About Queries

You will be using queries to extract data from the database for reports and data pickers, and to set up auto-creation with creator elements.

A query is a data mining tool—a means of retrieving information from a database. A query filters the information returned from the database according to restrictions or conditions you specify. Primavera Unifier queries can:

Filter or narrow the data being retrieved for use in reports and manager sheets
Set up conditions or triggers to make something happen automatically in Primavera Unifier
Filter or narrow the data being retrieved for use in a data picker element

How it works

1 You mine down to the information you want by choosing an element (field) in the database to base the query on.
2 You test the data against conditions and values you specify.

A condition is a state or restriction the value in the data element (field) must meet. A condition of the value might be that it must be equal to a certain number (maybe 10) or that it must contain a certain string of letters (such as “due date of”).

3 When (or if) the data meets the condition you specify, Primavera Unifier retrieves if from the database for use in a report, manager sheet, auto-creation, data picker, etc.



Using formulas or conditions in queries

For queries, you can evaluate the data before retrieving it from the database to determine whether or not to include the value in the report, manager sheet, or data picker, or to spawn an auto-creation. To evaluate the data, you can use a formula or a condition. In formulas, multiple fields can be calculated to arrive at a certain value that the data must meet before it will be used. The value can be one that you enter, or a value from another field. You can include formulas in conditions.

There are several types of formulas you can use in a query:

Field value comparison

This formula produces data that meets a field value (string or numeric) from the form of a business process or a shell in a hierarchy, or a constant. Used to populate a data picker.



Date plus or minus

This formula adds or subtracts a value to or from a date.



Date difference

This formula subtracts one date from another to give you the number of days between the dates.



Compare date fields

You can also compare date fields as part of a query.



Dynamic Date Value

You can compare a date field value with a date field from the form of a business process or a shell in a hierarchy, a specific date, or today’s date, and also add or subtract days to the result. Used to populate a data picker.



Between dates

You can compare a date field value to see if it falls between two dates. Used to populate a data picker.







Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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