Create a user preference template

You can create any number of user preference templates.

To create a new user preference template

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
2 ClickStandards and Libraries>User Preference Templates in the left Navigator. The Preference Templates log opens.
3 Click New. The User Preferences Template window opens.
4 On the General tab, enter a name for the template. Each template must have a unique name. Enter an optional description.
5 For Status, choose Active or Inactive. You can create any number of templates, but only one can be active at a time.

The Active template will be used as the default user preference settings when adding new company users. The other templates can be used to update (“push”) preference settings to existing users.

6 Click the Preference tab. The Preferences tab appears exactly like the Options tab of a user’s User Preference window.
7 Complete the window as described in the following table.
8 Click Apply to save changes, or OK to save and close the window.


In this field:

Do this:

Time Zone

Click the drop-down list and select time zone. This setting affects the date stamp that appears on the actions that you perform in Primavera Unifier, such as saving or uploading files, and also affects due dates for tasks that are assigned to you.

Date Format

Click the drop-down list and select date format, which determines how date fields appear on in Primavera Unifier.

Default Viewer

Select the default file viewer option. This determines how Primavera Unifier displays files (such as documents or drawings) that are attached to business processes or stored in the Document Manager. The choices are:

Native Documents are opened in their native applications; for example, Microsoft Word documents will open in Word
Unifier Viewer Documents are displayed using the AutoVue viewer, which can display virtually any type of file as read-only, and supports adding graphical markups or text comments.
Viewer Exceptions Use this option to specify exceptions to the default viewer. For example, while you may want the default viewer to be native, you might want drawing files to be viewed in Primavera Unifier’s AutoVue viewer. In the Always use native or Always use Unifier text boxes, enter the file extension identifier (such as .doc, .txt, or .dwg) of the files you want to override the default. Omit the period before the extension. You can enter multiple file extensions, separated by a semi-colon. For example, enter doc;txt;dwg.

File Transfer Option

Basic: HTML-based. This method can be used on any Primavera Unifier-compatible machine without having to install a third-party program. It has the most basic functionality, allowing single-file selection for uploads and downloads, and will resolve drawing reference files after upload.

Intermediate: Oracle Java SE Runtime Environment (Java). In addition to basic functionality, this option supports the selection of multiple files and folders for uploading and downloading. It will resolve reference file relationships in DWG and DGN drawing files; this process takes place on the server (that is, reference files should already be uploaded to Primavera Unifier, or be part of the current upload process).

Advanced: Java and Primavera Unifier File Transfer Application). This option provides the greatest flexibility for uploading and downloading documents and folders, especially drawing files. In addition to the Intermediate functionality, its advanced functionality for managing reference file relationships in DWG and DGN drawing files makes it easier for users to locate, upload, revise and download reference files. The resolve process is done on your local system; the process will make sure that all reference files are included in the upload, and will automatically bundle necessary files as needed. This option requires the download and installation of both Java and the Primavera Unifier File Transfer Application. See the First Time User Setup Guide, File Transfer Option, Support Java Versions, for details on Java versions and download.

Email Subscription

The email section controls the number, type and frequency of Primavera Unifier-related email notifications users receive. Users can “opt in or out” of receiving email notifications for events within Primavera Unifier. Email notifications are sent to Active and On Hold users; Inactive users will not receive notifications.

Default Login View

Use Custom Dashboard as default login view: Select this checkbox if you want to specify that the user’s default login view will be a custom Company dashboard.

Send notifications in single daily digest

Use Custom Dashboard as default login view: Select this checkbox if you want to specify that the user’s default login view will be a custom Company dashboard.

This setting requires that the user has permission to view the custom dashboard. If the user does not have permission to view the custom dashboard, then the user will be taken to the Home tab landing page.

Email Subscription options

When you select a checkbox next to one of the listed options, you are “subscribing” the user to email notifications for that event. To receive the email notification, users must have at least “view” permission for that module and event. See the option descriptions below for more information. If a checkbox is not selected, users will not receive email messages regarding that event. Options are described below.

Business Processes

These events pertain to business processes. To receive notification, user must have at least “view” permission for the BP. Select the checkbox to receive notifications when:

Personal tasks — user is part of the assignees list when a BP is sent (this becomes a “task”)
Decline tasks — a task is declined by one or more of the assignees added to a BP that user sent
Overdue personal tasks — an assigned tasks is past the due date
Messages — someone cc’s user on a BP
Discussion group comments — a discussion group participant adds and saves comments within the discussion group; discussion group owner receives the notification
Record workflow complete — the workflow end step has been reached; this is applicable on any workflow BP where user is selected as part of the “Notify users on workflow completion” setup under the BP Setup>Setting tab.

Document Manager: Project, Shell level, and Company level

Users with View permission (set in the Document Manager) on the applicable document, folder or shortcut target receive notification when:

Document upload — a new document is uploaded into the folder
Transfer ownership — file or folder ownership is transferred; the new owner is notified
Move — Document, folder or shortcut is moved from one location/folder to another
Delete —a document, folder or shortcut is deleted
Document revise — a document is revised
Folder rename — a folder is renamed

Note: With this module in particular, a user modifying multiple documents or folders, or folders with many subfolders, can potentially trigger a large amount of emails. You can prevent receiving too many notifications by choosing the digest notification (one email) option, or limit the events for which you want to receive notification.

Note: Document Manager email notifications are only sent if the user has at least View permission (in Document Manager node) on the item triggering the email, and if the item owner enables email notification.


Users receive email notification when a new uMail is received

User Defined Reports

Users receive email notification when:

New report granted — the user is granted at least run permissions to a user-defined report by another user
Results from scheduled reports — when a scheduled report has been generated and the results are available; requires run permission be granted for the report


Users can receive notification when an alert is generated


If Gates is used on a project or shell, users can be set up to receive notifications when scheduled gates run are done. Users will be alerted when:

Change phase notification — if the run shows that a gates criteria have been met and the project or shell can advance to the next phase
Auto-email PDF Gates run — users can automatically receive a PDF file of the results of the scheduled gates run


Successful creation: Administrator receives notification of the successful creation

of a project or shell. This notification occurs if the project or shell is created

through the user interface, through Web Services, using a CSV file, or through






Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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