D Bundled JDBC Drivers

This appendix describes the JDBC drivers that are bundled with the Oracle AVDF SDK.

D.1 About Bundled JDBC drivers

When you create a collection plug-in, you can use it to extract audit records from a database table. To do this, you must have a JDBC driver to connect to the database. Drivers for most common databases are bundled with the SDK.

The Oracle AVDF SDK ships with 5 different JDBC drivers, some that are standard to the product and some that are proprietary drivers provided by Oracle for specific third-party databases.

  • Standard

    • Oracle

    • MySQL

  • Proprietary

    • Sybase

    • Microsoft SQL Server

    • DB2

You are not required to use any of these JDBC drivers and may use drivers acquired elsewhere. However, if you plan to use any of the listed drivers, you will need to provide the information in Table D-1 in your mapper file and when registering a secured target.

Table D-1 JDBC Drivers and Connecting URLs

Database Driver Class Connecting URL
















D.1.1 Connecting URLs

You use Connection URLs to specify the location of a database Secured Target when you register the Secured Target on the GUI or through AVCLI. The format of the Connection URL depends on the JDBC driver that you use. Each of the JDBC drivers shipped with AVDF specifies the format required by the JDBC driver in question in Table D-1.

Additionally, to use specific encryption methods in the connecting URL, you need to set the EncryptionMethod property as shown in the following example:

         jdbc:av:[sqlserver]://hostname: port;[EncryptionMethod=encryptionMethod]

where the encryption methods can be SSL, requestSSL, and loginSSL.

Use this url to register a Secured Target, by entering it into the Secured Target Location field, with the Advanced mode selected.

See "Secured Target Connection Information".

D.1.2 Driver class
