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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal
11g Release 1 (

Part Number E10148-20
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40 Using People Connections Data Controls and Java APIs

This chapter provides an overview of People Connections service data controls and Java APIs. It further provides details about each data control and how to add it to your project and a pointer to information about how to use data controls in a WebCenter Portal: Framework application.

This chapter includes the following sections:

40.1 Using People Connections Data Controls

The People Connections service provides data controls that enable you to create your own visualization of the People Connections functionality. This section provides an overview of the following data controls and lists and describes their supported methods, attributes, and classes:

This section also includes the following subsections:

40.1.1 Adding a Data Control to Your Project

You add a data control to your project by right-clicking it in the Resource Palette and selecting Add to Project from the resulting context menu. Once added, you can browse the data control's methods and attributes by expanding it in the Data Controls panel in the Application Navigator.

You add a data control to an application page by dragging it onto the page from the Data Controls panel. Once placed, a context menu opens with options for selecting the type of component to which to bind the data, such as a button or a text box.

To implement a People Connections Data Control:

  1. Create a WebCenter Portal: Framework application in JDeveloper.

  2. In your WebCenter portal application, navigate to Resource Catalog > Services Catalog > Data Controls.

  3. Select a People Connection Data Control and right-click the control.

  4. Click Add to Project in the context menu.

    The Data Controls appear in the Application Navigator Projects Data Controls folder.

  5. Expand the Data Controls folder.

    On expanding, the Data Control objects and their corresponding Java methods appear.

  6. Drag and drop the data control object on to the.jspx page and select the ADF Table option in the drop-down Table menu list, shown in Figure 40-1.

    Figure 40-1 The Data Control Object Dragged and Dropped on to a .jspx Page With ADF Table Selected

    Description of Figure 40-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 40-1 The Data Control Object Dragged and Dropped on to a .jspx Page With ADF Table Selected"

  7. To use the available Java methods, drag the methods to the .jspx page and select the Method item in the Create menu list, as shown in Figure 40-2, and bind it to the data in your project to achieve the desired functionality.

    Figure 40-2 Dragging and Dropping Java Methods to the .jspx Page and Selecting Method in the Create Menu List

    Description of Figure 40-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 40-2 Dragging and Dropping Java Methods to the .jspx Page and Selecting Method in the Create Menu List"

See Also:

For more information about using data controls in a WebCenter Portal: Framework application, see Section 7.1.3, "Using WebCenter Portal Data Controls."

40.1.2 Working with People Connections Management Data Control

The People Connections Management Data Control provides methods for adding and managing connections and connections lists. The primary methods exposed include:

The subsections in this section list and describe the methods associated with the People Connections Management Data Control. connectionLists

A collection of details about connections lists, including the list ID, name, localized name, number of members, whether or not the list is modifiable, and member user IDs. Table 40-1 lists and describes the attributes associated with this method.

Table 40-1 Attributes of the Method connectionLists

Attribute Description


The connections lists IDs


The names of connections lists


The localized names of connections lists


The number of members on each named connections list


Information about whether a named connections list can be modified


The user IDs of members on each named connections list groupedPeopleCounts

The number of connections contained in each connections group. receivedInvitations

A collection of details about a received invitation to connect, including when the invitation was sent and received, the invitation's GUID, the invitation message, and the user IDs of the user who sent the invitation and who received it. Table 40-2 lists and describes the attributes associated with this method.

Table 40-2 Attributes of the Method receivedInvitations

Attribute Description


The date the invitation was received according to the recipient's time stamp


The date the invitation was sent according to the sender's time stamp.


The GUID of the received invitation


The invitation message


The user ID of the person who received the invitation


The user ID of the person who sent the invitation


The date the invitation was sent according to the system time stamp sentInvitations

A collection of details about a sent invitation to connect, including when the invitation was sent and received, the invitation's GUID, the invitation message, and the user IDs of the user who sent the invitation and who received it. lists and describes the attributes associated with this method. Table 40-3 lists and describes the attributes associated with this method.

Table 40-3 Attributes of the Method sentInvitations

Attribute Description


The date the invitation was received according to the recipient's time stamp


The date the invitation was sent according to the sender's time stamp


The unique GUID of the received invitation


The invitation message


The user ID of the person who received the invitation


The user ID of the person who sent the invitation


The date the invitation was sent according to the system time stamp acceptInvitation(String invitationId)

A method for accepting invitations to connect. Table 40-4 lists and describes the parameters associated with this method.

Table 40-4 Parameters of the Method acceptInvitations

Parameter Description


The GUID of the invitation to connect to be accepted addConnectionsToList(List userids, String listName)

A method for adding identified users to a named connections list. Table 40-5 lists and describes the parameters associated with this method.

Table 40-5 Parameters of the Method addConnectionsToList

Parameter Description


The user names of the users to add to the named connections list


The name of the connections list to which to add identified users createConnectionList(String listName)

A method for creating a connections list. Table 40-6 lists and describes the parameters associated with this method.

Table 40-6 Parameters of the Method createConnectionList

Parameter Description


The name to give the new connections list declineInvitation(String invitationId)

A method for declining an invitation to connect. Table 40-7 lists and describes the parameters associated with this method.

Table 40-7 Parameters of the Method declineInvitation

Parameter Description


The unique GUID of the declined invitation dropConnectionList(String listName)

Method for deleting a connections list. Table 40-8 lists and describes the parameters associated with this method.

Table 40-8 Parameters of the Method dropConnectionList

Parameter Description


The name of the connections list to delete getConnectionList(String connectionListName)

Returns an object that represents a Connections List. This object provides details about a connections list acquired for the given connection list name. Table 40-9 lists and describes the parameters associated with this method. Table 40-10 lists and describes the attributes associated with this method.

Table 40-9 Parameters of the Method getConnectionList

Parameter Description


The name of the connections list for which to return the following attributes (see Table 40-10):

  • id

  • listName

  • localizedName

  • memberCount

  • modifiable

  • memberUserIds

Table 40-10 Attributes of the Method getConnectionList

Attribute Description


The unique GUID of the connections list to return


The name of the connections list to return


The localized name of the connections list to return


The number of members on the connections list to return


An indicator of whether the returned connections list can be modified


The user IDs of the members of a returned connections list getConnections(String userid, String connectionListName, String filterPattern, String sortBy, int startIndex, int fetchSize)

Returns the Connection object, which provides details about the connection, including the connection's user ID, the connections lists on which the connection is a member, and details from a connection's profile. Table 40-11 lists and describes the parameters associated with this method. Table 40-12 lists and describes the attributes associated with this method.

Table 40-11 Parameters of the Method getConnections

Parameter Description


The user ID for each returned connection


The name of the connection list from which to obtain connections


A filter to use against returned connections, such as "co," which returns condoleezza as well as nicole


The order by which to sort connections

Enter LAST_ACTIVITY_TIME to sort connections in descending date/time order. Leave blank to sort alphabetically by name.


The point from which to start fetching results

This is used for pagination. For example, the search can return 50 matching records, and only 10 are needed, starting from 1. Set startIndex to 1 and fetchSize to 10.


The number of results to return (see startIndex)

Table 40-12 Attributes of the Method getConnections

Attribute Description


The user ID of a connection


The names of connections lists of which the connection is a member


The connectee's Profile details getNumberOfConnections(String userid, String connectionListName, String filterPattern)

Returns the number of users (int) connected to the identified user. Table 40-13 lists and describes the parameters associated with this method. Table 40-14 lists and describes the attributes associated with this method.

Table 40-13 Parameters of the Method getNumberOfConnections

Parameter Description


The user ID for whom to return the number of connections


The name of the connection list from which to obtain a count


A filter to use against returned connections, such as "co," which returns condoleezza as well as nicole

Table 40-14 Attributes of the Method getNumberOfConnections

Attribute Description


The number of connections to return ignoreInvitation(String invitationId)

Specifies that the invitation with the specified ID should be ignored. Table 40-15 lists and describes the parameters associated with this method.

Table 40-15 Parameters of the Method ignoreInvitation

Parameter Description


The GUID of the connection invitation to ignore inviteUserForConnection(String userid, String invitationMessage, Collection connectionListNames)

A means of inviting the user with the specified user ID to connect. Includes the invitation message, such as, "I would like you to be my connection." Also includes one or more connection list names to which to add the invitee once the invitation is accepted. Table 40-16 lists and describes the parameters associated with this method.

Table 40-16 Parameters of the Method inviteUserForConnection

Parameter Description


User ID of the invitee


Connection message, such as, "Let's connect!"


The names of the connections lists to add the invitee to once the invitation is accepted isConnectionListModifiable(String listName)

Returns true or false (boolean) as to whether the named connections list can be modified. Table 40-17 lists and describes the parameters associated with this method. Table 40-18 lists and describes the attributes associated with this method.

Table 40-17 Parameters of the Method isConnectionListModifiable

Parameter Description


The name of the connections list for which to determine whether it can be modified

Table 40-18 Attributes of the MethodisConnecitonListModifiable

Attribute Description


True or false, depending on whether the named connections list can be modified isConnectionPartOfUnmodifiableList(String connecteeGuid)

Returns true or false (boolean) as to whether the identified user is a member of a connections list that cannot be modified. Table 40-19 lists and describes the parameters associated with this method.

Table 40-19 Parameters of the Method isConnectionPartOfUnmodifiableList

Parameter Description


The GUID of the connection for whom to determine whether this connection is a member of a connections list that cannot be modified removeConnection(String userid, boolean fromListOnly, String listName)

A method for removing the identified connection either as a connection or from a connections list. Table 40-20 lists and describes the parameters associated with this method.

Table 40-20 Parameters of the Method removeConnection

Parameter Description


The user name of the connection to remove from the specified list


A flag (true or false) indicating whether to remove the user as a connection or remove the user only from the specified connections list


The name of the connections list from which to remove the specified user searchUsers(String filterPattern, int startIndex, int fetchSize)

Returns the object Users, which is a collection of details about returned users, including the user's relational attributes, GUID, and profile details. Table 40-21 lists and describes the parameters associated with this method. Table 40-22 lists and describes the attributes associated with this method.

Table 40-21 Parameters of the Method searchUsers

Parameter Description


A filter to use against returned search terms, such as "co," which returns condoleezza as well as nicole


The point from which to start fetching results

This is used for pagination. For example, the search can return 50 matching records, and only 10 are needed, starting from 1. Set startIndex to 1 and fetchSize to 10.


The number of results to return (see startIndex)

Table 40-22 Attributes of the Method searchUsers

Attribute Description



The user's unique GUID


The user's Profile details updateConnectionListsMembership(String member, Collection addListIds, Collection removeListIds)

Provides a means of updating an identified connection's list membership by adding the connection to identified connections lists and removing the connection from identified connections lists. Table 40-23 lists and describes the parameters associated with this method.

Table 40-23 Parameters of the updateConnectionListsMembership Method

Parameter Description


The user name of the member whose connections list membership to manage


The names of the connections lists to which to add the identified user


The names of the connections lists from which to remove the identified user

40.1.3 Working with Profile Data Control

The Profile Data Control provides methods for returning and updating Profile details.

The subsections in this section list and describe the methods associated with the Profile Data Control. Method: getProfile(String userId)

A method for returning the WCUserProfile object, which is a collection of user Profile details. Table 40-24 lists and describes the parameters associated with this method.

Table 40-24 Parameters for the getProfile Method

Parameter Description


The ID of the user for whom to return Profile details


To see the attributes associated with the WCUserProfile object, expand the WCUserProfile node under the getProfile method on the Data Controls panel in the Application Navigator. Method: getProfileForUpdate(String userId)

A method for updating the WCUserProfile object, which is a collection of user Profile details. Table 40-25 lists and describes the parameters associated with this method.

Table 40-25 Parameters for the getProfileForUpdate Method

Parameter Description


The ID of the user for whom to update Profile details


To see the attributes associated with the WCUserProfile object, expand the WCUserProfile node under the getProfileForUpdate method on the Data Controls panel in the Application Navigator.

40.2 People Connections Service Java APIs

The People Connections service has associated Java APIs that you can use to work with service features. These include:

Look in Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter Portal for more information