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Oracle® Application Integration Architecture Agile Product Lifecycle Management Integration Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite: Design to Release Implementation Guide
Release 11.2

Part Number E36185-03
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B Queue Management

This appendix provides information on queue management.

The Queue Management feature in the process integration pack (PIP) helps you meet the following requirements:

B.1 Managing the Process Queues

The integration of Change Order Release process between Agile PLM and Oracle Enterprise Business Services system is driven by Process Queue Controller. In order to maintain integrity of data in the ERP system, it is essential that Change Orders be transferred to that system in the order in which they were released by the source system. In the absence of such sequencing, BOM data can go out of sync between the two systems.

Since ERP systems, like Oracle, make it mandatory for successive item revisions to follow an ASCII progression of characters, it is essential for this sequence to be maintained.

For example, if for the same revised item, two successive Change Orders are released, and the second one is created first in the ERP system, the revision number of the first one (if smaller in ASCII value than that of the latter, which is mostly the case in Agile) will subsequently be prohibited from being created in the ERP system. Worse problems can occur if the two ECOs make successive changes to the same BOM line, or if the subsequent ECO is dependent on the first one.

B.1.1 Queuing

When an aXML file containing Change Order information is received by the integration for processing through the Change Order Release process, the first step that needs to be carried out is to queue it for processing. aXML files are queued in the order in which they are received (FIFO). Agile application ensures that aXML files are pushed in the order that Change Orders are released.

The chronological order of receiving aXML files, (or, alternately, the ASCII sequence of aXML file names), is used to determine the sequence in which incoming XML will be processed by the integration. In some cases, aXML for multiple processes (such as NPR process, any other legacy process, etc.) may be published to the same location, in which case the integration performs an extra step of determining what the contents of the aXML are, in order to determine what flow does it trigger – only the aXML files belonging to the Change Order Release flow are to be queued.

By default, the aXML is queued at the back of the queue with an initial status of Pre-Processing. At this time, the initial pre-processing is carried out, as described in #1 above, after which the integration changes the status of that aXML to Pending Processing.

At a given time, only one Change Order, i.e., the first one in the queue, undergoes ERP processing. At this stage, the status of that aXML file changes to Processing. When a Change Order errors out during ERP processing, it remains ahead of the queue in an errored status. All further change orders are not processed until the errored change is manually moved out of the queue by the Integration Administrator. When a Change Order completes ERP processing successfully, it automatically moves out of the queue by the integration (for example, by changing the status to Post Processing), and the next Change Order in the queue begins ERP processing.

Note that the change that has completed ERP processing still needs to carry out postprocessing.

However, any errors encountered during post-processing cause the Change Order to complete with a Warning status, and not with an Error.

Manually moving the errored change out of the queue can be done in one of two ways:

  1. The integration administrator can De-queue the Change Order. This operation moves the Change Order out of the queue and saves it in the repository of Unprocessed Change Orders. The next Change Order in queue is then picked up for processing through the Change Order process flow.

  2. The integration administrator can Reprocess the Change Order. This operation immediately re-starts the integration process flow for that change order. Prior logs are wiped out, but the original aXML input provided by Agile is used. The pre-processing need not be repeated for such a change – the integration process resumes from the Processing stage.

B.1.2 Change Order Process Flow

The Change Order Release process flow can be broken down into two major stages:

  1. Process ECO

    • ABM to EBM transformations

    • Invoke Provider

    • Receive Response

    • Send Response to the Queue

    Table B-1 Flow of Change Order Process between ESB and BPEL

    Sequence ESB BPEL


    ACS AXML JMS Consumer polls on JMS Queue and invokes CreateQueueServiceABCS by sending the binary compressed aXML file.



    DB trigger is used for ECO Queue creation and giving them a sequence number

    ECO Queue Control


    Queue Processing Service polls on Queue Control table for pending rows and invokes QueueProcessorServiceImpl


    • updates the status of ECO (processing)

    • carries out aXML to ABM transformations

    • invokes RequesterABCS (Process ECO) using ABM

    • receives the response from RequesterABCS

    • updates the status of ECO (Completed or Errored)



    • polls completed ECO on Queue Control Table

    • deletes the completed ECO from Queue Control Table

    • copies the highest priority pending ECO from Queue to the Queue Control Table


  2. Post-Process ECO

    • Update transfer status in Agile

It must be noted that a conflict can occur only when data is actually being transferred to the ERP system, and not when parsing aXML or after the processing in ERP has finished.

B.1.3 The Process Queue Manager

If the pending ECOs are not being picked up for processing, there could be a possibility that some other user may have suspended the queue. To verify this, log in-out and then re-login. If the Suspend button is disabled, then you may resume the queue. By default, the queue remains in suspended state after PIP installation. You are required to initialize it for the first time by clicking Resume.

  1. View the Automated Transfer Objects (ATO)

  2. View the Process States. These states are:

    • Processing

    • Pending

    • Completed

    • Errored (failed)

  3. View the Release Time and Processed Time of processed COs.

  4. View the unprocessed COs.

  5. View the deleted processes.

  6. View the errored processes and their error details.

  7. Suspend and resume the queuing operation.

  8. Change the processing sequence in the queue, i.e., move the position of an object up and down the queue.

  9. Remove the COs, selectively, from the processing queue.

  10. Resubmit the removed COs for processing.

  11. Filter the view on various criterion, such as, all COs that are pending.

  12. Purge data from the list of change orders that have been processed successfully.

B.2 User Interface

The following user interface components are available when working with queues:

B.2.1 Accessing the Process Queue Monitor

The Process Queue Monitor UI is deployed at your Integration Server and can be accessed through web browser.

The Integration Administrator is provided with its URL, together with login ID and password. After you login, you can see a page similar to the one below:

When a Change Order is released, it is picked up by the Queue Controller, which assigns it an Automated Transfer Object (ATO) Number before passing it on for processing. The Queue Monitor displays this ATO number as Reference Number.

Figure B-1 Process Queue Monitor

This image is described in surrounding text

B.2.2 Fields and Attributes

The Fields and Attributes component includes the Change Order Queue Monitor description.

B.2.2.1 Change Order Queue Monitor

The Changer Order Queue is a tabular display of the released orders lined up by Queue Manager for processing. Each row in this table is a Change Order. The first row denotes the 'first-in-sequence' Change Order, when it is in Pending state of processing.

Table B-2 Change Order Queue

Columns Descriptions

Row Select

To select rows, click on a row. To select multiple rows, click on a row and hold the Ctrl button and click on any additional rows.

Selecting rows can be used when (a) re-ordering (only messages at a PENDING status that have not been removed), (b) removal, (c) resubmission. In such cases, this column gets visible and contains a checkbox. This column remains invisible for 'Completed' Process States.


The Automated Transfer Object Number (hence the prefix 'ATO') assigned to a Change Order by Agile Content Server (ACS). It is unique and corresponds to a unique Change Order. The Number of the corresponding Changer Order is displayed under the 'Change Number' column.

Change Number

This is a unique number assigned to a Changer Order in Agile system at the time of its creation. Its prefix denotes the type of Change, such as, ECO for Engineering Change Order.

Release Time

The Date and Time when an Order is released by ACS to the Process Queue Manager. Internally, its the Date and Time when the Process Queue Controller picks up an Order and puts it in the Queue.

Processed Time

The Date and Time when an Order attains a particular Process Status (last column).

Process Status

The State of a process - Processing, Pending, Completed, Errored.

Figure B-2 shows the process denoters and their functions:

Figure B-2 Process Denoters

This image is described in surrounding text

B.2.2.2 Queue Operators

This section provides a list of queue operators and their operations.

Table B-3 Queue Operettas and Operations

Buttons/Links Operations


This button is used for resubmitting the Pending Processes that were removed from the Queue. Or for resubmitting the Errored Processes that you would like to resubmit.


This button is used for removing any processes from the Queue. The removed processes still exist in the database, and can be resubmitted for processing. (i.e. view records where the Delete Flag is equal to Yes).


This button is used for suspending the Queue, temporarily, for removing, resubmitting or reordering the Pending Processes. It remains disabled when the Queue is inactive, i.e., when the Queue is in Suspended mode and has not been resumed. By default, the Queue remains in Suspended state after PIP installation. You are required to 'initialize' it for the first time by clicking Resume button. The queue suspends the ProcessECO and ValidateECO records independently of each other. If the Process Type is equal to ProcessECO when you click the Suspend button, only the ProcessECO records will be suspended, the ValidateECO record will not be suspended and will continue to be processed.


This button is used for resuming the suspended Queue. It remains disabled when the Queue is active, i.e., its not in suspended mode. The queue resumes the ProcessECO and ValidateECO records independently of each other. If the Process Type is equal to ProcessECO when you click the Resume button, only the ProcessECO records will be resumed, the ValidateECO record will not be resumed and will continue to be suspended.


This button is used for refreshing the Queue to get a list of freshly added processes and to see the change in process status. The process status is not automatically refreshed. Also, the new processes do not automatically appear in the Queue. This search and refresh button will work identically.


This button is used for searching the Queue to get a list of freshly added processes and to see the change in process status. The new processes do not automatically appear in the Queue. It's also used if you change the search criteria in the header. This search and refresh button will work identically.


This button is used to reset the search criteria back to the default Saved Search criteria that is selected in the search header.

Change Priorities

This button is used to reorder processes in the Queue. This button will only be enabled when records at a Pending state are selected. Select Pending records by selecting a row and using the Ctrl button to select additional Pending rows. Once you have selected Pending records, you can click on this button and the Reorder Queue screen will open.

Changing priorities of records should always be done when the queue is in a Suspended state.

Process Reordered Records

This button is used after the move buttons have been used to reorder the queue. Once the pending records have been reordered, this button is used to process the reordered records. It will save the new priority of the records.


This button is used to cancel any reordering you have done and will close the Reorder Queue form. The arrow buttons can be used to move a record up or down in the sequence. This should only be used when the queue is in 'suspended' mode.

Figure B-3 shows the Change Priorities page

Figure B-3 Change Priorities

This image is described in surrounding text

B.2.3 Filters

At any given time, a queue may have hundreds of COs under processing, depending on the size of the organization. Although, the Queue Monitor displays all of them, it gets difficult to find the specific ones that you may require to see quickly.

Queue filters facilitate display of the change orders on the basis of their processing state and further criterion. The tables below list the search criterion of the predefined Saved Search criteria. The bold text indicates the default value or operator.

Figure B-4 Filter All Change Orders

This image is described in surrounding text

B.2.3.1 Filter 1: All Change Orders

This filter displays the complete list of all change orders in the queue.

Figure B-5 shows the search parameters to be selected to view all change orders.

Figure B-5 All Change Orders

This image is described in surrounding text

This table shows how to set up a filter to view all change orders:

Table B-4 Filter Settings to View All Change Orders

Criteria Operator Value

Process Type




Delete Flag




B.2.3.2 Filter 2: Errored Change Orders Only

This filter displays the change orders with errors.

Figure B-6 shows the search parameters to find change order with errors.

Figure B-6 Change Orders with Errors

This image is described in surrounding text

Table B-5 Filter Settings to View Change Orders with Errors

Criteria Operator Value

Process Type




Delete Flag




Process Status






B.2.3.3 Filter 3: Pending Changes Only

This filter displays the pending change orders.

Figure B-7 shows the search parameters to view pending change orders.

Figure B-7 Pending Change Orders

This image is described in surrounding text

This table shows how to set up a filter to view pending change orders:

Table B-6 Filter Settings to View Pending Changes Only

Criteria Operator Value

Process Type




Delete Flag




Process Status






B.2.3.4 Filter 4: Completed Change Orders Only

This filter displays the completed change orders.

Figure B-8 shows the search parameters to view completed change orders.

Figure B-8 Completed Change Orders

This image is described in surrounding text

This table shows how to set up a filter to view completed change orders:

Table B-7 Filter Settings to View Completed Change Orders

Criteria Operator Value

Process Type




Delete Flag




Process Status






B.2.3.5 Filter 5: Changes Errored Within Last Week

This filter displays the changes errored within last week.

Figure B-9 shows changes which errored within last week.

Figure B-9 Changes Errored within Last Week

This image is described in surrounding text

This table shows how to set up a filter to view change orders that errored within last week:

Table B-8 Filter Settings to View Changes Errored within Last Week

Criteria Operator Value

Process Type


Starts With

Ends With

Does Not Equal

Less Than

Greater Than

Less Than or Equal To

Greater Than or Equal To


Not Between


Does not contain

Is Not Blank

Is Blank

*Not all operators may apply to your value.



Delete Flag


Does not equal

Less Than

Greater Than

Less Than or Equal To

Greater Than or Equal To


Not Between

Is Blank

Is Not Blank

*Not all operators may apply to your value.



Process Status


Starts With

Ends With

Does Not Equal

Less Than

Greater Than

Less Than or Equal To

Greater Than or Equal To


Not Between


Does not contain

Is Not Blank

Is Blank

*Not all operators may apply to your value.





Processed Time



Does Not Equal

Not Between



On or before

On or after

Is blank

Is not blank

7 days from Today's Date and Today's Date

B.2.3.6 Filter 6: Unprocessed Change Orders

This table shows how to set up a filter to view unprocessed change orders:

Table B-9 Filter Settings to View Unprocessed Change Orders

Criteria Operator Value

Process Type


Starts With

Ends With

Does Not Equal

Less Than

Greater Than

Less Than or Equal To

Greater Than or Equal To


Not Between


Does not contain

Is Not Blank

Is Blank

*Not all operators may apply to your value.

Process ECO

Validate ECO

Process Status

Does not Equal

Starts With

Ends With

Does Not Equal

Less Than

Greater Than

Less Than or Equal To

Greater Than or Equal To


Not Between


Does not contain

Is Not Blank

Is Blank

*Not all operators may apply to your value.





B.2.3.7 Filter 7: All Delete Flags

This table shows how to set up a filter to view all delete flags:

Table B-10 Filter Settings to View Delete Flags

Criteria Operator Value

Process Type


Starts With

Ends With

Does Not Equal

Less Than

Greater Than

Less Than or Equal To

Greater Than or Equal To


Not Between


Does not contain

Is Not Blank

Is Blank

*Not all operators may apply to your value.

Process ECO

Validate ECO

Delete Flag


Does not Equal

Less Than

Greater Than

Less Than or Equal To

Greater Than or Equal To


Not Between

Is Not Blank

Is Blank

*Not all operators may apply to your value.


Delete Flag


Does not Equal

Less Than

Greater Than

Less Than or Equal To

Greater Than or Equal To


Not Between

Is Not Blank

Is Blank

*Not all operators may apply to your value.


B.2.3.8 Advance Query Abilities

The Advance Query Abilities feature allows you search for queries using advanced search parameters. You can use the advanced query abilities by clicking the Advance Query Abilities button. This button can be used when advanced searching is required and if the pre-defined saved searches do not meet your needs. When this button is pressed, the Add Fields button is added next to the Reset button. Additional fields can be added to your current search criteria.

Example: If the All Change Orders default search criteria was being used, you could also select Change Number from the list below:

Figure B-10 Advance Query Abilities

This image is described in surrounding text

Then the Change Number will be added to your search criteria. The operator and value can then be entered and a search can be performed. The X button can then be used to delete that additional field. Or the reset button can use to reset your criteria back to the Saved Search criteria.

Figure B-11 Search Parameters

This image is described in surrounding text

In addition to the header search criteria, each column in the table (Reference, Change Number, Release Time, Processed Time, Process Status) has a QBE Line that can also be used as a filter.

B.2.4 Queue User Interface Application

The Queue User Interface (UI) application provides the following features:

  • Easy access Enterprise Manager (EM) console link to SOA composite instances for Change Orders

  • User role-based access

  • Add new users into user roles

B.2.4.1 Easy Access EM Console Link to SOA Composite Instances for Change Orders

This feature enables you to easily access the flow trace of the SOA composite instances in EM console for a given change order. The new column Instance ID added in the Queue UI application shows the instance id value of the first SOA composite in the flow with a hyperlink to view the full flow trace.

The hyperlinked Instance ID takes you to login screen of the EM console. After successful authentication, you can access the flow trace of execution for a given change order.

The following screenshots shows how to access the EM console for successful and errored instances of SOA composites through hyperlinked Instance ID field in the Queue UI application.

Change order queue
EM console login screen
Flow trace

B.2.4.2 User Role-Based Access in Queue UI Application

In AIA PIP release 11.2, the Queue UI application now ships with role-based controlled access to the application. Following are the two roles

Table B-11 User roles

Role Description

For Change UI administrators:

Role name: ChangeOrderUIAdminRole

Have full access to the Queue UI application. Have exclusive access to:

  • Suspend or resume of the queue.

  • Resubmit an errored message.

  • Remove a message from the queue.

  • Access the EM console for successful and errored instances of SOA composites through hyperlinked Instance ID field in the Queue UI application.

For business users:

Role name: ChangeOrderUIBusinessRole

Have view only access to the Queue UI application. The user does not have the exclusive privileges mentioned for the administrators.


As part of the Queue UI installation, the Queue UI application ships with the following two default users:

  • ChangeOrderUIAdmin: This role belong to ChangeOrderUIAdminRole

  • ChangeOrderUIBusiness: This role belongs to ChangeOrderUIBusinessRole

  • The default password for these users is same as that of the application server password provided at the time of the PIP installation. The Weblogic administrator is by default granted ChangeOrderUIAdmin role.

The following are the screenshots for different user role scenarios:

  • Administrator role view of the Queue UI application.

    Admin role view
  • Business user role view of the Queue UI application.

    Business user role
  • The view of the Queue UI application when a user is not assigned any of the Change Order UI roles.

    Non changeOrderUI role

B.2.4.3 Add New Users into User Roles in Queue UI Application

To add new users to user roles in the Queue UI application, perform the following steps:

  1. Log on to the Weblogic Server by using the appropriate port, http://<hostname>:<portnumber>/console.

  2. Click Security Realms on the left pane of the Weblogic Administration Console.

  3. Click myrealm (or the realm with true in the Default Realm column) in the Realms table.

  4. Click Users and Groups tab.

  5. Add a new user and provide all the details.

  6. Click the newly added user and go to the Groups tab.

  7. Select ChangeOrderUIAdminRole or ChangeOrderUIBusinessRole from the list of available groups and move them to the list of chosen groups for the user. Click Save to save the changes.

B.3 Functions

The Queue Monitor facilitates an administrator to perform the following on a Change Order:

B.4 Queue Management Solution

The Queue Management Solution comprises of the following components:

Figure B-12 Queue monitoring

This image is described in surrounding text

B.4.1 Queue Schema

To support the Queue Management Solution, a polling strategy similar to PollingControlTableStrategy is used. The following two main tables are used to manage the sequential processing and reordering of the messages:


    It stores all the queue messages that are being provided by the Event trigger.


    It stores the relevant information of the messages from the QUEUE_TABLE that have not been processed yet.

    The Queue Manager ensures that only one message is in the control table that is not yet processed. When the processing of a message is complete, a Pending message from the Queue table is inserted into this table. This facilitates the sequential processing of the message. In addition, because all the pending messages are stored in the Queue table, they can be reordered.

Queue DB Details

Table B-12 lists the Queue Schema tables:

Table B-12 Queue Schema Table

Table Description


This table holds the data of both Process ECO and Validate ECO. The PROCESS_TYPE column is used as an identifier for Process ECO and Validate ECO.


This table stores the details about the rows that are currently in processing state.


This table holds the data to control the simultaneous processing and suspending the Queue. Changing the values in the ECO_QUEUE_STATUS column can change the number of simultaneously processed ECOs.

Table B-13 lists the structure of the ECO_QUEUE_STATUS service:

Table B-13 Structure of ECO_QUEUE STATUS service



1 or 0

ProcessECO Suspend Resume Status

The status of the queue for ProcessECOs in suspended or resume mode. 0 means suspended.



Maximum Number of Rows for Processing ProcessECO

The count of rows that can be processed simultaneously for Process ECO

A value of 1 means sequential processing.



Maximum Number of Rows for Processing ValidateECO

The count of rows that can be processed simultaneously for Validate ECO


1 or 0

ValidateECO Suspend Resume Status

The status of the Queue for ValidateECOs, in suspended or resume mode. 0 means suspended

B.4.2 Queue Controller

A polling strategy on the Queue DB is used for addressing the Queue Management business requirements. The Queue Controller provides an ECO system to ensure that this polling strategy works in tandem to ensure that:

  • All event-transmitted file and JMS messages are added to the queue for both change order release and change order processing flows as well as for the change order validation flow.

  • At any given time, only one pending message is in the control table for change order release and change order processing flows.

  • Once the processing of a message in the control table is complete, insert the highest-priority queue message for change order release and change order processing flows from the queue table to the control table.

  • In case of change order release and change order processing flows, if the Integration flow ends due to error, the queue manager will wait until the message is resubmitted or removed for Change Order Release flow.

  • Change order release processes are available on the Process ECO tab.

  • Validate release processes are available on the Validate ECO tab.

  • Validate change order processes are processed concurrently, dissimilar to the change order release and change order processing flows, which are processed sequentially.

  • If any of the validate change order processes end due to error, other processes can still proceed.

B.4.3 Queue Monitor

When a change order is released for release ECO or validate ECO processing by ACS, it is picked up by Queue Controller. The Queue Monitor displays a list of all the change orders that are waiting to be processed in both the tabs. It also helps you reorder their sequence of processing.

For more information about Queue Monitor, see Agile PLM to Oracle E-Business Suite Integration User Guide, "Managing the Process Queues."

B.5 Queue Manager Services

These services are deployed as part of Queue Manager:

B.5.1 CreateQueueService

The CreateQueueService is implemented as a routing mediator service. An adapter service (File/JMS Adapter) polls on the destinations for any event payloads. The payload is in the form of aXML files. This service receives message as a binary element (aXML file). For each payload received the service inserts a new row into the QUEUE table. An Adapter Service (DB Adapter) is used for the same. The Toplink solution generates the required schema from the table for this DB Adapter.

  • The service uses transformation services to populate any NOT NULL columns in the table.

  • OBJECT_REFERENCE is inserted with the file name of the aXML file using the mediator header transformation extension functions.

  • PROCESS_STATUS is pending for the newly inserted row.

  • PROCESS_PRIORITY is captured from the file name. (ACS can be configured to append a default order for the file name)

B.5.2 CreateQueueControlService

The CreateQueueControlService is implemented as a routing mediator service. A DB Adapter polls on the QUEUE_CONTROL_TABLE table. If no rows are in the Pending status, CreateQueueControlService invokes a DB Adapter service, which runs a custom SQL. This SQL identifies the highest-priority pending Queue message from QUEUE_TABLE table and inserts the same in the QUEUE_CONTROL_TABLE table.

This polling strategy ensures that at any time only one pending message is in the QUEUE_CONTROL_TABLE table. Once the Pending message is processed and status completed, a new Pending message is inserted from the QUEUE_TABLE table to the QUEUE_CONTROL_TABLE table. When the status for a message is completed in the QUEUE_CONTROL_TABLE, that row is deleted from the table.

B.5.3 QueueProcessorService

The QueueProcessorService is implemented as a routing mediator service that acts like an Interface and provides a façade in front of the QueueProcessorServiceImpl service. A DB Adapter polls on the QUEUE_CONTROL table for any Pending messages. A pending message in the table is routed to the QueueProcessorServiceImpl service, which processes the message. Based on the result from the implementation service, the status of the message is updated in the control table.

B.5.4 QueueProcessorServiceImpl

The primary task of this service is to invoke the RequestorABCS. The response from RequestorABCS is processed and the queue is updated with the processing status.

Input: The QueueMessage generated by the Toplink solution in the QueueProcessorService is used as the input for this Service.

Output: QueueStatusMessage, which contains the status and result of the processed queue message.

Figure B-13 illustrates how QueueProcessorServiceImpl invokes the RequestorABCS:

Figure B-13 Invoking RequestorABCS through QueueProcessorServiceImpl

This image is described in surrounding text

Table B-14 lists the steps required to invoke the RequestorABCS:

Table B-14 Steps to invoke Requestor ABCS

Step Description

QueueProcessorService invokes QueueProcessorServiceImpl process

The QueueProcessorService invokes QueueProcessorServiceImpl with QueueMessage (generated by the Toplink solution for the QUEUE table) as input.

Invoke UpdateQueueStatus DB Adapter service

The input QueueMessage in this process is assigned with the following values to update the Queue message in the Queue DB




Transform AgileData (aXML) to ABM

QueueMessage will have the AgileData payload, which is transformed to ABM.

Invoke RequestorABCS

QueueProcessorServiceImpl invokes RequestorABCS with ABM as input.

Invoke Coarse Grained Web Service

RequestorABCS optionally invokes the coarse-grained Web services to get the ABM populated with any missing information required for the integration flow.

RequestorABCS Transforms ABM to EBM

The response ABM from coarse-grained WS is transformed to EBM and an operation on EBS is invoked with EBM as the input.

RequestorABCS orchestrates the business flow

The RequestorABCS routes the EBM to EBS.

EBS routes the response to RequestorABCS

The response EBM from EBS is routed to the RequestorABCS, which is transformed to ABM and returned to QueueProcessorServiceImpl

QueueProcessorServiceImpl invokes UpdateQueueResult DB Adapter service

The result from the RequestorABCS is used to update the status of Queue in the Queue DB. Also, the Process lock is released.

B.5.5 Transformations

The aXML payload is transformed to the ABM, which is input for the RequestorABCS. Because the ABM schema is defined on the lines of aXML schema, this transformation will be easier to do in the Jdeveloper XSL Mapper.

B.5.6 Implementation Details

The QueueProcessorServiceImpl is implemented as an Asynchronous BPEL process. For updating the queue status and invoking RequestorABCS, RequestorABCS and DB Adapters are called. These involve some logic (parsing the aXML payload) that cannot be achieved by means of mediator.


QueueID is used for the correlation set between QueueProcessorServiceImpl and RequestorABCS.

B.5.7 Error Management

All errors in the integration flow are managed in RequestorABCS. Any such errors leading to failure of the queue processing will be handled in this process. Because of such error, the queue status and result with failure status is updated in the Queue DB.