Access company details

Company detail information is managed in the Edit Company window.

To access the Edit Company window

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
2 In the right pane, click the Open button. The Edit Company window opens.

The Edit Company window has the following tabs:

General: In this tab, you can manage several company features. See the table below for details. The fields with red asterisks are required.
Address: You can enter up to seven company addresses. There must be at one address entered for the company headquarters.
Security: In this tab, you can manage the password policy that your users must follow when logging into Primavera Unifier.
Contact: Maintains support contact and e-Learning access information for your users. The information entered here appears in the Support window, Contact tab (from the Support link in the upper right corner of the Primavera Unifier window).



In this field:

Do this:


Enter a company name, up to 64 characters. It can include alphanumeric characters, spaces and punctuation.

Short Name

Enter a one-word short name, up to 8 characters. The Short Name is a unique, one-word abbreviated form of your company name, and is used throughout Primavera Unifier in place of the company name. (For example, when importing Primavera uDesigner-created business processes, and on logs that identify partner companies.)


Enter a company description. This is displayed on the Administration Mode home page. This can be especially useful for identifying partner companies, such as subcontractors or vendors.

Contact Name

Click Select, then select a user from the User/Group picker. This name is displayed on the Company Home Page in Administration and User Modes. The list is generated from the list of active users in the Company Users log.


Enter the nine-digit Dunn & Bradstreet business identification number.

Home Page URL

Enter the URL of your company’s web site, displayed on the Company Home Page as a hyperlink.

Help URL

Enter an additional URL that to point to internal documentation regarding company policies or practices, an intranet site, or other internal information that you choose. This is displayed on the Company Home Page as a hyperlink.

Company Logo

Customize Primavera Unifier by uploading your company logo. To upload a logo, click the Add button and choose the logo from the file menu. The image must be in jpg, jpeg, gif, or png format. To remove an existing logo, click the Remove button.

The logo area supports a maximum size of 145 x 40px, images that are larger will be proportionally scaled until the image fits within the maximum size. Images that are smaller than the maximum will centered in the logo area and will not be scaled.


Company status is controlled by the Site Administrator.

Authentication Key/Re-Enter Authentication Key

Enter a unique key used when data is integrated with Primavera Unifier from external systems via Web Services. This is not the same as the Primavera uDesigner Authentication Key. The current key is stored in an encrypted format and can be changed as needed. Note that if a key has already been assigned to the company, it will not be displayed in the field; the field will appear blank.

Re-enter the key in the following field to confirm it.

Bid Access URL

Used with Request for Bid (RFB) feature. This is the URL that will be used by bidders to access bids (system-assigned).

Bid Management Account

Select the user who will manage bids (for RFB).

Note: The Bidder’s file transfer option (FTO) settings are the FTO settings of the user specified in the Bid Management Account field.


This checkbox allows a company to sponsor projects or shells, and is controlled by the Site Administrator. The checkbox will not be selected if the company is a partner company that is not authorized to sponsor projects or shells.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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