In the upper right corner of the Post-Install Configuration page are the buttons Reset and Save.

The Post-Install Configuration page has these headings, from top to bottom: User Setup, Root Password, Support User Password, Time Setup, and DNS Setup. To the left of each heading is a button that hides or shows the fields under the heading. The fields under User Setup, Root Password, and Support User Password are showing, and each field requires a value (as indicated by an asterisk to the right of the field name). The fields under Time Setup and DNS Setup are hidden (and do not require values).

The fields under User Setup are, from top to bottom: Administrator, Password, Auditor, and Password.

The field Administrator has the default value AVADMIN. To the right of Administrator is the button Validate username. Immediately under Administrator is the field Password. To the right of Password is the field Re-enter Password. Neither Password nor Re-enter Password has a value.

The field Auditor has the default value AVAUDITOR. To the right of Auditor is the button Validate username. Immediately under Administrator is the field Password. To the right of Password is the field Re-enter Password. Neither Password nor Re-enter Password has a value.

The fields under Root Password are New Password (on the left) and Re-enter New Password (on the right). The fields have no values.

The fields under Support User Password are New Password (on the left) and Re-enter New Password (on the right). The fields have no values.