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Guía de administración de Sun Blade X3-2B (anteriormente llamado Sun Blade X6270 M3)     
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Uso de esta documentación

Acerca de la guía de administración del usuario

Planificación del entorno de gestión del sistema

Acceso a las herramientas de gestión del sistema

Configuración del servidor con Oracle System Assistant

Uso de Oracle System Assistant para la configuración del servidor

Tareas administrativas de Oracle System Assistant

Configuración de software y firmware

Gestión de políticas de servidor mediante Oracle ILOM

Configuración de RAID

Configuración del servidor con la utilidad de configuración del BIOS

Selección de Legacy y UEFI BIOS

Tareas comunes de la utilidad de configuración del BIOS

Referencia de la pantalla de la utilidad de configuración del BIOS

Selecciones del menú Main del BIOS

Selecciones del menú Advanced del BIOS

Selecciones del menú IO del BIOS

Selecciones del menú Boot del BIOS

Selecciones del menú UEFI Driver Control del BIOS

Selecciones del menú Save & Exit del BIOS

Referencia de la pantalla de la utilidad de configuración del BIOS de LSI MegaRAID

Identificación de los componentes de hardware y mensajes SNMP

Obtención de firmware y software del servidor


Selecciones del menú Advanced del BIOS

En esta sección, se incluyen el explorador web y las representaciones basadas en texto con capacidad de búsqueda de todas las pantallas de selección del menú Advanced (Avanzado) en la utilidad de configuración del BIOS.

Advanced (Avanzado)
image:En esta figura, se muestra la pantalla Advanced (Avanzado).
       Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
    Main  Advanced  IO  Boot  Save & Exit
|> Processors                                        |CPU Configuration        |
|> USB Ports                                         |Parameters               |
|> Serial Port Console Redirection                   |                         |
|> Network Stack                                     |                         |
|> Trusted Computing                                 |                         |
|> BMC Network                                       |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |-------------------------|
|                                                    |><: Select Screen        |
|                                                    |^v: Select Item          |
|                                                    |Enter: Select            |
|                                                    |+/-: Change Opt.         |
|                                                    |F1: General Help         |
|                                                    |(CTRL+Q from serial      |
|                                                    |keyboard)                |
|                                                    |Q: Scroll Help Pane Up   |
|                                                    |A: Scroll Help Pane Down |
\----------------------------------------------------+ESC: Exit----------------/
        Version 2.14.1219. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
Advanced (Avanzado) > Processors (Procesadores)
image:En esta figura, se muestra la pantalla Processors (Procesadores) del menú Advanced (Avanzado).
       Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
|  Processors                                        |Enabled for Windows XP  ^|
|                                                    |and Linux (OS optimized *|
|  Hyper-threading         [Enabled]                 |for Hyper-Threading     *|
|  Execute Disable Bit     [Enabled]                 |Technology) and         *|
|  Hardware Prefetcher     [Enabled]                 |Disabled for other OS   *|
|  Adjacent Cache Line     [Enabled]                 |(OS not optimized for   +|
|  Prefetch                                          |Hyper-Threading         +|
|  DCU Streamer            [Enabled]                 |Technology). When       +|
|  Prefetcher                                        |Disabled only one       v|
|  DCU IP Prefetcher       [Enabled]                 |-------------------------|
|  Intel Virtualization    [Enabled]                 |><: Select Screen        |
|  Technology                                        |^v: Select Item          |
|> CPU Power Management Configuration                |Enter: Select            |
|                                                    |+/-: Change Opt.         |
|                                                    |F1: General Help         |
|                                                    |(CTRL+Q from serial      |
|                                                    |keyboard)                |
|                                                    |Q: Scroll Help Pane Up   |
|                                                    |A: Scroll Help Pane Down |
\----------------------------------------------------+ESC: Exit----------------/
        Version 2.14.1219. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
Advanced (Avanzado) > Processors (Procesadores) > CPU Power Management Configuration (Configuración de gestión de energía de CPU)
image:En esta figura, se muestra la pantalla Advanced (Avanzado) > Processors (Procesadores) > CPU Power Management Configuration (Configuración de gestión de energía de CPU).
       Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
|  CPU Power Management Configuration                |Enable the power         |
|                                                    |management features.     |
|  Power Technology        [Custom]                  |                         |
|  Intel SpeedStep         [Enabled]                 |                         |
|  Turbo Mode              [Enabled]                 |                         |
|  CPU C3 Report           [Disabled]                |                         |
|  CPU C6 report           [Enabled]                 |                         |
|  CPU C7 report           [Enabled]                 |                         |
|  Package C-States        [Enabled]                 |                         |
|  Uncore Frequency        [Enabled]                 |-------------------------|
|  Scaling                                           |><: Select Screen        |
|                                                    |^v: Select Item          |
|                                                    |Enter: Select            |
|                                                    |+/-: Change Opt.         |
|                                                    |F1: General Help         |
|                                                    |(CTRL+Q from serial      |
|                                                    |keyboard)                |
|                                                    |Q: Scroll Help Pane Up   |
|                                                    |A: Scroll Help Pane Down |
\----------------------------------------------------+ESC: Exit----------------/
        Version 2.14.1219. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
Advanced (Avanzado) > USB Ports (Puertos USB)
image:En esta figura, se muestra la pantalla Advanced (Avanzado) > USB Ports (Puertos USB).
       Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
|  USB Ports                                         |This is a workaround     |
|                                                    |for OSes without EHCI    |
|  EHCI Hand-off           [Disabled]                |hand-off support. The    |
|  Port 60/64 Emulation    [Enabled]                 |EHCI ownership change    |
|                                                    |should be claimed by     |
|  All USB Devices         [Enabled]                 |EHCI driver.             |
|  Dongle USB Port DN      [Enabled]                 |                         |
|  Dongle USB Port UP      [Enabled]                 |                         |
|  Front Port RT           [Enabled]                 |                         |
|  Front Port LF           [Enabled]                 |-------------------------|
|  Internal Port UP        [Enabled]                 |><: Select Screen        |
|  Internal Port DN        [Enabled]                 |^v: Select Item          |
|                                                    |Enter: Select            |
|                                                    |+/-: Change Opt.         |
|                                                    |F1: General Help         |
|                                                    |(CTRL+Q from serial      |
|                                                    |keyboard)                |
|                                                    |Q: Scroll Help Pane Up   |
|                                                    |A: Scroll Help Pane Down |
\----------------------------------------------------+ESC: Exit----------------/
        Version 2.14.1219. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
Advanced (Avanzado) > Serial Port Console Redirection (Redirección de consola de puerto serie)
image:En esta figura, se muestra la pantalla Advanced (Avanzado) > Serial Port Console Redirection (Redirección de consola de puerto serie).
       Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
|  Serial Port Console Redirection                   |Control whether the      |
|                                                    |external serial port     |
|  External Serial Port    [System]                  |connects to the BMC or   |
|                                                    |directly to the System.  |
|  EMS Console             [Disabled]                |                         |
|  Redirection                                       |                         |
|  Console Redirection     [Enabled]                 |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|  Terminal Type           [VT100+]                  |                         |
|  Bits per second         [9600]                    |-------------------------|
|  Data Bits               [8]                       |><: Select Screen        |
|  Parity                  [None]                    |^v: Select Item          |
|  Stop Bits               [1]                       |Enter: Select            |
|  Flow Control            [None]                    |+/-: Change Opt.         |
|                                                    |F1: General Help         |
|                                                    |(CTRL+Q from serial      |
|                                                    |keyboard)                |
|                                                    |Q: Scroll Help Pane Up   |
|                                                    |A: Scroll Help Pane Down |
\----------------------------------------------------+ESC: Exit----------------/
        Version 2.14.1219. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
Advanced (Avanzado) > Network Stack (Pila de red)
image:En esta figura, se muestra la pantalla Network Stack (Pila de red).
       Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
|  Network Stack                                     |Enable/Disable the       |
|                                                    |network stack(PXE and    |
|  Network Stack           [Enabled]                 |UEFI)                    |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |-------------------------|
|                                                    |><: Select Screen        |
|                                                    |^v: Select Item          |
|                                                    |Enter: Select            |
|                                                    |+/-: Change Opt.         |
|                                                    |F1: General Help         |
|                                                    |(CTRL+Q from serial      |
|                                                    |keyboard)                |
|                                                    |Q: Scroll Help Pane Up   |
|                                                    |A: Scroll Help Pane Down |
\----------------------------------------------------+ESC: Exit----------------/
        Version 2.14.1219. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
Advanced (Avanzado) > TPM Configuration (Configuración de TPM)
image:En esta figura, se muestra la pantalla TPM Configuration (Configuración de TPM).
       Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
|  TPM Configuration                                 |Enables or Disables TPM  |
|    TPM SUPPORT           [Disable]                 |support. O.S. will not   |
|                                                    |show TPM. Reset of       |
|                                                    |platform is required.    |
|  Current TPM Status Information                    |                         |
|    TPM SUPPORT OFF                                 |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |-------------------------|
|                                                    |><: Select Screen        |
|                                                    |^v: Select Item          |
|                                                    |Enter: Select            |
|                                                    |+/-: Change Opt.         |
|                                                    |F1: General Help         |
|                                                    |(CTRL+Q from serial      |
|                                                    |keyboard)                |
|                                                    |Q: Scroll Help Pane Up   |
|                                                    |A: Scroll Help Pane Down |
\----------------------------------------------------+ESC: Exit----------------/
        Version 2.14.1219. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
Advanced (Avanzado) > BMC Network (Red BMC)
image:En esta figura, se muestra la pantalla BMC Network (Red BMC).
       Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
|  BMC Network                                      ^|Refresh current BMC Lan  |
|  Current                                          *|information              |
|  Active Mgmt Port        NETMGT                   *|                         |
|                                                   *|                         |
|> Refresh                                          *|                         |
|                                                   +|                         |
|  Active Mgmt Port        [NET MGT]                +|                         |
|                                                   +|                         |
|> Commit                                           +|                         |
|                                                   +|-------------------------|
|  IPv4 Configuration                               +|><: Select Screen        |
|                                                   +|^v: Select Item          |
|  Channel Number          1                        +|Enter: Select            |
|  IPv4 IP Assignment      [Static]                 +|+/-: Change Opt.         |
|  Current IPv4 Address       +|F1: General Help         |
|  in BMC                                           +|(CTRL+Q from serial      |
|  Current IPv4 MAC                                 +|keyboard)                |
|  Address in BMC                                   +|Q: Scroll Help Pane Up   |
|          00-21-28-de-3e-bc                        v|A: Scroll Help Pane Down |
\----------------------------------------------------+ESC: Exit----------------/
        Version 2.14.1219. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
Advanced (Avanzado) > BMC Network (Red BMC) (continuación)
image:En esta figura, se muestra la pantalla Security Setting (Configuración de seguridad) del menú Main (Principal).
       Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
|  Current IPv4 Subnet       ^|Commit current BMC Lan   |
|  Mask in BMC                                      +|information              |
|                                                   +|                         |
|> Refresh                                          +|                         |
|                                                   +|                         |
|  IPv4 Address                                     *|                         |
|  IPv4 Subnet Mask                                 *|                         |
|  IPv4 Default Gateway                             *|                         |
|                                                   *|                         |
|> Commit                                           +|-------------------------|
|                                                   +|><: Select Screen        |
|  IPv6 Configuration                               +|^v: Select Item          |
|                                                   +|Enter: Select            |
|  Channel Number          1                        +|+/-: Change Opt.         |
|  Current IPv6 State      Enabled                  +|F1: General Help         |
|  Current IPv6 Auto       Stateless                +|(CTRL+Q from serial      |
|  Configuration                                    +|keyboard)                |
|  Link Local IPv6                                  +|Q: Scroll Help Pane Up   |
|  Address                                          v|A: Scroll Help Pane Down |
\----------------------------------------------------+ESC: Exit----------------/
        Version 2.14.1219. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
Advanced (Avanzado) > BMC Network (Red BMC) (continuación)
image:En esta figura, se muestra la pantalla BMC Network 2 (Red BMC 2).
       Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
|          fe80:0000:0000:0000:0221:28ff:fef0:a878  ^|                         |
|  Static IPv6 Address                              +|                         |
|          0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000  +|                         |
|  IPv6 Gateway                                     +|                         |
|          0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000  +|                         |
|  Dynamic IPv6 Address                             +|                         |
|  1                                                +|                         |
|          0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000  +|                         |
|  Dynamic IPv6 Address                             +|                         |
|  2                                                *|-------------------------|
|          N/A                                      *|><: Select Screen        |
|  Dynamic IPv6 Address                             *|^v: Select Item          |
|  3                                                *|Enter: Select            |
|          N/A                                      +|+/-: Change Opt.         |
|  Dynamic IPv6 Address                             +|F1: General Help         |
|  4                                                +|(CTRL+Q from serial      |
|          N/A                                      +|keyboard)                |
|  Dynamic IPv6 Address                             +|Q: Scroll Help Pane Up   |
|  5                                                v|A: Scroll Help Pane Down |
\----------------------------------------------------+ESC: Exit----------------/
        Version 2.14.1219. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
Advanced (Avanzado) > BMC Network (Red BMC) (continuación)
image:En esta figura, se muestra la pantalla BMC Network 4 (Red BMC 4).
       Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
|          N/A                                      ^|Refresh current BMC Lan  |
|  Dynamic IPv6 Address                             +|information              |
|  6                                                +|                         |
|          N/A                                      +|                         |
|  Dynamic IPv6 Address                             +|                         |
|  7                                                +|                         |
|          N/A                                      +|                         |
|  Dynamic IPv6 Address                             +|                         |
|  8                                                +|                         |
|          N/A                                      +|-------------------------|
|  Dynamic IPv6 Address                             +|><: Select Screen        |
|  9                                                +|^v: Select Item          |
|          N/A                                      +|Enter: Select            |
|  Dynamic IPv6 Address                             +|+/-: Change Opt.         |
|  10                                               *|F1: General Help         |
|          N/A                                      *|(CTRL+Q from serial      |
|                                                   *|keyboard)                |
|> Refresh                                          *|Q: Scroll Help Pane Up   |
|                                                   v|A: Scroll Help Pane Down |
\----------------------------------------------------+ESC: Exit----------------/
        Version 2.14.1219. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.