3 SMC Messages

This chapter describes messages issued by SMC. These messages are identified by the "SMC" prefix.


Messages in the SMC5000 range are issued by SMC utilities.

Message Descriptions


{(CCCCCCCC)} command string

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC received an input command from an operator console. The console name or user ID, if available, is listed followed by the command string.

System Action: None

User Response: None


SMC subsystem initializing

Level: 0

Explanation: The MVS start command was entered for the SMC, and the SMC subsystem initialization process has begun.

System Action: None

User Response: None


CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC failed; return code=XXXX1, reason code=XXXX2

Level: 0

Explanation: MVS facility or macro CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC completed with the specified nonzero return code XXXX1 and reason code XXXX2.

System Action: Depending upon the type of error, initiation/termination may try to continue. If the MVS facility is listed as Requested SDUMP, the error occurred during the TRACE SNAP process, and processing will continue without producing the requested SDUMP.

User Response: Look for IBM related messages in the SYSLOG or job log, and refer to the appropriate IBM documentation for the explanation.


SMC subsystem SSSS terminating

Level: 0

Explanation: The MVS stop command was entered for the SMC, and the SMC subsystem termination process has begun.

System Action: None

User Response: None


MVS release is down-level

Level: 0

Explanation: An attempt was made to initialize the SMC on an MVS system that does not support the necessary services required by this version of SMC.

System Action: The SMC subsystem terminates.

User Response: Upgrade MVS to the required release level.


Invalid command CCCCCCCC [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: An undefined command, CCCCCCCC, was encountered by the SMC.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the syntax in the command data set is correct, or enter the corrected command.


SMC subsystem not dynamic

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC was defined as a nondynamic subsystem using the positional form of the IEFSSNxx parmlib member. The SMC must run as a dynamic subsystem.

System Action: The SMC subsystem terminates.

User Response: Use the keyword format of the subsystem definition in the IEFSSNxx parmlib member to define the SMC subsystem, or remove the SMC subsystem from the IEFSSNxx parmlib member.


SMCCVT incompatible with previous version; defaulting to COLD start

Level: 4

Explanation: During initialization, the SMC subsystem detected that the prior SMC subsystem of the same name was an incompatible version. The COLD start parameter was not specified.

System Action: Initialization continues, but in COLD start mode (the SMC subsystem CVT is rebuilt).

User Response: None


Not running from an authorized linklib; SMC subsystem terminating

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC subsystem initialization module, SMCBINT, was executed from an unauthorized library.

System Action: The SMC subsystem terminates.

User Response: Ensure that the SMC link library is APF authorized.


Job JJJJJJJJ JOBnnnn active at termination

Level: 4

Explanation: The SMC subsystem received the MVS stop ('P') command, but there is an active job, JJJJJJJJ, in tape allocation or message processing. The SMC0012 message was issued previously, but the job allocation or message processing has not completed after waiting one minute.

System Action: Termination continues. No allocation influencing is performed for the job, and mounts or dismounts will not be automated.

User Response: None


Unable to acquire storage for CCCCCCCC; return code=XXXX

Level: 0

Explanation: During initialization, the SMC subsystem could not acquire sufficient storage for the specified dynamic control block or module, CCCCCCCC.

System Action: The SMC subsystem terminates.

User Response: Ensure that there is sufficient CSA storage available. Refer to the appropriate IBM documentation for the explanation of return code XXXX.


Load failed for module MMMMMMMM

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC subsystem could not load the required module MMMMMMMM.

System Action: The SMC subsystem terminates.

User Response: Ensure that the SMC startup procedure has access to all SMC distributed load libraries in its steplib concatenation.


Termination waiting for job JJJJJJJJ JOBnnnnn [in allocation|in message handling]

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC subsystem received the MVS stop command, but there is an active job JJJJJJJJ in tape allocation or message handling.

System Action: The SMC waits for 30 seconds or until all active processes are complete.

User Response: Ensure that there are no jobs performing tape allocation or message handling when the SMC is terminated. Respond to any MVS allocation recovery messages.


TRACE settings:


Level: 0

Explanation: The TRACE command was specified with the LIST keyword. The SMC0013 multiline message lists the current settings for the SMC subsystem.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Unmatched [quote|or invalid parenthesis] detected; command ignored [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC encountered a command containing an unterminated quoted string, or invalid or unmatched parenthesis.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the syntax in the command data set is correct, or enter the corrected command.


Invalid keyword KKKKKKKK for the CCCCCCCC command [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC encountered a command that specified an invalid keyword KKKKKKKK.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the syntax in the command data set is correct, or enter the corrected command.


Invalid value VVVVVVVV for keyword KKKKKKKK of the CCCCCCCC command [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC encountered a command that specified keyword KKKKKKKK with an invalid value VVVVVVVV.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the syntax in the command data set is correct, or enter the corrected command.


Keyword KKKKKKKK of the CCCCCCCC command requires a value [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC encountered a command that specified keyword KKKKKKKK without an accompanying value (required by most keywords).

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the syntax in the command data set is correct, or enter the corrected command.


Keyword KKKKKKKK of the CCCCCCCC command is not allowed for EEEEEEEE [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC encountered a command that specified keyword KKKKKKKK, which is not valid in the current operating environment EEEEEEEE. For example, some keywords or keyword=value pairs may be invalid depending upon whether the user is executing JES2 or JES3.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the specified keyword is valid in your environment.


Duplicate keyword KKKKKKKK specified for the CCCCCCCC command [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC encountered a command that specified the same keyword, KKKKKKKK, more than once.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the syntax in the command data set is correct, or enter the corrected command.


Keyword KKKKKKK1 of the CCCCCCCC command is mutually exclusive with keyword KKKKKKK2 [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC encountered a command that specified multiple keywords, two of which (KKKKKKK1 and KKKKKKK2), are mutually exclusive.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the syntax in the command data set is correct, or enter the corrected command.


{COLD|WARM} start failure

Level: 0

Explanation: During initialization, the SMC subsystem detected an error.

System Action: The SMC subsystem terminates.

User Response: Look for SMC related messages in the SYSLOG or job log. Associated messages may be (but are not limited to) SMC0002, SMC0004, SMC0006, SMC0008, SMC0010, or SMC0011.


Invalid format or missing keywords for the CCCCCCCC command [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC encountered a command CCCCCCCC that contained either too many or too few keywords in the command line.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the syntax in the command data set is correct, or enter the corrected command.


CCCCCCCC command successfully processed [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: The CCCCCCCC command was successfully validated and processed by the SMC.

System Action: None

User Response: None


SSSS subsystem initialization complete; RC=NN

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC initialization process has completed with a maximum return code of NN. The return code may have come either from processing the SMCPARMS or SMCCMDS file, or it may have come from the automatic resynchronization (attempt to communicate with defined TapePlexes).

  • If the SMCBINT MAXRC(NN) program parameter was specified, and the value exceeds the specified MAXRC, and the return code was set by an input command, then the subsystem terminates.

  • If the SMCBINT PLEXRC(NN) program parameter was specified, and the value exceeds the specified PLEXRC, and the return code was set by an attempt by SMC to communicate with defined TapePlexes, then the subsystem terminates.

  • If the MAXRC or PLEXRC parameters are not specified, or if the return code for processing the commands or automatic TapePlex resynchronization does not exceed the specified values, then SMC is ready to begin normal operations.

System Action: None

User Response: None


No {CCCCCCCC|control block} entries to list [(no JES3 tape setup)]

Level: 0

Explanation: One of the following occurred:

  • Command CCCCCCCC was specified with the LIST keyword. However, no entries were found in the SMC queue for the specified command.

  • A LIST command was specified with a control block keyword. However, no control blocks of the specified type were found.

  • A LIST command was specified for an SMC JES3 specific control block name. However, the SMC is not operating on a system with JES3 tape setup.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Keyword KKKKKKK1 of the CCCCCCCC command requires keyword KKKKKKK2 [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC encountered a command that specified keyword KKKKKKK1, but not the required co-requisite keyword, KKKKKKK2.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the syntax in the command data set is correct, or enter the corrected command.


STOP command received

Level: 0

Explanation: The MVS stop ('P') command was received by the SMC, and the SMC subsystem termination process is set to begin.

System Action: The SMC subsystem begins termination processing.

User Response: None


CCCCCCCC command processing error; [matching entry not found|command line truncated; will be ignored|parameter truncated; command ignored] [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: An error was found processing the CCCCCCCC command.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Use the LIST keyword to list the current SMC queue of entries; then ensure that the syntax in the command data set is correct, or enter the corrected command.



Level: 0

Explanation: The TRACE command was specified with the LIST keyword. The SMC0030 message lists the jobs, step, and PROC steps and the associated processes which have been specified for tracing.

System Action: None

User Response: None


No SMC start mode specified; defaulting to WARM start

Level: 4

Explanation: During SMC initialization, the subsystem detected that neither a WARM or COLD start was specified in the initialization program's execution parameters.

System Action: Initialization continues in WARM start mode.

User Response: None


Number of SMC startup parameters specified exceeds maximum of n

Level: 0

Explanation: During initialization, the SMC subsystem initialization program encountered an execution parameter string containing too many parameters.

System Action: The SMC subsystem terminates.

User Response: Correct the subsystem initialization startup procedure to specify the correct execution parameter string.


SMC startup parameter PPPPPPPP may not have a value

Level: 0

Explanation: During initialization, the SMC subsystem initialization program encountered a valid execution parameter, but it was specified as a keyword=value pair, where no value is allowed.

System Action: The SMC subsystem terminates.

User Response: Correct the subsystem initialization startup procedure to specify the correct execution parameter string.


SMC startup parameter PPPPPPPP must have a value

Level: 0

Explanation: During initialization, the SMC subsystem initialization program encountered a valid execution parameter, but it was not specified as a keyword=value pair, and a value is required.

System Action: The SMC subsystem terminates.

User Response: Correct the subsystem initialization startup procedure to specify the correct execution parameter string.


Error processing SMC startup parameter PPPPPPPP; CCCCCCCCCCCC

Level: 0

Explanation: During initialization, the SMC subsystem initialization program encountered an error in the execution parameter string. The string CCCCCCCCCCCC indicates the type of error encountered.

System Action: The SMC subsystem terminates.

User Response: Correct the subsystem initialization startup procedure to specify the correct execution parameter string.


SMC startup parameter PPPPPPPP successfully processed

Level: 4

Explanation: During SMC initialization, the execution parameter PPPPPPPP was successfully verified and processed.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Invalid SMC startup parameters; subsystem terminating

Level: 0

Explanation: During initialization, the SMC subsystem initialization program detected an error processing the execution parameter string.

System Action: The SMC subsystem terminates.

User Response: Look for SMC related messages in the SYSLOG or job log. Associated messages may be (but are not limited to) SMC0032 SMC0033, SMC0034, or SMC0035.


Another SMC system SSSS is already active

Level: 0

Explanation: During initialization, the SMC subsystem initialization program detected a different SMC subsystem, SSSS, already active on the system.

System Action: The initializing SMC subsystem terminates.

User Response: Only one SMC can be active on a system at a time.

  • If SMC SSSS is active, and is preventing the current SMC from initializing, terminate SMC SSSS.

  • If SMC SSSS was terminated abnormally and is not truly active, restart the current SMC subsystem with the RESET execution parameter.


Identically named subsystem SSSS is already active

Level: 0

Explanation: During initialization, the SMC subsystem initialization program detected an identically named subsystem SSSS already active on the system.

System Action: The initializing SMC subsystem terminates.

User Response: Determine whether the subsystem SMC SSSS is active. If so, terminate SMC SSSS. If SMC SSSS was terminated abnormally and is not truly active, restart the current SMC subsystem with the RESET execution parameter.


SMC subsystem SSSS is already active; RESET specified; startup continuing

Level: 4

Explanation: During initialization of SMC subsystem SSSS, the initialization program detected that the prior SMC subsystem terminated abnormally, but the user specified the RESET execution parameter to ignore this condition.

System Action: None

User Response: None


{Command|Comment} beginning at line nnnn of {SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS} is unterminated

Level: 4

Explanation: A command or comment beginning at line nnnn of an input command file ended with a continuation character (+), but no continuation was found.

System Action: Processing continues. The command containing the unterminated string is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the syntax in the command data set is correct.


Job JJJJJJJJ step SSSSSSSS not allocatable before SMC modification

Level: 4

Explanation: During execution of job JJJJJJJJ step SSSSSSSS, the SMC allocation component detected that the job step was not allocatable before any allocation influencing was performed.

System Action: None. The job is failed by MVS or express-canceled by JES3.

User Response: Correct the JCL.


Job JJJJJJJJ step SSSSSSSS not allocatable at MINLVL=nn; actual failing level=nn; failing DD DDDDDDDD

Level: 4

Explanation: During execution of a job with tape allocation, the SMC allocation component detected that the job is not allocatable at the specified minimum exclusion level (MINLVL).

System Action: The job is failed by MVS or express-canceled by JES3.

User Response: Correct the JCL, or change the MINLVL for the specified job to a value below the failing level.


SMC subsystem termination in progress; no allocation influence for job JJJJJJJJ step SSSSSSSS

Level: 8

Explanation: During execution of job JJJJJJJJ step SSSSSSSS, the SMC allocation component detected that the SMC subsystem was being terminated.

System Action: No allocation influencing is performed for the job.

User Response: None


Conflicting exclusion criteria for job JJJJJJJJ step SSSSSSSS DD DDDDDDDD

Level: 8

Explanation: Messages SMC0045 and SMC0046 are always produced together. See the explanation for message SMC0046 for more information.

System Action: None

User Response: None


CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC would have excluded all devices; not honored

Level: 8

Explanation: When the SMC allocation component attempted to apply the exclusion criteria CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC for job JJJJJJJJ step SSSSSSSS DD DDDDDDDD, no devices remained in the current exclusion level EDL. The SMC0045 and SMC0046 messages are always produced together.

For information about exclusion criteria, refer to the Drive Exclusion Level tables in your SMC publications.

System Action: None. The criteria that would have eliminated all devices is ignored.

User Response: Examine the message to determine which exclusion criteria could not be honored. If possible, change the specification of the allocation policy to eliminate policies that conflict, for example, specifying a subpool name or esoteric name incompatible with media or recording technique.


Esoteric EEEEEEEE contains no known devices; ignored for job JJJJJJJJ step SSSSSSSS DD DDDDDDDD

Level: 8

Explanation: During execution of job JJJJJJJJ step SSSSSSSS, the SMC allocation component encountered a user policy esoteric, EEEEEEEE (from POLicy, TAPEREQ or user exit), that did not contain any tape devices in the current EDL.

System Action: The specified esoteric is ignored.

User Response: None


Support ending for CCCCCCCC1, change to CCCCCCCC2

Level: 0

Explanation: A CCCCCCCC1 command or keyword was entered. However, the command or keyword will not be supported in the next release, where the CCCCCCCC2 command or keyword will provide equivalent functionality.

System Action: None

User Response: Change the CCCCCCCC1 command or keyword to CCCCCCCC2.


No eligible TAPEPLEX for job JJJJJJJJ

Level: 8

Explanation: During execution of job JJJJJJJJ, the SMC allocation component did not find any TapePlexes at the correct release level, or no valid TAPEPlex commands were processed.

System Action: If ALLOCDEF FAILnoinfo is specified, the SMC marks all devices ineligible. Otherwise, no allocation influencing is performed for the job.

User Response:

  • If TapePlexes are implied using the MVS SSCVT chain or via the TAPEPlex command LOCSUBsys parameter, ensure that the HSC or MVS/CSC(s) on the host are active and at the correct level.

  • If TapePlexes on another host are defined using the TAPEPlex command, ensure that the HSC on the remote host defined by the SERVer command is active and at the correct level. Also ensure that the HTTP server is active on the remote host.


SMC subsystem interface error for job JJJJJJJJ; reason=SSSSSSSS function=CCCCCCCC

Level: 4

Explanation: SMC processing in an MVS initiator address space attempted to communicate with the SMC subsystem in order to process an allocation or mount request but encountered an error. The reason for the failure is SSSSSSSS while the function attempted was CCCCCCCC.

System Action: The SMC terminates its processing of the allocation or mount request.

User Response: Investigate the cause of the error by looking for related SMC subsystem or MVS error messages.


User exit nn {inactive|abended and disabled}

Level: 8

Explanation: During execution of a job, the SMC allocation or message handling component invoked the user exit nn. However, the user exit is currently inactive or has abended and is now disabled.

System Action: Processing continues without the user exit.

User Response: Correct the user exit.


**** SMC U1099 ABEND AT CCCCCCCCn ****

Level: 0

Explanation: An SMC task has abended in module CCCCCCCC at abend sequence number n.

System Action: If the abend occurs in the address space of a tape allocation job, the SMC subsystem does not influence the job's allocation. If the abend occurs in the SMC started task address space, a restart of the SMC subsystem may be required.

User Response: Look for SMC or IBM related messages in the SYSLOG or job log. Save the associated logs, dump data set, and JCL, and contact StorageTek Software Support.



Level: 0

Explanation: A MSGJOB command was specified with the LIST keyword. Each unique job, job step, and PROC step entry found in the MSGJOB queue is displayed in a separate SMC0054 message, followed by the SMC defaults in a final SMC0054 message. nn indicates the message level, and any messages at that indicated level or lower are produced on that job's job log in JES2 or on the system log in JES3.

System Action: None

User Response: None



Level: 0

Explanation: An ALLOCJOB command was issued with the LIST keyword. Each unique job, job step, and PROC step entry found in the ALLOCJOB queue is displayed in a separate SMC0055 message. The BYPASSED message indicates that the specified job, job step, or PROC step will not have any of its tape allocations influenced by the SMC. MINLVL=nn indicates the desired minimum exclusion level at which affinity and GDG chains are separated.

System Action: None

User Response: None


nn Bytes:


Level: 0

Explanation: An SMC LIst command was issued. The SMC0056 multiline message lists the nn bytes of storage in translated hexadecimal (XX.XX) and character (CC.CC) format, each line listing the next 16 bytes (X'10') bytes of storage, beginning at hexadecimal address AAAAAAAA.

System Action: None

User Response: None


No {SMCPARMS|SMCCMDS} DDNAME statement found

Level: 8

Explanation: During SMC initialization, the specified SMCPARMS DD or SMCCMDS DD was not present in the SMC startup procedure.

System Action: Initialization continues.

User Response: None



Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC encountered a READ command, but the specified DDNAME or DSNAME could not be opened.

System Action: The READ command is ignored.

User Response: Look for IBM related messages in the SYSLOG or job log, and refer to the appropriate IBM documentation for more information.


Identically named subsystem SSSS is initializing

Level: 0

Explanation: During initialization, the SMC subsystem initialization program detected an identically named SMC subsystem, SSSS, already being initialized (but not yet fully active).

System Action: The currently initializing SMC subsystem terminates.

User Response: Only one SMC can be active on a system at a time. If the prior SMC subsystem, SSSS, was terminated abnormally, and is not truly active, then restart SMC SSSS with the RESET execution parameter.



Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC received an I/O error attempting to read the SMCPARMS or SMCCMDS data set specified in the SMC started procedure or a data set specified on a READ command.

System Action: The indicated data set is not processed.

User Response: Determine the cause of the error. If the input data set is a PDS, ensure that a member name was specified.


Command beginning at line nnnn of {SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS} is too long; input ignored

Level: 4

Explanation: The SMC encountered a multi-line command beginning at line nnnn of the specified file. This command exceeds 1024 characters in length.

System Action: Processing continues. The entire multi-line is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the command data set has the correct syntax.


Command CCCCCCCC [with parameter PPPPPPPP] is not allowed [{from console|at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS}]

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC encountered a command or a command parameter that is not supported for the indicated command origin. For example, the READ command is not supported if encountered during processing of another READ command.

System Action: The command is ignored.

User Response: Issue the command from a valid command origin.


MSGDEF settings:


Level: 0

Explanation: A MSGDEF command has been issued with the LIST keyword. The SMC0063 multiline message lists the current settings for the SMC subsystem.

System Action: None

User Response: None


ALLOCDEF settings:


Level: 0

Explanation: An ALLOCDEF command has been issued with the LIST keyword. The SMC0066 multiline message lists the current settings for the SMC subsystem.

System Action: None

User Response: None


SMSDEF settings:


Level: 0

Explanation: An SMSDEF command has been issued with the LIST keyword. The SMC0067 multiline message lists the current settings for the SMC subsystem.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Cannot substitute for esoteric EEEEEEEE at MINLVL=n job JJJJJJJJ step SSSSSSSS DD DDDDDDDD

Level: 8

Explanation: During execution of job JJJJJJJJ step SSSSSSSS on JES3, the SMC allocation component determined that the job step was not allocatable at the specified minimum level (MINLVL).

For example, if you are executing at the default minimum exclusion level 2, this message indicates that the SMC is unable to select an esoteric containing only drives compatible with the media type of a specific volume.

System Action: None. No esoteric substitution is performed. The job may later fail because a volume is requested on an incompatible drive.

User Response: Refer to your SMC publications for an explanation of esoteric definition requirements.


TREQDEF command already in progress

Level: 0

Explanation: An SMC TREQDEF was entered, but a TREQDEF command is already being processed by the SMC.

System Action: The second TREQDEF command is suppressed.

User Response: Wait for the first TREQDEF command to complete execution before a new TREQDEF command is entered.


SMC maintenance has been applied; reassemble SMCERSLV

Level: 0

Explanation: SMC maintenance was applied and affected the module SMCERSLV, but SMCERSLV was not reassembled.

System Action: The SMC does not initialize.

User Response: Reassemble SMCERSLV using the correct level of SMC macros and restart the SMC.


SMCERSLV JES3 release level LLLLLL1 does not match JES3 release level LLLLLL2

Level: 0

Explanation: Module SMCERSLV was assembled using a different JES3 release level LLLLLL1 than the active JES3 release level LLLLLL2.

System Action: The SMC does not initialize.

User Response: Reassemble SMCERSLV using the correct level of JES3 macros and restart the SMC.


JES3 C/I waiting for SMC to initialize; Start SMC or reply ”GO” to continue

Level: 0

Explanation: JES3 has begun scanning the JCL of jobs requiring tape mounts and the SMC is not initialized and cannot influence allocation.

System Action: One JES3 C/I process waits until the SMC has been started or the operator has replied ”GO”.

User Response: Start the SMC or reply ”GO” to proceed without SMC allocation influence.


Unsupported virtual label type for job JJJJJJJJ step SSSSSSSS DD DDDDDDDD

Level: 8

Explanation: All virtual devices were previously excluded for the DD because of an unsupported label type (NL). A subsequent exclusion criteria requesting virtual drives could not be honored. Message SMC0046 describes the criteria not honored.

System Action: The DD is allocated to a nonvirtual drive. Nonlibrary drives are preferred over library drives.

User Response: Change the JCL to request a supported label type, or change the policy to direct the allocation to a different device type.


SEPLVL cannot be less than MINLVL on the CCCCCCCC command [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC encountered a command that specified either a SEPLVL that is lower than the applicable MINLVL or a MINLVL higher than the applicable SEPLVL.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that command MINLVL and SEPLVL values are correct in the command data set, or enter the corrected command.


Xtype CCCCCCCC (XX) has inconsistent {device type|location type|VTSS|ACS} between device XXXX1 and device XXXX2

Level: 4

Explanation: In a JES3 environment, the SMC encountered an XTYPE that contains nonhomogeneous devices, where CCCCCCCC represents the JES3 SETNAME name. Use of this XTYPE may result in allocation to an incorrect device based on media, recording technique, or location.

System Action: Allocation is performed based on the device characteristics of the first device encountered in the XTYPE.

User Response: Refer to your SMC publications for JES3 initialization parameter requirements.


Subtask CCCCCCCC terminating at retry count N; please stop and restart SMC subsystem

Level: 0

Explanation: The specified SMC subsystem task abnormally terminated N times, and could not be restarted. The subsystem is now operating without a required service.

System Action: Processing continues. However, specific allocation or command facilities may be affected.

User Response: Stop and restart the SMC subsystem. If the named subtask is SMCOCMD, use the MVS CANCEL command to terminate the subsystem.


No command prefix defined

Level: 0

Explanation: No CMDDEF command specified a command prefix in the SMCPARMS data set.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: If a command prefix is desired, add the CMDDEF command to the SMCPARMS data set. The command is processed the next time SMC is initialized.


The command prefix is PPPPPPPP

Level: 0

Explanation: The command prefix for the subsystem is set to PPPPPPPP.

System Action: The SMC now accepts commands prefixed with PPPPPPPP.

User Response: None


Command prefix value VVVVVVVV contains invalid character C at line nnnn of SMCPARMS

Level: 0

Explanation: The command prefix value VVVVVVVV of the CMDDEF command contained an invalid character C.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Review the list of valid characters for the command prefix listed with the CMDDEF command description. Update the CMDDEF command in the SMCPARMS data set with the new prefix value. The command is processed the next time the SMC is initialized.


Command prefix not added; [prefix is not unique|CPF system error]

Level: 0

Explanation: The command prefix was disallowed by the CPF facility because the prefix was not unique or a system error occurred.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response:

  • If the prefix is not unique, issue the MVS DISPLAY OPDATA command and compare the prefix with those of the other subsystems. The command prefix cannot include a command string, a command abbreviation, or any string that invokes a command. The command prefix cannot include a string that is a subset or superset of an existing prefix beginning with the same character.

  • If a CPF error occurred, look for IBM related messages in the SYSLOG and refer to the appropriate IBM documentation for the explanation.


Command prefix already set

Level: 0

Explanation: The command prefix can be specified only once while the SMC is initializing and cannot be changed during execution.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: To change the command prefix, update the CMDDEF statement in the SMCPARMS data set and recycle the SMC.


Unable to locate {JES3 SETNAME table|JES3 SETUNIT table}

Level: 0

Explanation: During SMC subsystem initialization on a JES3 system, the indicated JES3 control structures could not be located. The SMC could not initialize.

System Action: The SMC subsystem terminates.

User Response: Reassemble SMCERSLV with the current level of JES3 macros. Refer to Installing ELS for more information.


MMM DD YYYY HH:MM:SS SSSS active on hostid HHHH

Level: 0

Explanation: The date (MMM DD YYYY), time (HH:MM:SS), subsystem name (SSSS) and MVS hostid (HHHH) are displayed once a day at midnight and during SMC initialization.

System Action: None

User Response: None



Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC subsystem pre-initialization routine (SMCBPREI) encountered an error.

System Action:

  • If the Return Code (RC) is 4 or less, the SMC subsystem was defined.

  • If the Return Code (RC) is 8 or higher, the SMC subsystem was not defined.

User Response: Investigate the Return Code (RC) and Reason (RS) and take the necessary action. The return code and reason are documented in the IBM manual MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Service Reference.



-------- -------- ----- ---- -------- -------- ----- -----
SMCQWRK executing tasks=nn waiting tasks=nn requests=nn

Level: 0

Explanation: An SMC LIST TASK command was issued. The SMC0086 multiline message lists status of each SMC subsystem task. The last line lists the number of SMCQWRK tasks currently executing, waiting for work, as well as the total number of requests processed.

System Action: None

User Response: None


EXTVOLESOT esoteric EEEEEEEE not found [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: An ALLOCDEF command was issued with the EXTVOLESOT keyword specifying EEEEEEEE. However, the specified esoteric-name is not a valid MVS esoteric.

System Action: The specified ALLOCDEF command is not processed.

User Response: Reissue the ALLOCDEF command specifying a valid MVS esoteric name.


Unable to [acquire/release] resource CCCCCCCC; attempt by JJJJJJJJ XXXXXXXX1 owned by XXXXXXXX2

Level: 0

Explanation: A shared SMC resource could not be acquired or freed successfully. Job JJJJJJJJ is the task currently attempting to acquire or free the resource, but cannot because another task holds the resource.

System Action: Jobname JJJJJJJJ may not be processed correctly.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Unable to start subtask CCCCCCCC

Level: 0

Explanation: During initialization, the indicated SMC subsystem task could not be successfully attached.

System Action: The SMC subsystem terminates.

User Response: Look for related MVS or SMC messages in the SYSLOG or SMC job log.


Unable to restart subtask CCCCCCCC

Level: 0

Explanation: During subsystem processing the indicated SMC subsystem task abended and could not be restarted.

System Action: Processing continues. However, subsystem processing or command facilities may be affected.

User Response: Stop and restart the SMC subsystem. If the indicated subtask is SMCOCMD, use the MVS CANCEL command to terminate the subsystem.


Could not allocate job JJJJJJJJ step SSSSSSSS after applying all exclusion levels; backing up until allocatable

Level: 8

Explanation: The indicated job step would not allocate when all exclusion criteria were applied to all DDs in the step. This means that the remaining set of drives is insufficient for each DD to be assigned a unique drive.

System Action: The SMC backs out exclusion criteria on selected DDs in the step until the set of remaining drives is sufficient to allocate to all DDs in the step.

User Response: None


IDAX Settings:


Level: 0

Explanation: An IDAX command has been issued with the LIST keyword. The SMC0092 multiline message lists the current setting for the SMC subsystem.

System Action: None

User Response: None





Level: 0

Explanation: A TCPIP LIST command was issued. The current values of the TCPNAME and ADSNAME are displayed. If the SMC is using the default settings, ”default” is displayed.

System Action: None

User Response: None


MOUNTDEF settings:


Level: 0

Explanation: A MOUNTDEF command has been issued with the LIST keyword. The SMC0094 multiline message lists the current settings for the SMC subsystem.

System Action: None

User Response: None


UX01 function code UX01RPLY not supported

Level: 4

Explanation: The function code return of UX01RPLY (reply to a WTOR message) is not supported by SMC.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Invalid UX01 function code XX

Level: 4

Explanation: A user exit 01 returned an invalid function code of XX.

System Action: All data returned by this invocation of UX01 is ignored.

User Response: Correct the UX01 to return only valid function codes.


UX01 function code XX not valid for message MMMMMMMM

Level: 4

Explanation: The SMC detected that the action code returned for a message (mount, dismount, or swap) did not match the action for an SMC default message.

System Action: All data returned by this invocation of UX01 is ignored.

User Response: Correct the UX01 to return a function code compatible with the message.


UX01 drive XXXX1 does not match message drive XXXX2, using UX01 drive

Level: 4

Explanation: The device address returned from UX01 does not match the address specified in the message.

System Action: The device address returned from UX01 is used in the message processing.

User Response: Ensure that UX01 is functioning as desired.


Drive XXXX not a TAPEPLEX drive

Level: 4

Explanation: A user exit 01 returned a drive XXXX, which is not a library or virtual drive.

System Action: All data returned by this invocation of UX01 is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that UX01 is functioning as desired.


Invalid UX01 drive XXXX

Level: 4

Explanation: A user exit 01 returned an invalid drive address of XXXX which is not defined as a valid tape device on this system.

System Action: All data returned by this invocation of UX01 is ignored.

User Response: Correct the UX01.



Level: 4

Explanation: A POLicy, TAPEREQ, or user exit 01 specified a subpool name that was not recognized by TAPEPlex PPPPPPPP, which owned the device for the mount request.

System Action: The default subpool 0 is used.

User Response: Correct the POLicy, TAPEREQ, or UX01 to specify a valid subpool.


Invalid UX01 volser VVVVVV

Level: 4

Explanation: A user exit 01 returned a volume serial containing invalid characters.

System Action: The volume serial returned by this invocation of UX01 is ignored.

User Response: Correct the UX01 to return a valid volume serial.


Unrecoverable mount error on device XXXX volser VVVVVV for JOB JJJJJJJJ

Level: 3

Explanation: The SMC detected a volume mount error in response to an IAT5310 message for a mount requested in message IAT5210.

System Action: The SMC breaks the mount loop and issues a dismount to the indicated device XXXX. The job remains in the MDS VERIFY queue.

User Response: Refer to the IAT5310 message for the cause of the mount error and take corrective action.


Default recording technique set for TAPEPLEX=CCCCCCCC device XXXX

Level: 4

Explanation: The configuration query response from TapePlex CCCCCCCC returned device address XXXX as a TapePlex-owned device, but could not determine the model type for the device.

System Action: The SMC sets the default recording technique for the device based on the UCB device type. Processing continues.

User Response: Verify that any maintenance for new device types has been applied to all NCS products, including SMC, or issue an SMC UNITAttr command for the device specifying the correct model information.


Keyword KKKKKKKK of the CCCCCCCC command is required

Level: 0

Explanation: The command CCCCCCCC was issued without the required keyword KKKKKKKK.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Re-issue the command with the required keyword.


Mount of volser VVVVVV in TAPEPLEX PPPPPPPP on device XXXX not in library

Level: 0

Explanation: An SMC MOUNTDEF VOLWATCH option is ON. The SMC has detected that a volume resident in TapePlex PPPPPPPP is being requested to be mounted on a nonlibrary drive.

System Action: None

User Response: Cancel the job requesting the mount, or eject the volume to satisfy the mount request.


Keyword KKKKKKKK of the CCCCCCCC command is required

Level: 0

Explanation: The command CCCCCCCC was issued without the required keyword KKKKKKKK.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Re-issue the command with the required keyword.


No compatible drive found for SWAP processing

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC has intercepted DDR swap processing. The original device chosen to swap to is not compatible with the swap from device and the SMC could not locate a compatible alternate device.

System Action: If the MOUNTDEF SWAPAUTOREPLY is set to ON then the IGF500D or IGF509D message will be replied to with NO. If the MOUNTDEF SWAPAUTOREPLY is set to OFF then DDR swap processing continues.

User Response: If the IGF500D or IGF509D message is still outstanding and there are no compatible devices available, reply NO to message IGF500D or IGF509D to stop the swap process. If a compatible device is offline, vary it online and reply with its device number to message IGF500D or IGF509D.


The SMC subsystem is running in key n; results are unpredictable; reply ’Y' to continue or ’N' to terminate

Level: 0

Explanation: During initialization SMC detected that it is running in key n, not 1 through 7.

System Action: The SMC waits until a reply is received.

User Response: A reply of N stops SMC. A reply of Y causes SMC to continue initialization, though results are unpredictable. Possible problems are S0C1 and S0C4 ABENDs. To prevent this message, update the Program Properties Table (PPT) with ”PPT PGMNAME(SMCBINT),SYST,KEY(n)”, where n is between 1 and 7, inclusive.


Allow swap of VVVVVV from XXXX1 to XXXX2; Reply ’Y', ’N' or DEVICE

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC has intercepted DDR swap processing. The SMC is awaiting operator approval to allow the swap.

System Action: The SMC continues processing; however, the swap cannot complete until an operator reply is entered.

User Response: To allow the swap to proceed using the selected device XXXX2, reply Y. To select a different swap to device, reply with its device address. The SMC does not validate a new device address. To cancel the swap, reply N. If an I/O error on device XXXX1 caused the swap, a reply of N causes the job to fail.




Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC has listed the messages that were added using the USERMsg command.

System Action: Both SMC default and USERMsg added messages are sent to user exit 01 for each library subsystem. SMC processes USERMsg added messages according to the response from user exit 01.

User Response: None.


Cannot add duplicate message ID MMMMMMMM at line nnnn of SMCPARMS

Level: 0

Explanation: The USERMsg command was issued to add a new message ID that SMC will intercept. The supplied message ID MMMMMMMM is a duplicate of a message already defined to SMC.

System Action: The message is not added.

User Response: None



Status={active|never active|inactive|disabled}



Init errors=nnnn


Level: 0

Explanation: A SERVer command has been issued with the LIST keyword. The SMC0113 multiline message lists the server settings and status for each server defined to the SMC subsystem.

  • Status indicates the status of the server:

    • active indicates that this server is the current path through which the specified TapePlex will be accessed.

    • never active indicates that communication was never attempted on this path, or was attempted but never succeeded.

    • inactive indicates that another server path is active, or that the last communication attempt on this path failed.

    • disabled indicates that the server has been disabled by a discovered incompatibility, by reaching the FAIL limit, or by an operator command.

  • Messages indicates the number of logical messages (volume lookup requests, mounts, dismounts) on this server path.

  • Retries indicates how many message retries have been attempted.

  • Init errors indicates the current count of number of errors for an inactive server.

  • Errors indicates the total number of errors on this server.

System Action: None

User Response: None



Level: 0

Explanation: A SERVer command was issued with a TapePlex or STORMNGR name that was not previously defined.

System Action: The server is not added or updated.

User Response: Specify a TAPEPlex command to define the TapePlex or a STORMNGR command to define the STORMNGR, then specify the SERVer command.


Cannot change TAPEPLEX|STORMNGR name for existing SERVER SSSSSSSS [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: A SERVer command was issued with the NAME of an existing server, but its TAPEPLEX or STORMNGR name did not match the name set when the server was originally defined.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Omit the Tapeplex or STORMNGR name, change the Tapeplex or STORMNGR name to match the existing server, or change the server name to add a new server.


No LOCSUBSYS for [LOCENABLE|LOCDISABLE] parameter on TAPEPLEX command [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: A TAPEPlex command was issued with a LOCENABLE or LOCDISABLE parameter, but the TapePlex was not defined with a LOCSUBSYS subsystem name.

System Action: This message is a warning. The TapePlex will be added or modified, but the LOCENABLE or LOCDISABLE parameter is ignored.

User Response: None



Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC detected TCP/IP errors in excess of the FAIL count or detected a fatal error for a local subsystem. See the preceding SMC0128/SMC0129 messages for the reason for the disable.

System Action: None. If there are no additional server paths defined for the associated library, the library hardware is no longer accessible from this host.

User Response: Correct the problem with the TCP/IP network, SMC server, host operating system, or the HSC subsystem, and re-ENABLE the SERVer or LOCSUBsys.


NAME must be specified to add or modify a SERVER [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: The user entered a SERVer command to add a new server or modify an existing server path, but the server path name was not specified.

System Action: None

User Response: Enter the SERVer command specifying the server path name.



Level: 0

Explanation: The user entered a UEXIT nn ENABLE or DISABLE command, or the SMC detected an abend in the specified user exit. The specified user exit is now ENABLED or DISABLED.

System Action: None

User Response: If the SMC automatically disabled the user exit due to an abend, the exit cannot be re-enabled unless it is also reloaded.








Level: 0

Explanation: A UEXIT command was issued with the LIST keyword. The SMC0122 multiline message lists the user exit status for each user exit defined.

  • nn indicates the SMC user exit number (type).

  • Status indicates the user exit status.

    • active indicates that the exit is loaded and active.

    • disabled indicates that the exit is loaded but was de-activated by the UEXIT disable keyword.

    • abended indicates the user exit abended. A new version must be loaded for this exit to be re-activated.

  • Sequence indicates how many loads have been performed for this user exit.

  • Loaded indicates when this version of the module was loaded.

  • Changed indicates when this version of the module was activated or disabled.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Drive range mismatch between CLIENT(XXXX1-XXXX2) and SERVER (XXXX3-XXXX4)

Level: 0

Explanation: A DRIVemap command was issued. One of the specified CLient range did not match the format of the corresponding SErver range.

System Action: None

User Response: Reissue the command, ensuring that the CLient parameter and the SErver parameter have corresponding formats and number of drives.


ABENDED or INACTIVE UEXIT nn must be reloaded to ENABLE [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: A UEXIT nn ENABLE command was issued for a user exit that had previously abended, or inactivated itself via a return code.

System Action: None

User Response: Use the UEXit command with the LOAD keyword to reload the exit.



Level: 0

Explanation: A UEXIT nn ENABLE or DISABLE command was issued but the exit was already in the specified state.

System Action: None

User Response: Verify the exit number you are trying to alter.


UEXIT nn not valid for [JES2/JES3] [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: A UEXIT command was issued for a user exit number not valid for this configuration.

System Action: None

User Response: Verify the user exit number for your configuration.


Cannot resolve HOST name H...H [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: A SERVer command was issued using the HOST keyword specification. However, the SMC could not resolve the IP address using the specified HOST name.

System Action: The SERVer command is ignored.

User Response: Enter the correct HOST name or use the IPADDRESS keyword instead.


TapePlex error:

{Fatal comm error detected|
Initialization error number nn or {nn|unlimited}|
Comm error number nn of {nn|unlimited}
Comm error limit exceeded}
{Client {IP=NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN} socket=NN port={nnnn|ANY}}
{Server IP=NNNN.NNNN.NNNN.NNNN port=nnnn}
{Bytes out=nnnn in=nnnn}
{Response from STK HTTP server follows: HHHH...HHHH}
SMC comm RC=nnnn

Level: 4

Explanation: The SMC encountered an interface or communication error attempting to communicate with a TapePlex or STORMNGR. The SMC0128 multiline message first lists the jobname, transaction type, and TapePlex or STORMNGR name associated with the error.

If the communication error was produced for a local TapePlex or STORMNGR using cross memory services on this same host (i.e., not using a server) then the next line will list the interface error.

If the communication error was produced for a remote HTTP server or its associated remote HSC TapePlex or STORMNGR using TCP/IP, then one of the message reason lines will be displayed.

Examples of the reason strings include:

  • Specific TCP/IP function errors (connect, send, recv, etc.)

  • Data error (incomplete or invalid data response)

  • Subsystem inactive, not found, or at an incompatible release level

  • Subsystem function error

  • HTTP server not authorized

  • HSC ASCOMM error

  • Interface or communication timeout

Certain remote errors may result in a display of the entire HTTP server response as follows:

HTTP 1.0 401 Unauthorized

If the message indicates ”Comm error limit (nnn) exceeded” then the SMC0128 message will be followed by an SMC0119 message and the server path will be disabled by the SMC.

If the message indicates an ”Initialization error” then the error occurred before any successful communication to the named server path. Such errors are not counted against the cumulative error count on the server path, and will not result in the named server being automatically disabled by the SMC.

Also, ”Initialization error” messages will not be generated for every request, but will only be generated at 5 minute intervals until the path is successfully activated.

System Action: The allocation or mount event may not be processed by the SMC.

User Response: Use the specified error reason to determine the cause of the problem. If the error was produced for a remote server, verify that the HTTP server is active.


{ERROR|WARNING}: No cartridge transport(s) for XXXX1- [XXXX2] for {UNITATTR|DRIVEMAP} {ADDRESS|CLIENT}

Level: 0

Explanation: A UNITATTR or DRIVEMAP command was issued specifying a device XXXX1 or range XXXX1-XXXX2. None of the specified devices is an MVS-defined cartridge transport device.

System Action: One of the following:

  • If the message indicates an ERROR, the command is not processed.

  • If the message indicates a WARNING, the SMC stores the value and may use it to translate addresses for non-MVS-defined RTD devices.

User Response: Review the devices specified in the command and re-issue the command if they are incorrect.



Level: 0

Explanation: A TAPEPlex command was issued with a different TapePlex name PPPPPPPP1 but the same LOCSUBSYS name as an existing TapePlex PPPPPPPP2.

System Action: The TAPEPlex command is not executed.

User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the command.



Level: 4

Explanation: The TapePlex name on an SMC POLICY, or the TapePlex or SUBSYSTEM name from a user exit, was not used by the SMC for the specified reason RRRRRRRR.

System Action: The SMC uses other criteria to establish library ownership. Other data from the policy or exit is honored.

User Response: Correct the condition specified by RRRRRRRR.


Mount retry limit exceeded for volser=VVVVVV device=XXXX from TAPEPLEX=PPPPPPPP SERVER=SSSSSSSS

Level: 4

Explanation: When SMC mount or mount TAPEREQ retrieval processing determines that an MVS mount is still pending and should be retried, it waits before attempting the retry. After the mount or mount policy retrieval retry limit is reached, the SMC0132 message is displayed.

System Action: The SMC will not continue to process the mount request after this message is issued.

User Response: Investigate the cause of the HSC mount problem. After resolving the problem, issue the SMC RESYNChronize REStart command or the HSC MOUNT command if necessary.




Status={disabled|active|inactive|never active}



Status={disabled|active|inactive|never active}]

Level: 3

Explanation: A TAPEPlex or STORMNGR command was issued with the LIST keyword. The SMC0133 multiline message lists parameters and status for each TapePlex or STORMNGR defined to the SMC subsystem. Optionally, if the SERVerlist keyword was specified, the server status for all servers associated with this TapePlex or STORMNGR is also displayed.

TapePlex status indicates the status of the TapePlex or STORMNGR.

  • disabled indicates that the TapePlex or STORMNGR has been disabled by an operator command.

  • active indicates that the last communication to this TapePlex or STORMNGR was successful.

  • inactive indicates that a communication path to this TapePlex or STORMNGR is no longer active, although one was previously active.

  • never active indicates that a communication path to this TapePlex or STORMNGR was never successfully established.

Requests indicates the total number of requests (configuration, volume lookup, mount, dismount, and swap) that were directed to the specified TapePlex or STORMNGR.

If the SERVER keyword was specified, then each server path defined for this TapePlex or STORMNGR will also be displayed, along with its status

System Action: None

User Response: None


No UNITATTR in effect for device(s) XXXX1[-XXXX2]

Level: 0

Explanation: Either no UNITATTR command was entered for the device, or a previously entered UNITATTR command was overridden by information from a TapePlex.

System Action: If the UNITATTR OFF parameter was specified, the device is not processed.

User Response: None


{Mount/dismount message|Client response WTOR message|WTOR message issued by server} from TAPEPLEX=PPPPPPPP SERVER=SSSSSSSS

Level: text

Explanation: text

System Action: text

User Response: text


HSC mount or dismount message

Level: 4

Explanation: The WTORDEST(CLIENT) or ECHOMNTERR(ON) option is in effect. A mount or dismount was performed on an HSC TapePlex but did not complete successfully. The SMC0135 message indicates the TapePlex name and server name where the mount or dismount was requested. The SMC0136 merely echoes the HSC server mount or dismount message on the SMC client.

System Action: None

User Response: Correct the problem indicated in the HSC mount or dismount message.


Messages SMC0135 and SMC0136 are issued for all mount errors if the message level is 12 or greater, regardless of the WTORDEST or ECHOMNTERR setting, and for all HSC mount and dismount messages if the message level is 16 or greater.


HSC mount or dismount WTOR message

Level: 4

Explanation: A mount or dismount was performed on an HSC TapePlex with the TAPEPlex WTORDEST(CLIENT) set. HSC issued a WTOR that is to be handled by the client. The SMC0135 message indicates the TapePlex name and server name where the mount or dismount was requested.

System Action: The SMC redrives the mount or dismount to the server, transmitting the specified message response.

User Response: See the message description for the corresponding HSC message, and respond as directed.


The MSGDef command SMCWtorpfx parameter can be used to suppress the SMC0137 portion of the message.


XML {input|output} parse error RC=nnn; transaction=TTTTTTTT TAPEPLEX|STORMNGR=PPPPPPPP

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC encountered an XML parse error. Input XML errors are produced when the input XML transaction cannot be parsed. Output XML errors occur when transaction response data cannot be converted to XML.

System Action: Depending upon the type of error, and server characteristics, the allocation or mount event may not be processed by the SMC.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.



Level: 0

Explanation: A UNITATTR command was issued with the LIst parameter. The model and TapePlex associated with the device are displayed.

System Action: None

User Response: None


SMC0140 DFSMS message

Level: 0

Explanation: The DFSMS ACS routine has issued the DFSMS message. NNNNNNNN will be the JCL statement number or the DDNAME if it is a dynamic allocation.

System Action: None

User Response: None


SMC0141 UNIT=value VVVVVVVV1 replaced by VVVVVVVV2

Level: 0

Explanation: The DFSMS ACS routines have changed the esoteric.

  • NNNNNNNN is the JCL statement number or the DDNAME if it is a dynamic allocation.

  • VVVVVVVV1 is the esoteric that was in the JCL. If a UNIT parameter was not used in the JCL, this will be NULL-UNIT.

  • VVVVVVVV2 is the esoteric that was supplied by the DFSMS ACS routines.

System Action: Use the new esoteric supplied by the DFSMS ACS routines for the allocation.

User Response: None


Invalid reply to prior message from TAPEPLEX=PPPPPPPP SERVER=SSSSSSSS

Level: 0

Explanation: The WTORDEST(CLIENT) option was specified for TapePlex PPPPPPPP, and SMC has communicated a mount or dismount request to HSC via server SSSSSSSS. When SMC attempted to redrive the request, HSC returned an indication that the response was invalid.

System Action: SMC redisplays the HSC message.

User Response: Refer to the message description for the indicated message to determine valid responses.



Level: 0

Explanation: A UNITATTR was specified for device XXXX specifying model MMMMMMM1. However, when the configuration query information was returned from TapePlex PPPPPPPP, the actual model was MMMMMMM2.

System Action: The SMC sets the recording technique for the device based on the actual model returned from the configuration query response. Processing continues.

User Response: Verify that any maintenance for new device types has been applied to all NCS products, including SMC, or issue an SMC UNITAttr command for the device specifying the correct model information.


Mount of volser=VVVVVV on device=XXXX; drive is in use; reply ’C' to cancel mount or ’R' to retry

Level: 0

Explanation: SMC has communicated a mount or dismount request to HSC. HSC has responded with a message indicating that the drive is in use.

System Action: If the mount is still outstanding, the SMC automatically redrives the mount every 30 seconds. The message is DOMed if the mount is no longer pending, or the drive becomes available.

User Response: Wait for the drive to become available, or reply ’C' to cancel the request, or ’R' to retry immediately.


Mount of volser=VVVVVV on device=XXXX; volume is in use; reply ’C' to cancel mount or ’R' to retry

Level: 0

Explanation: SMC has communicated a mount or dismount request to HSC. HSC has responded with a message indicating that the drive is in use.

System Action: The SMC verifies that the mount is still outstanding. If the mount is still outstanding, the SMC automatically redrives the mount every 30 seconds. The message is DOMed if the mount is no longer pending, or the volume becomes available.

User Response: Wait for the volume to become available, or reply ’C' to cancel the request, or ’R' to retry immediately.


All devices marked ineligible for job JJJJJJJJ step SSSSSSSS due to volume lookup failure

Level: 4

Explanation: When SMC allocation attempted to acquire volume information, a communication failure with the library server occurred. The ALLOCDEF option FAILNOINFO was specified.

System Action: The SMC marks all devices as ineligible for allocation. The job is failed by MVS or express-canceled by JES3.

User Response: Investigate the cause of the communication failure and resubmit the job.


PPPPPPPP1 is incompatible with PPPPPPPP2 on the TAPEREQ command line nnnn of TREQDEF DSN

Level: 0

Explanation: An incompatibility exists between PPPPPPPP1 and PPPPPPPP2 at line nnnn in the data set specified on the TREQDEF command.

System Action: The SMC continues to process the TAPEREQ statements, flagging additional errors.

User Response: Correct the errors and re-issue the TREQDEF command.


PPPPPPPP on the TAPEREQ command at line nnnn of TREQDEF DSN is not valid in a JES3 environment

Level: 0

Explanation: The specified parameter PPPPPPPP at line nnnn of the data set specified in the TREQDEF command is not valid in a JES3 with tape setup environment.

System Action: The SMC continues to process the TAPEREQ statements, flagging additional errors.

User Response: Correct the errors and re-issue the TREQDEF command.


TREQDEF specifications not installed, reason code nn

Level: 0

Explanation: The TAPEREQ statements in the data set specified on the TREQDEF command were not installed.

  • 08 - Syntax error on a TAPEREQ statement

  • 12 - The TAPEREQ structure has not been initialized

  • 404 - SMC service error locking TREQDEF

  • Other - Use Display RC=nn for description

System Action: None

User Response: Correct the errors and re-issue the TREQDEF command.


TREQDEF specifications installed from DDDDDDDD

Level: 0

Explanation: The TAPEREQ statements in the data set specified on the TREQDEF command were successfully installed.

System Action: None

User Response: None


TREQDEF status:

Loaded from DDDDDDDD


{Loaded on YYYY-MM-DD at HH:MM:SS|

Not active due to error; process RC=nn}

Level: 0

Explanation: The TREQDEF command was issued with the LIST keyword. The current TAPEREQ statements were loaded from data set DDDDDDDD. The title TTTTTTTT is displayed if one was specified in the OPTION statement. If there was no currently active TREQDEF file due to an error, the message ”not active due to error” is displayed but the data set name last used for the TREQDEF is available and can be used in the TREQDEF RELOAD command.

System Action: None

User Response: None


TREQDEF DSN command has not been previously issued

Level: 0

Explanation: The TREQDEF LIST or RELOAD commands have been specified without a prior TREQDEF DSN command.

System Action: None

User Response: Issue a TREQDEF command with the DSN keyword prior to issuing the TREQDEF with the LIST or RELOAD keyword.


Dynamic allocation failed for DDDDDDDD

Level: 0

Explanation: Data set name DDDDDDDD, specified in an SMC command, could not be allocated by the SMC.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Review the specified data set name to ensure that it is a cataloged MVS data set, and re-issue the command.


UNITATTR model MMMMMMMM ignored for TAPEPLEX device XXXX

Level: 0

Explanation: A UNITATTR command has been issued specifying device XXXX. The device is defined to a TapePlex known to SMC. The SMC obtains the device model from the TapePlex.

System Action: The UNITATTR command does not process the device.

User Response: None


LOG settings:


Logging currently {INACTIVE|ACTIVE}

Level: 0

Explanation: A LOG command was issued with the LIST keyword. The SMC0155 multiline message lists the current settings and status for the SMC subsystem.

In addition, a log status of ACTIVE indicates that logging has been started; INACTIVE indicates that logging has not been started, or has been stopped at EOF.

System Action: None

User Response: None


SMCLOG file is not currently opened

Level: 0

Explanation: A LOG command has been issued with the STOP keyword. However logging is not currently active.

System Action: The LOG command is ignored.

User Response: None


SMCLOG file is already opened

Level: 0

Explanation: A LOG command has been issued with the START keyword. However, the logging is already active.

System Action: The LOG command is ignored.

User Response: None


No SMCLOG DD; logging cannot be started

Level: 0

Explanation: A LOG command has been issued with the START keyword. However, there was no SMCLOG DD in the SMC subsystem startup JCL.

System Action: The LOG command is ignored.

User Response: Add an SMCLOG DD to the SMC subsystem startup JCL, then restart the SMC subsystem.


Logging {started|stopped}

Level: 0

Explanation: A LOG command has been issued with the START or STOP keyword.

System Action: SMC logging is started or stopped.

User Response: None


Invalid range XXXX1-XXXX2 for keyword ADDRESS of the UNITATTR command

Level: 0

Explanation: A UNITATTR command has been issued specifying a device range XXXX1-XXXX2, where XXXX1 is larger than XXXX2.

System Action: The UNITATTR command does not process this device range.

User Response: Reissue the command specifying a valid range.


Restoring all default settings for the CCC...CCC command

Level: 0

Explanation: The CCC...CCC command has been issued with the OFF parameter. All SMC values have been restored for the SMC subsystem.

System Action: None

User Response: None


CCC...CCC object successfully {added|updated|deleted}

Level: 0

Explanation: The CCC...CCC command has been successfully processed.

System Action: None

User Response: None


DRIVEMAP settings:


Level: 0

Explanation: A DRIVEMAP command has been issued with the LIST keyword. The SMC0163 multiline message lists the currently active DRIVEMAPs. One line is produced for each client/server range.

System Action: None

User Response: None


CLIENT range XXXX1{-XXXX2} not found for the OFF keyword of the DRIVEMAP command

Level: 0

Explanation: The DRIVEMAP command has been issued with the OFF parameter and CLIENT parameter. No matching DRIVEMAP range matching the CLIENT parameter was found.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Keyword {CLIENT/SERVER} range XXXX1{-XXXX2} overlaps with previous DRIVEMAP entry

Level: 0

Explanation: A DRIVEMAP command was issued containing a client or server range that overlaps a range specified on a previously issued DRIVEMAP command.

System Action: The DRIVEMAP command is not processed.

User Response: Issue the DRIVEMAP LIST command to view the list of currently active DRIVEMAP ranges. Correct the DRIVEMAP command to specify a new range. Or, use the DRIVEMAP CLIENT(XXXX1-XXXX2) OFF command to de-activate the existing overlapping range and re-specify the command with unique ranges.


Excessive READ depth at line nn of DSN DDDDDDDD

Level: 0

Explanation: A READ command was issued from a file. However, too many command files are already open, and the read command depth has been exceeded. Read command depth is defined as the number of files that can be open simultaneously due to imbedded Read commands.

System Action: The READ command is not processed.

User Response: Restructure your command files to reduce the READ command depth and ensure that the files referenced do not contain a recursive loop.


CCCCCCC summary:

TAPEPLEX|STORMNGR PPPPPPPP is {disabled|inactive|active on

{local subsystem SSSS|server SSSSSSSS}


n of n TAPE TAPEPLEX|STORMNGR(s) active|




Level: 0

Explanation: The CCCCCCCC command was issued and a TapePlex and STORMNGR resynchronization was performed. Each TapePlex is represented by a line in the multiline WTO displaying its status.

System Action: None

User Response: None


WARNING: No TREQDEF command processed

Level: 4

Explanation: No TREQDEF command was found in the SMCPARMS or SMCCMDS file at startup.

System Action: TAPEREQ processing is not performed for allocation or mount requests.

User Response: If your installation previously specified TREQDEF in HSC or MVS/CSC, issue the TREQDEF command to SMC and add the TREQDEF command to the SMCCMDS (or SMCPARMS) file.


WARNING: {SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS} processing TIMEOUT; startup continuing

Level: 4

Explanation: During SMC subsystem startup, startup command processing could not complete the indicated command file.

System Action: The SMC continues startup processing, but not all startup commands may have been processed.

User Response: None


{Request timeout|SMC subsystem terminating}; request to subsystem SSSS aborted

Level: 4

Explanation: The SMC issued a request to subsystem SSSS, but no response was received within the time limit, or the SMC subsystem was terminated.

System Action: The SMC continues processing without waiting for the HSC response. In addition, if a request timeout is indicated, the SMC server path to the specified subsystem is disabled.

User Response: Check the status of the subsystem that is not responding to SMC, and correct the problem. After correcting the problem, enable the appropriate server path.


Allocatability test matrix retries exceeded

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC could not determine allocatability of the jobstep using its test matrix in the calculated number of retries.

System Action: Normally, processing continues, with SMC ”backing out” exclusion conditions until the jobstep is allocatable.

During JES3 CI esoteric substitution, if SMC is unable to solve its allocatability matrix after reverting to the original list of eligible devices, an abend results, and no esoteric substitution is performed.

User Response: If possible, rerun the job with allocation trace turned on. Save trace and log output, and contact StorageTek Software Support.


Specified TAPEPLEX|STORMNGR PPPPPPPP not {defined|HSC|active|enabled|valid for UUI}

Level: 0

Explanation: An SMC command was issued specifying TAPEPLEX or STORMNGR PPPPPPPP. However, the command cannot be completed because the TAPEPLEX or STORMNGR is either not defined to the SMC, or is not eligible.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Either name a valid TAPEPLEX or STORMNGR, or correct the TAPEPLEX or STORMNGR status and reissue the command.




{UUI failure; RC=return_code, RS=reason_code error_text}

Response RC=nn

Level: 0

Explanation: An SMC Route command was issued that specified TAPEPlex or STORMNGR PPPPPPPP. The SMC0173 message lists the TAPEPLEX or STORMNGR name, followed by the response. Depending upon the severity of the return code and the availability of a response message from the command, the "UUI failure" output may be displayed. This message line includes the command return code, reason code and a short explanatory text. The SMC0173 message is terminated by displaying the command return code.

System Action: None

User Response: None



Level: 4

Explanation: The SMC replied to a request from job JJJJJJJJ, but no acknowledgment was received within the time limit. The internal data space associated with job starts at block number SSSS for a length of NNNN.

System Action: The SMC continues processing without waiting for the acknowledgment.

User Response: None


Communication initialized on TAPEPLEX|STORMNGR=name {SERVER=name}

Level: 4

Explanation: The SMC has successfully communicated with the specified TapePlex or STORMNGR for the first time. Additionally, if the communication path selected was a remote server, then the server is also displayed.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None


This message is produced each time communication switches from one server to another, or communication is re-established after an error.


No active TAPEPLEX(s) for DISPLAY command

Level: 0

Explanation: A DISPLAY command has been entered. However, the SMC cannot establish communication with any TapePlex.

System Action: If the DISPLAY (or QUERY) VOLUME command was entered, the command terminates as there are no TapePlexes to direct the request. If the DISPLAY DRIVE command was entered, the command continues although the drive information displayed may not reflect TapePlex ownership.

User Response: None



Volser TapePlex Location  Media    Rectech  Volume Data
------ -------  --------  -------- -------- ------------

Level: 0

Explanation: A Display Volume command was entered. The SMC0177 message(s) lists the volsers that match the request. If ALLtapeplex parameter was specified, duplicate volsers, if found, are listed beginning with an asterisk (*). The displayed Rectech for a volume reflects a combination of the volume's media type, VOLATTR (if any), and volume data such as density. For example, a volume with a RECTECH of STK1RC may have either a VOLATTR that specifies a RECTECH of STK1RC for the volume, or may be known to have been mounted as scratch on a 9840C drive. The Volume Data for a volume reflects known characteristics of the volume as stored in the HSC CDS, such as volume density.

System Action: None

User Response: None



Addr TapePlex Location     Model    SMC Status  MVS Status
---- -------- ------------ -------- ----------- -----------


Addr TapePlex Location     Model    S Serial Number  MVS Status
---- -------- ------------ -------- ---------------  -----------

Level: 0

Explanation: A DISPLAY DRIVE command has been entered. The SMC0178 message(s) lists the device addresses that match the request.

  • PPPPPPPP is the TapePlex.

  • XXXX is the last SMC mount/dismount status for the drive.

  • VVVVVV is the last volume serial mounted or dismounted.

  • Z is the source or status of the serial number:

    • X indicates a Library XAPI configuration.

    • R indicates Read Configuration Data (RCD) channel command.

    • M indicates RCD serial number Matched to XAPI configuration.

    • - indicates no path available for RCD I/O request.

  • NNNNNNNNNNNN is the drive serial number (blank if unavailable).

XXXX can be the following:

  • MNTD

    An automated mount for a real volume completed successfully.

  • DISM

    The dismount was sent to the HSC TapePlex or server. DISM is displayed after a dismount is issued until another volume is mounted on the drive.

  • VMNT

    An automated mount for a virtual volume was sent to the VSM but is not being monitored by the SMC message handling component. The MVS status records whether the volume is actually mounted.

  • PEND

    The real or virtual mount is being monitored by the SMC message handling component and is awaiting final response from the HSC TapePlex or Server.

  • MNTM

    The HSC TapePlex or Server returned a final return code indicating that the real volume must be manually mounted.

  • FAIL

    The automated mount failed. Operator intervention is required.

  • CSCM

    An automated mount was sent to the MVS/CSC but is not being monitored by the SMC message handling component. The MVS status records whether the volume is actually mounted.

  • SWAP

    A swap is currently in progress for the drive and is being monitored by the SMC swap manager.

  • MISS

    An automated mount for a real or virtual volume has not completed and is now being monitored by the SMC mount monitor component.

  • BYPS

    User exit 01 specified a return code indicating that the mount/dismount for the specified drive is not to be monitored by the SMC.

  • none

    SMC status is not available for the specified drive.


Status MNTM, MISS, or FAIL causes an SMC0231 action message to be produced when the mount is still MVS pending. Status VMNT may result in an SMC0231 action message being produced if the virtual mount is still pending after the virtual mount timeout value has been exceeded.

System Action: None

User Response: None



Level: 0

Explanation: The CCCCCCCC command was entered specifying TAPEPLEX or ESOTERIC VVVVVVVV. However VVVVVVVV is not defined to SMC or MVS.

System Action: None

User Response: Correct the specified command and re-enter.


POLICY=CCCCCCCC {scr only|spec only|scr + spec|scr error|spec error|in error|scr defined|spec defined}

Scratch policy: (displays entered policy values)

Specific policy: (displays entered policy values)

Created on mmm dd yyyy hh:mm:ss[at line nnn of dsname| from console userid]

Changed on mmm dd yyyy hh:mm:ss[at line nnn of dsname| from console userid]

Level: 0

Explanation: A POLICY LIST command was received. If the TERse option is specified, only the first line is displayed for each policy. The Created and Changed data are displayed only if the DETail option is entered.

System Action: None

User Response: None


WARNING: SMS MGMTPOL specified and no POLICY statements defined

Level: 8

Explanation: ALLOCDef SMS option and SMSDef MGMTPol option are both on, but no POLICY commands were processed at startup.

System Action: None

User Response: Provide policy definitions for policy names specified on DFSMS ACS management class routines.


POLICY CCCCCCCC not defined for TREQDEF statement nnnn

Level: 8

Explanation: During validation of the TREQDEF data set, a TAPEREQ statement specified a policy name CCCCCCCC that did not match a defined POLICY.

System Action: The TREQDEF definitions are rejected.

User Response: Ensure that POLICY commands are processed before the TREQDEF command, or change the TAPEREQ statement to correct the POLICY name.


POLICY CCCCCCCC not found in any TAPEREQ statement

Level: 8

Explanation: During policy validation, the SMC found a policy name CCCCCCCC that was not specified on any TAPEREQ statement.

System Action: None

User Response: Remove the inactive POLICY statement, or specify the policy name on a TAPEREQ statement.


{Specific|Scratch} POLICY CCCCCCCC marked in error

Level: 0

Explanation: A POLICY that is to be added to the SMC contains a policy specification error, for instance, specifying a scratch SUBPOOL name with VOLTYPE(SPECIFIC).

System Action: Processing continues. The SMC creates the named POLICY object. However, the SMC marks the POLICY object in error, allowing any reference to the named POLICY object to find it. In such cases however, the returned POLICY will be empty, indicating that default tape policy attributes will be applied to the allocation or mount event.

User Response: Correct and reissue the POLICY command.


Non-POLICY TAPEREQ statements detected

Level: 8

Explanation: One or more TAPEREQ statements did not specify a POLICY keyword. It is recommended that you convert existing TAPEREQ statements to POLICY format.

System Action: None

User Response: Convert TAPEREQ statements to use POLICY format.


No matching POLICY found for SMS management class CCCCCCCC

Level: 8

Explanation: With the SMS MGMTPol specified during SMC allocation or mount message processing, the SMS management class returned from the ACS routine did not match a defined POLICY and SMSDEF VTVMGMT is off.

System Action: The policy name is ignored. If TAPEREQs are loaded, the SMC attempts to look up policies using TAPEREQ.

User Response: Define the missing POLICY, or correct the ACS routine to specify a valid POLICY name.


WARNING: Could not find device XXXX for TAPEPLEX PPPPPPPP specified in UNITATTR

Level: 0

Explanation: A UNITATTR was specified for device XXXX as belonging to TAPEPLEX PPPPPPPP. However, the returned configuration query did not contain the specified device.

System Action: None. The SMC honors the UNITATTR. Depending upon when the server processes the configuration query during its startup, not all devices may be returned in the configuration query response.

User Response: Verify that the specified device actually belongs to the specified TAPEPLEX.


Non-virtual MEDIA or RECTECH is not allowed with MGMTCLAS

Level: 0

Explanation: A POLICY statement was entered that specified a MGMTCLAS with a non-virtual MEDIA and/or RECTECH. However, MGMTCLAS should be specified only for virtual policies.

System Action: The POLICY is rejected.

User Response: Correct the POLICY and reissue the POLICY command.


CCCCCCCC entry EEEEEEE not found for {list|update|delete}

Level: 0

Explanation: A CCCCCCCC command was entered specifying that entry EEEEEEEE be either listed, deleted, or updated. However, no entry matching EEEEEEE was found.

System Action: None

User Response: Issue the CCCCCCCC command with the LIST option to list all CCCCCCCC entries. Then re-issue the command specifying the correct entry name.



Level: 0

Explanation: A CCCCCCCC command was entered specifying that option OOOOOOOO be set to ON, OFF, or the specified value XXXXXXXX. If multiple options were specified on a single CCCCCCCC command, then multiple SMC0190 messages are issued, one for each specified option.

System Action: None

User Response: None


SMC0190 messages are displayed only if MSGDef VERBose(ON) is specified.



Level: 0

Explanation: A CCCCCCCC command was entered specifying that option OOOOOOOO be set to ON, OFF, or the specified value XXXXXXXX for the CCCCCCCC entry EEEEEEEE. If multiple options were specified on a single CCCCCCCC command, then multiple SMC0191 messages will be issued, one for each specified option.

System Action: None

User Response: None


SMC0191 messages are displayed only if MSGDef VERBose(ON) is specified.


Specific volume lookup failure(s) occurred for job JJJJJJJJ

Level: 4

Explanation: During allocation processing for a specific volume in job JJJJJJJJ, volume lookup indicated a communication failure. The ALLOCDef FAILNOINFO option was not specified.

System Action: Processing continues. Allocation may be directed to a device incompatible with the volume.

User Response: Determine and correct the cause of the communication failure.


Scratch volume lookup failure(s) occurred for job JJJJJJJJ

Level: 8

Explanation: During allocation processing for a scratch volume in job JJJJJJJJ, volume lookup indicated a communication failure. ALLOCDef FAILNOINFO was set to OFF or SPECIFIC.

System Action: Allocation proceeds using policies specified in POLicy, TAPEREQ, user exit, or DFSMS ACS routines.

User Response: Determine and correct the cause of the communication failure. Ensure that policy information is adequate to allocate scratch volumes to the appropriate TapePlex and media.


TAPEPLEX PPPPPPPP from [POLICY|user exit] conflicts with ESOTERIC EEEEEEEE from [POLICY/TAPEREQ|user exit] for job JJJJJJJJ

Level: 8

Explanation: The TapePlex name provided by the SMC POLicy or user exit is different from that implied by the esoteric name in the POLicy/TAPEREQ or user exit.


SMC0194 messages are displayed only if SMC MSGDef VERBose(ON) specified.

System Action: The SMC determines which TapePlex should be used for volume information based first on the POLicy TapePlex, then on the POLicy or TAPEREQ esoteric name (if all drives in the esoteric reside in a single library), next on the user exit TapePlex or subsystem name, and finally on the TapePlex implied by the esoteric returned from the user exit. The esoteric name will still be used in the drive exclusion process, even if it conflicts with the policy or user exit TapePlex name.

User Response: Review the applicable POLicy, TAPEREQ, and user exit values to be sure that the intended policies are being specified.


READ processing started for {SMC PARMS|SMCCMDS|data set name}

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC has begun processing commands in the named file.


SMC0195 messages are displayed only if SMC MSGDef VERBose(ON) specified.

System Action: None

User Response: None


READ processing complete; RC=nn from {SMCPARMS|SMCCMDS|data set name}

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC has completed processing commands in the named file. The highest return code for any command is nn.

System Action: None

User Response: None


WARNING: POLICY PPPPPPPP is specified; ignoring {esoteric subpool|subsystem|TapePlex} from user exit for job JJJJJJJJ

Level: 8

Explanation: An allocation user exit returned esoteric, subpool, TapePlex or subsystem data, but policy PPPPPPPP is in effect.

System Action: Since the policy is the only source for the information, the data returned from the user exit is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the named policy contains all policy information that should apply.


ALLOC event ignored

Level: 8

Explanation: A READ command was specified from the SMC that required SMC tape allocation services.

System Action: None

User Response: Issue the READ command for a disk data set.


{TAPEREQ|CONTROL} statements can only be input using the TREQDEF command

Level: 0

Explanation: TAPEREQ control statements were read using the SMC READ command instead of the TREQDEF command.

System Action: None

User Response: Issue the TREQDEF command to read the TAPEREQ control statements.


Update error not applied because {SCRATCH|SPECIFIC} POLICY for entry PPPPPPPP already exists.

Level: 0

Explanation: An erroneous POLICY statement was entered. The update error was not applied because the SCRATCH or SPECIFIC policy already exists. If the SCRATCH or SPECIFIC policy did not exist, the POLICY would have been entered and flagged as an error.

System Action: None

User Response: Correct and reissue the POLICY command.



{Client {IP=NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN} socket=NN port={nnnn|ANY}}
{Server IP=NNNN.NNNN.NNNN.NNNN port=nnnn}
{Bytes out=nnnn in=nnnn}
{Response from STK HTTP server follows: HHHH...HHHH}
Current LIBPATH status=
    {active|inactive|never active|disabled}
SMC comm RC=nnnn elapsed time=nn.nn

Level: 0

Explanation: A COMMtest command was entered. The SMC0203 message is displayed for each communication path attempted.

System Action: None

User Response: When SMC comm RC does not equal zero, review the text provided in the "Error=" and "Reason=" output lines. Using this information, correct the problem and resubmit the COMMTEST command.


No eligible COMMPATH(s) found

Level: 0

Explanation: A COMMtest command was entered, but the specified TAPEPlex, STORMNGR, SERVer, and status parameters resulted in no eligible communication paths selected for the test.

System Action: None

User Response: Correct and reissue the COMMtest command.


Disabling bind to PORTRANGE nnnn-nnnn; any ephemeral port will be used

Level: 0

Explanation: A TCPip PORTrange (OFF) command was entered. Sockets will no longer be bound to the fixed port range of nnnn-nnnn, but any ephemeral port will be used.

System Action: None

User Response: None


No PORTRANGE currently defined

Level: 0

Explanation: A TCPip PORTrange (OFF) command was entered but there is currently no active PORTrange specified to disable.

System Action: None

User Response: None



Level: 0

Explanation: A COMMtest command was entered specifying a specific TapePlex or STORMNGR and server. However, the server is either not defined to the SMC, or is not defined for the specified TapePlex or STORMNGR.

System Action: None

User Response: Correct and reissue the COMMtest command.



Level: 8

Explanation: A configuration query response from TapePlex PPPPPPP1 was received for device XXXX that either changed the TapePlex ownership from TapePlex PPPPPPP2, or its model type from model MMMMMMM2 to MMMMMMM1.

System Action: Processing continues. The SMC sets the TapePlex ownership and model to the new values.

User Response: This message most likely indicates that the same device address is defined to two or more TapePlexes, and the configuration information received from one TapePlex has been superseded by that of the other TapePlex. In this case, issue a UNITAttr command for the device specifying which TapePlex is the owner of the device on this host.


HTTP Server {already started | already stopped} not active for update

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC HTTP STArt or HTTP STOp command was issued but the HTTP Server is already in the desired operating state, or is not available to update its tuning parameters.

System Action: None.

User Response: None.


HTTP Server commencing startup

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC HTTP STArt command was issued.

System Action: SMC HTTP Server startup continues.

User Response: None


HTTP Server startup complete

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC HTTP STArt command was issued, the HTTP Server completed its initialization, and is now ready to process incoming client requests.

System Action: None

User Response: None


HTTP Server startup failure [;auto restart will be attempted]

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC HTTP STArt command was issued but due to an error the SMC HTTP Server was not able to initialize.

System Action: SMC HTTP Server startup terminates. If the server startup failure is due to TCP/IP not active, the SMC will periodically attempt to start the HTTP Server on the designated port.

User Response: Check for prior messages to determine why the SMC HTTP Server could not initialize.


HTTP Server commencing shutdown

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC HTTP STOp command was issued.

System Action: SMC HTTP Server shutdown continues.

User Response: None


HTTP Server shutdown complete

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC HTTP STOp command was issued, the HTTP Server completed its shutdown, and no more incoming client requests will be processed.

System Action: None

User Response: None


HTTP Server status:

HTTP Server started at mon dd hh:mm:ss
PORT=nnnnn  IP=nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn (IPv4|IPv6)
---- Interval Statistics ----
Active connects : curr=nnnn high=nnnn
Connect rate/min: curr=nnnn last=nnnn high=nnnn ave=nnnn
I/O req rate/min: curr=nnnn last=nnnn high=nnnn ave=nnnn

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC HTTP LIst command was issued.

System Action: The SMC HTTP Server status is displayed which includes the time and date started, port number and IP address (if known), number of I/P subtasks started, and brief performance interval statistics.

The interval statistics display the total number of active connect requests, the connect rate per minute, and total I/O rate per minute.

If SMC HTTP LIst DETail is specified then additional socket I/O statistics, HTTP I/O subtask status, and CGI module statistics are displayed as well.

User Response: None


HTTP Server accept {error|warning|info}:

Socket=nn, port=nnnn




SMC comm RC=nnn

Level: 0, 4, or 8, depending upon severity

Explanation: The SMC HTTP listener subtask encountered a socket error on the specified socket and port. Messages are differentiated by "error", "warning", or "info" depending upon severity and are produced at message level 0, 4, and 8 respectively.

System Action: The incoming client request is not processed. The requesting SMC client will retry the request either for this same server, or a different server depending upon the SMC client TAPEPLEX and SERVER settings.

User Response: If a subsequent SMC0212, or SMC0219 message is produced, the SMC HTTP Server is no longer active and a subsequent SMC HTTP START command is required.


HTTP Server socket {error|warning|Info}:

Socket=nn {, CGI module=MMMMMMMM}{, from hostid=HHHH)

{, job=JJJJJJJJ}



SMC comm RC=nnn

Level: 0, 4, or 8

Explanation: The SMC HTTP socket I/O subtask encountered an error on the specified socket for the specified requestor. Messages are differentiated by "error", "warning", or "info" depending upon severity and are produced at message level 0, 4, and 8 respectively.

System Action: The connected socket will be shutdown, and the input request may not be properly processed. The requesting SMC client will retry the request either for this same server, or a different server depending upon the SMC client TAPEPLEX and SERVER settings.

User Response: None


HTTP Server {listener | socket I/O} subtask started

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC HTTP STArt command was issued, or recovery attempted, and the indicated SMC HTTP Server subtask is starting.

System Action: SMC HTTP Server startup or recovery continues.

User Response: None


HTTP Server {listener | socket I/O} subtask terminated; CCCCCCCC

Level: 0

Explanation: The indicated SMC HTTP Server subtask is abnormally terminating due to the reason specified in CCCCCCCC.

System Action: SMC HTTP Server will either terminate or try to recover depending upon the type of error.

User Response: None


FFFFFFFF invocation error:

Socket=nn {, CGI module=MMMMMMMM}{, from hostid=HHHH)

{, job=JJJJJJJJ}


SMC comm RC=nnn

Level: 0

Explanation: The indicated SMC HTTP Server subtask is abnormally terminating due to the reason specified in CCCCCCCC.

System Action: SMC HTTP Server will either terminate or try to recover depending upon the type of error.

User Response: None.


CGI module MMMMMMMM inactivated due to abend count (NN)

Level: 0

Explanation: A CGI module MMMMMMMM encountered an unrecoverable error in cgi function FFFFFFFF. The request is cancelled.

System Action: The connected socket will be shutdown, and the input request may not be properly processed. The requesting SMC client will retry the request either for this same server, or a different server depending upon the SMC client TAPEPLEX and SERVER settings.

User Response: None


SIMULATE command results: CCCC...CCCC

Level: 0

Explanation: The CGI module MMMMMMMM has abended for the NNth time and exceeded the allowed abend count. The module is deactivated.

System Action: The connected socket will be shutdown, and the input request may not be properly processed. The requesting SMC client will retry the request either for this same server, or a different server depending upon the SMC client TAPEPLEX and SERVER settings.

User Response: None


This message displays in one of two formats:






Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC POLICY VALIDATE command was issued.

System Action: The SMC POLICY VALIDATE results are displayed.

  • The first version is displayed when the LIst keyword was entered, and list the POLICY attributes along with the validation results.

  • The second version is displayed when the LIst keyword is not entered, and only a single summary line is displayed for each policy object that results in a validation return code of 4 or 8.

User Response: Investigate any RC=4 or 8 reasons to correct either the underlying POLICY or the environmental condition resulting in the warning error.


POLICY VALIDATE complete; highest RC={0|4|8}

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC POLICY VALIDATE command was issued.

System Action: This message is issued after the SMC0223 message(s) and lists the highest RC for all validated policies.

User Response: None. If the highest RC is greater than 0, see the previous SMC0223 messages.


Mount for job jobname rejected by the TAPEPLEX tapeplex-name; SUBPOOL subpool-name invalid

Level: 0

Explanation: TAPEPLEX tapeplex-name rejected the mount from job jobname. The reason for the mount rejection is listed.

System Action: The mount is not satisfied. The job cannot continue.

User Response: The named subpool was specified in the SMC policy for this job. However, the specified SUBPOOL is not defined to the HSC server or the current host does not have access to the SUBPOOL as specified in the HSC POOLPARMs. Either correct the HSC POOLPARM definitions to allow this host to access the named subpool or correct the SMC policy to request a valid subpool name accessible to this host.



Level: 4

Explanation: The SMC automatically switched the communication path from the secondary server SSSSSSSS to the primary server PPPPPPPP for TapePlex or STORMNGR TTTTTTTT.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None


Keyword KKKKKKKK of the CCCCCCCC command ignored; RRRRRRRR

Level: 0

Explanation: The CCCCCCCC command specified a keyword that is no longer acceptable. Keyword KKKKKKKK may be obsolete in the current version of the product, or it may be unacceptable in the current processing environment.

System Action: Keyword KKKKKKKK and any associated value are discarded, but the remainder of the command is still processed.

User Response: If the keyword is obsolete in the current release, delete the keyword from the command as it may be flagged in error in subsequent releases, invalidating the entire command.


Copyright (C) 1991, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Level: 0

Explanation: This message is issued during SMC initialization.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None


Invalid value VVVVVVVV for the CCCCCCCC command

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC encountered a command that specified an invalid value VVVVVVVV.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the syntax in the command data set is correct, or enter the corrected command.


IEFJFRQ exit smcxJFRQ is inactive. SMC is unable to influence tape allocation

Level: 0

Explanation: Exit routine smcxJFRQ has reached its error threshold and has been made inactive by the operating system.

The smcx in smcxJFRQ will be replaced with the subsystem name belonging to SMC. IBM message CSV430I was issued when the routine was made inactive. An SVC dump of the job most likely occurred along with message CSV430I.

The dump title will be:


System Action: SMC is unable to direct tape allocation to the correct drive. SMC will delete the SMC0230 each minute and re-check the state of exit routine. If the exit routine is still inactive SMC0230 will be re-issued.

User Response: Investigate the reason that the exit became inactive. To display the exit use the following MVS command:


The state of the exit can be made active by one of the following methods:

  • Use the MVS SETPROG command:


  • Stop and re-start SMC.

    Retain the SVC dump and job log of the failing job. Contact Oracle Software Support for analysis of the failure.



Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC has detected a mount pending for device DDDD and there are no SMC mount subtasks waiting for a final HSC/VTCS message response for the device. The specified reason RRRRRRRR is either the final HSC/VTCS mount response message or is from the SMC VTD mount monitor.

System Action: One of the following:

  • If the message is:

    SMC0231 MTP DDDD: Monitor detected missed mount for {job=JJJJJJJJ,} volser=VVVVVV

    Then the pending mount was detected by the SMC VTV mount monitor and the mount for VTV VVVVVV is automatically redriven and will now await the final HSC/VTCS message response.

  • If the message is:

    SMC0231 MTP DDDD: SLSnnnn message

    The pending mount condition results from the final HSC/VTCS SLSnnnn message. In this case VTV mounts will be automatically redriven and await another HSC/VTCS final response. However, "real" mounts are not automatically redriven as manual intervention may now be required.

User Response: If DDDD represents a "real" device (not a VTD), then correct the error indicated by reason RRRRRRRR, and issue the SMC RESYNChronize command.

Note the following:

  • The final HSC/VTCS mount response SLSnnnn message may list a device address. In cases where drive host capabilities are being used, and the HSC/VTCS server is operating on a remote host with different drive mappings, the device address listed in reason RRRRRRRR may not be the same as local device DDDD.

  • The SMC0231 message is an action message and is not DOM'ed until the mount for device DDDD is no longer pending.


Warning: No TAPEPLEX command processed

Level: 4

Explanation: The SMC subsystem has completed initialization, but no TAPEPLEX commands were found in either the SMCPARMS or SMCCMDS data set. The SMC will try to detect the presence of a local TAPEPLEX by scanning the MVS SSVT

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Oracle recommends that you explicitly define even your local TAPEPLEX using the SMC TAPEPLEX command.


SWAPLIMIT=NNNNNN exceeded; swap processing cancelled

Level: 0

Explanation: The number of system initiated swap events for the current jobstep volser swap series exceeds the maximum number allowed as specified by the MOUNTDef SWAPLimit(nn,bypassReply) command.

System Action: If SWAPLIMIT bypassReply is set to OFF the IGF500D or IGF509D message will be replied to with NO. If SWAPLimit bypassReply is set to ON then the DDR swap processing continues.

User Response: If the IGF500D or IGF509D message is still outstanding and there is a compatible device offline, vary it online and reply with its device number to message IGF500D or IGF509D. Otherwise reply NO to message IGF500D or IGF509D to stop the swap process.


WARNING: using swap to device=CUU1 instead of SMC selected swap to device=CUU2

Level: 0

Explanation: The operator replied to the IBM IGF500D or IGF509D message instead of responding to the SMC SMC0110 enhanced swap message with a device address different than that selected by the SMC enhanced swap process.

System Action: The swap continues but the device may not be compatible.

User Response: Respond to the SMC SMC0110 enhanced swap message and not the IBM IGF500D 0r IGF509D message to ensure that the most compatible device is selected as the swap to device.





loc={VSM|ACS=NN|LSM=NN:NN} lbl={AL|NL|SL} vols=NNNN

Level: 0

Explanation: There are only NNNNN scratch volumes remaining in subpool SSSSSSSSSSSS of the specified media, rectech, and label type, in the specified location.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Add more scratch volumes to the specified subpool.


CCCCCCCC command RC exceeds MAXRC=nn at startup

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC was started with the MAXRC startup parameter, and during SMC initialization the SMC CCCCCCCC command returned a completion code that exceeded the MAXRC specification.

System Action: Processing continues for the remainder of the commands specified in the SMCPARMS and SMCCMDS data sets. However, SMC subsystem initialization will be terminated with the SMC0237 message at the completion of SMCPARMS and SMCCMDS processing.

User Response: Correct the specified CCCCCCCC command and restart the SMC.


Multiple SMC0236 messages may be produced at startup as all SMC commands in the SMCPARMS and SMCCMDS data sets are processed at startup, regardless of prior SMC0236 messages.


SMC terminating due to {MAXRC=nn exceeded|PLEXRC=nn exceeded|fatal error} at startup

Level: 0

Explanation: A fatal error was detected at SMC startup, or the SMC was started with the MAXRC parameter, and the specified MAXRC value was exceeded by a command in the SMCPARMS or SMCCMDS data set (indicated by an SMC0236 message), or the specified PLEXRC value was exceeded by the automatic subsystem resynchronization at startup.

System Action: The SMC subsystem or SMCUSIM utility terminates.

User Response: Review the SMC log for the SMC0236 message(s) indicating the commands in error, or SMC0232 or SMC0241 messages indicating missing command statements, or the SMC0167 message indicating TapePlex status at startup. Correct or insert the indicated commands, or ensure that the required TapePlexes are active, and restart the SMC, or resubmit the SMCUSIM request.


SMC subsystem CCCC not already active; RESET specified; startup continuing

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC was started with the RESET startup parameter, but the SMC appears to have stopped normally on the prior occasion making the RESET option unnecessary.

System Action: The SMC subsystem continues initialization.

User Response: Remove the RESET startup parameter. The RESET startup parameter should only be used at the direction of StorageTek Software Support.


LIMIT settings:


Level: 0

Explanation: A LIMIT LIST command was issued. The current values of MAXCLIENTS, MAXTASKS, MAXIDLE, and AUTO are displayed. If the SMC is using the default settings then "OFF" is displayed.

System Action: None

User Response: None


CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC caused all devices to be excluded

Level: 8

Explanation: When the SMC allocation component applied the exclusion criteria CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC for job JJJJJJJJ step SSSSSSSS DD DDDDDDDD, no devices remained in the current exclusion level EDL causing the job to fail allocation.

For information about exclusion criteria, refer to the Drive Exclusion Level tables in your SMC publications. See the explanation for message SMC0043 for more information.

System Action: None

User Response: See message SMC0043.



Level: 0

Explanation: A STORMNGR command was entered during the SMC startup process. After all commands were processed from the SMCPARMS and SMCCMDS data sets, the named STORMNGR does not have associated SERVER communication paths defined.

System Action: This message results in a return code 8 at SMC startup and may prevent the SMC from initializing if the SMCBINT program parameter MAXRC(0|4) is specified.

User Response: Add the SERVER definitions to the SMCCMDS or SMCPARMS data sets after the STORMNGR definition.


Cannot add STORMNGR CCC...CCC before TAPEPLEX(es)

Level: 0

Explanation: STORMNGR commands must be entered after TAPEPLEX commands.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Enter TAPEPLEX commands before STORMNGR commands.



Level: 0

Explanation: The CCCCCCCC command was entered and specified the named TapePlex or Sun Storage Manager. However, name NNNNNNNN is not the type of entity described.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Change the entity type from TAPEPLEX to STORMNGR or vice versa, and reissue the command.


METADATA command not supported for {non-UUI origin|non-XML responses|command CCCC}

Level: 0

Explanation: A METADATA command was processed, but it is invalid for one of the following reasons:

  • non-UUI origin

    indicates that the command was received from an operators console, or from the SMCPARMS or SMCCMDS data sets. The METADATA command is only allowed from the UUI interface; either from the SMCUUUI or SMCUSIM utilities, or from the UUI programmatic interface.

  • non-XML responses

    indicates that the METADATA command originated from the UUI interface, but that XML responses were not requested. METADATA is only valid as a XML response.

  • command CCCC

    indicates that the specified command CCCC does not produce XML output, so metadata is not available.

System Action: None

User Response: Correct the METADATA command.




Code NNNN (X'xxxx'):


Explanation: SSSSSSSS

Level: text

Explanation: A display RC command was processed that specified reason code NNNN, or hex reason code XXXX. The corresponding reason is displayed. If the DETAIL option was specified, the reason code explanation is also displayed.

System Action: None

User Response: None


HTTP Server initapi error:




SMC comm RC=nnn

Level: 0

Explanation: During SMC HTTP server initialization an error was detected. The error (EEEEEEEE) is the TCP/IP return code (ERRNO), and the reason (RRRRRRRR) is the TCP/IP reason code.

System Action: HTTP server initialization ends with a return code of 8. If MAXRC(4) is in affect then SMC will terminate.

User Response: Correct the error and restart the SMC HTTP server component or SMC.


Mount failed for write-protected VTV VVVVVV on drive DDDD

Level: 8

Explanation: An attempt was made to modify a VTV that is in a write protected state.

A possible scenario is that the VTV was received via Cross TAPEPLEX Replication from another TAPEPLEX running VTCS 7.0 or above. If the VTV was received by CTR then the VTV was placed into a write protected state to preserve the data integrity of the VTV. An attempt to modify the CTR VTV has been done, possibly by a disaster recovery test job.

System Action: The volume is not mounted.

User Response: Investigate the reason the VTV is in the write protected state.

If the VTV was received via CTR then this message indicates that your disaster recovery plan may need to be reviewed and revised. If a CTR VTV that may be modified were to be used in an actual disaster, the state of such a VTV may not be known, and the disaster recovery could be compromised. The applications should either be changed so that new volumes are created instead of modifying existing volumes or the data sets being modified are restored from a backup to new VTVs before running the application.


TCP/IP is inactive; host name XXXXXXXX resolution deferred [at line NNNN of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: A SERVER command with a HOST parameter was processed while TCP/IP was inactive, so SMC was unable to resolve the host name.

System Action: The SERVER command is accepted. When TCP/IP becomes active, SMC attempts to resolve the host name. If the resolution is unsuccessful, an error message is generated, and no further attempt is made to communicate with the server. If the resolution is successful, SMC communicates using the resolved IP address.

User Response: Start TCP/IP to allow SMC to communicate with the server.


Warning: No available ports condition detected

Level: 0

Explanation: This message is issued periodically to indicate that the defined PORTRANGE may be insufficient, after SMC has been unsuccessful in finding a free port within the PORTRANGE defined on the TCPIP command.

System Action: The system waits and then retries the transaction several times. If none of the retries is successful, the SMC0128 message will be issued with a reason of "IP no free ports in PORTRANGE." If this message is not issued, it means that the retry was successful and a free port was acquired.

User Response: Issue the TCPIP command specifying a PORTRANGE with a larger number of ports. If the condition persists, contact StorageTek Support.



Level: 0

Explanation: This message is issued based on the setting of the MONITOR command MISSEDMNT parameter. If the MISSEDMNT is set to a non-zero value, the message is produced at the specified interval for all mounts that are pending but not yet completed.

System Action: None. The SMC mount monitor attempts to redrive the mount if possible.

User Response: None


IOS003A limit exceeded for volser VVVVVV on drive DDDD

Level: 0

Explanation: The attempts to re-drive the mount for volser VVVVVVV on drive DDDD by the mount monitor has exceeded the IOS003A limit specified on the MOUNTDEF command.

System Action: The volume is not mounted.

User Response: Investigate the cause of the HSC mount problem. After resolving the problem, issue the SMC RESYNChronize command or the HSC MOUNT command if necessary.


All devices marked ineligible for job JJJJJJJJ step SSSSSSSS due to ALLOCFAIL policy

Level: 0

Explanation: The ALLOCFAIL parameter was specified for a policy that is applicable to the job step.

System Action: The SMC marks all devices as ineligible for allocation. The job is failed by MVS or express-canceled by JES3.

User Response: None



Level: 0

Explanation: SMC is unable to communicate to the TAPEPLEX or STORMNGR using the specified commpath PPPPPPPP, where PPPPPPPP is the server name or (local). The value RRRR is the decimal return code, with a translated explanation EEEEEEEEEEEE.

System Action: The message is issued for each defined local commpath or SERVER and is non-scrollable as long as SMC is unable to communicate with the TAPEPLEX.

User Response: Correct the reported error for at least one communication path.


TAPEPLEX|STORMNGR CCCCCCCC inactive; no available communication paths

Level: 0

Explanation: The TAPEPLEX or STORMNGR CCCCCCCC has no defined communication paths, or all paths have a disabled status.

System Action: No communication is attempted to the TAPEPLEX or STORMNGR.

User Response: Add a communication path, or enable an existing local path or SERVER.



Level: 0

Explanation: A ROUTE command was issued to the specified TAPEPLEX TTTTTTTT. However, a response was not received within 20 seconds. The SMC0262 message also indicates the SERVER used for the request, the UUI request ID assigned and the command verb.

System Action: The SMC re-waits for the response. If a response is not received, subsequent SMC0262 messages are produced at 10 minute intervals.

User Response: None


SMC SSSS status: start time=MON DD HH:MM:SS YYYY; release=RR

Level: 0

Explanation: Response to input command.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Unrecognized XML tag=TTTTTTTT for command=CCCCCCCC

Level: 0

Explanation: An input request in XML format contained a tag that was not recognized as valid for the command.

This message can be caused when the current software level does not support a tag that was valid in an earlier level, or has not been upgraded to support a new tag.

System Action: The parameter is ignored.

User Response: Verify that the command is specified correctly.


Value=VVVVVVVV is invalid type for keyword or tag=KKKKKKKK in command=CCCCCCCC [at line NNNN of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: An input command contained a value for a keyword or XML tag that was not of the required type, for example, not a valid number or a list for a parameter that does not allow a list.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Correct the error and re-specify the request.


Keyword or tag=KKKKKKKK may not have a value in command CCCCCCCC [at line NNNN of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: An input command contained a value for a keyword or XML tag that does not allow a value.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Correct the error and re-specify the request.


Length of value=VVVVVVVV is invalid for keyword or tag=KKKKKK in command CCCCCCCC [at line NNNN of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: An input command contained a value for a keyword or XML tag that was shorter or longer than the required length.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Correct the error and re-specify the request.


Error parsing XML values for XML tag=TTTTTTTT in command=CCCCCCCCC; RC=NNN

Level: 0

Explanation: An XML command contained a value or parse error related to the listed tag. The parse return code is included in the message for diagnostics.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Correct the error and re-specify the request.


COLLECTOR missing data reason= RRRRRRRR

Level: 0

Explanation: For reason storage area overflow starting at yyyy.mm.dd hh.mm.ss the available space in the SMC SMF data space has been exhausted.

System Action: Starting at yyyy.mm.dd hh.mm.ss the SMF data will not be written to the SMC SMF data space. The SMC SMF collector will not attempt to write any more SMF records to the SMC SMF data space until the number of minutes from hh.mm.ss specified in the COLLECTOR MSGWAIT parameter has passed. If the condition for the SMC0274 message no longer exists then message SMC0275 will be issued.

User Response: Determine the cause of SMC0274 and if the SMC SMF data space has been exhausted then the SMC SMF data space size may need to be increased. See the COLLECTOR DSPSIZE parameter in the ELS Command, Control Statement, and Utility Reference manual.


COLLECTOR missing data ending at yyyy.mm.dd hh.mm.ss

Level: 0

Explanation: The condition that caused message SMC0274 has ended.

System Action: None.

User Response: None.


The smf_token does not point to a valid SMF record

Level: 0

Explanation: The smf_token is invalid. It does not point to a valid SMF record. One of the following is true:

  • The address portion is outside the range of the internal buffer.

  • The time or date portion of the token does not match the data at the indicated position of internal buffer. This may be caused by an old token being used when the internal buffer has wrapped.

System Action: The get_stats request is rejected.

User Response: Resubmit the request with a valid token. The token of 0 will return the earliest SMF record in the internal buffer.


CSV control statement error; reason code=NN; reason description

Level: text

Explanation: A CSV control statement contained an error. The error reason code and description text are listed.

System Action: The CSV statement is rejected. The associated UUI request is not processed.

User Response: Correct the indicated error and resubmit the request.


Unable to obtain the SMF dataspace lock

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC get_stats processor failed to obtain the SMC SMF dataspace lock within 60 seconds.

System Action: The get_stats request is rejected.

User Response: Resubmit the request. If the lock is still not available then inspect the syslog for any related SMC messages. If unable to determine cause then issue a console dump for the SMC address space and contact StorageTek software support.



Level: 0

Explanation: A READ command was specified with the REPlacepolicy keyword. Any POLICY statements that were entered prior to this message that are not included in the new POLICY file are treated as logically deleted.

System Action: The READ command continues.

User Response: None



Level: 0

Explanation: A READ command that specified the REPlacepolicy keyword has completed. After this message is issued, any reference to an SMC POLICY statement not processed between the SMC0280 and SMC0281 messages is treated as invalid.

System Action: None

User Response: A non-zero return code indicates that an existing TAPEREQ statement references a POLICY that was not included in the new POLICY data set.


WARNING: TREQDEF statement NNN references {not defined|now deleted} POLICY PPPPPPPP

Level: 0

Explanation: A READ command that specified the REPlacepolicy keyword has processed. During TAPEREQ revalidation TREQDEF statement NNN was found to be in error because it referenced a POLICY that is now undefined or was deleted as part of the REPlacepolicy process.

System Action: The invalid TAPEREQ remains active referencing a "null" POLICY.

User Response: Add the specified POLICY or correct the specified TREQDEF statement.


READ REPLACEPOLICY specified in nested READ level N without prior READ REPLACEPOLICY {at line NNN of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS}

Level: 4

Explanation: A READ command that specified the REPlacepolicy keyword has processed. However it was discovered in a nested READ command at level n (i.e. a READ REPlacepolicy command as read as part of a READ command that did not specify REPlacepolicy). This combination may cause unpredictable results.

System Action: The READ command continues.

User Response: Validate that the final POLICY is that intended.


CCCCCCCC command parameter=PPPPPPPP value=VVVVVVVV is invalid; RRRRRRRRRR

Level: 0

Explanation: An invalid value VVVVVVVV was specified for the parameter PPPPPPPP of the CCCCCCCC command. The value was invalid because of the command context.

System Action: None.

User Response: Correct the parameter value and resubmit the command.


VMSG task for server SSSSSSSS [START|STOP|message prefix updated]

Level: 0

Explanation: VMSG task for server SSSSSSS was either STARTED, STOPPED, or the message prefix was updated.

System Action: None.

User Response: None.


VMSG server SSSSSSSS exception reason: RRR...RRR

Level: 4

Explanation: The VMSG task for server SSSSSSS encountered an exception while processing the request.

System Action: The VMSG request is retried.

User Response: Investigate the cause of the error. If necessary, stop and restart the VMSG task associated with the server.



Level: 0

Explanation: This message is received in response to a VMSG task. The PPPPPPPP is the specified message prefix or the server name, if the message prefix is not specified.

System Action: None.

User Response: See the associated product for specific messages.


Policy PPPPPPPP contains esoteric EEEEEEEE that is no longer valid

Level: 8

Explanation: During execution of a job, the SMC allocation component encountered a user policy esoteric, EEEEEEEE from policy PPPPPPPP, that is not defined in the current EDT.

System Action: Esoteric preferencing is bypassed for this allocation.

User Response: Remove the esoteric from the policy or add the esoteric to the current EDT.


Unable to find any JES3 managed devices acceptable to SMC

Level: text

Explanation: During SMC subsystem initialization on a JES3 system, SMC was unable to find any acceptable JES3 managed devices.

System Action: The SMC subsystem terminates.

User Response: Refer to the Configuring and Managing SMC guide, chapter Allocation, section SMC Allocation Processing - JES3 Considerations for more information. Review and correct the JES3 initialization deck.


{MOUNT|DISMOUNT} command failed; RC=NNNN: reason explanation

Level: text

Explanation: A user-issued mount or dismount command could not be completed. The reason code and text is shown. Additional information about the error code may be available using the SMC Display RC NNNN DETail command.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Determine the reason and correct the failure.



Level: text

Explanation: An error was detected during a mount or dismount. The specific error is displayed in the message.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Determine the reason and correct the failure.



Level: text

Explanation: The requested command was successfully executed.

System Action: None

User Response: None


CCCCCCC entry EEEEEEE already exists; add command ignored

Level: 0

Explanation: A CCCCCCC command was entered specifying that entry EEEEEEE be added. However, entry EEEEEEE already exists.

System Action: None

User Response: Re-issue the command specifying the correct entry name.



Level: 0

Explanation: An XUDB LIST command was entered. The XUDB entries are listed.

System Action: None

User Response: None



Level: 0

Explanation: A TCPIP XSECUSERNAME command was entered specifying userid NNNNNNNN be defined as the default XAPI userid. However userid NNNNNNNN is not defined as a valid XAPI userid.

System Action: None

User Response: You must first define NNNNNNNN as an XAPI userid using the XUDB command.


Message | Command NNNNNN Help Text:

Level: 0

Explanation: A Help command has been issued. The help text for the message or command is listed.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Help for XXXXXX not found

Level: 0

Explanation: A Help command has been issued. The subject XXXXXX is not found.

System Action: None

User Response: Re-enter the Help command with a valid subject.


XXXXXX is an invalid range

Level: 0

Explanation: A HELP command has been issued. The subject XXXXXX is an invalid range.

System Action: None

User Response: Re-enter the HELP command with a valid subject.


Prefix=PPPPPPPP Msg types=MMM...MMM
Started: mon dd hh:mm:ss
Last msg: mon dd hh:mm:ss

Level: 0

Explanation: An SMC VMSG LIst command was issued. The SMC0304 multiline message lists the status of each VMSG task.

System Action: None.

User Response: None.


XAPI request type=RRRRRRRR jobname=JJJJJJJJ for TAPEPLEX=TTTTTTTT returned error: error-text

Level: text

Explanation: The TAPEPLEX TTTTTTTT returned an error in response to an internally generated SMC command. The request type indicates the SMC request type, i.e. XLIBSTAT, XCONFIG, XMOUNT, etc.

  • If the request is for volume or scratch information, allocation may fail or the job may be allocated to an unsuitable device (depending on the setting of the ALLOCDEF command FAILNOINFO parameter).

  • If the request is for library status, the server remains inactive.

  • If the request is for configuration information, SMC may not be able to influence allocation or perform mounts or dismounts for drives associated with the TAPEPLEX.

  • If the request is for a mount, the mount may be successfully re-driven by the SMC mount monitor, or may not be performed.

  • If the request is for a dismount, the volume remains on the drive. A subsequent request for the volume or the drive will perform the dismount.

System Action: The request is not processed.

User Response: Review SMC and HSC maintenance to ensure that any co-requisite maintenance has been applied to both products. If the problem persists, contact StorageTek Software Support.


SMC is not {active|JES3} cannot continue

Level: text

Explanation: The utility was submitted on a system without an active SMC subsystem, or the SMCUPJS utility was submitted on a non-JES3 system.

System Action: Report processing terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Start the SMC subsystem and resubmit the utility job.


Utility release level n.n is incompatible with SMC release n.n

Level: text

Explanation: The utility load module is not at the same release level as the SMC subsystem on the host.

System Action: Report processing terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Resubmit the utility job with the release level matching the SMC subsystem.


No active Tapeplexes; {unable to determine drive characteristics|unable to continue}

Level: text

Explanation: The utility was submitted on a system without an active library, or the SMC subsystem has not yet processed an allocation or message request. For the SMCUUUI utility, there is no defined HSC library.

System Action: Report processing terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Start the library subsystem. Then issue the RESYNC command and resubmit the job.


*** WARNING: HCD esoteric not found

Level: text

Explanation: The SMCUPJS utility found an esoteric defined by the JES3 SETUNIT statement that had no corresponding HCD esoteric.

System Action: Report processing continues, but a return code of 4 is returned.

User Response: Research and correct the discrepancy.


*** WARNING: HCD esoteric does not match JES3 esoteric

Level: text

Explanation: The SMCUPJS utility found an esoteric that contains different devices in its HCD and JES3 definitions.

System Action: The report lists JES3 devices missing from the HCD esoteric and HCD devices missing from the JES3 esoteric. Report processing continues, but a return code of 4 is returned.

User Response: Research and correct the discrepancy.


*** WARNING: XTYPE contains inconsistent location or drive characteristics

Level: text

Explanation: Drives contained within an XTYPE do not have the same location type (library, virtual, nonlibrary, or unknown), the same location (ACS or VTSS), or the same recording technique.

System Action: Report processing continues, but a return code of 4 is returned.

User Response: Review the Device to XTYPE report to determine the inconsistency, and correct the discrepancy.


*** WARNING: XTYPE contains unknown or MODEL(IGNORE) devices

Level: text

Explanation: One or more of the drives within an XTYPE are either UNKNOWN, MODEL(IGNORE), or both. However, one or more drives in the XTYPE are NOT UNKNOWN or MODEL(IGNORE).

System Action: Report processing continues, but a return code of 4 is returned.

User Response: Verify that the XTYPEs are defined as intended.


SMCUDBX input parameter error

Level: text

Explanation: An error was detected in the input PARM for the SMCUDBX utility. A detailed description of the error follows.

System Action: The utility processing terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Correct the indicated error and resubmit the job.


Unable to load TMS interface routine {SLUDRCA1|SLUDRTLM|SLUDRRMM|SLUDRZAR}


Explanation: Based on the input TMS parameter, the SMCUDBX utility attempted to load the corresponding tape management access routine, but the load failed.

System Action: The utility processing terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Ensure that a load library containing the appropriate SLUDR* routine for your tape management system is available to the SMCUDBX utility though a JOBLIB, STEPLIB, or MVS LINKLIST library.


Error opening file DDNAME DDDDDDDD

Level: text

Explanation: The utility was unable to open the DDNAME DDDDDDDD.

System Action: The utility processing terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Correct the execution JCL to provide the required DD statement.


Error processing ZARA interface for subsystem SSSS

Level: text

Explanation: The user requested an extract from the ZARA tape management system with subsystem ID SSSS. A detailed description of the error follows the message.

System Action: The utility processing terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Correct the indicated error and resubmit the job.


Unexpected return code XXXX from TMS interface

Level: text

Explanation: An unexpected return code XXXX was received from the TMS extract routine.

System Action: The utility processing terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: If user modifications have been made to the TMS extract routine, correct the routine. Otherwise, contact StorageTek Software Support for assistance.


No VLF control record found by SLUDRTLM

Level: text

Explanation: The user specified TLMS as the SMCUDBX tape management system, but the input file did not contain a CA-DYNAM/TLMS VLF record.

System Action: Utility processing terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Verify that the correct input file was specified on the DBTMS DD statement, and resubmit the job.


Error reading file DDNAME DDDDDDDD [;unterminated {comment|continuation} line detected]

Level: text

Explanation: The utility detected an I/O error or system error on the named data set.

System Action: Utility processing terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the job.


DDNAME DDDDDDDD is required; cannot continue

Level: text

Explanation: The named DD name is required based on the input request.

System Action: Utility processing terminates with a return code of 12.

User Response: Supply the required DD statement and resubmit the job.


Processing complete; UUI commands processed = nn, highest RC=nn

Level: text

Explanation: UUI processing has completed.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Error processing program PARMS; error description

Level: text

Explanation: The utility program PARM contained an error.

System Action: Utility processing terminates with a return code of 12.

User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the job.


No SRMMDATA found for SMC subsystem=SSSS; cannot continue

Level: text

Explanation: The SMCUSRM utility program was initiated to list the SMC media and rectech RMCODE values along with their names but the SRMMDATA data was not loaded by SMC subsystem SSSS, or could not be located by the SMCUSRM utility.

System Action: The SMCUSRM utility terminates.

User Response: Check the SMC subsystem SSSS log to determine the cause of the error and restart the SMC subsystem.


CSV parsing error; [error text]

Level: text

Explanation: The UUI IN CSV command contained a syntax error.

System Action: The request(s) following the CSV command is not processed.

User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the job.


UUI command bypassed due to previous CSV error

Level: text

Explanation: A UUI request followed a CSV command that contained a syntax error.

System Action: The request is not processed.

User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the job.


CSV command ignored due to missing CSVOUT DD

Level: text

Explanation: A CSV command was processed but no CSVOUT DD was specified for the SMCUUUI utility.

System Action: The CSV command is ignored. Subsequent requests are processed with no CSV output.

User Response: Supply the CSVOUT DD statement and resubmit the job.


MMMMMMMM not executing from authorized library; cannot continue

Level: text

Explanation: The SMC utility module MMMMMMM was executed from a non-APF library, but requires APF authorization.

System Action: Program execution is terminated.

User Response: Ensure that the SMC link library is APF authorized.


TEXTOUT command ignored due to missing TEXTOUT DD

Level: text

Explanation: A TEXTOUT command was processed but no TEXTOUT DD was specified for the SMCUUUI or SMCUSIM utility.

System Action: The TEXTOUT command is ignored. Subsequent requests are processed with no TEXTOUT output.

User Response: Supply the TEXTOUT DD statement and resubmit the job.


CCCCCCCC command not allowed from UUUUUUUU utility

Level: text

Explanation: The common UUI parser is included in both the SMCUUUI and SMCUSIM utilities. However certain UUI control statements and commands are not allowed from the SMCUSIM environment because SMCUSIM only allows SMC UUI commands and not HSC or VTCS UUI commands. For example, the PLEXDEST UUI control statement is not allowed from the SMCUSIM utility to select a different TapePlex.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Correct the utility input and resubmit the job.


Request not processed; no valid output type

Level: text

Explanation: A UUI request was received for which the only specified output type was CSV, but there was no current CSV definition when the functional command was processed.

System Action: The command is not processed. If a CSV statement is found, subsequent commands are processed.

User Response: Correct the UUI input and resubmit the job.


Simulated SMC startup complete; RC=NN

Level: text

Explanation: The SMCUSIM utility was executed and performed a startup simulation. The highest return code for any command in the SMCPARMS, SMCCMDS, and startup RESYNC commands was NN.

System Action: If the SMCPARMS or SMCCMDS return code exceeds the specified MAXRC parameter, or the RESYNC return code exceeds the PLEXRC parameter, the SMCUSIM utility is terminated with RC=12. Otherwise, processing continues.

User Response: None


SMC table CCCCCC is empty

Level: text

Explanation: The SMCUPJS utility found table CCCCCC to be empty.

System Action: Report processing continues with the next table.

User Response: Refer to the Configuring and Managing SMC guide, chapter Allocation, section SMC Allocation Processing - JES3 Considerations for more information. Review and correct the JES3 initialization deck.