B SMC Interaction with Other Software

This appendix describes SMC interaction with various third-party products.

Automated Operations

Customers who use an automated operations product should review WTOR SMC0110, issued during SMC swap processing, for possible auto-ops rule changes.

CA-MIA Tape Sharing

The Computer Associates Unicenter CA-MIA Tape Sharing for z/OS relies upon direct modification of the EDL at SSI24 time to determine what tape drives remain eligible for an allocation event. However, the SMC does not directly modify the EDL as part of its normal allocation processing. To enable proper coexistence with CA-MIA Tape Sharing, set the MIAcompat parameter of the ALLOCDef command to ON.

CA1-RTS Real Time Stacking

The Computer Associates Real Time Stacking product relies on DEFER processing being performed at SSI24 time. However, the SMC normally performs DEFER processing during SSI78 time. To enable proper coexistence with CA1-RTS, set the CA1rts parameter of the ALLOCDef command to ON.


The Computer Associates CA-Vtape supplies user exits 02 and 08 for the SMC that activate and enable CA-Vtape processing. Normally, user exits 02 and 08 will not be called if an applicable SMC POLICY object applies to the allocation event. There are several alternatives to ensure that the CA-Vtape supplied user exits are invoked:

  • Do not specify a default SMC TAPEREQ statement in your SMC TREQDEF definitions file. If no default SMC TAPEREQ statement is found, and if all other TAPEREQs target specific SMC controlled allocation events, then the supplied user exits will be called to determine if the non-SMC controlled allocation events are to be directed to CA-Vtape.

  • If you do specify a default SMC TAPEREQ statement, use the legacy TAPEREQ definitions to define the tape policy and do not direct the default TAPEREQ definition to a POLICY object. Thus, if your default TAPEREQ statement is to specify virtual media, then specify the last TAPEREQ statement as:


    instead of:


    where policy VIRTPOL specifies MEDIA VIRTUAL.

  • Specify ALLOCDef CAVTAPe(ON) in either your SMCCMDS or SMCPARMS data set at startup. When ALLOCDef CAVTAPe(ON) is specified, then user exits 02 and 08 are called even when an applicable SMC POLICY object applies to the allocation event.

Fault Analyzer for z/OS

The IBM program Fault Analyzer for z/OS enables you to determine why an application abends. It may be installed on systems that also run StorageTek ELS software products, however, it is not useful when applied to abends that occur in ELS code. Because of the complex subsystem environment where ELS code executes, Fault Analyzer itself may abend.

If Fault Analyzer for z/OS is installed on your ELS system, it is strongly recommended that you specify the following update to ensure that this product ignores ELS product abends.

When Fault Analyzer is installed, perform the following update to SYS1.PARMLIB(IDICNF00):



  • HSC is the name of the HSC console-started-task.

  • SMC is the name of the SMC console-started-task.

  • CSC is the name of the MVS/CSC console-started-task.

Alternatively, you can specify EXCLUDE (TYPE(STC)) to exclude all console-started tasks from evaluation by Fault Analyzer. However, this broad exclusion may not be appropriate in your environment.

MVS Security Packages

Ensure that your MVS security package (for example, RACF, TopSecret) is configured to grant SMC the necessary authority to respond to MVS swap messages.

Open Type J

The Open Type J macro is not supported during SMC message handling processing.

Additionally, SMC allocation enhancements may not operate if you use the MVS Open Type J macro. Because this macro enables you to change volume serial numbers or data set names at open time, information available at Job Step Allocation time may be incorrect as interpreted by the SMC.


Some vendor software products use MVS Open Type J. If you are experiencing unexpected allocation results using a vendor software product, check with the vendor to determine if Open Type J is used and follow the recommendations below.

SMC allocation may influence MVS allocation erroneously based on information that may have changed at open time. To prevent this problem when using the Open Type J macro, specify the appropriate esoteric in the JCL or specify an appropriate esoteric in an applicable TAPEREQ control statement or POLicy command


Sterling Software's SAMS: DISK (DMS) has two methods of allocating transports:

  • Allocates transports at session startup, holds onto the transports throughout the session and uses Open Type J (see "Open Type J")

  • Uses dynamic allocation (DYNALLOC) to allocate transports when required

The SMC allocates correctly when dynamic allocation is used. Therefore, the latter method of allocating transports is recommended.