.NET API Reference for Oracle Identity Connector Framework 11.1.2

The ConnectorFacade type exposes the following members.


Public methodAddAttributeValues
Update the object specified by the ObjectClass and Uid, adding to the current values of each attribute the values provided.
(Inherited from UpdateApiOp.)
Public methodAuthenticate
Most basic authentication available.
(Inherited from AuthenticationApiOp.)
Public methodCreate
Creates a user based on the ConnectorAttributes provide. The only required attribute is the ObjectClass and those required by the Connector. The API will validate the existence of the ObjectClass attribute and that there are no duplicate name'd attributes.
(Inherited from CreateApiOp.)
Public methodDelete
Delete the object that the specified Uid identifies (if any).
(Inherited from DeleteApiOp.)
Public methodGetLatestSyncToken
Returns the token corresponding to the latest sync delta.
(Inherited from SyncApiOp.)
Public methodGetObject
Get a particular ConnectorObject based on the Uid.
(Inherited from GetApiOp.)
Public methodGetOperation
Get an instance of an operation that this facade supports.
Public methodRemoveAttributeValues
Update the object specified by the ObjectClass and Uid, removing from the current values of each attribute the values provided.
(Inherited from UpdateApiOp.)
Public methodResolveUsername
Resolve the given Authenticate(ObjectClass, String, GuardedString, OperationOptions) username to the corresponding Uid.
(Inherited from ResolveUsernameApiOp.)
Public methodRunScriptOnConnector
Runs the script.
(Inherited from ScriptOnConnectorApiOp.)
Public methodRunScriptOnResource
Runs a script on a specific target resource.
(Inherited from ScriptOnResourceApiOp.)
Public methodSchema
Retrieve the basic schema of this Connector.
(Inherited from SchemaApiOp.)
Public methodSearch
Search the resource for all objects that match the filter.
(Inherited from SearchApiOp.)
Public methodSync
Perform a synchronization.
(Inherited from SyncApiOp.)
Public methodTest
Tests the current APIConfiguration with the connector.
(Inherited from TestApiOp.)
Public methodUpdate
Update the object specified by the ObjectClass and Uid, replacing the current values of each attribute with the values provided.
(Inherited from UpdateApiOp.)
Public methodValidate
Validates the APIConfiguration.
(Inherited from ValidateApiOp.)


Public propertySupportedOperations
Get the set of operations that this ConnectorFacade will support.

See Also