.NET API Reference for Oracle Identity Connector Framework 11.1.2
Main method to be called to translate a filter

Namespace: Org.IdentityConnectors.Framework.Common.Objects.Filters
Assembly: Framework (in Framework.dll) Version: (


public IList<T> Translate(
	Filter filter


Type: Org.IdentityConnectors.Framework.Common.Objects.Filters..::..Filter
The filter to translate.

Return Value

Type: IList<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
The list of queries to be performed. The list
 Copy imageCopy
may be one of the following:
  1. 0 - This signifies fetch everything. This may occur if your filter was null or one of your
     Copy imageCopy
    methods returned null.
  2. 1 - List contains a single query that will return the results from the filter. Note that the results may be a superset of those specified by the filter in the case that one of your
     Copy imageCopy
    methods returned null. That is OK from a behavior standpoint since
     Copy imageCopy
    performs a second level of filtering. However it is undesirable from a performance standpoint.
  3. >1 - List contains multiple queries that must be performed in order to meet the filter that was passed in. Note that this only occurs if your CreateOrExpression(T, T) method can return null. If this happens, it is the responsibility of the connector implementor to perform each query and combine the results. In order to eliminate duplicates, the connector implementation must keep an in-memory
     Copy imageCopy
    of those UID that have been visited thus far. This will not scale well if your result sets are large. Therefore it is recommended that if at all possible you implement CreateOrExpression(T, T)


FilterTranslator<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..Translate(Filter)

See Also