Creating an Approved Email List for Project and Shell Mailboxes

External emails are important communications that need to be included in projects and shells. Such emails can come from project or shell members who send emails from outside Primavera Unifier, or from external users who do not use Primavera Unifier. These email communications (and any attachments) can be collected in a central repository, called a Mailbox, so that users can use them in managing and documenting the project or shell. Once such emails reside in the project’s or shell’s Mailbox, users can forward them to appropriate members, flag them for review, and reply to them. In addition, these external emails can be linked to business process records.

Note: Any email address used by any company or partner user will be considered “approved” and automatically added to this list.

When Primavera Unifier is installed on your system, a dedicated email address for your company is specified, and whenever a project or shell is created, it is given a unique identifier. Primavera Unifier combines your company email address and project/shell identifier to create a dedicated “mailbox” as the communications repository for the project or shell.

To prevent spam and virus attacks from infiltrating your system via external emails, you will need to create a list of approved email addresses that will be accepted by the project or shell Mailbox.

Note: Primavera Unifier will accept up to 1,000 emails from any single address per day. Any emails beyond 1,000 will be ignored as spam.

To create an approved email list

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
2 Click Standards & Libraries > Approved Email List in the left Navigator.
3 Click the New button. The Add/Edit Approved Emails window opens.
4 In the E-Mail field, enter the email address you want to add to the approved list.
5 (Optional) In the First Name and Last Name fields, enter the name of the user.
6 If you want to add another email address, click Apply; otherwise, click OK to close the window.

To edit an email address

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
2 Click Standards & Libraries > Approved Email List in the left Navigator.
3 In the log of email addresses, double-click the address. The Add/Edit Approved Emails opens.
4 Edit the information and click OK.

To delete an email address

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
2 Click Standards & Libraries > Approved Email List in the left Navigator.
3 In the log of email addresses, select the address you want to delete and click the Delete button.

To find a specific email address

1 On the Approved Email List log, click the Find button. A Find window opens.

The Find window shows fields from the list, which you can use to narrow the list of items you see on the list. These fields show an operator, such as “contains” or “equals,” which you can use to specify more precisely which items you want to search for.

2 Click the operator beside the field and choose the operator you want to use on the field, such as “equals,” “does not contain,” or “is empty”.
3 Enter the value the field should contain.

You can enter a partial name or address.

4 Click Search (or press Enter).

Primavera Unifier will display the address(es) or name(s) that match the criteria you entered. It will also identify the criteria by which you have searched the list in the “Current View: filtered by” line above the list. If you choose to, you can cancel the find action by clicking [Cancel Filter]. Primavera Unifier will restore the list to its unfiltered state.


Import and Export Email Addresses




Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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