About dashboards in Unifier



In Primavera Unifier, the following types of dashboards are available.

My Dashboard (end user-defined dashboard): By default, all shells have a dashboard that the end user can configure if they have configure permissions. The dashboard is the user’s personal dashboard, with their personally configured view of shell data. My Dashboard can be configured by end users in User Mode using the Edit Dashboard window, but is often configured for each user by the Administrator. Users can select this type of dashboard to view from the View Dashboard drop-down menu on each shell. This dashboard is recommended if the user wants a personalized dashboard to view data that they specifically need to see regarding the shell.

Custom dashboards: A custom dashboard displays Company-level information and uses data cubes as its data source. These are dashboards created externally (outside of Primavera Unifier) using third-party SWF file creation tools, and then can be configured for use in Primavera Unifier. Custom dashboards require permission to view them. Users with view permission will see a Dashboard tab to the left of the tabs in the top navigator; users without view permission will not see this tab. Also, if custom dashboards are not configured, Primavera Unifier will not display the Dashboard tab.


SWF files are no longer available for company or shell custom dashboards. Custom dashboards already in play will not display any images or data. All other native tool sets remain available for building shell-level dashboards.


Shell instance dashboards: These dashboards allow users to view information specific to the shell for which the dashboard was created. This differs from My Dashboard in that it is a shell view of the shell for all users to use. My Dashboard is a personalized view for a specific user, therefore displaying only the information that the user wants to see. The shell instance dashboard is a general view of specific shell data, and is not specific to any one user view of data. Administrators can create multiple shell instance dashboards per shell instance. Users can select this type of dashboard to view from the View Dashboard drop-down menu on each shell. These dashboards are maintained at the shell level and are available to any user to view (but not edit) provided the user has permissions.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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