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Oracle® Application Integration Architecture Agile Product Lifecycle Management Integration Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite: Design to Release Implementation Guide
Release 11.2

Part Number E36185-03
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8 Process Integration for Change Order Update

This chapter provides an overview of the process integration for change order update and discusses:

8.1 Overview

The change order update process flow is triggered by Oracle E-Business Suite. Change order information needs to flow from the Oracle E-Business Suite system to Agile PLM in the following cases:


Some of these cases have restrictions in a multi-org environment because of the centralized (Agile PLM) to decentralized (Oracle E-Business Suite) nature of the interface.

8.2 Change Order Update Process Integration

Four types of events can cause a change:

  1. An update to the implementation status of a change order line.

    While the implementation status in Oracle E-Business Suite is tracked at a Bills of Material (BOM) line level, this is tracked at a change order line level in Agile PLM.

  2. A modification of the scheduled effectivity date of a change order line.

    While the effectivity dates in Oracle E-Business Suite are tracked at a BOM line level, these are tracked at a change order line level in Agile PLM.

  3. An update to the status of a new part request of a change order line.

  4. An update to the status of a change order validation.


The cancellation or purge of a change order in Oracle E-Business Suite is not interfaced back to Agile PLM as part of this integration. These events should be handled manually in both applications.

The change order update process includes:

  1. The effectivity date and item status is modified in the BOM line item in Oracle E-Business Suite.

  2. The batch process for publishing the changed information initiates at a specified frequency (configurable).

    While the update to information in Agile PLM is driven through the scheduled batch processes, it is also possible to trigger the information update event from Oracle E-Business Suite through the Integrations Administrator and running the Publish Engineering Change Order Updates function.

  3. The change number and specified item record is queried for modification.

  4. The effectivity date is modified in the mapped column in Agile PLM.

  5. The change status is updated in the mapped attribute in Agile PLM.

  6. If the complete update is processed successfully, the integration updates the date and time of the last successful run.

8.2.1 Change Order Update Process Inputs

The following parameters are used by the change order update process in Agile PLM:

  • Change order number, which will uniquely identify the change object.

    In case of modification to the effective dates, the item number that will uniquely identify the change order line (affected items) and the effective date as of which the change line is scheduled to be implemented.

  • Field to be updated with the transfer or implementation status of the change in Oracle E-Business Suite.

  • When a change order is first transferred to Oracle E-Business Suite, the change order status in Oracle E-Business Suite is open or scheduled. All the possible statuses for a change order in Oracle E-Business Suite are:

    • Open

    • Hold

    • Scheduled

    • Rescheduled

    • Implemented

    • Canceled

  • Agile PLM's Transfer Status attribute (such as Transferred, Implemented, and Canceled).

  • Status to be promoted or demoted in case of the change status for a new part generation or a change or validation.

8.2.2 Change Order Update Processing

The process includes the following steps:

  1. The change order number and the specific affected item attributes are queried for modification.

  2. Agile PLM's change order line is updated.

    This can be done in a batch mode through a scheduled process. This means that the effectivity information is read for a group of change lines in Oracle E-Business Suite and sent through the interface. This process may also be triggered by the event of a change line being implemented in Oracle E-Business Suite.

    The update step can process all the change order lines in the batch before committing, or it can commit each change order line individually before moving on to the next one. This decision should be taken from a technical efficiency perspective.

    When processing a batch of change order lines, if the update for one record ends due to error, the process continues to process the other records in the batch. A list of all errors that occur when the batch is being processed is accumulated and logged.


    The effectivity date for the affected items is not updated if the multisite is enabled but the sites are not assigned to that particular affected item.

  3. In case of effective date changes, the new effectivity date for the change order line is updated on the mapped column in Agile PLM.

    • The mapped effectivity date column in Agile PLM is updated with the incoming effectivity date only if the incoming status is implemented.

    • The configured column in Agile PLM is updated with a configured value based on the incoming status. The following examples illustrate a sample of these rules:

      If the change order status in Oracle E-Business Suite is Scheduled, update the Affected Items.Status (an Affected Items tab list-validated flex-field) in Agile PLM with the value Not Implemented.

      If the change order status in Oracle E-Business Suite is Implemented, update the Affected Items.Status field in Agile PLM with the value of Implemented, and update the Affected Items.ERP Implementation Date (an Affected Items tab date flex-field) with the effective date from Oracle E-Business Suite.

  4. Agile PLM's Transfer Status attribute is updated.

    After a successful transfer, the change order update process updates the Agile PLM's Transfer Status attribute (change order Agile PLM P2 or P3 defined attribute value for the Change.TransferStatusAttribute property) with a value of Transferred.

    In case of multiple organizations, Agile PLM contains only a single instance of the change order and not site-specific ones but Oracle E-Business can contain multiple organizations. So in case of multiple organizations within Oracle E-business Suite:

    • The Transfer Status attribute (change order Agile PLM P2 or P3 defined attribute value for the Change.TransferStatusAttribute property) in Agile PLM reflects the status of Transferred until the change order is completely implemented in all the Oracle E-Business organizations. After all the Oracle E-Business Suite organizations are implemented, Agile PLM's transfer status will be updated with a status of Implemented.

      • f the change order errors when implemented in one or more Oracle E-Business Suite organizations and is waiting for implementation in other organizations or has been implemented successfully in some of the organizations, Agile PLM's transfer status value will remain as Transferred.

      • If the change order errors when implemented in all the Oracle E-Business organizations, Agile PLM's transfer status value will be changed to Errored.

      • If the change order has been canceled in all the Oracle E-Business organizations, Agile PLM's transfer status will be changed to Canceled.

Because the change status name depends on the workflow being used, the CHANGE_STATUS configuration table is provided as part of the integration setup. This table allows the administrators to specify the next status for each possible combination of the change object type and the workflow being used for each event that qualifies for the Change Status operation. The administrators can add as many rows as they require, because the number of sub-classes of the change objects and the number of workflows is unlimited in Agile PLM. Table 8-1 illustrates a partially configured table:

Table 8-1 Partially Configured Change Status and Workflow Table






Change Implemented



Default Change Orders


The EVENT column key is Change Implemented.

The OUTCOME column key is SUCCESS.

In the SUBCLASS column, set up the change order subclass as ECO, MCO, etc.

In the WORKFLOW column, set up the workflows. For example, if you are using Default Change Order workflow for ECO, then enter Default Change Order in this column. These values can be picked up from Agile PLM Java client.

In the NEXT_STATUS column, enter the status of the workflow you want it to move to when the conditions are met. For example, when a Change is implemented (identified by event - this is a key. do not change it) and the OUTCOME is SUCCESS (identified by outcome, gets checked while changing status here), and the WORKFLOW chosen is Default Change Orders, the set up requesting the Change to be moved to the Implemented status (NEXT_STATUS).

In a new installation, this table will be empty. The integration administrator must add rows in this table if the change status process needs to be supported for any of the given processes.

  • The value of the EVENT column must be limited to the values corresponding to the processes supported: New Part Request, Pre-release Audit, and Change Implementation. The change implementation process can also be associated with a status update back to a flexfield on the change order.

  • The value of the OUTCOME column must be limited to Success and Failure.

  • The value of the SUBCLASS column must be limited to the set of subclasses of the Change Requests Class, Change Orders Class, Manufacturing Orders Class, and Site Change Orders Class.

  • The value of the WORKFLOW column must be limited to the set of workflows for the selected subclass. For example, if you are using the default change order workflow for ECO, then enter the default change order in this column. These values can be picked up from the Agile PLM Java client.

  • In the NEXT_STATUS column, enter the status of the workflow that you want to move to when the conditions are met. For example, when a change is implemented (identified by event; this is a key, so do not change it) and the OUTCOME is SUCCESS (identified by outcome; this is checked while changing status here) and the WORKFLOW chosen is Default Change Orders, the setup requesting the change to be moved to the implemented status (NEXT_STATUS).

8.2.3 Change Order Update Sample Use Case

  1. Release an ECO, C0001, from Agile PLM to Oracle E-Business Suite.

  2. In Oracle E-Business Suite, create this ECO in three organizations: Org1, Org2, and Org3.

  3. Change the status of this ECO in Org1 as implemented.

  4. Oracle E-Business Suite triggers an event to send the ECO list to Agile PLM.

    This list has C0001 in Org1, C0001 in Org2, and C0001 in Org3. Only C0001 of Org1 carries the complete data, including the affected items data, while C0001 in the other organizations carries only the header information.

  5. When Agile PLM receives the ECO list, the ECO data is updated and the workflow status of ECO is changed.

    The change of workflow status is based on the following rules:

    • When the status of ECO is implemented in all organizations in Oracle E-Business Suite, move the ECO in Agile PLM to the implemented status.

    • The Transfer Status field in Agile PLM is updated only when the status of ECO is the same in all the Oracle E-Business Suite organizations.

  6. Hence, if the status is implemented across all the C0001 ECOs in all organizations, the transfer status field on ECO in Agile PLM is updated as implemented.

  7. If an entry in the CHANGE_STATUS table corresponding to the event Change Implemented and SubClass ECO exists, and the workflow is mentioned on ECO C0001 in Agile PLM, read the next status and send it to the next status mentioned.

  8. If no entry is in the CHANGE_STATUS table for the data, no ECO C0001 is sent to the next status.

Figure 8-1 illustrates the integration sequence for the change order update from Oracle E-Business Suite to Agile PLM:

Figure 8-1 Change order update process integration sequence

This image is described in surrounding text

8.2.4 Exceptions

The following exception conditions create error messages for this integration process:

  • Insufficient privilege to discover, read, or update attributes on the Change object

  • Invalid field value (indicate the field for which the value is incorrect, and the value that is being passed on to the field)

  • Change object does not exist

  • Change line does not exist

  • Invalid status name

  • Missing exit or entry required fields

8.2.5 Change Order Update Integration Services Orchestration

Figure 8-2 illustrates the integration services orchestration of Oracle E-Business Suite for change order update:

Figure 8-2 Oracle E-Business Suite integration services orchestration

This image is described in surrounding text

Figure 8-3 illustrates the integration services orchestration of Agile PLM for change order update:

Figure 8-3 Agile PLM side integration services orchestration

This image is described in surrounding text

Table 8-2 lists the activities involved in the change order update integration services orchestration:

Table 8-2 Activities in Change Order Update integration Orchestration

Step Activity Remarks


Invoke UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizReqABCSImpl process.

When change order lines are auto-implemented after reaching effectivity dates, UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizReqABCSImpl is triggered. UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizReqABCSImpl transforms UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM into UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM.


UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizReqABCSImpl invokes the EngineeringChangeOrderEBS with the UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderList operation.

An invoke activity in UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizReqABCSImpl invokes the UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderList operation on EngineeringChangeOrderEBS with UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM as the input.


EngineeringChangeOrderEBS routes UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM to UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListAgileProvABCSImpl.

EngineeringChangeOrderEBS routes UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM to UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListAgileProvABCSImpl.


UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListAgileProvABCSImpl does the transformation.

UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListAgileProvABCSImpl transforms UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM into AgileUpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM.


UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListAgileProvABCSImpl invokes Agile PLM Web Services.

Agile PLM Web services are invoked with AgileUpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM as input.

Note: The UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListAgileProvABCSImpl composite uses the oracle/wss_http_token_client_policy client security policy while calling ChangeABS and MergeABS services hosted on the Agile server. The security credentials for this are stored in the csf-key AgileWebServicesKey on Fusion Middleware (FMW). The Agile username and password need to be setup correctly so that the Agile service is invoked successfully from the AIA composite in the FMW layer.

The effectivity dates and implementation status of change order are updated in Agile PLM.

A check determines whether all affected item rows are moved into implemented status.

The change order status will be moved to Implemented when all affected items are implemented.

AgileUpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseABM is sent to UpdateEngineeringCUpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListAgileProvABCSImpl.

8.3 Solution Assumptions and Constraints

  1. This release of the integration intends to solve a use case in which any given change interfaces to only one destination.

  2. The assumption is that the log information pertaining to the complete end-to-end process of transferring a change object from Agile PLM to Oracle E-Business Suite is available as a file to this operation.

  3. Verifications for the setup validations of the sub-class, workflow, and status values not part of the scope.

  4. The change object should already have an assigned workflow.

8.4 Agile PLM Interfaces

Table 8-3 lists the Agile PLM Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) files:

Table 8-3 Agile PLM Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) files

Interface Description




Used to update change order information in Agile PLM.

Table 8-4 lists the Agile PLM XML Schema Definition (XSD) files:

Table 8-4 Agile PLM XML Schema Definition (XSD) files






Contains UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM and UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseABM

8.5 Oracle E-Business Suite Interfaces

Table 8-5 lists the Oracle E-Business Suite WSDL files:

Table 8-5 Oracle E-Business Suite WSDL files

Interface Description



Used for the OA adapter "INV_EBI_CHANGE_ORDER_PUB.GET_ECO_LIST_ATTR" pl/sql function call

Table 8-6 lists the Oracle E-Business Suite XSD files:

Table 8-6 Oracle E-Business Suite XSD files

Interface Description



ABM for EngineeringChangeOrderABO


Created based on the input from the Concurrent Program to BPEL process and output to the Concurrent Program from BPEL process



8.6 Core AIA Components

Table 8-7 lists the core AIA components for this process integration:

Table 8-7 Core AIA components

Component Name








Table 8-8 lists the core components locations:

Table 8-8 Core components Locations

Component Location

EBO and EBM XSD files


$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ApplicationObjectLibrary /Ebiz/Release1/Core

WSDL files

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ EnterpriseBusinessServiceLibrary/Core/EBO/

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ExtensionServiceLibrary/Ebiz


For detailed documentation of individual EBOs and EBMs, click the AIA Reference Doc link on EBO and EBM detail pages in Oracle Enterprise Repository.

EBOs can be extended, for instance, to add new data elements. These extensions are protected and will remain integral after a patch or an upgrade.

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Concepts and Technologies Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack 11g Release 1, "Understanding Extensibility."

8.6.1 Oracle E-Business Suite and Agile PLM Components for Change Order Update

Table 8-9 lists the Oracle E-Business Suite and Agile PLM components for change order update:

Table 8-9 Oracle E-Business Suite and Agile PLM components for change order update

Services Oracle E-Business Suite (Requester) Agile PLM (Provider)












Table 8-10 lists the core components locations:

Table 8-10 Core components locations

Component Location

Application Business Objects, ABM and Common XSD files

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ApplicationObjectLibrary/Agile PLM/V1/schemas

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ApplicationObjectLibrary/Ebiz/V1/schemas

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ApplicationObjectLibrary /Ebiz/Release1/Core

WSDL files

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ApplicationObjectLibrary/Agile PLM/V1/wsdls

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ApplicationObjectLibrary/Ebiz/wsdls

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ExtensionServiceLibrary/Ebiz


8.7 Integration Services

The integration services for the change order update are:

8.7.1 EngineeringChangeOrderEBS

EngineeringChangeOrderEBS is the Enterprise Business Service (EBS) that exposes the operations related to the ECO integration and change order update on the EngineeringChangeOrder EBO.

The following list itemizes the routing rules:

  • EngineeringChangeOrderEBS service

    UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderList: Routes UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM to UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListAgileProvABCSImpl

  • EngineeringChangeOrderResponseEBS service

    UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponse: Routes UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseEBM to UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizReqABCSImpl

8.7.2 UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizReqABCSImpl

  • The requester ABCS, defined as a synchronous process, receives a list of change IDs from the Oracle E-Business Suite concurrent program.

    The list contains IDs that have last_update_date greater than the last run date of the concurrent program.

  • The requester BPEL process filters the list of IDs to a list of IDs that are present in the cross-reference tables in the FMW layer.

    This provides a list of change orders that were actually from the Agile PLM System alone. The original list of change IDs may be those that are from non-Agile PLM sources as well.

  • The BPEL process then makes an OA Adapter call out that calls the PL/SQL API, which provides the Item details that is sent out.

    This is the UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderList ABM.

  • A tans formation converts UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM to UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM.

  • An asynchronous request-delayed response call is made to EngineeringChangeOrderEBS with UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM.

    This call is routed to the appropriate provider.

  • The BPEL instance is reactivated from dehydration store when the asynchronous call returns from the provider and provides the status of the transaction to the caller concurrent program (because it is a synchronous call).

  • The concurrent program logs the status of this call.

8.7.3 UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListAgileProvABCSImpl

UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListAgileProvABCSImpl updates a change order transfer status and attributes in Agile PLM.

This service is implemented as an asynchronous process.

  • UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListAgileProvABCSImpl is invoked by EngineeringChangeOrderEBS with UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListReqMsg, which contains UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM as input.

  • Transform operation is called to convert UpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM into AgileUpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM.

  • AgileUpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM is passed as an input to the Web service operation:

    • Updates the transfer status-related attributes on the change order

    • Updates effectivity dates and implementation status.

    • If all affected items statuses are implemented, changes status of the change order to implemented (for Oracle E-Business Suite to Agile PLM flow).

  • AgileUpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseABM is received after the successful run of the Coarse Grained API UpdateChange.

  • If the UpdateChange service operation fails in Agile PLM, a new fault is generated and sent across with an appropriate error message.