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Oracle® Clinical Installation Guide
Release 5.0.1

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2 Installing Oracle Clinical Database Server on UNIX

This chapter describes how to install Oracle Database and the Oracle Clinical Database Server on a UNIX computer.

This chapter includes the following topics:

If you are upgrading to Oracle Clinical 5.0.1, see Chapter 11. If you are using Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC), see Section 1.4, "Supported Configurations with Oracle Data Guard and RAC".

For database tier system requirements, see the Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) Installation Guide for your operating system.

Critical Patch Updates See Section 1.9, "Applying Oracle Critical Patch Updates."

2.1 Installing Oracle Clinical on a Real Applications Cluster (RAC) Database Configuration

Oracle Clinical Release 5.0.1 is supported with an Oracle Real Applications Cluster (RAC) distributed database installation on UNIX. Oracle recommends:

  • Configuring a Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) in which you use Oracle RAC for both your primary and standby database, synchronized using Oracle Data Guard.

  • Using the Single Client Access Name (SCAN) option. This RAC feature provides a single name for clients to access Oracle databases running in a cluster. The benefit is that the client's connect information does not need to change if you add or remove nodes in the cluster. Having a single name to access the cluster allows clients to use the EZConnect client and the simple JDBC thin URL to access any database running in the cluster, independent of which server(s) in the cluster the database is active. SCAN provides load balancing and failover for client connections to the database. The SCAN works as a cluster alias for databases in the cluster.

  • SCAN is configured during the installation of Oracle Grid Infrastructure that is distributed with Oracle Database 11g Release2. Oracle Grid Infrastructure is a single Oracle Home that contains Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM). You must install Oracle Grid Infrastructure first in order to use Oracle RAC 11g Release 2.

Oracle Data Guard is included in Oracle Database Enterprise Edition.

See Section 1.4, "Supported Configurations with Oracle Data Guard and RAC".

For more information see:

2.2 Performing Prerequisite Tasks for Installing Oracle Database

To ensure that your platform meets the minimum requirements for installing Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( and Oracle Clinical Database Server products, you must perform the following preparatory tasks:

In case you are using Real Application Clusters (RAC) you need to perform these tasks on every machine.

2.2.1 Create Owners, Groups, and Mount Points

To create the software owner, required groups, and mount points:

  1. Create the software owner and groups:

    • Create a UNIX user to own the Oracle software. Typically, the user name is oracle.

    • Create two groups: one is the Oracle Inventory group; the other is the operating system DBA group. Typically, the group names are oinstall and dba, respectively.

  2. Create mount points owned by the oracle user:

    • Create a software mount point of at least 10 GB.

    • Create mount points to hold the database files, control files, and log files, respectively.

  3. Test permissions. Ensure that the oracle user can write to the new mount points and all subdirectories.

2.2.2 Setting Up the opapps User Account and oclsascr User Group

Before you install Oracle Clinical Database Server, create the following user group and account:

  • oclsascr — The group that controls access to the files Oracle Clinical generates for SAS

  • opapps — The operating system account that owns Oracle Clinical and that runs the Parameterized Submission (PSUB) process. Create the oclsascr User Group for SAS

The oclsascr user group controls access to the files Oracle Clinical generates on the database server for SAS, including data extract files, which contain patient data.

Create a user group named oclsascr by adding it to the /etc/group file.

The preferred method for group authentication is that all groups assigned to a user should become the user's default group at login. If this method is acceptable, link the /etc/logingroup file to the /etc/group file.

If the /etc/logingroup file does not exist, create it as a symbolic link to the /etc/group file; changes in the /etc/group file automatically reflect in the /etc/logingroup file.

To create the symbolic link, enter these commands:

% su root
# cd /etc
# ln -s /etc/group /etc/logingroup

If the /etc/logingroup file already exists with entries, or if it is unacceptable to link it to the /etc/group file, you must change both the contents of /etc/logingroup and /etc/group each time you add a user to the oclsascr group. Create the opapps Account

You must create the operating system account that owns Oracle Clinical. This account also has the priviledges to run PSUB jobs. The user name for the account is opapps, with a home directory named opapps. For example:


The Oracle Clinical documentation uses the variable OPA_HOME to refer to this location on an Oracle Clinical Database Server.

Assign the following attributes to the opapps account:

  • Make a shell for this user. For example, make the default shell:


  • Make the opapps account a member of two user groups:

    • oclsascr

    • The user group that owns the Oracle Inventory. You specified the name of this group during the Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( installation. Typically, this user group is oinstall; see Section 2.2.1, "Create Owners, Groups, and Mount Points".

      If you do not know the name of this user group, log in as user oracle and enter the following command:

      more /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc

      The inst_group parameter defines the name of the user group that owns the Oracle Inventory (oraInventory). The inventory_loc parameter defines the path to the oraInventory directory.

Neither the oclsascr group nor the inst_group group has to be the primary group for the opapps account.

The opapps account also runs the PSUB service RXCPSDPS and the PSUB Launcher PSLAUNCH.

2.2.3 Configure Kernel Resources and Adjust Operating System Environment

The performance of Oracle Database relies on proper tuning of operating system parameters. In addition, if you are creating several Oracle instances, you might have to increase the amount of shared memory and semaphores on the system by setting kernel parameters.

For details, see the "Configure Kernel Parameters" section of the Oracle Database 11g Release 3 Installation Guide for your operating system.

2.2.4 Test the C Compiler Installation

To test that the correct C compiler is installed and that it is accessible:

  1. Log in to the database server as the opapps user.

  2. Test for the C compiler type:

    ls -l `which cc`

    where the ` symbols that wrap the command are single back quotes.

  3. Compare your results to the correct responses listed in Table 2-1.

    Table 2-1 Responses to the 'which cc' Command

    Operating System Response Symbolically Links To

    Oracle Linux x86-64


    (Not applicable)

    Oracle Solaris SPARC



  4. Test that the make command is accessible:

    ls -l `which make`

    where the ` symbols that wrap the command are single back quotes.

  5. Compare your results to the correct responses listed in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2 Responses to the 'which make' Command

Operating System Response Symbolically Links To

Oracle Linux x86-64


(Not applicable)

Oracle Solaris SPARC


(Not applicable)

If you do not get the correct response, you can either add the path to the cc executable or add the make command to the path in the .cshrc file for the opapps user; see Section, "Create the opapps Account".

2.2.5 Install Latest Operating System Patches

Download and install the latest operating system patches required for Oracle, if necessary. Review the latest platform-specific install bulletins for Oracle Database

2.3 Installing Oracle Database

This section includes the following topics:

2.3.1 Install Oracle Database Enterprise Edition

To install Oracle Database

  1. Locate the Oracle Database software in the staging area on the database server where you downloaded it; see Section 1.5, "Downloading and Extracting the Software."

    It is shipped as patch 13390677. This patch contains the entire Oracle Database product.

  2. Install Oracle Database For instructions see the patch readme file and Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) Installation Guide for your operating system at

  3. Choose to install the Enterprise Edition.

2.3.2 Install Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Examples

Oracle Database Examples includes the following items:

  • Oracle JDBC Development Drivers (required)

  • Oracle Database Examples (required)

  • Oracle Product Demonstrations (optional)


You do not need to install any of the sample schemas. They are not required for either Oracle Clinical or Oracle Thesaurus Management System. You can add them later if you change your mind.

To install Oracle Database Examples:

  1. Extract in the examples directory.

  2. Start Oracle Universal Installer from the examples directory and install Oracle Database Examples.

    For Windows users: double-click the setup.exe.

    For Unix users:

  3. Accept all the default values during the installation.

For more information about installing software and various Oracle product demonstrations from the Oracle Database Examples media, see the Oracle Database Examples Installation Guide at

2.4 Setting Permissions

After you install Oracle Database and before you install the Oracle Clinical component, you must:


You might have to perform these instructions whenever you apply an HSGBU-approved Critical Patch Update, or any Oracle software that uses the Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( ORACLE_HOME directory.

2.4.1 Change Permissions for Running oraenv Script

With the Bourne shell, you use the Oracle environment-setting script (oraenv) when granting write access to the ORACLE_HOME directory.

However, the oraenv script gives an error if run by a non-Oracle user. To avoid this error, set the following directory and file permissions:

drwxrwxr-x  18 oracle    oinstall  1024 Apr 11 19:11 inventory
drwxrwxr-x   3 oracle    oinstall  1024 Apr 11 18:29 ContentsXML
-rwxrwxrwx   1 oracle    oinstall   492 Apr 11 13:15 oraclehomeproperties.xml

2.4.2 Grant Access to the ORACLE_HOME Directory

Because the Installer checks if the ORACLE_HOME directory exists and if it has write access, you must change the access settings for this directory before you install the Oracle Clinical component.

To grant write access to the Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( ORACLE_HOME directory and its contents:

  1. Log in to the server as the oracle user.

  2. Source the Oracle environment-setting script to define ORACLE_HOME:

    • For C shell, use coraenv.

    • For Bourne shell, use oraenv.

    These shells are located under your Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( installation.

    Note that the oraenv script gives an error if run by a non-Oracle user. To avoid this error, see Section 2.4.1, "Change Permissions for Running oraenv Script" for setup instructions.

  3. Grant group users modification access to all files in the ORACLE_HOME directory:

    chmod -R g+rw $ORACLE_HOME

    If you receive any warning messages, you can ignore them.

2.4.3 Set Permissions for the Oracle Inventory Directory

To set the permissions for the Oracle Inventory (oraInventory) directory:

  1. Log in to the server as the oracle user.

  2. Locate the path for the oraInventory directory. The location is defined in the inventory_loc parameter in the /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc file.

    For example, suppose you enter:

    more /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc

    The system might return the oraInventory location as:


  3. Give recursive read and write permission for the oraInventory directory to the group:

    chmod -R g+rw /oraInventory_location

    For example:

    chmod -R g+rw /u01/app/oraInventory

    If you receive any warning messages, you can ignore them.

  4. Modify protections on the oraInventory directory to ensure that the group you set up as the oinstall group has write access:

    chmod -R g+w oraInventory

    Use oinstall instead of dba because the dba group membership gives you access to databases, which is a security issue. The oinstall group gives you access to the Oracle Inventory.

2.5 Installing the Oracle Clinical Database Server

This section describes how to install and set up the Oracle Clinical Database Server.

The Installer performs the following operations:

  • Creates the Oracle Clinical directory structure (see Section 2.5.6 for details)

  • Installs the Oracle Clinical Database Server

  • Builds the executables

  • Sets permissions on the directories

  • Creates the environment setup files

  • Modifies the environment setup files

  • Creates the database Oracle Wallet

  • Creates the directory for storing the SAS files

2.5.1 Gather Required Information

You must have the following information ready to enter in the Installer screens:

  1. Home Details: The ORACLE_HOME location, which is where you installed Oracle Database; for example:


  2. If you are installing in a RAC installation, the names of all RAC nodes where the same product(s) should be installed.

  3. OPA Home: the directory where Oracle Clinical will be installed; Oracle recommends:


  4. Owner of Oracle Clinical Server Code must be opapps

  5. Location for files oratab, tnsnames; for example: /etc

  6. RXC_USER: the directory where Oracle Clinical will generate SAS views; Oracle recommends:


  7. Oracle Wallet location and password. The Installer uses these to create the database Wallet in the location you specify. The database Wallet stores the password for two accounts: .

    • the OCPSUB proxy account, which is used for database access for parameterized submission (PSUB) jobs

    • the RXC_DISC_REP account used only in disconnected replication—however you must insert this one manually (if needed); see Section 4.4.3, "Set Up Disconnected Replication."

    If you have already created a Wallet through a previous installation of Oracle Clinical 5.0 or higher, you do not need to do this again.

  8. Location for the secret store. It must be accessible to the opapps user and it must be different from the Oracle Wallet location.

2.5.2 Preparing to Install the Oracle Clinical Database Server Software

To start installing the Database Server software:

  1. Log in to the database server as the opapps user.

  2. Change the primary group of the opapps account to the group that owns the Oracle Inventory:


    Make a note of the current group so that you can set it back after the installation.

    newgrp inst_group

    where inst_group is the name of the group that owns the Oracle Inventory. You specified the name during the Oracle Database installation. Typically, this user group is oinstall. (See Section, "Create the opapps Account.")

    This temporary change is necessary so that the Installer can update the Oracle Home.

  3. Set the X Window display output to the IP address of your local computer. Use the standard format for IP addresses, and add ":0" to the end of the address.

    For example:

    setenv DISPLAY

  4. Locate the Oracle Clinical software in the Oracle Clinical and Oracle Thesaurus Management System 5.0.1 directory in the staging area on the database server where you downloaded it; see Section 1.5, "Downloading and Extracting the Software."

  5. Open the ldflags file at root: app/oracle/product/ and add the following flag:


2.5.3 Installing the Oracle Clinical Database Server Software

To start the Installer:

  1. Log in to the server computer using the opapps account.

  2. In the staging area, locate the directory where you downloaded Oracle Clinical (see Section 1.5, "Downloading and Extracting the Software") and extract the .zip file if you have not already done so.

  3. Navigate to this location:


  4. Change protections on all files to 755.

    chmod 755 *

  5. Run one of the following commands, depending on whether you are using Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC):

    • For a non-RAC installation:


    • For a RAC installation:

      ./runInstaller -local

      This ensures that the installation is performed only on the local node.


    See "Using the Silent Installer" for instructions for running the Installer as a file with pre-entered parameter values.


    Although there is a button for deinstalling products on the Welcome screen, Oracle does not support using the Installer to deinstall Oracle Clinical or Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture (RDC) Onsite.
  6. In the Select a Product to Install page, select Oracle Clinical Server for UNIX 5.0.X.

  7. Follow the instructions on the installation screens, providing the information you assembled in Section 2.5.1, "Gather Required Information".

  8. You can review the progress of the installation:

    1. Open another terminal session as the opapps user.

    2. To review the relinking progress, run the following:

      tail -f OPA_HOME/oc/50/relink_rxc.log

    3. To review the installation activities, run the following:

      tail -f $ORACLE_BASE/oraInventory/logs/installActionstimestamp.log

2.5.4 Save the Installation Information

At the end of the installation, the installer screen displays the:

  • Location of the OPA_HOME directory

  • Location of the OPA_HOME/bin directory

  • Name of the code environment

Make note of this information because you need it for several post-installation tasks.

2.5.5 Review the Installation Log Files

Review the generated installation log files for errors:

  • $ORACLE_BASE/oraInventory/logs/installActions.log

    The current log file is installActions.log. All previous log generations have a timestamp appended to the name.

  • OPA_HOME/oc/50/relink_rxc.log—information on the relinking activities

  • OPA_HOME/oc/50/config_wallet_timestamp.log—information on Oracle Wallet configuration

  • OPA_HOME/oc/50/config_wallet_err_timestamp.log—this file is created only if there are errors in the Oracle Wallet configuration

Work with Oracle Support, if necessary, to resolve any errors.

2.5.6 Oracle Clinical Database Server Directory Structure for UNIX

The Installer creates the following directory structure for an Oracle Clinical Database Server on UNIX:

            /bin      (Symbolic links to the executables)
            /common   (Common files)
            /dcd      (Data Collection Definition)
            /des      (Design)
            /dm       (Data Management)
            /dx       (Data Extract)
            /glib     (Global Library)
            /install  (Install and upgrade scripts)
            /log      (PSUB log files)
            /lr       (Lab Ranges)
            /patch    (Patches to Oracle Clinical)
            /pd       (Procedure Definition)
            /psub     (Parameterized Submission process)
            /release  (Server code release marker)
            /sec      (Security tools)
            /tools    (Miscellaneous tools)

Note that OPA_HOME refers to the root installation directory of the Oracle Health Sciences products, which were formerly known as Oracle Pharmaceutical Applications (OPA). You specify the root installation directory when you install the Oracle Clinical Database Server. Typically, you specify the path to the opapps login directory; for example, /home/opapps.

2.5.7 Remove Group Privileges from this Session

Recall that before you started this installation on UNIX, you changed the primary group of the opapps account to the group that owns the Oracle Inventory (see Section 2.5.2, "Preparing to Install the Oracle Clinical Database Server Software"). This temporary change was necessary so that the Installer could update the Oracle Inventory.

To reset the privileges for the opapps account, enter the following command:

newgrp group

where group is the name of your original primary group for the opapps account.

2.6 Performing Post-installation Tasks

This section describes the following tasks that you perform to complete the installation of Oracle Clinical Database Server on a UNIX computer:

2.6.1 Complete the Setup of the opapps Account

To complete the setup of the opapps account:

  1. Create the log directory for opapps in the following location:


  2. Define the environment variables for the opapps user:

    1. Open the .cshrc file. This file is located in the home directory after you log in as the opapps user. You can use the following command to view the hidden .cshrc file:

      ls -arlt

    2. Add the following lines to the .cshrc file:

      set path=( $path ORACLE_HOME/bin ORACLE_HOME/lib )

      setenv RXC_LOG OPA_HOME/log

      source OPA_HOME/bin/copa_setup_alias


      ORACLE_HOME is the directory where you installed Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( .

      OPA_HOME is the directory where you installed Oracle Clinical Database Server.

    3. Source the .cshrc file when you finish editing it:

      source .cshrc

2.6.2 Review the opa_settings File

On UNIX systems, configurations are defined in the opa_settings file, which the Installer creates in the following directory:


The Installer enters all necessary entries and default values for the Oracle Clinical environment into the opa_settings file.

See the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide for a list of the environment variables and for information about changing, adding, and verifying values.

Review the opa_settings file and adjust the default values, if necessary. Note:

  • The db_env_setting records in the opa_settings file define a default value for particular environment variables that are set when the application calls opa_setup. You can override the default values for all databases or for a particular database.

  • See Section 1.8, "Choosing a Character Set" for important information.

  • NLS_DATE_FORMAT must be set to DD-MON-RRRR. It is possible to override this setting for display in RDC Onsite, the Patient Data Report, and Oracle Clinical data entry, but the setting in opasettings must be DD-MON-RRRR.