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Part Number E10149-12
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49 Working with Wiki Documents

WebCenter Portal: Spaces enables you to create wiki documents, which multiple users can use to create and edit content that is relevant, useful, and up-to-date.

This chapter describes how to create and manage wiki documents. It includes the following sections:


The tasks described in this chapter are available only if Content Server 11g is configured as the content repository.


This chapter is intended for Spaces users interested in creating and managing wiki documents. To perform the tasks described in this chapter, users need to be assigned a role that includes the Edit Pages and Create and Edit Documents (which includes delete permissions on wiki documents that you create).

To delete wiki documents that are not your own, you must have Delete Documents permission. To configure workflows or access control settings, you must have Document Administration permission. For information about roles and permissions, see Section, "Understanding Permissions and Permission Models in a Space."

49.1 Prerequisites for Enabling Wiki Functionality

To support wiki functionality, the Documents service relies on Content Server, the content repository that stores the wiki documents. For wiki functionality to be available in Spaces, the following prerequisites must be met:

49.2 What You Should Know About Wiki Documents

Wiki documents epitomize the concepts of community and collaboration by allowing all authorized community members to contribute their information to a body of knowledge. Wiki documents are web pages that offer in-place editing using HTML or a simple mark-up language called wiki mark-up. Users with sufficient permissions on a wiki document can add, revise, or delete content. Wikipedia ( is a widely-known example of the use of wiki documents. Users from all over the world collaborate to create and edit Wikipedia pages, resulting in a rich, dynamic knowledge base for everyone's benefit.

In Spaces, you can create a wiki document using either of the following two methods:

Wiki documents created using either of the two methods offer the same in-place editing features through the Rich Text Editor (RTE).

The method you choose for creating wiki documents really depends on your preferences. If you want to expose a wiki document as a separate page in your Spaces application, and want users to feel that there is a dedicated area for wikis, use the Wiki page style method. If you do not require these features, and just want to create a wiki document (among other types of documents) in your space's document hierarchy, use the New Wiki Document action.

Table 49-1 summarizes the differences between the two methods of creating wiki documents:

Table 49-1 Distinguishing Features Between Methods of Creating Wikis

Feature New Wiki Document Action
(Section 49.4.1, "Creating a Wiki Document Using the New Wiki Document Action")
Wiki Page Style
(Section 49.4.2, "Creating a Wiki Document Using the Wiki Page Style")


In the default side navigation page template, does not display wiki documents as a separate page in the space navigation area.

A wiki document is exposed as a file in the folder where it was created on the Documents page of the space, just like any other file.

Exposes wiki documents within a dedicated page in the navigation area of a space (the location depends on the page template used). The screenshot shows an example of navigation to a wiki page in a space using the default side navigation page template.

A wiki page is exposed as a folder on the Documents page of the space, just like any other page.

Wiki document

Document storage

Does not create a separate folder to store a wiki document, and the navigation is not constrained.

The screenshot shows Savs Wiki as the wiki document created in the document hierarchy.

Automatically creates a new folder (with the same name as the wiki page) under the root folder in the document hierarchy, and creates a default wiki document in the folder, with the same name as the page name. This method restricts navigation to start at this folder.

The screenshot shows the folder named MyWikiPage. It contains a default wiki document named MyWikiPage. The folder and the wiki document were automatically created when the Wiki page style method was used for creating a page named MyWikiPage.

Wiki document in the Documents page hiearchy

Permissions inherited by a wiki document

Inherits permissions from the folder in which it is created.

In a space, the newly created wiki page inherits space permissions (where Moderator and Participant roles have Create, Edit, and Delete permissions, and Viewer role has only View permission).

In the Home space, a newly created wiki page inherits the same permissions as a public folder; the owner is granted the Administer, Read, Write, and Delete permissions, and public users are granted only the Read access.

Permissions required to create wiki documents

See also Section 49.3, "Permissions Required for Working with Wiki Documents"

Create and Edit Documents permission.

To create a page based on the Wiki page style and then be able to create wiki documents within the page, users require:

  • Create Pages or Create, Edit, Delete Pages permission for the Page service.

  • Create and Edit Documents permission for the Documents service.


The root folder where Content Server stores a space is /spaces/space_name; a Home space is stored in /spaces/user_name.

49.3 Permissions Required for Working with Wiki Documents

The following sections discuss the permissions required to create and manage wiki documents:

49.3.1 Permissions for Using the New Wiki Document Action

To create a wiki document using the New Wiki Document action and edit the document, you must be granted the Create and Edit Documents permission (Figure 49-1). To delete wiki documents, you require the Delete Documents permission. These permissions are available to the Moderator and Participant roles by default.

Figure 49-1 Documents Service Permissions for Working with Wiki Documents

Documents permissions
Description of "Figure 49-1 Documents Service Permissions for Working with Wiki Documents"

49.3.2 Permissions for Working with Wiki Pages


By default the authenticated-role is granted View permission on wiki pages. This means that all authenticated users logged into Spaces can view a wiki page in the Home space, or any space to which they have access. Additional permissions on the page are determined by the security set on the page, as described in Section 26.1, "Setting Access on a Page Through Page Properties."

To create and edit wiki documents using the Wiki page style, you must be granted Page service permissions in addition to the Documents service permissions:

  • Standard permission model: If this permission model is used, creating and editing wiki documents requires:

  • Advanced permission model: If this permission model is used, creating and editing wiki documents requires:

    • Create and Edit Documents permission for the Documents service (Figure 49-1).

    • Create Pages or Create, Edit, and Delete Pages permission for the Pages service (Figure 49-3).

Figure 49-3 Page Service Permissions for Working with Wiki Documents

Page service permissions required for wiki documents
Description of "Figure 49-3 Page Service Permissions for Working with Wiki Documents"

49.4 Creating a Wiki Document

The following sections describe how to create a wiki document in a Spaces application:

49.4.1 Creating a Wiki Document Using the New Wiki Document Action

To understand the differences between the two methods of creating a wiki document, see Section 49.2, "What You Should Know About Wiki Documents."

To create a wiki document using the New Wiki Document action on the Documents page or in a Documents service task flow:

  1. Navigate to the Documents page or the page that contains a Document Explorer, Document Viewer, Document Manager, or Folder Viewer task flow. Browse to the folder where you want to create a wiki document.

  2. Click New Wiki Document (Figure 49-4).

    Figure 49-4 Creating a New Wiki Document

    Creating a New Wiki Document

    The Rich Text Editor (RTE) opens (Figure 49-5), displaying a blank wiki document.

    Figure 49-5 Rich Text Editor Displaying New Wiki Document

    New Wiki Document in Rich Text Editor
  3. In the Title field, enter a display name for the wiki document.


    When naming wiki documents, the following characters are not allowed:

    \ / : [ ] * ' " | ?

    Letters, numbers, spaces, and periods (.) are allowed.

  4. Add and preview the text, formatting, styling, and links in the Rich Text, HTML, Wiki Markup, and/or Preview tabbed panes. For information about working with the RTE, see Section 43.11, "Using the Rich Text Editor (RTE)."

  5. Click Create to save your changes and exit the editor.

    The new wiki document displays in the Document Viewer, ready to be edited by other space members (Figure 49-12).

    Figure 49-6 Wiki Document Created Using New Wiki Document Action

    Wiki Document Created Using New Wiki Document Action

    On the Documents page in the space, the new wiki document (Release Schedule) is saved as a document in the current folder, as shown in Figure 49-13.

    Figure 49-7 Wiki Document Created Using New Wiki Document Action

    Wiki Document Created Using New Wiki Document Action

49.4.2 Creating a Wiki Document Using the Wiki Page Style

To understand the differences between the two methods of creating a wiki document, see Section 49.2, "What You Should Know About Wiki Documents."

To create a wiki document using the Wiki page style:

  1. Navigate to the space in which you want to create a wiki document and open the Create dialog.

  2. In the Page Name field, enter a display name for the dedicated wiki page.

    The name that you enter here is also shown as the name of dedicated folder that is created, and the name of the first, default wiki document created within the folder.


    While there are restrictions on naming wiki documents, there are no naming restrictions for page names. However, while any of the following characters can be used to name the wiki page, the page title will include the character(s) but the associated wiki document will replace the illegal character with "_".

    \ / : [ ] * ' " | ?

    For example, if you create a wiki page named "What's In a Name?", the page will have this title, but the associated wiki document will be named "What_s In a Name_".

  3. From the Page Style options, select Wiki (Figure 49-8).

    Figure 49-8 Creating a Wiki Document Using the Wiki Page Style

    Create dialog with Wiki page option
    Description of "Figure 49-8 Creating a Wiki Document Using the Wiki Page Style"


    The Wiki page style becomes available in the Create dialog in a space only if Spaces is integrated with Content Server 11g, and the Documents service is enabled for the space.

    For information about setting up a connection to Content Server, see "Registering Content Repositories" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal. For information about enabling the Documents service, see Section 53.10.1, "Enabling and Disabling Services Available to a Space."

  4. Click Create.

    The newly created wiki displays as a separate page, containing a default wiki document with default text (Figure 49-9). The breadcrumbs at the top display the path where the wiki document is created in the document hierarchy. In the wiki document, you can replace the default text with the desired content. For information, see Section 49.5, "Editing a Wiki Document."

    Figure 49-9 Default Wiki Document Created Using the Wiki Page Style

    A newly created wiki document
    Description of "Figure 49-9 Default Wiki Document Created Using the Wiki Page Style"

    On the Documents page, you can find the newly created wiki document stored in a separate folder for the wiki page under the root folder, as shown in Figure 49-10. Both the folder and the default wiki document share the same name.

    Figure 49-10 Default Wiki Document for a Wiki Page in the Document Hierarchy

    A Newly Created Wiki Document in Document Hierarchy
    Description of "Figure 49-10 Default Wiki Document for a Wiki Page in the Document Hierarchy"

49.4.3 Creating a Wiki Document Within a Wiki Page

A page based on the Wiki page style contains a default wiki document. Anyone with appropriate permissions on the wiki page can create additional wiki documents using the New Wiki Document action. These wiki documents are siblings of the default wiki document, and are all stored in the dedicated folder that is automatically created for the wiki page.

You can create an additional wiki document within a wiki page in either of the following ways:

  • Navigate to the folder for the page, and create a new wiki document as described in Section 49.4.1, "Creating a Wiki Document Using the New Wiki Document Action."

  • Navigate to the wiki page and select the New Wiki Document action, as described in the following steps:

    1. In the wiki page, select the New Wiki Document action.

      The way you select this action depends on the page template used in your space.

      Figure 49-11 shows a wiki page open in a space that uses a side navigation page template. Clicking the page name in the breadcrumbs or the dropdown arrow next to the page name displays a menu that contains the New Wiki Document action.

      Figure 49-11 The New Wiki Document Option Available for a Wiki Page

      The New Wiki Document Option
      Description of "Figure 49-11 The New Wiki Document Option Available for a Wiki Page"

    2. In the Rich Text Editor (RTE), in the Title field, enter a name for the new wiki document (for example, Project Plan).

    3. Add, revise, and preview text, formatting, styling, and links in the Rich Text, HTML, Wiki Markup, and/or Preview tabbed panes. For information about working with the RTE, see Section 43.11, "Using the Rich Text Editor (RTE)."

    4. Click Create to save your changes and exit the editor.

      The new wiki document displays in the Document Viewer, ready to be edited by other space members (Figure 49-12).

      Figure 49-12 New Wiki Document Associated with a Wiki Page

      New Wiki Document Associated with a Wiki Page

      On the Documents page in the space, the new wiki document (Project Plan) is saved as a document under its parent wiki folder (ProjectWiki), along with the wiki document created as the default wiki page document (ProjectWiki), as shown in Figure 49-13.

      Figure 49-13 Wiki Document Created Within a Wiki Page

      Wiki Document Created Within a Wiki Page
      Description of "Figure 49-13 Wiki Document Created Within a Wiki Page"

      In the wiki page, the dropdown arrow next to the page name in the breadcrumbs displays a menu that includes the wiki documents created within the page (in this example, Project Plan) (Figure 49-14).

      Figure 49-14 List of Wiki Documents Associated with Wiki Page

      List of Wiki Documents
      Description of "Figure 49-14 List of Wiki Documents Associated with Wiki Page"

49.5 Editing a Wiki Document

You use the Rich Text Editor (RTE) to add or revise the content of your wiki documents.


The Rich Text Editor (RTE) can edit wiki documents up to 1MB in size. For wiki documents larger than 1MB, the Edit action is not active.

When you open a wiki document for editing, Spaces automatically checks the file out. If another user is already editing a wiki document when you try to open it, the Documents service displays a message that the wiki document has already been checked out. On the Documents page or in a Documents service task flow, a lock icon displays alongside a wiki document that is checked out. When you hover the mouse cursor over the lock icon, the name of the user who has checked out the wiki document displays.

Whenever you save changes to a wiki document, Spaces automatically checks the file in and creates a new version of the wiki document. This means that the last saved version of a wiki document appears as the current version.

To edit a wiki document:

  1. Open your wiki document in edit mode in any of the following ways, depending on your view:

    • On the Documents page or in a Documents service task flow, click in the row of the wiki document you want to edit. From the File menu, select Edit, or right-click the file and select Edit from the context menu to open the wiki document in the RTE.

    • In the Document Viewer preview pane, click the Edit action (Figure 49-15).

      Figure 49-15 Wiki Document in Document Viewer Preview Pane

      Wiki Document in Document Viewer Preview Pane
    • In a wiki page, click the Edit action to edit the default wiki document.

    • In a wiki page, click the dropdown arrow next to the page name in the breadcrumbs to select and open a wiki document created within the page.(Figure 49-16), then click the Edit action.

      Figure 49-16 List of Wiki Documents Associated with Wiki Page

      List of Wiki Documents
      Description of "Figure 49-16 List of Wiki Documents Associated with Wiki Page"

  2. In the RTE, add, revise, and preview text, formatting, styling, and links in the Rich Text, HTML, Wiki Markup, and/or Preview tabbed panes. For information about working with the RTE, see Section 43.11, "Using the Rich Text Editor (RTE)."

  3. Select the Minor Edit? check box if you do not want to notify space members about your changes.

    Leaving this check box deselected updates the Activity Stream and sends notifications after you save your changes.

  4. Click Save to save your changes and continue editing, or click Save and Close to save your changes and exit the editor.

49.6 Exposing an Existing Wiki Document

This section includes the following sections:

49.6.1 Exposing an Existing Wiki Document as a Wiki Page

When you create a wiki page using the Wiki page style, it is listed in the document hierarchy, and is exposed as a separate page in the navigation area in your space. However, when you create a wiki document using the New Wiki Document action, the wiki document is listed in only in the document hierarchy. For easy access to such a wiki document, you can publish it to appear as a page in the navigation area.

To publish an existing wiki document as a page in the navigation area:

  1. On the Documents page, create a folder with the same name as the existing wiki document at the root level of the space (see Section 43.7, "Creating a Folder"). For example, if the existing wiki document is named Project Plan, create a folder named Project Plan (Figure 49-17).

    Figure 49-17 Folder Created at the Space Root Level

    Folder Created at the Space Root Level
    Description of "Figure 49-17 Folder Created at the Space Root Level"

  2. Move the existing wiki document to the newly created folder (see Section 43.15, "Moving Folders and Files").


    The wiki document must have been originally created using the New Wiki Document action, as described in Section 49.4.1, "Creating a Wiki Document Using the New Wiki Document Action."

  3. Open the Create dialog to create a new page in the space.

  4. In the Page Name field, enter the display name of the existing wiki document that you want to expose; for example, Project Plan.


    When naming wiki documents, the following characters are not allowed:

    \ / : [ ] * ' " | ?

    Letters, numbers, spaces, and periods (.) are allowed.

  5. From the Page Style options, select Wiki.

  6. Click Create.

    The wiki document is now exposed as a separate page in the navigation area. The location depends on the page template used in your space. Figure 49-18 shows the Project Plan wiki document exposed as a page in the navigation area in a space, under Wikis.

    Figure 49-18 A Wiki Document Exposed as a Page

    A Wiki Document Exposed Under the Wiki Category
    Description of "Figure 49-18 A Wiki Document Exposed as a Page"

49.6.2 Exposing an Existing Wiki Document Using Content Presenter

The Content Presenter task flow allows you to select a wiki document, and render its content in a specific template on a page. For information, see Section 42, "Publishing Content Using Content Presenter."

49.7 Managing Wiki Documents

Table 49-2 lists the tasks that you can perform to manage wiki documents, with links to the steps that describe how to perform each task for any kind of file.

Table 49-2 Managing Wiki Documents

Task Description For more information, see...

Opening a wiki document for viewing

You can open a wiki document on the Documents page or in a Documents service task flow.

If your wiki document is exposed through a wiki page, you can open the wiki page, then access the wiki document from the wiki page's dropdown menu, as shown in Figure 49-14.

Section 43.10, "Opening a File"

Downloading a wiki document

You can download a wiki document from the content repository to your local file system. You can access the Download action from the Documents page, Documents service task flows, or the Document Viewer preview pane.

Note: Spaces does not support uploading a new wiki document or a new version of a wiki document from the file system. If you upload an HTML file, you cannot convert it to a wiki document due to differences in underlying metadata.

Section 43.12.3, "Downloading a File"

Renaming a wiki document

You can rename a wiki document as desired.

Section 43.13, "Renaming a Folder or File"

Section 43.22.2, "Working with File Properties"

Deleting a wiki document

You can delete a wiki document if it is no longer required.

Section 43.16, "Deleting Folders and Files"

Viewing, adding, and deleting comments on a wiki document

You can associate comments with a wiki document to provide additional information that you may want to convey to other users about it.

Note: A user with view-only permissions can add comments to a wiki document in the Comments pane. The comment display is limited to 500 characters.

Section 43.19, "Viewing, Entering, and Deleting Comments on a File"

Viewing and adding tags to a wiki document

You can add tags to a wiki document to specify keywords related to the content of the post to make it more widely discoverable in search results.

Section 43.20, "Working with Tags"

Viewing and deleting versions of a wiki document

Every time you save a wiki document, Spaces saves a new version of the post and maintains the version history. You can view and delete the various versions. However, you cannot restore an older version of a wiki document.

Section 43.21, "Viewing and Deleting File Version History"

Viewing and modifying properties of a wiki document

You can view the basic and advanced properties associated with a wiki document. However, you can modify only the name and description of a wiki document.

Section 43.22.2, "Working with File Properties"

Viewing and adding links to a wiki document

Using the Select Resource and New Resource icons in the RTE, you can add links from a wiki document to existing resources, or create and link to new resources. Note that these inline links are not added to the Links tab associated with the details of the wiki document.

Table 43-8, "Rich Text Editor Toolbar Icons and Controls on Rich Text Tab" (Select Resource and New Resource icons)

Opening or saving wiki documents as PDF files

You can open or save the PDF version of the currently open wiki document. This choice is available if Content Server is configured to convert wiki documents to PDF format, and your application administrator must configure the WebCenter Conversion component, as described in "Enabling the Conversion of Wikis and Blogs into PDFs" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Section 43.26, "Opening or Saving PDF Files"

Sharing the URL of a wiki document

You can directly access a wiki document using its URL. You can share the link by publishing it to the Activity Stream or sending the link in a mail message.

Section 43.27, "Sharing the URL for a Folder or File"

Setting up the security for a wiki document

You can secure a wiki document by setting custom access permissions or choosing to inherit the permissions of the parent folder.

The option to set security for wiki documents is available if item level security has been enabled on Content Server.

Section 43.23, "Setting Security Options on a Folder or File"

Subscribing to a wiki document

You can subscribe to a wiki document to receive notifications for activities such as comments, likes, updates, or deletions. You are notified through your selected messaging channel.

Section 43.28, "Subscribing to a File"

Liking or unliking a wiki document

To indicate that a wiki document is of particular interest to you, you can "like" it. If a wiki document is already liked, you can "unlike" it if you no longer wish to highlight your preference.

Section 43.29, "Liking and Unliking a File"