permits for semaphore (guarding the translation step) comes from the ConcurrentThreshold property. If false, then the translation step occurs outside the semaphore.


This property is used by inbound Oracle File or FTP Adapter during read-only polling in a clustered environment. Setting it to true causes the adapter to use the file system to store the metadata of the processed files. Setting it to false causes the adapter to use a database table.

Table A-4 Binding Properties Specific to Oracle FTP Adapter

Property Description


This property is used by the Oracle FTP Adapter to handle time zone issues, typically to convert the time difference between the FTP server and the system on which the Oracle FTP Adapter is running to millisecond.

Table A-5 JCA Properties for Oracle File Adapter: Normalized Properties

Property Description


This property specifies the name of the file read from the inbound directory or written to the outbound directory.


This property specifies the name of the directory from which file is read from or written to.


This property specifies the size of the file published from the inbound Oracle File Adapter.


This property is used to specify a unique identifier for the file being published from the inbound adapter.


If a file has multiple messages and de-batching is used, then this normalized property specifies the message (record) number from the same batch. In this case, the jca.file.Batch remains the same but jca.file.BatchIndex increments by one for each publish from the same batch.

Table A-6 JCA Properties for Oracle FTP Adapter: Normalized Properties

Property Description


This property specifies the name of the file read from the inbound directory or written to the outbound directory.


This property specifies the name of the directory from which file is read from or written to.


This property specifies the size of the file published from the inbound Oracle File Adapter. The size can be zero.


This property is used to specify a unique identifier for the file being published from the inbound Oracle FTP Adapter.


If a file has multiple messages and de-batching is used, then this normalized property specifies the message (record) number from the match batch. In this case, the jca.ftp.Batch remains the same but jca.ftp.BatchIndex increments by one for each publish from the same batch.

A.2 Oracle Socket Adapter Properties

This section describes the properties applicable to the Oracle Socket Adapter, including:

For properties applicable to all Oracle JCA Adapters, see Section A.7, "Generic Oracle JCA Adapter Properties".

For more information, see Section, "Oracle Socket Adapter", in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

Table A-7 JCA Properties for Oracle Socket Adapter

Property Description


Byte order of the remote computer being communicated with.


If CustomImpl is chosen as the TransMode property, then it is the name of the Java class defining the handshake. This property is a concrete implementation of the ICustomParser interface.


Character encoding used by the remote computer.


In case of outbound, the computer name on which the socket server is running, to which you want to connect. In case of inbound, it is always localhost.


In case of outbound, it is the port number on which a socket server is running, to which the adapter is connecting.

In case of inbound, it is the port number on which the socket adapter listens for incoming connections.


If XSLT is chosen as the TransMode property, then it specifies the path to the style sheet defining the handshake for inbound reply.


Mechanism for defining the protocol. Set to XSLT to use style sheets, set to CustomImpl to use custom Java code, and set to NXSD for plain schema translation.


If XSLT is chosen as the TransMode property, then it specifies the path to the style sheet defining the handshake for inbound request, in case of inbound and outbound request or reply.

A.3 Oracle AQ Adapter Properties

This section describes the properties applicable to the Oracle AQ Adapter, including:

For properties applicable to all Oracle JCA Adapters, see Section A.7, "Generic Oracle JCA Adapter Properties".

For more information, see Section, "Oracle AQ Adapter", in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

Table A-8 JCA Properties for Oracle AQ Adapter

Property Description


The name of the AQ Queue being read from or written to.


The schema where the queue resides. If not specified, the schema of the current connection is used.


When this property is set to "true", the payload is validated against the schema specified. If the validation fails, then the message is rejected.


When this property is set to "true", the payload from the queue is streamed instead of being processed as an in-memory DOM. You must use this feature while handling large payloads. This property is applicable when processing RAW messages, XMLType messages, and ADT type messages for which a payload is specified through an ADT attribute.


Specify the consumer name or names that are the intended recipients for the messages enqueued by the adapter. The message remains in the queue until all recipients have dequeued the message. If the field is left empty, then all the currently active consumers are recipients.


Applicable only for multiconsumer queues. If specified, only the messages targeted for the particular consumer are made available for processing.


This property is used to identify the field containing the business payload if the queue is an ADT queue. You can specify an attribute of ADT to constitute a payload or an entire ADT to represent payload. In former case the 'ObjectFieldName' should be same as the attribute name of the ADT. In latter case this property is not specified.


Only applicable if the ObjectFieldName property specifies a value. If set to "true", it ensures that all non payload attributes of ADT are available for processing as Normalized Message property ''.


When a dequeue is performed from a multiconsumer queue, it is sometimes necessary to screen the messages and accept only those that meet certain conditions. These conditions can be based on payload or queue header values and is specified using MessageSelectorRule property of the adapter. These conditions may concern selecting messages of a certain priority, or some aspect of the message payload, such as in selecting only loan applications above $100,000.


This property is valid for dequeue operations only. Enter a Boolean expression similar to the WHERE clause of a SQL query. This expression can include conditions on message properties, user data properties (object payloads only), and PL/SQL or SQL functions. If multiple messages satisfy the dequeue condition, then the order of dequeuing is indeterminate, and the sort order of the queue is not honored.


You can assign an identifier to each message, thus providing a means to retrieve specific messages at a later time. The value to enter is agreed upon between the enqueuing sender and the dequeuing receiver for asynchronous conversations. This can be overridden on a per message basis through the normalized message property, ''. When specified for the dequeue operation, it only dequeues messages that match the value specified. If none is specified, all messages in the queue are available to the dequeue operation.


This property exposes a configurable control mechanism through which you can specify the payload size threshold in the adapter layer. The messages that have sizes beyond the configured threshold limit are rejected. If this property is not configured, it does not impose any restriction on the size of messages.

Table A-9 JCA Properties for Oracle AQ Adapter: Normalized Properties

Property Description

The number of failed attempts at dequeuing the message.

User-assigned correlation ID.

The number of seconds after which the message is available for dequeuing.

The time at which the message was enqueued.

The exception queue name.

The number of seconds before the message expires. This parameter is an offset from the Delay parameter. Default value of -1(never expires) is used if not specified.

The hexadecimal representation of the message ID for the dequeued message.

The hexadecimal representation of the original message ID.

Priority of the message. A smaller number indicates a higher priority. The priority can be any number. The default value is zero.

The list of recipients for this message, separated by commas. This overrides RecipientList in InteractionSpec.

Contains string or DOM of current headers (XML DOM representation of payload headers.)

Table A-10 Binding Properties for Oracle AQ Adapter

Property Description


The time for which the Oracle AQ Adapter waits before trying to re-create a connection after a connection is lost. The default value is 15s.


It is the interval after which the dequeue() API times out if no message is received on the inbound queue. The default value is 1s.

Specifies the number of poller threads that are created when an endpoint is activated. The default value is 1.

A.4 Oracle JMS Adapter Properties

This section describes the properties applicable to the Oracle JMS Adapter, including:

For properties applicable to all Oracle JCA Adapters, see Section A.7, "Generic Oracle JCA Adapter Properties".

For more information, see Section, "Oracle JMS Adapter", in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite

Table A-11 JCA Properties for Oracle JMS Adapter

Property Description


The name of the queue or topic being read from or written to.


The only value of this property supported in the current version is false. A value of false ensures that the JMS adapter uses synchronous mechanism to poll queues or topics for messages


This property specifies the type of JMS message that is being dequeued or enqueued by the adapter. For Map messages the value is 'MapMessage' and for Text messages the value is 'TextMessage'.


Name used to identify a durable subscription. When working with durable subscriptions ensure that ClientID is also specified in addition to DurableSubscriber property. ClientID is specified as part of the factoryProperties property when defining a Managed Connection Factory instance. This property is only applicable when working with JMS Topic scenarios


A string whose syntax is based on a subset of the SQL92 conditional expression syntax and lets you specify the messages adapter is interested in, by using header field references and property references. Only messages whose header and property values match the selector are delivered.


Only applicable when dealing with messages of type MapMessage. This property is used to identify the field containing the business payload when dealing with Map messages. All other Map message entries are made available as normalized message properties accessed using jca.jms.Map.MapMessage entry name


Only applicable when dealing with message of type MapMessage. This property is used to identify the field containing the business payload when dealing with Map messages. Also, the payload in this case is published as an attachment. You can use either PayloadEntry or AttachmentList. All other Map message entries are made available as normalized message properties accessed using jca.jms.Map.MapMessage entry name


This property is applicable for a synchronous request-reply scenario and specify the name of destination for sending a message.


This property is applicable for a synchronous request-reply scenario and specify the name of destination for receiving a reply.


This property is applicable for a synchronous request-reply scenario. When set to true ReplyDestinationName is not required and JMS adapter in turn uses a temporary destination to recieve a reply from.


When this property is set to "true", the payload from the queue or topic is streamed instead of being processed as an in-memory DOM. You must use this feature while handling large payloads.


Represents the delivery mode to use. The message producer's default delivery mode is PERSISTENT. This can be overridden on a per message basis using normalized message property


Represents the message's lifetime (in milliseconds). The message producer's default time to live is unlimited; the message never expires. A value of 0 signifies that the message never expires.


This property exposes a configurable control mechanism through which you can specify the payload size threshold in the adapter layer. The messages that have sizes beyond the configured threshold limit are rejected. If this property is not configured, it does not impose any restriction on the size of messages


Represents priority for this message. The message producer's default priority is 4. This can be overridden on a per message basis using normalized message property

Table A-12 JCA Properties for Oracle JMS Adapter: Normalized Properties

Property Description


This property specifies the destination to which the message is sent, and is set by the JMS producer.


This property represents the properties that define the context used to look up the destination object to which the message must be sent


This property is set by both producers and consumers for linking the response message with the request message. This is an optional attribute.


This property specifies the JMS message type.


This is an optional attribute that indicates the destination to which a message reply must be sent.


This property is used by the consumer to set a priority number between 0 and 9. Larger numbers represent a higher priority.


This property specifies the duration of the message before the expiration. When a message's expiration time is reached, the JMS provider should discard it.


This property is set to persistent or nonpersistent mode by the JMS client.


This property is used to specify a unique message identifier. The exact scope of uniqueness is provider-defined.


This property is used as an indication of whether a message is being re-delivered. If a client receives a message with the JMSRedelivered field set, it is likely, but not guaranteed, that this message was delivered earlier but that its receipt was not acknowledged at that time.


This property is used to specify the time when the message was handed off to the JMS provider to be sent.

This property represents any custom (application-specific) properties of the message. The supported properties conforms to the one allowed according to JMS specification. If an invalid property value is specified, the adapter warns the user (captured in the log files) and ignores the invalid property.

This property represents any MapMessage element that is not transferred as payload.


This value overrides the value specified via the property UnitOfOrder for the JmsProduceInteractionSpec.

Table A-13 Binding Properties for Oracle JMS Adapter

Property Description


Used to encode inbound text messages. This property is superseded by the newly supported property called jca.message.encoding that is applicable for both inbound and outbound messages.


Specifies the number of poller threads that are created when an endpoint is activated. The default is 1.


Timeout value used for the synchronous receive call. It is the time after which receive() API times out if no message is received on the inbound queue. The default value is 1s.


This property is not supported anymore.


Used by the inbound connection retry layer. The time for which the Oracle JMS Adapter waits before trying to re-create a connection after a connection is lost. The default value is 30s.


Declaratively impose custom property settings on Destination objects received during inbound request/reply scenarios.


Used to specify whether you want to use a correlation Id for correlation. Valid values are true and false. The default value is false.


Used to specify whether message Id for correlation. Valid values are true and false. The default value if none is specified is false.


The boolean property specifies if the reply message TTL is set to 0 (message never expires) or some specified value related to message expiration. The default value is false.


If the same small number of JMS receivers are used for the same request destination repeatedly, then set this property to true to improve performance. The default value if none is specified is false.


Applicable for a synchronous request-reply scenario. If set to true, then it applies a JMS Message selector for obtaining the reply message. If the request Normalized Message property, jca.jms.JMSCorrelationID is specified, then it is used for correlation, otherwise the JMS Message ID property is used. The JMS adapter uses the following message selector: "JMSCorrelationID = '<corrId>' [ AND (<wsdlSelector>) ]" where the AND branch is only included if the user specifies a MessageSelector property. The default value is true.


Used to bypass headers. For scenarios in which a composite does not use or produce the headers, the value of true can be used. It may improve performance for such scenarios. The default value is false.

A.5 Oracle Database Adapter Properties

This section describes the properties applicable to the Oracle Database Adapter, including:

For properties applicable to all Oracle JCA Adapters, see Section A.7, "Generic Oracle JCA Adapter Properties".

For more information, see:

Table A-14 JCA Properties for Oracle Database Adapter: Instance Properties

Property Description


Either this property or xADataSource name is a mandatory property, or both. Refers to the JNDI name (jdbc/...) of the tx-level="local" data source connecting to. All operations using this pool are locally transacted, independent on the global transaction. If both xADataSourceName and dataSourceName are specified, then the latter is used for READ operations.


The default value is FALSE. You must increase DB Adapter logging to include all underlying TopLink log messages at maximum granularity. This property provides maximum visibility, but adapter logging is tuned to show the most relevant TopLink SQL logging.


This is a mandatory property. This points to the type of database being connected to. The suggested values for this property are:

  • Oracle11Platform

  • Oracle10Platform

  • Oracle9Platform

  • Oracle8Platform

  • DB2Platform

  • InformixPlatform

  • SybasePlatform

  • SQLServerPlatform

  • MySQLPlatform

  • DatabasePlatform

You also can give the full package and class name of a subclass of oracle.toplink.platform.database.DatabasePlatform. For DB2 on AS/400, Oracle recommends that you give the value of oracle.tip.adapter.db.toplinkext.DB2AS400Platform.


The default value is TRUE. Multiple identical statements are executed as a single batch statement. You must only disable this property for certain JDBC drivers that have known issues.


The default value is TRUE. Oracle Database polling statements using SELECT FOR UPDATE are automatically be upgraded to SELECT FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED, which provides better concurrent performance. Disable this property only for certain cases where skip locking is not compatible with another feature or your use case.


The default value is TRUE. If any SOA services are configured to automatically assign sequence numbers on INSERT operation, then a TRUE value indicates that the sequence values are coming from a database native sequence.


This is a mandatory property. It specifies the JNDI name (jdbc/...) of the tx-level="global" data source connecting to the database. All operations using this pool bind to the global transaction and commit or roll back as a unit.

Table A-15 JCA Properties for Oracle Database Adapter: Normalized Message Properties

Property Description






Outbound. You cannot assign values to the jca.db.password property on Oracle Containers for Java EE because its data source does not support setting password dynamically to the getConnection method. Consider using jca.db.ProxyPassword instead.

jca.db.ProxyCertificateFoot 1 

Outbound. When set, specifies OracleConnection.PROXYTYPE_CERTIFICATE as the proxy type. The value is a base64Binary encoded byte[] array that contains the certificate. If set, do not set jca.db.ProxyDistinguishedName, jca.db.ProxyUser, and jca.db.ProxyPassword.

jca.db.ProxyDistinguishedNameFootref 1

Outbound. When set, specifies OracleConnection.PROXYTYPE_DISTINGUISHED_NAME as the proxy type. The value should be the proxy distinguished name as a java.lang.String. If set, then set none of jca.db.ProxyCertificate, jca.db.ProxyUserName and jca.db.ProxyPassword.

jca.db.ProxyIsThickDriverFootref 1

Outbound. Valid values are true and false. Set to true if using the OCI driver, as there is some discrepancy in the JDBC-level API between the thick and thin drivers.

jca.db.ProxyPasswordFootref 1

Outbound. When set, specifies OracleConnection.PROXYTYPE_USER_PASSWORD as the proxy type. The value should be the password for the proxy user as a java.lang.String. If set, you must also set jca.db.ProxyUserName. If set, then set neither jca.db.ProxyCertificate nor jca.db.ProxyDistinguished name.

jca.db.ProxyRolesFootref 1

Outbound. Set to define the roles associated with the proxy user. The value should be a String[] array where each java.lang.String corresponds to a role name. This property is applicable when using any of OracleConnection.PROXYTYPE_USER_PASSWORD, OracleConnection.PROXYTYPE_CERTIFICATE, and OracleConnection.PROXYTYPE_DISTINGUISHED_NAME.

jca.db.ProxyUserNameFootref 1

Outbound. When set, specifies OracleConnection.PROXYTYPE_USER_PASSWORD as the proxy type. The value should be the user name of the proxy user as a java.lang.String. If set, you must also set jca.db.ProxyPassword. If set, then set neither jca.db.ProxyCertificate nor jca.db.ProxyDistinguished name.


Outbound. You cannot assign values to the jca.db.userName property on Oracle Containers for Java EE because its data source does not support setting user name dynamically to the getConnection method. Consider using jca.db.ProxyUserName instead.



Footnote 1 For more information, see Section 9.3.4, "Proxy Authentication Support".

A.6 Oracle MQ Series Adapter Properties

This section describes the properties applicable to the Oracle MQ Series Adapter, including:

For properties applicable to all Oracle JCA Adapters, see Section A.7, "Generic Oracle JCA Adapter Properties".

For more information, see Section, "Oracle MQ Adapter", in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

Table A-16 JCA Properties for Oracle MQ Series Adapter

Property Description


This property specifies the name of the MQ Queue for sending or retrieving messages.


This property specifies the type of message: Normal, Request, Reply, or Report


This property specifies the type of MQ message format, such as Default, and Request/Reply.


This property specifies the message priority. Its value ranges from 0 to 9. The default value is AS_Q_DEF, which uses the value defined in the destination queue.


This property is used to set the message persistence. The message persists when this property is set to true. The defaults value is AS_Q_DEF, which uses the value defined in the destination queue.


This property is used when message delivery fails. The default value is DeadLetterQueue, which sends messages to a dead letter queue. If the value is set to DISCARD, then messages are discarded.


This property is used for partial delivery to a distribution list. The default value is false.


This property is used when the size of the message is larger than the maximum limit set on the queue.


This property specifies the time after which the message would be removed by the Queue Manager. The default value is NEVER.


This property specifies the name of the queue to which the reply or report must be sent.


If this property is set, a confirmation on arrival report is sent to the replyto queue on arrival of a message in the destination queue. The default value is WITH_NO_DATA, and no data is sent in this case.


If this property is set, a confirmation on delivery report is sent to the replyto queue on arrival of a message in the destination queue. The default value is WITH_NO_DATA, and no data is sent in this case.


If this property is set, an exception report is sent to the replyto queue when message delivery to the destination queue fails. The default value is WITH_NO_DATA, and no data is sent in this case.


If this property is set, an expiry report is sent to the replyto queue when a message sent to the destination queue expires. The default value is WITH_NO_DATA, and no data is sent in this case.


This property specifies the waiting interval for dequeuing the message in outbound MQ queue.


This property is used to generate a Message Id for a reply or a report message. By default a new Message Id is generated.


This property is used to generate a correlation Id for a reply or a report message. By default the message Id of the request message is used as the correlation Id.


This property specifies the queue open options to use while accessing the queue.


This property specifies the queue manager for the enqueue queue. Use this property only when the outbound enqueue queue resides outside the inbound queue manager.


This property is used to specify a backout queue to which rejected messages from an inbound queue are to be sent.


This property is used to specify the queue manager for the backout queue. Use this property only when the Backout Queue resides outside the inbound queue manager.


This property is used to specify the maximum backout retry count after which rejected message is sent to the backout queue.


This property is used to specify intervel between the backout retries. The default value is 5 seconds.


This property is used to specify the number of backout retries. The default value is 3.


This property is used for sending the report to the Normal Message Queue.


This property is used when the Primary Queue Manager specified in JNDI connection cannot access the queue.


This property is used to specify the elements of the distribution list for enqueuing the message.

Table A-17 JCA Properties for Oracle MQ Series Adapter: Normalized Properties

Property Description


Inbound/Outbound. Accounting token information of the message. A hexadecimal-encoded string.

Inbound/Outbound. Provides additional information about the Identity of the message or its originator. Accepts any string.

Inbound/Outbound. Provides additional information about the origin of this message. Accepts any string.

Inbound/Outbound.Count of the number of times the message has previously been returned by an MQQueue.get() call as part of a unit of work, and subsequently backed out. Accepts zero and positive integer values.

Inbound/Outbound. Correlation identifier of the message to be retrieved/ to be put. Accepts a hexadecimal-encoded string.

Inbound/Outbound. Representation used for numeric values in the application message data. Accepts NORMAL and REVERSED.

Inbound/Outbound. representation used for numeric values in the application message data. Accepts NORMAL, REVERSED and S390

Inbound/Outbound. A message's expiry time has elapsed, and it is eligible to be discarded by the queue manager. Accepts NEVER or a non- Inbound/Outbound.negative integer value

Inbound/Outbound. Used with a message of type MQC.MQMT_REPORT to indicate the nature of the report. Accepts any string.

Inbound/Outbound. application defined feedback.Accepts any string.

Inbound/Outbound. Format name used by the sender of the message to indicate the nature of the data in the message to the receiver.Accepts following formats NONE, ADMIN, CHANNEL_COMPLETED, CICS, CMD1, CMD2, DEAD_LETTER_HDR, DIST_HDR, EVENT, IMS, IMS_VAR_STRING, MD_EXTN, PCF, REF_MSG_HDR, RF_HDR_1, RF_HDR_2, STRING, TRIGGER, WORK_INFO_HDR, XMIT_Q_HDR

Inbound/Outbound. Byte string that identifies the message group to which the physical message belongs. Accepts hexadecimal-encoded string.

Inbound/Outbound. Specifies if the message belongs to a group. Accepts true, false.

Inbound/Outbound. Specifies if the message is the last message of the group. Accepts true, false

Inbound/Outbound. Specifies if the message is a segment. Accepts true, false

Inbound/Outbound. Specifies if message is the last segment. Accepts true, false

Inbound/Outbound. Message identifier of the message to be retrieved/ to be put. Accepts hexadecimal encoded string

Inbound/Outbound. Sequence number of a logical message within a group. Accepts non- Inbound/Outbound.negative integer value

Inbound/Outbound. Indicates the type of the message. Accepts any string.

Inbound/Outbound. Application -defined message type. Accepts any string.

Inbound/Outbound. The offset of data in a physical message from the start of a logical message. Accepts non- Inbound/Outbound.Negative integer value.

Inbound/Outbound. Original length of a segmented message. Accepts non-Negative integer value Inbound/Outbound

Inbound/Outbound. message persistence. Accepts true, false, AS_Q_DEF

Inbound/Outbound. Message priority. Accepts 0- Inbound/Outbound.9, AS_Q_DEF

Inbound/Outbound. Name of the application that Put the message. Accepts any string

Inbound/Outbound. Type of application that Put the message. Accepts any string.

Inbound/Outbound. User-defined Put application type. Accepts any string.

Inbound/Outbound. Time and date that the message was Put. Accepts year:month:date, year:month:date:hour:minute, year:month:date:hour:minute:second

Inbound/Outbound. Name of the queue manager to which reply or report messages should be sent. Accepts any sting.

Inbound/Outbound. Name of the queue to which reply or report messages should be sent. Accepts any string

Inbound/Outbound. scheme to generate the CorrelationId of reply or report message. Accepts PASS_CORREL_ID, COPY_MSG_ID

Inbound/Outbound. Scheme to generate the MessageId of reply or report message. Accepts NEW_MSG_ID, PASS_MSG_ID

Inbound/Outbound. Specifies the content of COA report. Accepts WITH_NO_DATA, WITH_PARTIAL_DATA, WITH_FULL_DATA

Inbound/Outbound. Specifies the content of COD report. Accepts WITH_NO_DATA, WITH_PARTIAL_DATA, WITH_FULL_DATA

Inbound/Outbound. Specifies the content of the Exception report. Accepts WITH_NO_DATA, WITH_PARTIAL_DATA, WITH_FULL_DATA

Inbound/Outbound. Specifies the content of the Expiry report. Accepts WITH_NO_DATA, WITH_PARTIAL_DATA, WITH_FULL_DATA

Inbound/Outbound. Specifies if the incoming/outgoing message is NAN or not. Accepts true, false

Inbound/Outbound. specify if incoming/outgoing message is PAN or not. Accepts true, false



Inbound/Outbound. Struct id of MQMD. Accepts any string

Inbound/Outbound. User who originated this message. Accepts any string.

Inbound/Outbound. Version of MQMD. Accepts VERSION_1, VERSION_2

Outbound. Correlation identifier of the message retrieved in Async req-reply scenario. Accepts hexadecimal encoded string

Outbound. Message identifier of the messageretrieved in Async req-reply scenario. Accepts hexadecimal-encoded string.

Outbound. Message Type of the message retrieved in Async req-reply scenario. Accepts any string.

Outbound. NAN report option of the message retrieved in the Async req-reply scenario. Aceepts true, false

Outbound. PAN report option of the message retrieved in the Async req-reply scenario. Accepts true, false

Outbound. ReplyToQueueManager of the message retrieved in the Async req-reply scenario. Accepts any string.

Outbound. ReplyToQueue of the message retrieved in the Async req-reply scenario. Accepts any string.

Outbound. Correlation scheme, for generation of CorrelationId, of the message retrieved in Async req-reply scenario. Accepts PASS_CORREL_ID, COPY_MSG_ID

Outbound. Correlation scheme, for generation of MessageId, of the message retrieved in Async req-reply scenario. Accepts NEW_MSG_ID, PASS_MSG_ID

Outbound. Queue Manager for outbound queue. Accepts any string

Outbound. Queue name of outbound queue. Accepts any string.

Table A-18 Connection Properties for Oracle MQ Series Adapter

Property Description


Name of the host computer.


Port number to be used.


Set it to the server connection channel to be used.


A valid queue manager name.


Set CipherSuite to the name matching the CipherSpec set on the SVRCONN channel. If set to null (default), then no SSL encryption is performed.


Character encoding used by the client.


Location of the connection factory.


Operating system used by the host computer.


Algorithm used by the key store.


This value is the keystore where Oracle MQ Series Adapter has its private keys. This is required when an adapter must authenticate itself to the MQ Series server.


This value is the password that is required to access keystore.


The name of the keystore provider.


This is the location where the adapter keeps its trusted certificates information. This information is required when an adapter must authenticate to the MQ Series server.


This property specifies the password of the Trust Store location.


This property specifies the type of the key store.


Key Management Algorithm.


A distinguished name pattern. If CipherSuite is set, you can use this variable to ensure that the correct queue manager is used. If set to null (default), then the DN of the queue manager is not checked. This variable is ignored if sslCipherSuite is null.


The true or false value for this property means that the Oracle MQ Series Adapter is SSL enabled or SSL disabled.


This property is used if credential mapping is not set.


This is the password to connect to the queue manager. This property is used if credential mapping is not set.


This property is used to enable or disable XA transactions. If set to true, then XA transaction is enabled.


This is the Receive Exit java class, which gets triggered when you receive a message on a particular queue.


This is the Security Exit java class, which enables you to customize the security flows that occur when an attempt is made to connect to a queue manager.


This is the Send Exit java class, which gets triggered when you send a message to a particular queue.

Table A-19 Binding Properties for Oracle MQ Series Adapter

Property Description

This property is used to specify the name of the inbound MQ queue.

This property is used for dequeuing the messages with binary zero value. The default value for this property is true.

A.7 Generic Oracle JCA Adapter Properties

This section describes the properties applicable to all Oracle JCA Adapters, including:

For properties specific to each of the Oracle JCA Adapters, see:

For more information, see Section, "Oracle JCA Adapters Endpoint Properties", in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

Table A-20 JCA Properties for all Oracle JCA Adapters

Property Description


An optional adapter-config attribute of type xs:string.

When set to the name of the WSDL associated with the adapter's JCA file, the Oracle Service Bus can automatically resolve the WSDL to allow bulk import of JCA files and related WSDL and schemas.

The example below shows the FulfillmentBatch_jms.jca file with the adapter-config attribute wsdlLocation set to the name of the corresponding WSDL file FulFillmentBatch.wsdl.

<adapter-config name="FulfillmentBatch" adapter="Jms Adapter" xmlns="" wsdlLocation="FulfillmentBatch.wsdl" >

A.8 Generic Oracle Adapter Binding Properties

This section describes the properties applicable to all Oracle JCA Adapters, including:

For properties specific to each of the Oracle JCA Adapters, see:

For more information, see Section, "Oracle JCA Adapters Endpoint Properties", in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

Table A-21 Binding Properties for all Oracle JCA Adapters

Property Description


Supplies a custom work manager instead of the default that is currently used in adapters


Inbound-only. This property is configured in milliseconds. Ensures that there at least will be MILLI_SECONDS delay between two consecutive messages being posted to the downstream composite application.

Note that minimumDelayBetweenMessages is effective per adapter polling thread. If multiple adapter polling threads have been configured, this setting will control the delay between messages processed by each thread only.