Installing Oracle Endeca Server

This topic describes how to install the Oracle Endeca Server package.

Before you install Endeca Server, both Oracle WebLogic Server and the Application Developer Framework Runtime must be installed on the machine.

The order of installation for Oracle Endeca Server is:
  1. Run the Endeca Server installer.
  2. Create a WebLogic domain for the Endeca Server application. (If you are deploying an Endeca Server cluster, this step is needed only when you install on the machine that will become the Admin Server in the WebLogic domain created for the Endeca Server.)
  3. Run the post-installation script to create SSL certificates (if you installed in a secure mode), and generate SSL certificates in your browser. (If you are deploying an Endeca Server cluster, this step needs to be completed on the Admin Server only and before you clone this server to create Managed Servers.)
  4. Verify that the Endeca Server application is correctly deployed in WebLogic Server.
Note the following about the Endeca Server installation:
  • The Endeca Cluster Coordinator software is installed as part of the package.
  • You can install Endeca Server in either secure (SSL) or non-secure mode. Secure mode is highly recommended for production deployments, while non-secure installations can be used for development environments.
  • When installing Endeca Server on Linux, do not run the installation program as the root user.
  • You must have an X-Windows (X11) environment on Linux. The installer requires that your monitor must be configured to display at least 256 colors.

To install Oracle Endeca Server:

  1. Unpack the Endeca Server ZIP file to a temporary directory.
    As a result, you will see an endecaserver directory, which has a Disk1 sub-directory.
  2. From a command prompt, change to the Disk1 directory and run the installer:
    • For Linux, use this command:

      ./runInstaller -jreLoc <jre_location>

    • For Windows, use this command:

      setup.exe -jreLoc <jre_location>

    For both commands, jre_location is the full path to the location of a Sun Java SE 6 SDK directory on your system. Note that the path cannot contain spaces. For example on Windows:

    setup.exe -jreLoc c:\java\jdk1.6.0_43

    When the installer runs, it displays the installation wizard's Welcome screen.

  3. At the Welcome screen, read the information and click Next.
  4. At the Prerequisite Checks screen, click Next if everything passes the checks.
  5. At the Specify Installation Location screen, do the following:
    1. In the Oracle Middleware Home field, verify the name of the Oracle Middleware home directory. You can either accept the default location or browse to another location.
    2. In the Oracle Home Directory field, enter the name of the Endeca Server home directory. (This will be the root directory of the Endeca Server installation.) You can either accept the default name or enter a new name. The Endeca Server Home directory name may only contain alphanumeric , hyphen (-) , dot (.), and underscore (_) characters, and it must begin with an alphanumeric character.
    3. When you have finished, click Next.
  6. At the Select Deploy Mode screen, either leave the YES checkbox checked (to deploy Endeca Server in an SSL mode) or uncheck it (for a non-SSL mode). Then click Next.
  7. At the Installation Summary screen, verify the installation details and click Install.

    Note that the Save button allows you to save a Response File for silent-mode installations.

  8. At the Installation Progress screen, click Next when the installation progress has completed.
  9. At the Installation Complete screen, click Finish to exit the installation wizard.

    Before exiting the installation wizard, you have the option of first saving the installation details to a disk file.

When the installation finishes, the Endeca Server files and directories are written to the Oracle Home Location (as indicated in the Installation Complete screen).

The next step is to create a WebLogic domain for the Oracle Endeca Server application.

Note: If you are deploying the Endeca Server cluster, then the step for creating a WebLogic domain should occur on the machine that is going to serve as the Admin Server in your WebLogic domain. That is, on those machines that will become the Managed Servers, you do not need to create a WebLogic domain since it has already been created on the machine serving as the Admin Server.