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Oracle® Thesaurus Management System Installation Guide
Release 5.0.1

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6 Installing Oracle Thesaurus Management System Application Components

The Oracle Thesaurus Management System Front End includes:

In addition, you must install the TMS Server code and database objects before you install the Front End.

This section contains the following topics:

6.1 Restart Computer and Stop All Servers and Services

Restart the computer and then stop all servers and services:

  1. Restart the computer.

  2. In the Windows Services control panel, find Oracle Node Manager service and stop it.

  3. From the Windows Start menu, go to All Programs, then Oracle Classic_asinst_1, then:

    • Forms Services, then Stop WLS_FORMS

    • Reports Services, the Stop WLS_REPORTS

    • Stop Admin Server: NOTE: This is required if you are installing the Front End and the Server (database server code), but if you are installing the Report Server the Admin Server must be running.

6.2 Installing the TMS Front End

The TMS Report Server must be installed on the same machine as the TMS Front End and requires that the WebLogic FRDomain Admin Server be running during installation, whereas the TMS Front End and Server installation processes require that the Admin Server be stopped. So although the TMS Installer gives you the option to install all three at once you should not use that option.

6.2.1 Gather Required Information

Before you start the installer, be sure you have the information it prompts for; see Section 6.2.3, "Attend to the TMS Front End Installer Screens".

6.2.2 Start the Installer

To install the TMS Front End:

  1. Log in as a user with system administrator privileges.

  2. In the staging area, locate the directory where you downloaded and extracted Oracle Thesaurus Management System (see Section 1.4, "Downloading and Extracting the Software").

  3. Run the following file:


    The Installer opens to the Welcome screen.


    See Section 1.5, "Using the Silent Installer" for instructions for running the Installer as a file with pre-entered parameter values.


    Although there is a button for deinstalling products on the Welcome screen, Oracle does not support using the Installer to deinstall Oracle Thesaurus Management System.

6.2.3 Attend to the TMS Front End Installer Screens

The Installer guides you through the installation and configuration of the TMS Front End.

  1. Product to install: Oracle Thesaurus Management System Front End.

  2. Home Details: There are two drop-downs, Oracle Home Name and Directory. Use the Directory drop-down to select the Oracle Home that corresponds to the Oracle Forms and Reports home, similar to C:\oracle\middleware\Oracle_FRHome1.

    When you select the directory, the Home value changes automatically.

  3. Available Product Components: Select Oracle Thesaurus Management System Front End


    Although the Installer gives you the option install the TMS Server (database server code) at the same time, do not select this option. You must install the TMS Server first, then the database objects, and then the Front End.

    Do not choose to install the Report Server at the same time. Its installation process requires that the WebLogic FRDomain Admin Server be running, while the Front End and TMS Server installation processes require that the Admin Server be stopped.

  4. Select OPA Home directory: By default, it is C:\opapps50

  5. If the Installer detects that you have already installed 5.0 or 5.0.1 and created the OPADomain, the Installer asks if you want to overwrite OPADomain or not.

    • Overwrite it if your previous installation failed or only partially completed; for example, the TMS Browser URL does not work.

    • Do not overwrite if you have created it successfully, and especially if you have done customizations such as setting up clusters or multiple databases, do not overwrite OPADomain.

  6. Oracle HTTPS Server (OHS) SSL Listener Port number. You may have set this to 443 per the instructions in the previous chapter.

    Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) Non-SSL Listener Port number.


    To find these two port numbers:
    1. Open an MS DOS window,

    2. Enter opmnctl status -l

    To check, go to the URL https://host:port with each port.

  7. Enter the passwords for:

    • WebLogic Server (the password you created when installing WebLogic Server)

    • OPA Proxy (bc4j_internal)

    • TMS Proxy (ops$tmsbrowser)

  8. Database details:

    • Database server:

    • Database instance: database_name

    • Port number

  9. Summary: The Summary screen provides information about the global settings, languages, space requirements, and products for this installation.

    Review the installation details to verify that they are correct. To revisit earlier installation screens and make changes, click Back.

    When you are ready to continue, click Install.

6.3 Installing the TMS Reports Server

This section describes installing and configuring a Reports Server. The TMS Reports Server runs on Oracle Application Server 11g Release 1 Forms and Reports Services. It schedules batch jobs such as synchronization.

You must install the TMS Front End before installing the TMS Report Server.


If you have already installed the Oracle Clinical Reports Server on this machine, you do not need to install the TMS Reports Server. If you try to install both and use the same name, installation of the second Reports Server fails. It is not needed so you can ignore this error message.

6.3.1 Start the WebLogic FRDomain Admin Server

Start the WebLogic FRDomain Admin Server is running. Do one of the following.

  • Go to the Start menu, then All Programs, then Oracle Classic asinst_1, then Start Admin Server.

  • Go to the Start menu, then All Programs, then Oracle Weblogic, then User Projects, then FRDomain, then Start Admin Server Weblogic Server Domain.

6.3.2 Gather Required Information

Before you start the Installer, be sure you have the information it prompts for; most of the information is the same as in Section 6.2.3, "Attend to the TMS Front End Installer Screens". In addition, you need to provide a name for the TMS Report Server that is unique across your installation.

6.3.3 Start the TMS Report Server Installer

To install the TMS Report Server:

  1. Log in as a user with system administrator privileges.

  2. In the staging area, locate the directory where you downloaded and extracted Oracle Thesaurus Management System (see Section 1.4, "Downloading and Extracting the Software").

  3. Run the following file:


    The Installer opens to the Welcome screen.


    See Section 1.5, "Using the Silent Installer" for instructions for running the Installer as a file with pre-entered parameter values.


    Although there is a button for deinstalling products on the Welcome screen, Oracle does not support using the Installer to deinstall Oracle Thesaurus Management System.
  4. In the Select a Product to Install page, select Oracle Thesaurus Management System Report Server.

6.3.4 Attend to the TMS Reports Server Installation Screens

The Installer guides you through the installation and configuration of the TMS Reports Server.

  1. See Section 6.2.3, "Attend to the TMS Front End Installer Screens". Some of the same information is required for the Report Server.

  2. Report Server name. Enter a unique name across your installation.

  3. Summary: The Summary screen provides information about the global settings, languages, space requirements, and products for this installation.

    Review the installation details to verify that they are correct. To revisit earlier installation screens and make changes, click Back.

    When you are ready to continue, click Install.

6.4 Verifying the Application Tier Installation

Verify that these URLs work and you can log into the application:

  • Forms-based TMS—https://host/opa50/launch.htm

  • TMS HTML Browser—https://host/tmsadfsrnd/faces/Login

6.5 Setting Up Automatic Startup of Servers and Services

It is possible to configure any Windows service to restart itself upon failure. These are standard options available when configuring a Windows service in the context of Windows Services Manager.

However, it is important to understand that Windows Services Manager only monitors the service's JVM process. If the JVM process fails (shuts down), then Windows Services Manager will attempt to restart it. But there are some scenarios where the WebLogic Admin Server or Managed Server may go into an unhealthy or failed state while the JVM is still running. The Windows Service Manager will not know to restart the process in these cases, whereas if the Admin Server and Managed Server had been started using the WebLogic Node Manager, Node Manager would recognize such a state and restart the process.

Oracle recommends starting Node Manager with a Windows service and then starting the Admin Server and Managed Servers with Node Manager to take advantage of this monitoring feature.

See My Oracle Support article 1587068.1 for details on setting up Autostart.

6.6 Starting Servers Manually

You can also start the required servers manually using the instructions in this section. These instructions are provided for your information; you do not need to do them now.

For information about these servers and the server architecture, see the topology diagram.

6.6.1 Starting the FRDomain Admin Server

The Oracle FRDomain Admin Server is located on the WebLogic Server domain that must be named FRDomain and must use port number 7001. You must start the Admin Server before you can start either the Oracle Forms Server or the Oracle Reports Server.

To start the Admin Server, do one of the following:

  • Go to the Start menu, then All Programs, then Oracle Classic asinst_1, then Start Admin Server.

  • Go to the Start menu, then All Programs, then Oracle Weblogic, then User Projects, then FRDomain, then Start Admin Server Weblogic Server Domain.


You cannot start it from the Admin Console because if the server is not running, the FRDomain Admin Console is not available.

6.6.2 Starting the Forms Server

The Oracle Forms Server is located on the WebLogic Server domain that must be named FRDomain and must use port number 7001. You must start the FRDomain Admin Server before the Forms Server.

To start the Forms Server, do either:

  • Start, then All Programs, then Oracle Classic asinst_1, then Forms, then Start WLS_FORMS.

  • Use the Admin Console at https://host/console.

6.6.3 Starting the Reports Server

The Oracle Reports Server is located on the WebLogic Server domain that must be named FRDomain and must use port number 7001. You must start the FRDomain Admin Server before the Reports Server.

To start the Reports Server, do either:

  • Start, then All Programs, then Oracle Classic asinst_1, then Reports, then Start WLS_REPORTS.

  • Use the Admin Console at https://host/console.

6.6.4 Starting the OPADomain Admin Server

The Oracle OPADomain Admin Server is located on the WebLogic Server domain that the Installer names OPADomain, and which must use port number 7101. You must start the Admin Server before you can start the OpaServer1.

To start the OPADomain Admin Server, go to the Start menu, then All Programs, then Oracle WebLogic Server, then User Projects, then OPADomain, then Start Admin Server.


You cannot start from the Admin Console because if the server is not running, the OPADomain Admin Console is not available.

6.6.5 Starting the OpaServer1 Server

The OpaServer1 Server is located on the WebLogic Server domain named OPADomain, which must use port number 7101. The OpaServer1 Server runs on Oracle ADF and supports the TMS Browser and TMS reports. It also contains the database connections.

You must start the OPADomain Admin Server before the OpaServer1 Server.

To start the OpaServer1 Server, use the Admin Console at either:

  • http://host:7101/console

  • https://host/opaconsole (if configured)

6.7 Stopping Servers

You can stop each server either in the appropriate WLS Admin Console or from the Windows Start menu. These instructions are provided for your information; you do not need to do them now.

6.7.1 Stopping the Forms Server

The Oracle Forms Server is located on the WebLogic Server domain that must be named FRDomain and must use port number 7001.

To stop the Forms Server, do either:

  • Start, then All Programs, then Oracle Classic asinst_1, then Forms, then Stop WLS_FORMS.

  • Use the Admin Console at https://host/console.


    The Admin Console is available only if the Admin Server is running.

6.7.2 Stopping the Reports Server

The Oracle Reports Server is located on the WebLogic Server domain that must be named FRDomain and must use port number 7001.

To stop the Reports Server, do either:

  • Start, then All Programs, then Oracle Classic asinst_1, then Reports, then Stop WLS_REPORTS.

  • Use the Admin Console at https://host/console.


    The Admin Console is available only if the Admin Server is running.

6.7.3 Stopping the FRDomain Admin Server

The Oracle FRDomain Admin Server is located on the WebLogic Server domain that must be named FRDomain and must use port number 7001.

To stop the Admin Server, do either:

  • Start, then All Programs, then Oracle Classic asinst_1, then Stop Admin Server.

  • Use the Admin Console at https://host/console.

6.7.4 Stopping the OPADomain Admin Server

The Oracle OPADomain Admin Server is located on the WebLogic Server domain that the Installer names OPADomain, and which must use port number 7101.

To stop the Admin Server, do either:

  • Start, then All Programs, then Oracle WebLogic Server, then User Projects, then OPADomain, then Stop Admin Server.

  • Use the OPADomain Admin Console at https://host/opaconsole or


6.7.5 Stopping the OpaServer1 Server

The OpaServer1 Server is located on the WebLogic Server domain named OPADomain, which must use port number 7101.

To stop the OpaServer1 Server, use the Admin Console at either:

  • http://host:7101/console

  • https://host/opaconsole (if configured)


    The Admin Console is available only if the Admin Server is running.