Setting up an RFB business process

A Request for Bid (RFB) business process allows companies to invite bids from multiple vendors. The Request for Bid process requires the following components to operate in Primavera Unifier:

Master Vendor BP: A simple or line-item type company level BP listing available vendors who can be invited to bid. A company can have only one master vendor BP.
Requestor form: This is the BP form the Primavera Unifier user uses to distribute bid requests from vendors.
Bidder form: This is the BP form the vendors use to submit their bids.
A workflow for the requestor form: This workflow or workflows can be used to approve the RFB before inviting bids, to distribute the RFB, and to approve the final bid award.
(Optional) A bid comparison sheet: This is a sheet designed specifically for your company for the purpose of comparing the bids you receive from vendors. (If your company has not designed one, Primavera Unifier provides a default sheet you can use.)


Verify the RFB Has Been Designed Correctly

Set Up a Bid Management Account in Unifier

Set Up the RFB in Unifier




Oracle Corporation

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