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Release 5.0

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6 DCAPI Structure Type Definitions

This section describes each of the data structures that are used by many of the DCAPI functions. For each structure, the section includes the syntax of the typedef declaration in dcapi.h, the functions and other structures that use this structure, and additional comments about some parameters.



typedef struct actual_events_record
    char comment[COMMENT_SIZE + 1] ;
 } ActualEventsRecord;


comment (in)

Used by DCAPI Function



This structure is used to audit changes made to a document for RDCIs, RDCMs, or response changes. Three functions use AuditInfo as a direct parameter, and two others use it indirectly by using structures that contain AuditInfo as a parameter. These functions are:

Direct: SetResponseData, SetDataComment, DeleteRepeat

Indirect: SetRdci and SetRdcm

For instructions on using the AuditInfo structure in conjunction with DeleteRdci, see the section for that function.


typedef struct audit_info
   char audit_comment[COMMENT_SIZE+1];
   char reason[AUDIT_REASON_SIZE+1];
   DCAPIFlag  needs_audit ;
} AuditInfo;


audit_comment (in/out): This parameter provides a free-text description of the transaction. It could be defaulted by the system or can be user-provided.

reason (in/out): The audit reason parameter must match a value in the reference codelists RDCI CHANGE REASON TYPE CODE or RDCI CHANGE REASON2 TYPE CODE (for RDCI and/or RDCM change or for soft deletion of a document) and DATA CHANGE REASON TYPE CODE or DATA CHANGE REASON2 TYPE CODE (for response changes). This parameter could be defaulted by the system or can be user-provided.

needs_audit (out): This parameter indicates after the function call whether the audit reason was expected but was not provided. If TRUE, an audit reason was required but was not manually provided and the system could not supply a default reason.



typedef struct data_comm
   char data_comment[COMMENT_SIZE + 1];
   AuditInfo   audit ;


data_comment (in)

audit (in): A parameter of type AuditInfo, which tracks audit information about the investigator comment.

Used in Functions



If used by SetResponseData, GetUnivDiscrepancy, or GetManualDiscrepancy, the parameters will be populated by the system. If used by SetUnivDiscrepancy or SetManualDiscrepancy, the parameters will be entered manually.


typedef struct disc_info
    char disc_type[DISC_TYPE_SIZE+1];
    char disc_rev_status[DISC_STATUS_SIZE+1];
    char disc_resolu_type[CODE_SIZE+1];
    char comment_text[EDMS_COMMENT_SIZE+1];
    char internal_comment_text[EDMS_COMMENT_SIZE+1] ; 
    char resolution[EDMS_COMMENT_SIZE+1] ; 
} DiscInfo;


The following are input parameters when DiscInfo is used by the functions SetUnivDiscrepancy and SetManualDiscrepancy; they are output parameters when used by GetUnivDiscrepancy, GetManualDiscrepancy, SetMiscDiscrepancy, and SetResponseData.

disc_type (in/out): This parameter maps to the reference codelist MANUAL SOURCE TYPE CODE for manual discrepancies. For univariate discrepancies, this parameter is system-generated and should not be changed.

disc_rev_status (in/out): This parameter maps to the installation reference codelist DISCREPANCY REV STATUS CODE.

disc_resolu_type (in/out): This parameter maps to the reference codelist DISCREPANCY RESOLU TYPE CODE.

comment_text (in/out): For univariate discrepancies, the initial value may be system-generated if a corresponding EDMS setup has been already been done. However, this value can be updated. For manual discrepancies, this parameter is a free-text description.

internal_comment_text (in/out): Free text description.

resolution (in/out): Free text description.


The ErrorInfo structure is a standalone element that DCAPI functions use to retrieve errors from the stack.


typedef struct error_info
    short int type;
    int message_id;
    char message_string[COMMENT_SIZE+1];
    char function_name[51];
} ErrorInfo;


type (out): The severity; either ERR (error) or WRN (warning).

message_id (out): the error message ID.

message_string (out): the error message.

function_name (out): the API function.

Used by Functions

All DCAPI functions


This structure is used by SetExternalContext to track changes made to data.


typedef struct context_info
   char userid[31];
   char timestamp[DATE_TIME_SIZE + 1];
   char trans_type[61]; 
   char comment[COMMENT_SIZE + 1];


userid (in): the Oracle user who is entering or modifying data.

timestamp (in): date and time of transaction.

trans_type (in): the type of transaction, which must match a value in the EXTERNAL_TRANS_TYPE reference codelist.

comment (in): free-text description of the transaction.

Used by Function



This structure is used by GetQuestGroupId to return the question group ID, given the question group name.


typedef struct group_id
 char group_name[GROUP_SIZE+1] ;
} GroupId;


group_name (in): the name of the question group.

Used in Function



This structure is used by ExecuteMultivariate to specify the criteria for multivariate validation submission.


typedef struct mv_info
     char execution_context[16];
     double procedure_id ;
     int procedure_version_sn ;
     double patient_position_id ;
     double dcm_id ;
     double clinical_study_id ;
     double clinical_study_version_id ;
     double received_dci_id;
     short int mode ;
     DCAPIFlag debug_flag ;
} MvInfo;


execution_context (in): Values are ON-LINE/DCM, ON-LINE or SINGLE

procedure_id (in)

procedure_version_sn (in)

patient_position_id (in)

dcm_id (in)

clincial_study_id (in)

clincial_study_version_id (in)

received_dci_id (in)

mode (in): Values are OCL_TEST or OCL_PROD.

debug_flag (in): Values are TRUE or FALSE.

Used in Function



This structure is used by EnrollPatient to enroll a patient in a study.


typedef struct patient_record
    char birth_date[DATE_SIZE +1];
    char sex[2];
    char first_name[16];
    char last_name[21];
    char initials[5];
    char enrollment_date[DATE_SIZE+1];
} PatientRecord;


birth_date (in)

sex (in)

first_name (in)

last_name (in)

initials (in)

enrollment_date (in)

Used in Function



The QuestionId structure is used by GetQuestionId to return the question ID, given the question group name, question name, and occurrence subset number.


typedef struct question_id
    char group_name[GROUP_SIZE+1];
    char question_name[QUESTION_SIZE+1] ;
    int qn_occurence_sn;
} QuestionId;


group_name (in): the name of its question group.

question_name (in): the name of the question.

qn_occurrence_sn (in): the occurrence subset number.

Used in Function



This structure contains the key values of the RDCI record being created or modified by CreateRdci or SetRdci.


typedef struct rdci_keys_record
    char document_number[21] ;
    char patient[11] ;
    char dci_short_name[11] ;
    char dci_date[DATE_SIZE + 1] ;
    char dci_time[TIME_SIZE + 1] ;
    char visit_name[21] ;
    short int  subevent_number ;
    char site[11] ; 
    char investigator[11] ;
    DCAPIFlag blank_flag ;
    char comment[COMMENT_SIZE + 1] ;
    AuditInfo   audit ; 
    DCAPIFlag audit_only_flag;
} RdciKeysRecord;


document_number (in): Optional for CreateRdci, required for SetRdci.

patient (in): Any unique identifier which the external system can assign to a patient. It is not necessarily the same as the 'patient position id' or the 'patient name'.

dci_short_name (in)

dci_date (in): Can be optional if the DCI does not require a date as part of its definition.

dci_time (in): Only applicable if the current DCI needs them to be collected; otherwise this parameter must be passed as null values. Passing a non-null value for this parameter when it is not applicable will cause the API function to fail. A null value for a character array field is the null ("") string.

visit_name (in)

subevent_number (in)

site (in): Any unique identifier which the external system can assign to a site.It is not necessarily same as the 'site id' or the 'site name'.

investigator (in): Any unique identifier that the external system can assign to an investigator. It is not necessarily the same as the investigator ID or the investigator name.

blank_flag (in): Value passed in are TRUE or FALSE.

comment (in): Free-text description.

audit (in): A parameter of type AuditInfo, which tracks audit information about the RDCI key or comment changes.

audit_only_flag (in): This parameter, if set to TRUE, indicates that the audit reason provided is for soft-deleting a document (via DeleteRdci), rather than for a key or comment change.

Used in Functions

CreateRdci, SetRdci


This structure contains the contents of the RDCI record that is either being retrieved from the database or being created or modified.


typedef struct rdci_record
    char document_number[21] ;
    char recvd_dci_status_code[16] ;
    char patient[11] ; 
    char dci_short_name[11] ;
    char dci_name[31] ;
    char dci_date[DATE_SIZE + 1] ;
    char dci_time[TIME_SIZE + 1] ;
    char visit_name[21] ;
    int visit_number ;
    short int subevent_number ;
    char site[11] ;
    char investigator[11] ; 
    DCAPIFlag blank_flag ; 
    char comment[COMMENT_SIZE + 1] ;
    char received_dci_entry_ts[DATE_TIME_SIZE + 1] ;
    char entered_by[31] ;
    char end_ts[DATE_TIME_SIZE + 1] ;
    DCAPIFlag data_lock_flag ; 
    char data_lock_ts[DATE_TIME_SIZE + 1] ;
    char  accessible_ts[DATE_TIME_SIZE + 1] ;
    char last_status_change_ts[DATE_TIME_SIZE + 1] ;
    char last_new_ver_ts[DATE_TIME_SIZE + 1] ;
    char modification_ts[DATE_TIME_SIZE + 1] ;
    char modified_by[31] ;
    char log_in_ts[DATE_TIME_SIZE + 1] ;
    AuditInfo   audit ;
 } RdciRecord;


document_number (out)

recvd_dci_status_code (out)

patient (out)

dci_short_name (out)

dci_name (out)

dci_date (out)

dci_time (out)

visit_name (out)

visit_number (out)

subevent_number (out)

site (out)

investigator (out)

blank_flag (out)

comment (out)

received_dci_entry_ts (out)

entered_by (out)

end_ts (out)

data_lock_flag (out)

data_lock_ts (out)

accessible_ts (out)

last_status_change_ts (out)

last_new_ver_ts (out)

modification_ts (out)

modified_by (out)

log_in_ts (out)

audit (out)


This structure is used by ProcessRdci, FetchRdci, and GetRdcmArr.


typedef struct rdcm_arr
    double rdcm_a[MAX_DCMS] ;
    int len  ;  


rdcm_a (out): an array of the received_dcm_ids of all the RDCM records.

len (in): the number of elements in the array.

Used in Function

ProcessRdci, GetRdcmArr, FetchRdci


This structure contains the key values of the RDCM record being created or modified by SetRdcm.


typedef struct rdcm_keys_record
  DCAPIFlag blank_flag ;
  char qualifying_val[71] ;
  char dsp_lab[27] ;
  char visit_name[21] ;
  short int subevent_number ;  
  char dcm_date[DATE_SIZE + 1] ; 
  char dcm_time[TIME_SIZE + 1] ; 
  char comment[COMMENT_SIZE + 1] ;
  char data_comment[COMMENT_SIZE + 1] ;
  AuditInfo   audit ;      
} RdcmKeysRecord;


The parameters qualifying_val, dsp_lab, visit_name, subevent_number, dcm_date, and dcm_time are only applicable if the current DCM needs them to be collected. Otherwise they must be passed in to any API function as null values. Passing a non-null value for any of these items when it is not applicable will cause the API function to fail. A null value for a character array field is the null ("") string. For integers use -1 to indicate a null value.

blank_flag (in): Value passed in is TRUE or FALSE.

qualifying_val (in):

dsp_lab (in):

visit_name (in):

subevent_number (in):

dcm_date (in):

dcm_time (in):

comment (in):

data_comment (in):

audit (in): A parameter of type AuditInfo, which tracks audit information about the RDCM changes.

Used in Function



This structure contains the contents of the RDCM record that is either being retrieved from the database or being created or modified.


typedef struct rdcm_record
    char dcm_short_name[5]; 
    char dcm_name[17];
    short int dcm_subset_sn;
    short int dcm_layout_sn;
    DCAPIFlag  blank_flag; 
    char recvd_dcm_status_code[16];
    char qualifying_value[71];
    char dsp_lab[27];
    char visit_name[21];
    int visit_number;
    short int  subevent_number;
    char dcm_date[DATE_SIZE + 1];
    char dcm_time[TIME_SIZE + 1];
    char comment[COMMENT_SIZE + 1] ;
    char data_comment[COMMENT_SIZE + 1] ;
    char recvd_dcm_entry_ts[DATE_TIME_SIZE + 1];
    char entered_by[31];
    char end_ts[DATE_TIME_SIZE +1];
    DCAPIFlag data_lock_flag;
    char data_lock_ts[DATE_TIME_SIZE + 1];
    char accessible_ts[DATE_TIME_SIZE + 1];
    char lab_modification_ts[DATE_TIME_SIZE + 1];
    char lab_assignment_type_code[16];
    char last_status_change_ts[DATE_TIME_SIZE + 1];
    char last_data_change_ts[DATE_TIME_SIZE + 1];
    char pass1_ts[DATE_TIME_SIZE + 1];
    char pass1_by[31];
    char pass2_ts[DATE_TIME_SIZE + 1];
    char pass2_by[31];
    char modification_ts[DATE_TIME_SIZE + 1];
    char modified_by[31];
    char log_in_ts[DATE_TIME_SIZE + 1];
    AuditInfo   audit ;
} RdcmRecord;


All of the following are output parameters.

dcm_short_name (out)

dcm_name (out)

dcm_subset_sn (out)

dcm_layout_sn (out)

blank_flag (out)

recvd_dcm_status_code (out)

qualifying_value (out)

dsp_lab (out)

visit_name (out)

visit_number (out)

subevent_number (out)

dcm_date (out)

dcm_time (out)

comment (out)

data_comment (out)

recvd_dcm_entry_ts (out)

entered_by (out)

end_ts (out)

data_lock_flag (out)

data_lock_ts (out)

accessible_ts (out)

lab_modification_ts (out)

lab_assignment_type_code (out)

last_status_change_ts (out)

last_data_change_ts (out)

pass1_ts (out)

pass1_by (out)

pass2_ts (out)

pass2_by (out)

modification_ts (out)

modified_by (out)

log_in_ts (out)

audit (out): A parameter of type AuditInfo, which tracks audit information about the RDCM changes

Used in Functions

GetRdcm, SetRdcm


This structure is used by GetResponse to retrieve the data from the database or from the buffer for the response being modified.


typedef struct response_data
   char value_text[COMMENT_SIZE + 1];
   char data_comment[COMMENT_SIZE + 1];


value_text (out)

data_comment (out)

Used in Function



This structure is used by InsertRepeat and DeleteRepeat to identify uniquely the repeat.


typedef struct repeat_id
 double group_id;
 int repeat_sn ;
 AuditInfo   audit ;


group_id (in)

repeat_sn (in)

audit (in): Not used by InsertRepeat. For DeleteRepeat, this parameter of type AuditInfo tracks audit information about the repeat being deleted.

Used in Functions

InsertRepeat, DeleteRepeat


This structure uniquely identifies the response.


typedef struct response_id
    double group_id;
    double question_id;
    int repeat_sn ;
} ResponseId;


Each of the following is an input parameter for the API functions below, except for WriteResponses, where all three are output parameters.





This structure contains the information about the live version of the study.


typedef struct study_record
    double clinical_study_id;
    int        clinical_study_version_id;
    DCAPIFlag      study_freeze_flag;  
    DCAPIFlag      second_pass_required_flag;
    DCAPIFlag      data_entry_enabled_flag; 
    DCAPIFlag      first_pass_from_login_flag; 
    char      last_batch_ts[DATE_TIME_SIZE+1];
    DCAPIFlag      disc_in_browse;
    DCAPIFlag      disc_res_in_de;
    DCAPIFlag      priv_update;       
    DCAPIFlag      unenroll_alert;    
    DCAPIFlag      browse_acc_only;   
    DCAPIFlag      dci_date_required;  
    DCAPIFlag      univar_alert;       
    DCAPIFlag      thesaurus_lov;
    DCAPIFlag      use_dci_book ; 
    DCAPIFlag      ocl_thes_disc;
    DCAPIFlag      ocl_thes_lov;


All of these are output parameters.

clinical_study_id (out)

clinical_study_version_id (out)

study_freeze_flag (out): If TRUE, the study is frozen.

second_pass_required_flag (out): If TRUE, second pass required to make data accessible

data_entry_enabled_flag (out): If TRUE, production data entry is enabled

first_pass_from_login_flag (out): If TRUE, allows combined log-in and data entry

last_batch_ts (out)

disc_in_browse (out): If TRUE, allows creation/modification of manual discrepancies in Browse mode.

disc_res_in_de (out): If TRUE, allows discrepancy resolution in data entry.

priv_update (out): If TRUE, allows privileged update.

unenroll_alert (out): If TRUE, unenrolled patient alert is on.

browse_acc_only (out): Browse accessible data only

dci_date_required (out): This parameter is obsolete.

univar_alert (out): If TRUE, operator is alerted when univariate error occurs.

thesaurus_lov (out): If TRUE, LOVs are allowed on Thesaurus DVG-validated fields.

use_dci_book (out): If TRUE, DCI book is used as default entry mode

ocl_thes_disc (out): If TRUE, system creates discrepancies for TMS fields at data entry.

ocl_thes_lov (out): If TRUE, system allows LOVs on TMS fields at data entry.

Used in Function



This structure contains the contents of the response.


typedef struct value_txt
    char value_text[COMMENT_SIZE + 1];


value_text (in)

Used in Function
