24 Using the Bulk Load Utility

Oracle Identity Manager may be one among many repositories of entity data in your organization. When you start using Oracle Identity Manager, you might want to load data from the other repositories into Oracle Identity Manager. The Bulk Load utility offers a solution to this requirement.

The Bulk Load utility is aimed at automating the process of loading a large amount of data into Oracle Identity Manager. It helps reduce the downtime involved in loading data. You can use this utility after you install Oracle Identity Manager or at any time during the production lifetime of Oracle Identity Manager. The Bulk Load utility can load users, accounts, roles, role hierarchy, role membership, and role category data.

This document is divided into the following sections:

24.1 Features of the Bulk Load Utility

The following are features of the bulk load utility:

  • The utility is compatible with Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0 and later.

  • Data can be loaded into Oracle Identity Manager as OIM Users, accounts allocated (provisioned) to OIM Users, roles, role hierarchies, role memberships, or role categories.

  • Data can be loaded from a single or multiple CSV files or a database table. Data imported into Oracle Identity Manager is automatically converted into OIM Users, accounts provisioned to OIM Users, roles, role hierarchies, role memberships, or role categories.

  • Data can be loaded from a single or multiple trusted sources.

  • Data can be loaded into either an empty Oracle Identity Manager repository or an Oracle Identity Manager repository that already contains data about OIM Users and resources. In other words, user data can be loaded at any time, either immediately after Oracle Identity Manager installation or when the system is already in production.

  • Exceptions generated during user data loading are handled, and records that fail the loading process can be retried.

  • Audit snapshots can be generated after a bulk load operation for users.

  • After bulk loading of OIM User data, password change at first login is enforced because a dummy password is used during the operation.


    You cannot use the utility to encrypt user attributes. In other words, if a user field in Oracle Identity Manager is encrypted, then the utility cannot be used to encrypt data that is loaded into that field.

24.2 Prerequisites for Running the Bulk Load Utility

Running the Bulk Load utility has the following prerequisites:

24.2.1 Installing the Bulk Load Utility

To install the utility:

  1. Zip and copy the following directory from the installation package into a directory on the Oracle Identity Manager database host computer:



    You can run the utility from a remote host. It is not mandatory to run the utility from a directory in the Oracle Identity Manager database host.

    The utility can also be run directly from the MIDDLEWARE_HOME/Oracle_IDM1/server/db/oim/oracle/Utilities/oimbulkload/ directory.

  2. Extract the contents of the ZIP file.

    The oimbulkload directory is created when you extract the contents of the ZIP file. The following directories are created inside this directory:

    • sqls: This directory contains SQL scripts used during bulk load operations.

    • scripts: This directory contains the .sh and .bat scripts used during bulk load operations.

    • csv_files: If you are going to use a single or multiple CSV files as the input source, then the CSV files must be stored in this directory.

    • lib: The directory contains the oimBulkLoad.jar file.

    • sample_data: This directory contains the following sample CSV files:

      • For OIM User load operations:




      • For account load operations:



      • For role-related load operations:

        Role.csv (Role load)

        Rolec.csv (Role category)

        Roleh.csv (Role hierarchy)

        Rolem.csv (Role membership)

    • Logs_ YYYYMMDD_hhmi: The log directory contains the log files that store the summary of the bulk load operation. This directory is created at run time.

The following sections provide additional information about the utility and bulk load operations: Scripts That Constitute the Utility

The following are the main scripts that constitute the utility:

  • oim_blkld.bat and oim_blkld.sh

    This script contains the code to perform bulk load operations. When it is run, this script calls other scripts and stored procedures.

  • oim_blkld_setup.sql

    This script is used to add a datafile in the Oracle Identity Manager tablespace. The "Creating a Datafile in the Oracle Identity Manager Tablespace" section of this document provides more information. Temporary Tables Used During a Bulk Load Operation

The following temporary tables are used during a bulk load operation:


    If you are using a CSV file as the input source, then the utility automatically creates the OIM_BLKLD_TMP_SUFFIX table and first loads data from the CSV file into this table. The suffix for the table name is determined as follows:

    • The first 6 characters of the file name are taken into account.

    • Special characters in the file name and the file extension (.csv) are ignored while determining the first 6 characters.

    • A unique number is appended to the first 6 characters.

    • For example, if the name of the file is acc_Data.csv, then the table that is created during the bulk load operation is named oim_blkld_tmp_accDat1.

    If there are multiple CSV files, then one table is created for each file. Because the first six characters of each CSV file name are appended to the table name, you must ensure that the first six characters of each file's name are unique. This guideline is explained later in this document.


    if you are using a database table as the input source, then you can specify any name for the table. You provide the name of this table as one of the input parameters of the utility.

    The OIM_BLKLD_EX_SUFFIX table is used to hold data records that fail (are not loaded into Oracle Identity Manager) during a bulk load operation. One OIM_BLKLD_EX_SUFFIX table is created for each OIM_BLKLD_TMP_SUFFIX table. The EXCEPTION_MSG column of the table stores the reason for failure of each record in the table.

    If you are using CSV files as the input source, then the first six characters of the CSV file name are added as a suffix to the table name. For example, if the name of the CSV file is usrdt120508.csv, then the name of the table is OIM_BLKLD_EX_ usrdt1. If there are multiple CSV files, then one temporary table is created for each CSV file.


    If there are multiple CSV files, then you must ensure that the first six characters of each CSV file name are unique.

    During a bulk load operation, the utility inserts progress and error messages in the OIM_BLKLD_LOG table. You can query this table to monitor the progress of a bulk load operation. This procedure is described in detail later in this document. Options Offered by the Utility

When you run the bulk load utility, it prompts you to select one of the following options:


The utility prompts for more input depending on the option you select.
  • Load User Data

    You select this option if you want the utility to load OIM User data. In other words, data is imported into the USR table of Oracle Identity Manager. You can select the input source, CSV files or database tables, for the data that you want to load.

  • Load Account Data

    You select this option if you want the utility to load account data. In other words, data is imported into the relevant UD_ tables of Oracle Identity Manager. You can select the input source, CSV files or database tables, for the data that you want to load.

  • Load Role Data

    You select this option if you want the utility to load role data. In other words, data is imported into the UGP table of Oracle Identity Manager. You can select the input source, CSV files, or database tables, for the data that you want to load.

  • Load Role Membership

    You select this option if you want the utility to load role membership data. In other words, data is imported into the USG table of Oracle Identity Manager. You can select the input source, CSV files or database tables, for the data that you want to load.

  • Load Role Hierarchy

    You select this option if you want the utility to load role hierarchy data. In other words, data is imported into the GPG table of Oracle Identity Manager. You can select the input source, CSV files, or database tables, for the data that you want to load.

  • Load Role Category

    You select this option if you want the utility to load role data. In other words, data is imported into the ROLE_CATEGORY tables of Oracle Identity Manager. You can select the input source, CSV files, or database tables, for the data that you want to load.

  • Generate Audit Snapshot

    You select this option if you want the utility to generate an audit snapshot of users that you have loaded.

24.2.2 Preparing Your Database for a Bulk Load Operation

Preparing your database for a bulk load operation involves the following: Creating a Tablespace for Temporary Tables

As mentioned in "Temporary Tables Used During a Bulk Load Operation", temporary database tables are used during the bulk load operation. It is recommended that you create a tablespace to accommodate these temporary tables instead of using the default tablespace of the Oracle Identity Manager database.

Follow the instructions in the database documentation to create a tablespace. Creating a Datafile in the Oracle Identity Manager Tablespace

The default size of the datafile in the Oracle Identity Manager tablespace created during Oracle Identity Manager installation is 500 MB. You may need to add space to this datafile to accommodate the data that you are going to load. The alternative is to create a datafile.

To create a datafile in the Oracle Identity Manager tablespace:

  1. Start a SQL*Plus session.

  2. Connect to the Oracle Identity Manager database as SYSDBA.

  3. Run the oim_blkld_setup.sql script. The script will prompt for the following:

    • Name of the Oracle Identity Manager tablespace

    • Full path and name for the datafile to be added in the Oracle Identity Manager tablespace

    • Oracle Identity Manager database user name

24.3 Running the Utility


If there are name conflicts with existing tables, then the utility overwrites existing temporary tables at the start of each run. If required, rename temporary database tables created during an earlier run of the utility.

To run the utility:

  1. Stop Oracle Identity Manager.

  2. Run one of the following scripts:


    To load CSV file with non-ASCII data, before running the oim_blkld.sh or oim_blkld.bat script, set the NLS_LANG environment parameter to the UTF8 characterset, in the following format:


    For example:

    NLS_LANG = American_America.UTF8

    • On UNIX computers:


    • On Microsoft Windows computers:


  3. From the main menu, select one of the options depending on the data you want to load, such as user, account, or role-related data, as described in "Options Offered by the Utility".

  4. From the second menu:

    • Select CSV File if you are using CSV files as the input source.

    • Select DB Table if you are using a database table as the input source.

  5. When prompted, provide values for the input parameters described in "Determining Values for the Input Parameters of the Utility".


    See "Determining Values for the Input Parameters of the Utility" for information about the input parameters required for loading OIM User data. See corresponding sections for information about the input parameters required to load account, role, role hierarchy, role membership, and role category data.
  6. Monitor the performance of the operation by following the steps given in "Monitoring the Progress of the Operation".

24.4 Loading OIM User Data

The following is a summary of the steps involved in loading OIM User data:

  1. Prepare your database for bulk load if not done already. See "Preparing Your Database for a Bulk Load Operation" for details.

  2. Create the OIM User whose password will be used as the default password for all OIM Users created during the bulk load operation.

  3. Create the input source for the bulk load operation.

    If you want to use a database table as the input source, then create the table and copy user data into the table.

    If you want to use CSV files as the input source, then create the CSV files and copy user data into the files. In addition, create a master.txt file containing the names of the files in the sequence in which you want to load data from them.

  4. Determine values for the input parameters of the utility.

  5. Stop Oracle Identity Manager.

  6. Run the oim_blkld.sh or oim_blkld.bat script. See "Running the Utility" for information about running the oim_blkld.sh or oim_blkld.bat scripts.

  7. Monitor the progress of the bulk load operation.

  8. Determine the outcome of the bulk load operation.

  9. If required, reload data that was not loaded during the first run.

  10. Restart Oracle Identity Manager.

  11. Verify the outcome of the bulk load operation.

  12. Gather diagnostic data from the operation.

  13. Remove temporary tables and files created during the operation.

  14. Generate an audit snapshot.

The following sections provide detailed information about the steps involved in loading OIM User data:

24.4.1 Setting a Default Password for OIM Users Added by the Utility

The utility does not encrypt passwords that it assigns to OIM Users created during the bulk load operation. Instead, it assigns the password of an existing OIM User to all OIM Users that are created during the operation.


Each OIM User is required to change the password at first login.

When you run the utility, it prompts for the login name of the existing OIM User whose password you want to use as the default password for the new OIM Users. Before you run the utility, create this OIM User as follows:


You can create a user in Oracle Identity Manager dedicated for the bulk load operation, and later delete the user if it not required any more. Otherwise, any existing OIM User can be used to perform bulk load operations.
  1. Log in to the Oracle Identity Self Service as a user with Create User privileges.

  2. Click Administration.

  3. On the Welcome page, click Create User.

  4. Specify values for the following fields:

    • User Login

    • First Name (optional)

    • Last Name

    • Organization: Select Xellerate Users.

    • Password

    • Confirm Password

  5. Click Save.

24.4.2 Creating the Input Source for the Bulk Load Operation

Depending on the input source that you want to use, apply the guidelines given in one of the following sections: Using CSV Files As the Input Source

If you want to use CSV files as the input source for the bulk load operation, then apply the following guidelines while creating the CSV files:

  • The CSV files must be placed in the oimbulkload/csv_files directory.

  • The first line in the CSV file is called the control line. This line must contain a comma-separated list of column names of the USR table in the Oracle Identity Manager database.


    Ensure that the Password column or any other encrypted column is not included in the list of columns. As mentioned earlier in this document, the utility assigns the password of an existing OIM User that you specify to all OIM Users that it loads into Oracle Identity Manager.
  • From the second line onward, the file must contain values for the columns in the control line. The order of columns in the first line and the values in the rest of the lines must be the same.

    The following are sample contents of a CSV file:

    john_doe, John, Doe, jdoe
    jane_doe, Jane, Doe, janedoe
    richard_roe, Richard, Roe, rroe
  • If the value in any column contains a comma, then that value must be enclosed in double quotation marks (").

  • The CSV file must contain values for all columns that are designated as mandatory in the USR table. The following table lists the mandatory columns required to load the USR table:

    Mandatory Column Description
    USR_FIRST_NAME The first name of the user
    USR_LAST_NAME The last name of the user


    • USR_LOGIN is not a mandatory column in Oracle Identity Manager 11g Release 2 (

    • There are some key mandatory columns that you can ignore. For example, the ACT_KEY column in the USR table, which is populated by ORG_NAME.

  • Each row in the CSV file must have a unique value for the USR_LOGIN column in the USR table. If there are multiple files, you must ensure that USR_LOGIN values are unique across the CSV files. This check for uniqueness of USR_LOGIN values must also cover existing OIM Users in Oracle Identity Manager.

    Ensuring that USR_LOGIN values are unique can be a time-consuming exercise. As an alternative, you can first perform the bulk load operation, fix USR_LOGIN values that are not unique, and then retry the loading operation for the modified user records. This is possible because the utility checks for uniqueness of USR_LOGIN values at run time and copies records that fail this check into the OIM_BLKLD_EX table. Later in this document, there are instructions on retrying the bulk load operation for records that are not loaded during the first run.

  • If you want to include an organization name in each user record, then add ORG_NAME in the control line and enter the organization name for each user from the second line onward. If ORG_NAME is not included, then the users must be assigned to the Xellerate Users organization.


    All organization names listed under the ORG_NAME column in the CSV file must exist in Oracle Identity Manager.
  • If you want to include a manager name in each user record, then add MANAGER_NAME in the control line and enter the USR_LOGIN value of the manager for each user from the second line onward.

    The utility looks up the USR_LOGIN values for managers after all user data, from all CSV files, is loaded into Oracle Identity Manager. If a USR_LOGIN value given in the MANAGER_NAME column does not exist in Oracle Identity Manager, then the lookup for that user record fails and the record is copied into the exception table, OIM_BLKLD_EX. At the end of the bulk load operation, you can perform the procedure described in "Fixing Exceptions and Reloading Data Records" to reload user records that fail the first run.

  • Note that the following default values are inserted into Oracle Identity Manager if the CSV file does not contain values for these columns:

    ORG_NAME: Xellerate Users

    USR_TYPE: End-User

    USR_STATUS: Active

    USR_EMP_TYPE: Full-Time

  • Create a master TXT file containing the names of the CSV files containing user data to be loaded. You can specify any name for the file, for example, master.txt. Save the master file in the oimbulkload/csv_files directory.

    If you want to load multiple CSV files, then enter the name of each data CSV file on a separate line in the master file. Order the list of CSV file names in the sequence in which you want the utility to load data from the files. For example, suppose you have created three data CSV files, London_Users.csv, NewYork_Users.csv, and Tokyo_Users.csv. In the master file, you enter the names of the data CSV files in the following order:


    When you run the utility, data is loaded in this order. This is because the user data in London and New York may have a dependency on the Tokyo users. This is to ensure the manager-user hierarchy.

  • If the CSV file is generated on Microsoft Windows and is to be loaded on Linux environment, then remove the special characters, such as '\n\r', to avoid run-time errors. Creating Database Tables As the Input Source

If you want to use a database table as the input source for loading OIM User data, then apply the following guidelines while creating the database table:

  • Create the table in the Oracle Identity Manager database.

  • The table must contain the following primary key column:


    The utility uses this column as the primary key. If required, you can use a database sequence to populate this column.

  • The rest of the columns must be the same as the ones in the USR table that you want to use. In other words, ignore optional USR_ columns that you do not want to include in the table that you create.

  • Note that the following default values are inserted into Oracle Identity Manager if the table does not contain values for these columns:

    ORG_NAME: Xellerate Users

    USR_TYPE: End-User

    USR_STATUS: Active

    USR_EMP_TYPE: Full-Time

  • If you want to include an organization name in each user record, then add ORG_NAME in the control line and enter the organization name for each user from the second line onward. If ORG_NAME is not included, then the users must be assigned to the Xellerate Users organization.

  • If you want to include a manager name in each user record, then add MANAGER_NAME in the control line and enter the USR_LOGIN value of the manager for each user from the second line onward.

Table 24-1 shows the structure of a sample database table.

Table 24-1 Structure of a Sample Database Table

Name Null? Type










. . .

. . .

. . .




24.4.3 Determining Values for the Input Parameters of the Utility

The following are input parameters of the utility:

  • Oracle Home

    Value of the ORACLE_HOME environment variable on the host computer for the Oracle Identity Manager database

  • Database Connection String

    Connection string to connect to the database that must be entered in the following format:


  • OIM DB User

    Database login ID of the Oracle Identity Manager database user

  • OIM DB Pwd

    Password of the Oracle Identity Manager database user

    The database user password is to be entered twice when prompted.

  • Master file name

    Name of the file containing names of the CSV data files to be loaded

    This parameter is used only if the input source is a single or multiple CSV files. You place the master file and CSV data files in the oimbulkload/csv_files directory. See "Using CSV Files As the Input Source" for more information.

  • Tmp table name

    Name of the temporary table to be used as the input source

    This parameter is used only if the input source for the bulk load operation is a database table. See "Creating Database Tables As the Input Source" for more information.

  • Control Line

    Comma-separated list of names of columns to be loaded from the database table into Oracle Identity Manager

    This parameter is used only if the input source for the bulk load operation is a database table.

  • Tablespace Name

    Name of the tablespace in which temporary tables are to be created during the bulk load operation. If the user does not provide the tablespace name, then it will pick the default tablespace.

    See "Preparing Your Database for a Bulk Load Operation" for more information.

  • Date format

    Date format used by date columns in the CSV files

    This parameter is used only if the input source is a single or multiple CSV files.

    The date format must match the following:

    • Oracle supported date formats, such as dd-mm-yyyy or MM-DD-YYYY

    • The date format specified in the CSV file

  • Batch Size

    Number of user records that must be processed by the utility as a single transaction

    The batch size can influence the performance of the bulk load operation. The default value of this parameter is 10000.

  • Debug Flag

    You can specify Y or N as the value of this parameter. If this parameter is set to Y, then the utility records detailed information about events that occur during the bulk load operation. See "Data Recorded During the Operation" for more information.

  • User ID for default password

    Login name of the OIM User that you create by performing the procedure described in "Setting a Default Password for OIM Users Added by the Utility".

24.4.4 Monitoring the Progress of the Operation

During the bulk load operation, you can query the OIM_BLKLD_LOG table for information about the progress of the operation. For example, you can run the following query to see progress messages generated during the bulk load operation to load OIM User data:


Errors encountered during the bulk load operation can be viewed by querying the OIM_BLKLD_LOG table. The following is an example of the query to retrieve error messages:


24.4.5 Handling Exceptions Recorded During the Operation

At the end of a bulk load operation, the utility records statistics related to the operation in the following file:


To determine if there were exceptions during the operation, open this log file and look for the number against the Number of Records Rejected label. If the number of rejected records is greater than zero, then exceptions were thrown during the operation. User records that are rejected by the utility are recorded in the exception table (OIM_BLKLD_EX_SUFFIX). For each rejected record, the EXCEPTION_MSG column in the OIM_BLKLD_EX_SUFFIX table stores information about the reason the record could not be loaded.

Example 24-1 shows sample statistics recorded in the log file at the end of a bulk load operation to store OIM User data.

Example 24-1 Sample Log File Generated After Loading OIM User Data


Processing File: u10.csv
U S E R    L O A D    S T A T I S T I C S    F O R   F I L E : u10.csv
Start Time:   08-AUG-08 AM
End Time:     08-AUG-08 AM
Number of Records Processed:  10
Number of Records Loaded:     8
Number of Records Rejected:   2
The name of the TMP table used during the load:

The name of the Exception table used during the load:

Processing File: u10b.csv

U S E R    L O A D    S T A T I S T I C S    F O R   F I L E : u10b.csv
Start Time:   08-AUG-08 AM
End Time:     08-AUG-08 AM
Number of Records Processed:  16
Number of Records Loaded:     15
Number of Records Rejected:   1
The name of the TMP table used during the load:

The name of the Exception table used during the load:

Time taken in re-building indexes and enabling FK constraints
Start time:      08-AUG-08 AM
End Time:        08-AUG-08 AM

In this sample, the number of rejected records is 2. If the log file shows that any records were rejected by the utility, then see "Fixing Exceptions and Reloading Data Records" for information about retrying the load operation for these records.


At the end of each bulk load operation, it is recommended that you create a backup of the exception tables.

24.4.6 Fixing Exceptions and Reloading Data Records

As mentioned earlier, errors encountered during the bulk load operation can be viewed by querying the OIM_BLKLD_LOG table. The following is an example of the query to retrieve error messages:


An exception table OIM_BLKLD_EX_SUFFIX is created for each data table used as the input source during the bulk load operation. Records that do not meet the criteria for the operation are copied into this exception table. The suffix appended to the name of each exception table is the same as suffix appended to the name of the corresponding data table.

To reload rejected records:

  1. Create a backup of the exception table in which rejected records are stored.


    Although this is an optional step, it is recommended that you create a backup.
  2. Review each record in the exception table, and fix errors in the data based on the message recorded in the EXCEPTION_MSG column.

  3. After you fix errors in all the rejected records in an exception table, rename the table to OIM_BLKLD_TMP_SUFFIX and then use it as the input source.

  4. Load records from the OIM_BLKLD_TMP_SUFFIX table by running the utility. See "Running the Utility" for more information.

  5. Repeat Steps 1 through 4 until the Number of Records Rejected label in the oim_blkld_user_load_summary.log file shows the value 0.

  6. Restart Oracle Identity Manager.

24.4.7 Verifying the Outcome of the Bulk Load Operation

To verify the outcome of the bulk load operation, check if you are able to perform the following steps for one of the OIM User added by the utility:


These steps leave footprints in the system, and therefore, the bulk load verification must be performed by using a test user. If you do not want to leave the footprints in the system, then revert the changes. For example, if you have provisioned a resource to a OIM User, then deprovision the resource after testing the outcome of the bulk load operation.
  • Log in as the OIM User. The system should prompt you to change the password.

  • Provision a resource for the OIM User.

  • Add the OIM User to a role.

  • Modify the account profile of the OIM User.

  • Revoked the resource provisioned to the OIM User.

  • Unassign the OIM User from the role to which the user was added earlier.

  • Modify the account profile again to restore the profile to its original state.

  • Check if the User Resource Access report (an operational report) and the User Resource Access History report can be generated for the user.

  • Create an Attestation and check its status using the Diagnostic Dashboard.

24.4.8 Generating an Audit Snapshot

If required, you can generate an audit snapshot of Oracle Identity Manager data after a bulk load operation, or at any time during the bulk load operation. You can also generate audit snapshots by selecting option 7 in the Bulk Load utility. The utility uses the audit engine shipped with Oracle Identity Manager. Internally, the GenerateSnapshot script is called when you run the audit utility. Similarly, the GenerateSnapshot script is called when you select the option to generate an audit snapshot.


Oracle Identity Manager must be up and running when you run the audit utility.

Before you generate an audit snapshot, for running the GenerateSnapshot script, you must set the following environment variables:

  • OIM_ORACLE_HOME: c:\work1\Oracle_IDM1

  • JAVA_HOME: C:\jdk160

  • MW_HOME: c:\work1

  • WL_HOME: c:\work1\wlserver_10.3

  • DOMAIN_HOME: C:\work1\user_projects\domains\base_domain


C:\work1\ is a sample directory path of MW_HOME.

See "Configuring Auditing" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager for information about the procedure to generate audit snapshots.

24.5 Loading Account Data

The following is a summary of the steps involved in loading account data:

  1. Prepare your database for a bulk load operation, if not already done. See "Preparing Your Database for a Bulk Load Operation" for details.

  2. Create the input source for the bulk load operation.

    If you want to use a database table as the input source, then create the table and copy account data into the table.

    If you want to use CSV files as the input source, then create the CSV files and copy account data into the files.

  3. Determine values for the input parameters of the utility.

  4. Stop Oracle Identity Manager.

  5. Run the oim_blkld.sh or oim_blkld.bat script.

  6. Monitor the progress of the bulk load operation.

  7. Determine the outcome of the bulk load operation.

  8. If required, reload data that was not loaded during the first run.

  9. Restart Oracle Identity Manager.

  10. Verify the outcome of the bulk load operation.

  11. Gather diagnostic data from the operation.

  12. Remove temporary tables and files created during the operation.

Requirements and Features of the Bulk Load Operation for Account Data

The following are requirements and features of the bulk load operation for account data:

  • Reconciliation must be set up and you should be able to test reconciliation by importing a few accounts from the target system.

  • Only accounts for which there are corresponding OIM Users can be loaded.

  • A target system that requires multiple IT resources is not supported.

  • Duplicate accounts cannot be detected during a bulk load operation. If there are multiple entries for the same account in the input source, then multiple accounts are created for the corresponding OIM User.

  • For a particular target system, if there are multiple provisioning processes/process forms in Oracle Identity Manager, then the utility uses the default provisioning process for the resource object.

  • Information about the stage up to which earlier bulk load operations progressed is not stored. In other words, the utility cannot resume a bulk load operation. You must backup the Oracle Identity Manager database before a bulk load operation. If you want to retry a bulk load operation, you must first restore the database and then rerun the procedure.

  • Bulk Load utility takes the corresponding application instance name as input to load account data. If the application instance name is not known to the user, then Bulk Load utility prompts for the resource object name and IT resource name, based on which account data is loaded.

The following sections provide detailed information about the steps involved in loading account data:

24.5.1 Creating the Input Source for the Bulk Load Operation

Depending on the input source that you want to use, apply the guidelines given in one of the following sections: Using CSV Files As the Input Source

If you want to use CSV files as the input source for the bulk load operation, then apply the following guidelines while creating the CSV files:

  • The CSV files must be placed in the oimbulkload/csv_files directory.

  • The first line in the CSV file is called the control line. This line must contain a comma-separated list of column names in the account (UD_*) table into which you want to load the account data. To find out the UD_ table, go to the process form in the Design Console. See Chapter 5, "Developing Provisioning Processes" for information about process forms.


    Ensure that the Password column or any other encrypted column is not included in the list of columns.
  • From the second line onward, the file must contain values for the columns in the control line. The order of columns in the first line and the values in the rest of the lines must be the same.

  • If the value in any column contains a comma, then that value must be enclosed in double quotation marks (").

  • The CSV file must contain values for all columns that are designated as mandatory in the account table. The key mandatory columns in the account table must be ignored.

  • If you want to load account data into parent and child tables, then you must create one parent CSV file and one child CSV file for each child table. For example if you are loading data into one parent table and three child tables, then you must create one parent CSV file and three child CSV files.

  • If you want to load account data into parent and child tables, then at least one column must be the same in both tables. This column corresponds to the link attribute between the parent and child CSV files. The following example illustrates this:

    The following are sample contents of a parent CSV file:



    The UD_ADUSER_OBJECTGUID column is mandatory in the parent CSV file for loading accounts by using the bulk load operation. This column must be added to the parent CSV file in spite of nullable column in the database.

    The following are sample contents of a child CSV file:


    The UD_ADUSER_UID column is common to both the parent file and the child file.

  • If the CSV file is generated on Microsoft Windows and is to be loaded on Linux environment, then remove the special characters, such as '\n\r', to avoid run-time errors. Creating Database Tables As the Input Source

If you want to use a database table as the input source for loading account data, then apply the following guidelines while creating the database table:

  • Create the table in the Oracle Identity Manager database.

  • The table must contain the following primary key column:


    The utility uses this column as the primary key. If required, you can use a database sequence to populate this column.

  • The rest of the columns must be the same as the ones in the account (UD_) table that you want to use. In other words, ignore optional UD_ columns that you do not want to include in the table that you create.

Table 24-2 shows the structure of a sample parent table.

Table 24-2 Structure of a Sample Database Table

Name Null? Type






















Table 24-3 shows the structure of a sample child table.

Table 24-3 Structure of a Sample Child Database Table

Name Null? Type













24.5.2 Determining Values for the Input Parameters of the Utility

The following are input parameters of the utility:

  • Oracle Home

    Value of the ORACLE_HOME environment variable on the host computer for the Oracle Identity Manager database

  • Database Connection String

    Connection string to connect to the database that must be entered in the following format:


  • OIM DB User

    Database login ID of the Oracle Identity Manager database user

  • OIM DB Pwd

    Password of the Oracle Identity Manager database user

  • Application instance name (APP_INSTANCE)

    Name of the application instance corresponding to the account data to be loaded. If the user is not aware of the application instance name, then Account Bulkload utility prompts for the resource object name and IT resource name. The prompt is as shown:

    Do you know the Application Instance name? (Y,y,N,n)

    If you enter Y or y, then you are prompted for the application instance name. If you enter N or n, then you are prompted for the following:

    • Resource Object Name (OBJ_NAME)

      If the user is not aware of the application instance name, then Bulk Load utility prompts for the resource object name corresponding to the account data to be loaded.

    • IT Resource Name

      Name of the IT resource created for the target system. This is required only when the user is not aware of the application instance name. The account bulkload utility first prompts for resource object name, and then prompts for IT resource name.

  • CSV file names

    Names of the CSV files to be used as the input source

    This parameter is used only if the input source is CSV files. See "Using CSV Files As the Input Source" for more information. If you are loading data from parent and child CSV file, then use a comma-delimited list to enter the names of the files. The name of the parent CSV file must be provided first, and it must be followed by the names of the child CSV files.

  • Tmp table name

    Name of the temporary table to be used as the input source

    This parameter is used only if the input source for the bulk load operation is a database table. See "Creating Database Tables As the Input Source" for more information.

  • Control Line

    Comma-separated list of names of columns to be loaded from the database table into Oracle Identity Manager

    This parameter is used only if the input source for the bulk load operation is a database table.

  • Tablespace Name

    Name of the tablespace in which temporary tables are to be created during the bulk load operation (if end user won't provide the tablespace name then it will pick the default tablespace)

    See "Preparing Your Database for a Bulk Load Operation" for more information.

  • Date format

    Date format used by date columns in the CSV files

    This parameter is used only if the input source is a single or multiple CSV files.

    The date format must match the following:

    • Oracle supported date formats, such as dd-mm-yyyy or MM-DD-YYYY

    • The date format specified in the CSV file

  • Batch Size

    Number of user records that must be processed by the utility as a single transaction

    The batch size can influence the performance of the bulk load operation. The default value of this parameter is 10000.

  • Debug Flag

    You can specify Y or N as the value of this parameter. If this parameter is set to Y, then the utility records detailed information about events that occur during the bulk load operation. See "Data Recorded During the Operation" for more information.

  • Application Instance (APP_INSTANCE)

    Name of the application instance corresponding to the account data to be loaded.

    If the user is not aware of the application instance name, then account bulkload utility prompts for the Object name (OBJ_NAME)

24.5.3 Monitoring the Progress of the Operation

During the bulk load operation, you can query the OIM_BLKLD_LOG table for information about the progress of the operation. For example, you can run the following query to see progress messages generated during the bulk load operation to load account data:


For example, you can run the following query to see progress messages generated during the bulk load operation to load account data:


Errors encountered during the bulk load operation can be viewed by querying the OIM_BLKLD_LOG table. The following is an example of the query to retrieve error messages:


24.5.4 Handling Exceptions Recorded During the Operation

At the end of a bulk load operation, the utility records statistics related to the operation in the following file:


To determine if there were exceptions during the operation, open this log file and look for the number against the Number of Records Rejected label. If the number of rejected records is greater than zero, then exceptions were thrown during the operation. User records that are rejected by the utility are recorded in the exception table (OIM_BLKLD_EX_SUFFIX). For each rejected record, the EXCEPTION_MSG column in the OIM_BLKLD_EX_SUFFIX table stores information about the reason the record could not be loaded.

Example 24-2 shows sample statistics recorded in the log file at the end of a bulk load operation to store account data.

Example 24-2 Sample Log File Generated After Loading Account Data

A C C O U N T    L O A D    S T A T I S T I C S
Start Time:   22-JUL-08 PM
End Time:     22-JUL-08 PM
Number of Records Processed:  100026
Number of Records Loaded:     100000
Number of Records Rejected:   26
The names of the TMP tables used during the load:
The names of the Exception tables used during the load:

In this sample, the number of rejected records is 26. If the log file shows that any records were rejected by the utility, then see "Fixing Exceptions and Reloading Data Records" for information about retrying the load operation for these records.


At the end of each bulk load operation, it is recommended that you create a backup of the exception tables.

24.5.5 Fixing Exceptions and Reloading Data Records


If you want to load data from CSV files for multiple target systems, then you can apply one of the following approaches:
  • Approach 1: Run the utility for all the sets of CSV files, and then perform the procedure described in this section.

  • Approach 2: Run the utility for one set of CSV files, and perform the procedure described in this section. Then, repeat this procedure for the next set of CSV files.

As mentioned earlier, errors encountered during the bulk load operation can be viewed by querying the OIM_BLKLD_LOG table. The following is an example of the query to retrieve error messages:


An exception table OIM_BLKLD_EX_SUFFIX is created for each data table used as the input source during the bulk load operation. Records that do not meet the criteria for the operation are copied into this exception table. The suffix appended to the name of each exception table is the same as suffix appended to the name of the corresponding data table.

To reload rejected records:

  1. Create a backup of the exception table in which rejected records are stored.


    Although this is an optional step, it is recommended that you create a backup.
  2. Review each record in the exception table, and fix errors in the data based on the message recorded in the EXCEPTION_MSG column.

  3. After you fix errors in all the rejected records in an exception table, rename the table to OIM_BLKLD_TMP_SUFFIX and then use it as the input source.

  4. Load records from the OIM_BLKLD_TMP_SUFFIX table by running the utility. See "Running the Utility" for more information.

  5. Repeat Steps 1 through 4 until the Number of Records Rejected label in the oim_blkld_account_load_summary.log file shows the value 0.

  6. Restart Oracle Identity Manager.

24.5.6 Verifying the Outcome of the Bulk Load Operation

To verify the outcome of the bulk load operation, check if you are able to perform the following steps for one of the OIM Users for whom an account has been added by the utility:

  • Log in as the OIM User, and check if the newly created account is displayed in the resource profile of the user.

  • Log in to the target system by using the credentials of the newly created account.

24.6 Loading Role, Role Hierarchy, Role Membership, and Role Category Data

The following is a summary of the steps involved in loading role-related data:

  1. Prepare your database for a bulk load operation, if not already done. See "Preparing Your Database for a Bulk Load Operation" for details.

  2. Create the input source for the bulk load operation.

    If you want to use a database table as the input source, then create the table and copy role-related data into the table.

    If you want to use CSV files as the input source, then create the CSV files and copy role-related data into the files. In addition, create a master.txt file containing the names of the files in the sequence in which you want to load data from them.

  3. Determine values for the input parameters of the utility.

  4. Stop Oracle Identity Manager.

  5. Run the oim_blkld.sh or oim_blkld.bat script.

  6. Monitor the progress of the bulk load operation.

  7. Determine the outcome of the bulk load operation.

  8. If required, reload data that is not loaded during the first run.

  9. Restart Oracle Identity Manager.

  10. Verify the outcome of the bulk load operation.

  11. Gather diagnostic data from the operation.

  12. Remove temporary tables and files created during the operation.

The following sections provide detailed information about the steps involved in loading OIM User data:

24.6.1 Creating the Input Source for the Bulk Load Operation

Depending on the input source that you want to use, apply the guidelines given in one of the following sections: Using CSV Files As the Input Source

If you want to use CSV files as the input source for the bulk load operation, then apply the following guidelines while creating the CSV files:

  • The CSV files must be placed in the oimbulkload/csv_files directory.

  • The first line in the CSV file is called the control line.

  • This line must contain a comma-separated list of column names based on the selected role upload (role, role hierarchy, role membership, and role category) in the Oracle Identity Manager database.

  • From the second line onward, the file must contain values for the columns in the control line. The order of columns in the first line and the values in the rest of the lines must be the same. The following is a sample content of a role (UGP) CSV file:

    "Finance Controllers",Default,XELSYSADM,Finance,YES
    "Finance Controllers",Default,XELSYSADM,Requests,YES
  • Role load is capable of publishing the roles to organizations to follow the security model in Oracle Identity Manager, with an option to include hierarchy.

    As a value of the ORG_NAME parameter, specify the organization name, such as Finance or Requests, to which you want to publish the roles. Specify YES for INCLUDE_HIERARCHY if you want to publish the roles to the specified organization and its suborganizations. Specify NULL or NO for INCLUDE_HIERARCHY if you want to publish the roles only to the specified organization and not its suborganizations. If you do not specify values for the ORG_NAME and INCLUDE_HIERARCHY parameters, then by default, the roles are published to the Top organization with hierarchy.

  • If the value in any column contains a comma, then that value must be enclosed in double quotation marks (").

  • The CSV file must contain values for all columns that are designated as mandatory in the respective role tables.

  • The CSV file must contain values for all columns that are designated as mandatory depending on the upload role data, role hierarchy data, role membership data, and role category data.


      INCLUDE_HIERARCHY can be left as null when not required.

    • Role Hierarchy (GPG): UGP_NAME, GPG_UGP_NAME

    • Role Membership (USG): UGP_NAME, USR_LOGIN


    Each row in the CSV file must have a unique value for the combinationation of manadatory columns.

  • The following default values are inserted into Oracle Identity Manager if the CSV file does not contain values for these columns:

    • For Role (UGP)


      UGP_DISPLAY_NAME: Defaults to UGP_NAME



    • For Role Hierarchy (GPG)


    • For Role Membership (USG)

      RUL_KEY: RUL_KEY from RUL table with RUL_NAME as 'Default'

      USG_PRIORITY: group and rank based on UGP_KEY based on the rows given for upload.

    • Role Category (ROLE CATEGORY)


  • Create a master TXT file containing the names of the CSV files containing role data to be loaded. You can specify any name for the file, for example, master.txt. Save the master file in the oimbulkload/csv_files directory.

    If you want to load multiple CSV files, then enter the name of each data CSV file on a separate line in the master file. Order the list of CSV file names in the sequence in which you want the utility to load data from the files. For example, suppose you have created three data CSV files, Role1.csv, Role2.csv, and Role3.csv. In the master file, enter the names of the data CSV files in the following order:




    When you run the utility, data is loaded in this order.

  • If the CSV file is generated on Microsoft Windows and is to be loaded on Linux environment, then remove the special characters, such as '\n\r', to avoid run-time errors. Creating Database Tables As the Input Source

If you want to use a database table as the input source for loading OIM User data, then apply the following guidelines while creating the database table:

  • Create the table in the Oracle Identity Manager database.

  • The table must contain the following primary key column:


    The utility uses this column as the primary key. If required, you can use a database sequence to populate this column.

  • The rest of the columns must be the same as the ones in the respective role tables that you want to use.

Table 24-4 shows the structure of a sample database role table.

Table 24-4 Structure of a Sample Database Table

Role NULL Type




















ORG_NAME and INCLUDE_HIERARCHY are required for loading roles only, and not for role hierarchy, role membership, and role category. Determining the UGP_NAME Generated After Role Load

Bulkload utility generates UGP_NAME during role load in the following format:


By default, the value of UGP_NAMESPACE is Default, when you do not provide any specific value for UGP_NAMESPACE in the CSV file. To determine the generated UGP_NAME:

  1. If UGP_NAMESPACE is null in the CSV file, then the namespace value is Default, and the generated UGP_NAME is equal to the value of UGP_ROLENAME.

  2. If UGP_NAMESPACE is not null and has a defined value in the CSV file, then the generated UGP_NAME is equal to the value of UGP_NAMESPACE.UGP_ROLENAME.

On the basis of the UGP_NAME generation methodology, you can determine the UGP_NAME values for the next loading of role hierarchy, role membership, and role category, even if you do not have direct access to the database. Otherwise, you can check the generated value of UGP_NAME in the UGP table.

24.6.2 Determining Values for the Input Parameters of the Utility

The following are input parameters of the utility:

  • Oracle Home

    Value of the ORACLE_HOME environment variable on the host computer for the Oracle Identity Manager database

  • Database Connection String

    Connection string to connect to the database that must be entered in the following format:


  • OIM DB User

    Database login ID of the Oracle Identity Manager database user

  • OIM DB Pwd

    Password of the Oracle Identity Manager database user

  • CSV file names

    Names of the CSV files to be used as the input source

    This parameter is used only if the input source is CSV files. See "Using CSV Files As the Input Source" for more information. If you are loading data from parent and child CSV file, then use a comma-delimited list to enter the names of the files. The name of the parent CSV file must be provided first, and it must be followed by the names of the child CSV files.

  • Tmp table name

    Name of the temporary table to be used as the input source

    This parameter is used only if the input source for the bulk load operation is a database table. See "Creating Database Tables As the Input Source" for more information.

  • Control Line

    Comma-separated list of names of columns to be loaded from the database table into Oracle Identity Manager

    This parameter is used only if the input source for the bulk load operation is a database table.

  • Tablespace Name

    Name of the tablespace in which temporary tables are to be created during the bulk load operation (if end user won't provide the tablespace name then it will pick the default tablespace)

    See "Preparing Your Database for a Bulk Load Operation" for more information.

  • Date format

    Date format used by date columns in the CSV files. This is prompted only for role load, and not for role hierarchy, role membership, and role category.

    This parameter is used only if the input source is a single or multiple CSV files.

    The date format must match the following:

    • Oracle supported date formats, such as dd-mm-yyyy or MM-DD-YYYY

    • The date format specified in the CSV file

  • Batch Size

    Number of user records that must be processed by the utility as a single transaction

    The batch size can influence the performance of the bulk load operation. The default value of this parameter is 10000.

  • Debug Flag

    You can specify Y or N as the value of this parameter. If this parameter is set to Y, then the utility records detailed information about events that occur during the bulk load operation. See "Data Recorded During the Operation" for more information.

24.6.3 Monitoring the Progress of the Operation

During the bulk load operation, you can query the OIM_BLKLD_LOG table for information about the progress of the operation. For example, you can run the following query to see progress messages generated during the bulk load operation to load OIM Role data:


Errors encountered during the bulk load operation can be viewed by querying the OIM_BLKLD_LOG table. The following is an example of the query to retrieve error messages:


24.6.4 Handling Exceptions Recorded During the Operation

At the end of a bulk load operation, the utility records statistics related to the operation in the following file:


In the log file name, ENTITY_NAME stands for the entity being loaded. For example:

  • For roles, the log file name is oim_blkld_role_load_summary.log.

  • For role memberships, the log file name is oim_blkld_rolemem_load_summary.log.

To determine if there were exceptions during the operation, open this log file and look for the number against the Number of Records Rejected label. If the number of rejected records is greater than zero, then exceptions were thrown during the operation. User records that are rejected by the utility are recorded in the exception table (OIM_BLKLD_EX_SUFFIX). For each rejected record, the EXCEPTION_MSG column in the OIM_BLKLD_EX_SUFFIX table stores information about the reason the record could not be loaded.

Example 24-3 shows sample statistics recorded in the log file at the end of a bulk load operation to store OIM Role data.

Example 24-3 Sample Log File Generated After Loading OIM Role Data

Processing File: Role.csv
R O L E    L O A D    S T A T I S T I C S    F O R   F I L E : Role.csv
Start Time:   17-NOV-09 AM
End Time:     17-NOV-09 AM
Number of Records Processed:  2
Number of Records Loaded:     2
Number of Records Rejected:   0

The name of the TMP table used during the load:

The name of the Exception table used during the load:
Time taken in re-building indexes and enabling FK constraints

Start time:      17-NOV-09 AM

In this sample, the number of rejected loaded is 2. If the log file shows that any records have been rejected by the utility, then see "Fixing Exceptions and Reloading Data Records" for information about retrying the load operation for these records.


You cannot use the utility to load data into a remote Oracle Identity Manager database.

24.6.5 Fixing Exceptions and Reloading Data Records

As mentioned earlier, errors encountered during the bulk load operation can be viewed by querying the OIM_BLKLD_LOG table. The following is an example of the query to retrieve error messages:


An exception table OIM_BLKLD_EX_SUFFIX is created for each data table used as the input source during the bulk load operation. Records that do not meet the criteria for the operation are copied into this exception table. The suffix appended to the name of each exception table is the same as suffix appended to the name of the corresponding data table.

To reload rejected records:

  1. Create a backup of the exception table in which rejected records are stored.


    Although this is an optional step, it is recommended that you create a backup.
  2. Review each record in the exception table, and fix errors in the data based on the message recorded in the EXCEPTION_MSG column.

  3. After you fix errors in all the rejected records in an exception table, rename the table to OIM_BLKLD_TMP_SUFFIX and then use it as the input source.

  4. Load records from the OIM_BLKLD_TMP_SUFFIX table by running the utility. See "Running the Utility" for more information.

  5. Repeat Steps 1 through 4 until the Number of Records Rejected label shows the value 0 in the oim_blkld_role_load_summary.log file or the corresponding log file for role membership, role hierarchy, and role category.

  6. Restart Oracle Identity Manager.

24.6.6 Verifying the Outcome of the Bulk Load Operation

To verify the outcome of the bulk load operation, check if you are able to perform the following steps for one of the OIM Role added by the utility:

  1. Log in to Oracle Identity Self Service, and verify that the newly created role is displayed in the search result for roles.

  2. For the newly created role hierarchy and role members, click the Hierarchy and Members tabs respectively on the role details page.

  3. To verify the newly created role category, in the Welcome page of Oracle Identity Administration, click Advanced Search - Role Categories. Then, perform an advanced search to find the newly created role.

24.7 Data Recorded During the Operation

During the bulk load operation, the utility inserts progress and error messages in the OIM_BLKLD_LOG table. Data in this table is not deleted at the start of a new bulk load operation. One of the columns in this table holds the time stamp at which messages are recorded in the table.

Table 24-5 describes the structure of the OIM_BLKLD_LOG table.

Table 24-5 Structure of the OIM_BLKLD_LOG Table

Column NULL Type Description




This column stores the number that denotes the order in which messages are inserted in this table. The column is populated by using the OIM_BLKLD_LOG_SEQ sequence. You can use this column to query for messages in the order in which they are recorded in the table.




This column stores one of the following values:

ROLE: This value indicates that the message has been recorded while loading OIM Role data.

ROLE HIERARCHY: This value indicates that the message has been recorded while loading role hierarchy data.

ROLE MEMBERSHIP: This value indicates that the message has been recorded while loading OIM role membership data.

ROLE CATEGORY: This value indicates that the message has been recorded while loading OIM role category data.




This column stores one of the following values:

ERROR: Designates fine-grained informational events that are useful to debug.

DEBUG: Designates error events that might allow the application to continue running. Error is used to log all unhandled exceptions.

PROGRESS_MSG: Designates intermediate progress messages.




This column indicates the source of data for the bulk load operation during which the row was inserted. The value can be one of the following:CSV File: FILE_NAME

DB Table




This column stores a message corresponding to the value stored in the LOG_LEVEL column.




This column holds the time stamp at which the record was created. The format for entries in this column is as follows:

yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss

For example:

2008/06/23 21:49:16:32

24.8 Gathering Diagnostic Data from the Bulk Load Operation

As mentioned earlier in this document, the following log files are created during the bulk load operation:

  • For OIM Users:


  • For accounts:


  • For roles, role hierarchies, memberships, and role categories:


    In the log file name, ENTITY_NAME stands for the entity being loaded. For example:

    • For roles, the log file name is oim_blkld_role_load_summary.log.

    • For role memberships, the log file name is oim_blkld_rolemem_load_summary.log.

Data recorded in this file can be used to collate performance-related information about the bulk load operation. The following information can be collected after the bulk load operation:

  • Start time

  • Input source

  • Number of records in the system before the load

  • Number of records successfully loaded

  • Number of records rejected

  • Total time taken

You can use this information during future runs of the utility.

See Also:

Table 24-5, "Structure of the OIM_BLKLD_LOG Table" for information about the log levels that stores error events

24.9 Cleaning Up After a Bulk Load Operation

If you do not want to save the results of a bulk load operation, then:


  • Remove any files that you created or used during the operation.

  • If you created a tablespace for the operation, then remove the tablespace.

  • See "Gathering Diagnostic Data from the Bulk Load Operation" before you remove log files created in the logs_timestamp directory.


    At this point, you can restart Oracle Identity Manager if you have not already done so.