Creating the WebLogic domain for Endeca Server

You must create a WebLogic domain for the Endeca Server application to run in.

The prerequisites to this task are that WebLogic Server, Application Development Framework Runtime, and Endeca Server must be installed. Note that WebLogic Server does not have to be running for this procedure.

For single-machine development environments, you can deploy the Endeca Server instance in the single Admin Server in the WebLogic domain. You can later use this WebLogic domain when you expand your deployment to an Endeca Server cluster.

To create a WebLogic domain for the Endeca Server application:

  1. From a command prompt, change to the directory that contains the Configuration Wizard start-up program:
    • For Linux: $MW_HOME/wlserver_10.3/common/bin
    • For Windows: $MW_HOME\wlserver_10.3\common\bin
  2. Run the command to start the Configuration Wizard:
    • For Linux: ./
    • For Windows: config.cmd
    The Configuration Wizard Welcome screen is displayed.
  3. At the Configuration Wizard's Welcome screen, select Create a new WebLogic domain and click Next.
  4. At the Select Domain Source screen, select Oracle Endeca Server (note that this also automatically selects Oracle JRF). Then click Next.
  5. At the Specify Domain Name and Location screen, specify the domain name (such as endeca_server_domain) and keep the default domain location. Then click Next.
  6. At the Configure Administrator User Name and Password screen, enter the name and password you want to use for the administrator. Optionally, you can enter a description. Then click Next.

    You will be using this name and password to start the WebLogic Server. Note that the password has a minimum length of eight characters.

  7. At the Configure Server Start Mode and JDK screen, do the following:
    1. In the WebLogic Domain Startup Mode pane, select Production Mode.
    2. In the JDK Selection pane, click Available JDKs and select the Sun SDK. (Note that if the Sun JDK is not displayed in this pane, click the Other JDK button and browse for the Sun JDK home.)
    3. Click Next.
  8. At the Select Optional Configuration screen, do not select any optional configurations and click Next.
  9. At the Configuration Summary screen, click Create to create the domain.
  10. At the Creating Domain screen, the message "Domain Created Successfully!" signifies the end of the create process (as shown in the example below). Click Done to exit the Configuration Wizard.
As a result, the WebLogic domain is created with a WebLogic Server port of 7001.
The next step depends on whether you installed Endeca Server in secure (SSL) mode and on whether you are installing and deploying the Endeca Server cluster:
  • For secure mode, start WebLogic Server and run the generate_ssl_keys utility, as described in the next topic. After that, you can verify the Endeca Server deployment.
    Note: If you are deploying a cluster, make sure to generate SSL keys after you have installed the Endeca Server on the Admin Server, but before you clone the Admin Server to create additional Managed Servers. Additionally, in the Endeca Server cluster, the Endeca Server instance that was running on the Admin Server should be stopped, and the Endeca Server should be started on the Managed Servers in the WebLogic domain that you create. For detailed instructions, see Installing and Deploying an Endeca Server Cluster.
  • For non-secure mode, start WebLogic Server and verify the Endeca Server deployment.