14 Configuring a Disaster Recovery Solution

The Oracle Fusion Middleware Disaster Recovery solution for enterprise deployments makes use of storage replication technology using Oracle Data Guard. This technology supports components from various Oracle product suites, including Oracle Entitlements Server installed as a stand-alone distribution. This chapter describes how to set up for Oracle Entitlements Server to use Oracle Data Guard to synchronize data for disaster recovery in a multi-site deployment.

This chapter includes the following sections:


Review the information about the Oracle Fusion Middleware Disaster Recovery solution in Oracle Fusion Middleware Disaster Recovery Guide before setting up a disaster recovery solution for Oracle Entitlements Server in a multi-site deployment.

14.1 Overview of a Multi-Site Deployment

Disaster protection for Oracle databases is provided through Oracle Data Guard. In a multi-site deployment, you install and configure a database for both a primary site and a standby site. In this release, Oracle Entitlements Server supports Oracle Data Guard as the high availability solution for the database service. Oracle Data Guard provides the capability to create and maintain one or more synchronized replicas (standby databases) of a production database (primary database). An Oracle Data Guard standby database is open read-only while and Oracle Data Guard primary database is both readable and writable.

In a multi-site deployment, the Oracle Entitlements Server Administration Server will configure the Oracle Data Guard primary database in its policy store to support MAPI operations. The Oracle Entitlements Server Security Modules will configure either the primary database or one of the standby databases in their policy store for policy distribution.

Oracle Entitlements Server admin servers are deployed on a read-only Oracle Data Guard standby database in order to provide policy query services. In the case of an Oracle Data Guard database role transition (where a standby database becomes the new primary database), the Oracle Entitlements Server admin server can provide management services on the new primary database without restarting WebLogic Server.

An Oracle Entitlements Server multi-site deployment includes:

  • Oracle Entitlements Server Administration Console: A single master for policy management across data centers.

  • Security Modules: The SMs connect to the

    • Local site database (Master or Slave) for reading data.

    • Master site database (Master) for writing data.

  • Policy Data Replication: The mode of data replication.

14.2 Multi-Site Deployment Topology

In this release, the following configuration is required:

  • One site is acting as Master at any time. All the write operations are against the policy store configured for the current Master site.

  • All the Security Modules are configured in controlled-pull mode. Non-controlled and controlled push modes are not supported.

  • A policy store configured in mixed mode is not supported.

  • The Oracle Entitlements Server Administration Console in the IDM domain cannot leverage multi-site functionality

  • Oracle Entitlements Server is installed as a stand-alone distribution.

Figure 14-1 illustrates the relationship between the Oracle Entitlements Server components when configured in a multi-site deployment:

Figure 14-1 Multi-Site Deployment Topology

Description of Figure 14-1 follows
Description of "Figure 14-1 Multi-Site Deployment Topology"

As seen in the figure, when in a multi-site deployment the following relationships exist:

  • Policy Distribution: Security Modules are configured in controlled-pull mode on all the sites. The snapshot is generated by the admin server at the Master site and replicated to the secondary and tertiary sites using Oracle Data Guard. The PDP on the secondary and tertiary sites retrieve the snapshot from the local policy store.

  • Configuration: PDP are configured with multiple JDBC URL's. The primary JDBC URL is configured to the local policy store. In an event of failure to connect to the local Policy Store, a connection attempt to the secondary JDBC URL is made. This ensures that the policy store is accessible in an event of a failure.

  • SM ConfigUI: Can be used to configure the JDBC URLs that are required to support failover functionality.

14.3 Task Roadmap

Table 14-1 lists the high-level tasks for configuring Oracle Entitlements Server to use Oracle Data Guard to synchronize data for disaster recovery in a multi-site deployment.

Table 14-1 Configuration Flow for Disaster Recovery Solution

No. Task Information


Review the information about the Oracle Fusion Middleware Disaster Recovery solution

Oracle Fusion Middleware Disaster Recovery Guide


Ensure you have complied with the prerequisites.

Section 14.4, "Prerequisites"

Configuring Oracle Data Guard


Configure the Primary Server site


Configure the Standby Server site


Force a switchover from Primary Server to Standby Server to test log file transfer

Section 14.5.3, "Test Log Transfer"


Configure Oracle Data Guard Broker


Test manual and switchover failover between Primary Server and Standby Server

Section 14.5.5, "Testing Failover and Switchover"


If necessary, install Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server


Configure a virtual device for Oracle ASM

Section 14.5.7, "Configuring a Virtual Device for Oracle ASM"


Configure Oracle Restart

Section 14.5.8, "Configuring Oracle Restart"

Configuring Oracle Entitlements Server


Create an OPSS database schema using RCU for Oracle Entitlements Server


Install Oracle Entitlements Server Administration Console on the Primary Server


Install Oracle Entitlements Server Administration Console on the Standby Server


Configure the Security Module for multi-site deployment

14.4 Prerequisites

  1. Two servers with Oracle database installed. 11gR2 (11.1.2) is the minimum version required in order to provide Oracle Data Guard support.

    In the following examples, the Primary Site server name is primary_host. The Standby Site server name is standby_host.

  2. The Primary Site server (primary_host) has a running instance. In the examples, the database name and unique name are both db11g.

  3. The Standby Site server (standby_host) has a software only installation. In the examples, the database name is db11g and the database unique name is db11g_stby.

    The DB_NAME of the standby database is the same as that of the primary, but it must have a different DB_UNIQUE_NAME value.

  4. The primary_host and standby_host both have the same ORACLE_HOME directory and structure.

    This is not a limitation but is recommended to simplify installation.

  5. 11gR2 (11.1.2) Oracle Grid Infrastructure for standalone server is installed on both primary_host and standby_host.

    Both Oracle Restart and Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) are required and will be configured. They are both included when Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a standalone server is installed.

14.5 Configuring Disaster Recovery for Oracle Entitlements Server

This section contains the following topics:

14.5.1 Setting Up the Primary Server

To install the database that will serve as the Primary Server:

  1. Configure forced logging. Check the primary database is in archivelog mode. If it is in noarchivelog mode, switch to archivelog mode and enable forced logging. For example:

    sqlplus sys/welcome1 as sysdba
    select log_mode from v$database;
    shutdown immediate;
    startup mount;
    alter database archivelog;
    alter database open;
    alter database force logging;
  2. Check the setting for the DB_NAME and DB_UNIQUE_NAME parameters. In this example, they are both set to db11g on the primary database. The DB_NAME of the standby database is the same as that of the primary, but it must have a different DB_UNIQUE_NAME value. Set the initialization parameters to redo log apply. For example:

    show parameter db_name;
    show parameter db_unique_name;
  3. Provide values for the primary and standby databases in the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora files on both servers. For example:

    db11g =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = primary_host)(PORT = 1521))
    (SERVICE_NAME = db11g.example.com)
    db11g_stby =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = standby_host)(PORT = 1521))
    (SERVICE_NAME = db11g.example.com)
  4. Set the following values for listener.ora on the primary server:

        (SID_LIST =
        (SID_DESC =
         (GLOBAL_DBNAME = db11g_DGMGRL.example.com)
         (ORACLE_HOME = /scratch/example_user/app/example_user/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1)
         (SID_NAME = db11g)
        (SID_DESC =
         (GLOBAL_DBNAME = db11g_DGB.example.com)
         (ORACLE_HOME = /scratch/example_user/app/example_user/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1)
         (SID_NAME = db11g)
            (DESCRIPTION =
                (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = primary.example.com)(PORT = 1521))
            (DESCRIPTION =
                (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = EXTPROC1521))
    ADR_BASE_LISTENER = /scratch/example_user/app/example_user
  5. Create a control file and a parameter file for the standby database. Amend the PFILE to make the entries relevant for the standby database. For example:

    CREATE PFILE='/tmp/initdb11g_stby.ora' FROM SPFILE;

14.5.2 Setting Up the Standby Server (Duplicate)

Next you must install and configure the Standby Server that is the duplicate. This server has a software only installation.

To install the database that will serve as the Standby Server (duplicate):

  1. Create the necessary directories on the Standby Server and copy the files from the Primary Server (primary_host) to the Standby Server (standby_host). In this example, the database name is db11g and database unique name is db11g_stby:

    $ mkdir -p /scratch/example_user/app/example_user/oradata/db11g
    $ mkdir -p /scratch/example_user/app/example_user/fast_recovery_area/db11g
    $ mkdir -p /scratch/example_user/app/example_user/admin/db11g/adump
    $ # Standby controlfile to all locations.
    $ scp example_user@primary_host:/tmp/db11g_stby.ctl /scratch/example_user/app/example_user/oradata/db11g/control01.ctl
    $ cp /scratch/example_user/app/example_user/oradata/db11g/control01.ctl /scratch/example_user/app/example_user/flash_recovery_area/db11g/control02.ctl
    $ # Parameter file.
    $ scp example_user@primary_host:/tmp/initdb11g_stby.ora /tmp/initdb11g_stby.ora
    $ # Remote login password file.
    $ scp example_user@primary_host:$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapwdb11g $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
  2. Edit the listener configuration file listen.ora to have the following entries:

        (SID_LIST =
            (SID_DESC =
                (GLOBAL_DBNAME = db11g.example.com)
                (ORACLE_HOME = /scratch/example_user/app/example_user/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1)
                (SID_NAME = db11g)
            (SID_DESC =
                 (GLOBAL_DBNAME = db11g_stby_DGMGRL.example.com)
                 (ORACLE_HOME = /scratch/example_user/app/example_user/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1)
                 (SID_NAME = db11g)
            (SID_DESC =
                 (GLOBAL_DBNAME = db11g_stby_DGB.example.com)
                 (ORACLE_HOME = /scratch/example_user/app/example_user/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1)
                 (SID_NAME = db11g)
            (DESCRIPTION =
                (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = standby_host.example.com)(PORT = 1521))
            (DESCRIPTION =
                (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = EXTPROC1521))
    ADR_BASE_LISTENER = /scratch/example_user/app/example_user
  3. Verify the listener is started on the Standby Server.

    $ lsnrctl start
  4. Create standby Redo logs on primary server using the DUPLICATE command. standby redo logs are created on the primary server to ensure the primary database is configured for switchover. For example:

    ALTER DATABASE ADD STANDBY LOGFILE ('/scratch/example_user/app/example_user/oradata/db11g/standby_redo01.log') SIZE 50M;
    ALTER DATABASE ADD STANDBY LOGFILE ('/scratch/example_user/app/example_user/oradata/db11g/standby_redo02.log') SIZE 50M;
    ALTER DATABASE ADD STANDBY LOGFILE ('/scratch/example_user/app/example_user/oradata/db11g/standby_redo03.log') SIZE 50M;
    ALTER DATABASE ADD STANDBY LOGFILE ('/scratch/example_user/app/example_user/oradata/db11g/standby_redo04.log') SIZE 50M;
  5. Create standby using DUPLICATE command:

    1. Start the auxiliary instance on the standby server, using the temporary init.ora file. For example:

      $ export ORACLE_SID=db11g
      $ sqlplus / as sysdba
      SQL> STARTUP NOMOUNT PFILE='/tmp/initdb11g_stby.ora';
    2. Connect to RMAN, specifying a full connect string for both the TARGET and AUXILLARY instances. Do not use OS authentication.

      $ rman TARGET sys/password@db11g AUXILIARY sys/password@db11g_stby
    3. Execute the following DUPLICATE command.

      SET db_unique_name='db11g_stby' COMMENT 'Is standby'
      SET FAL_SERVER='db11g' COMMENT 'Is primary'
  6. Restart.

    select status,instance_name,database_role,open_mode from v$database,v$instance;

14.5.3 Test Log Transfer

Force a switchover from the Primary Server to the Standby Server in order to verify the log file transfer between the two site.

To verify the log files transfer on the two servers:

  1. On Primary Server, check the latest archived redo log and force a log switch. For example:

    ALTER SESSION SET nls_date_format='DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS';
    SELECT sequence#, first_time, next_time
    FROM v$archived_log
    ORDER BY sequence#;
  2. On the Standby Server, verify the new archived redo log has arrived and has been applied. For example:

    ALTER SESSION SET nls_date_format='DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS';
    SELECT sequence#, first_time, next_time, applied
    FROM v$archived_log
    ORDER BY sequence#;

14.5.4 Configuring the Oracle Data Guard Broker

To configure the Oracle Data Guard broker:

  1. Start DMON background process on primary and standby database.

    connect sys/welcome1@db11g as sysdba
    alter system set dg_broker_start=true;
    connect sys/welcome1@db11g_stby as sysdba
    alter system set dg_broker_start=true;
  2. Call Oracle Data Guard Manager Linemode and configure. For example:

    connect sys/welcome1@db11g
    create configuration myconfig as primary database is db11g connect identifier is db11g;
    add database db11g_stby as connect identifier is db11g_stby maintained as physical;
    enable configuration;
    show configuration;
  3. Change to MA protection mode.

    edit database db11g set property LogXptMode=SYNC;
    edit database db11g_stby set property LogXptMode=SYNC;
    edit configuration set protection mode as maxavailability;

Fast-start failover allows the broker to automatically fail over to a previously chosen standby database in the event of loss of the primary database. Fast-start failover quickly and reliably fails over the target standby database to the primary database role, without requiring you to perform any manual steps to invoke the failover. Fast-start failover can be used only in a broker configuration and can be configured only through DGMGRL or Enterprise Manager.

To enable Fast Start Failover:

  1. Run the following command to enable Fast Start Failover.

    EDIT DATABASE db11g SET PROPERTY FastStartFailoverTarget = db11g_stby;
    EDIT DATABASE db11g_stby SET PROPERTY FastStartFailoverTarget = db11g;
    EDIT CONFIGURATION SET PROPERTY FastStartFailoverThreshold = 30;
    Turn on flashback by sqlplus
    SQL> select flashback_on from v$database;
    SQL> alter database flashback on;
  2. Start the Observer on another host.

    DGMGRL> connect sys/welcome1@db11g_stby

14.5.5 Testing Failover and Switchover

To test the manual switchover and failover:

  1. Test switchover and failover as follows.

    1. To test switchover:

      dgmgrl>connect sys/welcome1@db11g
      dgmgrl>switchover to db11g_stby;
    2. To test failover:

      dgmgrl>connect sys/oracle@db11g_stby
      dgmgrl>failover to db11g_stby;
  2. Test Fast Start Failover by simulating a failure. For example:

    1. Shutdown the current primary database to simulate a failure.

      SQL> connect sys/welcome1@db11g as sysdba
      SQL> shutdown abort 
    2. Wait 20 seconds and verify the observer has initiated a failover.

      After 20 seconds has lapsed, The observer has initiated a failover.
      00:37:13.65 Thursday, May 30, 2013
      Initiating Fast-Start Failover to database "db11g_stby"...
      Performing failover NOW, please wait...
      Failover succeeded, new primary is "db11g_stby"
      00:37:20.67 Thursday, May 30, 2013 
    3. Confirm that the new Primary Server is db11g_stby

      DGMGRL> show configuration 

14.5.6 Installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server

Both Oracle Restart and Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) are required and must be configured. They are both included with an Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a standalone server installation.

If you do not already have Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a standalone server installed on both primary_host and standby_host, follow instructions in Oracle Database Installation Guide.

14.5.7 Configuring a Virtual Device for Oracle ASM

A virtual device is required for Oracle ASM. Use the losetup command to create virtual devices in place of real disk device.

Login as root to create a virtual device for Oracle ASM, for example:

mkdir /scratch/example_user/asmdisks
chown example_user:dba /asmdisks
dd if=/dev/zero of=/scratch/example_user/asmdisks/_file_disk1 bs=1k count=100000
dd if=/dev/zero of=/scratch/example_user/asmdisks/_file_disk2 bs=1k count=100000
dd if=/dev/zero of=/scratch/example_user/asmdisks/_file_disk3 bs=1k count=100000
dd if=/dev/zero of=/scratch/example_user/asmdisks/_file_disk4 bs=1k count=100000
"/sbin/losetup /dev/loop1 /scratch/example_user/asmdisks/_file_disk1"
"/sbin/losetup /dev/loop2 /scratch/example_user/asmdisks/_file_disk2"
"/sbin/losetup /dev/loop3 /scratch/example_user/asmdisks/_file_disk3"
"/sbin/losetup /dev/loop4 /scratch/example_user/asmdisks/_file_disk4"
"/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw1 /dev/loop1"
"/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw2 /dev/loop2"
"/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw3 /dev/loop3"
"/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw4 /dev/loop4"
"chown jianxliu:dba /dev/raw/raw1"
"chown jianxliu:dba /dev/raw/raw2"
"chown jianxliu:dba /dev/raw/raw3"
"chown jianxliu:dba /dev/raw/raw4"
"chmod 660 /dev/raw/raw1"
"chmod 660 /dev/raw/raw2"
"chmod 660 /dev/raw/raw3"
"chmod 660 /dev/raw/raw4"

14.5.8 Configuring Oracle Restart

If Oracle Restart is installed after Oracle database, the database components need to be registered to Oracle Restart using srvctl command.


The following applies to restarting a service:

  • The distribution.example.com service must be explicitly started with SRVCTL START SERVICE and stopped with SRVCTL STOP SERVICE on primary database to ensure its information is propagated using redo to physical standby. For example: srvctl start service -d db11g_stby -s distribution.example.com

  • Whenever a role change occurs after an Oracle Data Guard automatic or manual failover, always make sure that both the manage and distribution services are started and running on both the primary and standby servers. If they are not running, start the service.

To register the database components if Oracle Restart is installed after the database, perform the following steps on both the primary and standby servers:

  1. Add the database, ensure ORACLE_HOME is set to the database home. For example:

    srvctl add database -d db11g -o $ORACLE_HOME -r PRIMARY
    srvctl add database -d db11g_stby -o $ORACLE_HOME -r PHYSICAL_STANDBY -s MOUNT
  2. If the listener is started from the database home, add the listener by ensuring the ORACLE_HOME is set to database home.

    srvctl add listener -o $ORACLE_HOME
  3. Add the Oracle notification service (ONS/eONS) for Oracle Broker, ensure ORACLE_HOME is set to Oracle Grid Infrastructure home. For example:

    srvctl add ons
    srvctl enable ons
    srvctl start ons
    srvctl status ons
    srvctl add eons
    srvctl enable eons
    srvctl start eons
    srvctl status eons

    By default ONS listening port for local client connections is 6100 and for connections from remote hosts is 6200

  4. Add database service, ensure ORACLE_HOME is set to database home. For example:

    1. On the primary database:

      srvctl add service -d db11g -s manage.example.com -l PRIMARY -y AUTOMATIC -q FALSE -e NONE -m NONE -w 0 -z 0
      srvctl add service -d db11g -s distribution.example.com -l PHYSICAL_STANDBY,PRIMARY -y AUTOMATIC -q FALSE -e NONE -m NONE -w 0 -z 0
    2. On the standby database:

      srvctl add service -d db11g_stby -s manage.example.com -l PRIMARY -y AUTOMATIC -q FALSE -e NONE -m NONE -w 0 -z 0
      srvctl add service -d db11g_stby -s distribution.example.com -l PHYSICAL_STANDBY,PRIMARY -y AUTOMATIC -q FALSE -e NONE -m NONE -w 0 -z 0

14.5.9 Installing OPSS Schema

Run Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility (RCU) against the primary database. After it is finished, the OPSS schema can be propagated to the standby database. For more information about using RCU, see "Database Requirements" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Identity and Access Management.

14.5.10 Installing the Primary Administration Console

Install the primary Oracle Entitlements Server Administration Console. For information about installing Oracle Entitlements Server Administration Console, see "Installing and Configuring Oracle Entitlements Server" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Identity and Access Management.

Note the following when installing:

  • When running the config.sh script to install a Weblogic domain, choose GridLink to create data source.

  • When inputting listeners for GridLink data source, add primary database as the first listener.

  • When running the configureSecurityStore.py script ensure -m create option is added to parameters. For example:

    MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh MW_HOME/Oracle_IDM1/common/tools/configureSecurityStore.py
    -d /scratch/example_user/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/domainname/ -t DB_ORACLE -j cn=jpsroot -m create -p welcome1
  • Edit the JPS configuration files to support HA failover mode operation as follows:


    The Gridlink JDBC URL configured for the datasource property in opss-jdbc.xml is used by WebLogic Server for switching. Edit the jps-config.xml file to comment out the following property entries under props.db.1:


    Edit $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/domainname/config/fmwconfig/jps-config-jse.xml:

    <property name="jdbc.url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION_LIST = (LOAD
     (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = primary.example.com)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA =
     (SERVICE_NAME = manage.example.com)))(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS
     = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = standby.example.com)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA =
     (SERVICE_NAME = manage.example.com))))"/>

    Edit $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/domainname/config/jdbc/opss-jdbc.xml:

    <url>jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION_LIST = (LOAD_BALANCE = off) (FAILOVER =
     primary.example.com)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME =
     manage.example.com)))(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL =
     TCP)(HOST = standby.example.com)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME
     = manage.example.com))))</url>

14.5.11 Installing the Secondary Administration Console

Install the secondary Oracle Entitlements Server Administration Console. Note the following when installing:

  • Create a GridLink data source by following the steps in Section 14.5.10, "Installing the Primary Administration Console" with the following changes: use distribution.example.com instead of manage.example.com, and the first host is a standby database.

  • Export EncryptionKey from primary domain. For example:

  • When running the configureSecurityStore.py script ensure -m join option is added, and the farm name is set to the one used when installing the Primary Administration Console. For example:

    MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh MW_HOME/Oracle_IDM1/common/tools/configureSecurityStore.py
    -d /scratch/example_user/Oracle/Middleware/
    user_projects/domains/domainname/ -t DB_ORACLE -j cn=jpsroot -m join -f
     domainname -p welcome1 -k /net/standby_host/scratch/example_user/keydir -w welcome1 --create_diagnostic_data
  • Edit the JPS configuration file to support HA failover mode operation. For example:


    The Gridlink JDBC URL configured for the datasource property in opss-jdbc.xml is used by WebLogic Server for switching. Edit the jps-config.xml file to comment out the following property entries under props.db.1 :


    Edit $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/domainname/config/fmwconfig/jps-config-jse.xml:

    property name="jdbc.url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION_LIST = (LOAD
     (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = standby.example.com)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA =
     (SERVICE_NAME = distribution.example.com)))(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST =
     (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = primary.example.com)(PORT =
     1521)))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = distribution.example.com))))"/>

    Edit $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/domainname/config/jdbc/opss-jdbc.xml:

    <url>jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION_LIST = (LOAD_BALANCE = off) (FAILOVER =
     standby.example.com)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME =
     distribution.example.com)))(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS =
     (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = primary.example.com)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA =
     (SERVICE_NAME = distribution.example.com))))</url>
  • After installation, launch WebLogic Server Console to change the GridLink data source JDBC connection's first host to be the local standby_host.

14.5.12 Configuring the Security Module

When operating in a multi-site environment, Security Modules must be configured to be in controlled-pull mode.

To configure a Security Module:

  1. Configure the domain (pull mode) using config.sh command with -multisite parameter to enable the multi-site configuration.

    • For a WebLogic Server domain:

      config.sh -smType wls -smConfigId wlsPullDomain -serverLocation  <MiddlewareHome>/wlsserver10.3 -multisite
    • For a Tomcat domain:

      config.sh -smType tomcat -smConfigId tomcatSmPull -serverLocation /scratch/oesuser/tomcat7/ -multisite
  2. When prompted for primary JdbcURL, provide information similar to the following example:

    jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION_LIST = (LOAD_BALANCE = off) (FAILOVER =
     primary-host.example.com)(PORT = 1522)))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME =
     manage.example.com)))(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL =
     TCP)(HOST = standby-host.example.com)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE
    _NAME = manage.example.com))))
  3. When prompted for Onsserver, provide information similar to the following example:

  4. Edit the smconfig.prp file on the standby site to include entries similar to the following example:

    #  Policy distribution mode.
         # Policy Store URL for DB policy store
    jdbc.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION_LIST = (LOAD_BALANCE = off)
     TCP)(HOST = standby-host.example.com)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE
    _NAME = distribution.example.com)))(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS =
     (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = primary-host.example.com)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA
     = (SERVICE_NAME = distribution.example.com))))
        # Primary Policy Store URL for Mutli-site Deployment
     primary-host.example.com)(PORT = 1522)))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME =
     manage.example.com)))(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL =
     TCP)(HOST = standby-host.example.com)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE
    _NAME = manage.example.com))))
        # Oracle Notification Servers for Mutli-site Deployment
  5. Edit the smconfig.prp file for the primary site to include entries similar to the following example. Note these differences from the smconfig.prp file for the standby site:

    • The jdbc.url property references the SERVICE_NAME as manage.example.com.

    • The first host in the URL is the primary host, then followed by the standby host.

     jdbc.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION_LIST = (LOAD_BALANCE = off)
     TCP)(HOST = primary-host.example.com)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE
    _NAME = manage.example.com)))(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS =
     (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = standby-host.example.com)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA
     = (SERVICE_NAME = manage.example.com))))