About data definition properties


You define the following data definition properties:

Data Types. Data definitions can be of the following types:

String: Any alphanumeric character or special character like * or #
Integer: A non-decimal number. Can be used for pull-down menu, radio button or checkbox fields
Date: For date fields
Float: This is applicable to currency amounts only.

Input Type. This determines how data is entered or displayed in the field:


This input method:

Does this:

Check box


Provides an option that the user can select (“check”) or not. “Not checked” is the default value.

Multi-line text area


Use this element for multiple text lines for entries up to 4000 characters long, such as descriptions or remarks.

Multi-select Input

Allows the user to make multiple selections from a list.


Allows users to choose from lists of items. Primavera uDesigner and Primavera Unifier are shipped with a number of predefined pickers.

Pickers are system-defined in Primavera uDesigner, and cannot be created in Primavera Unifier. A Picker can be added to a uDesigner BP and allows users to cross reference another Primavera Unifier record. Pickers include BP Picker, BPO Picker, User Picker, Company Picker, Line Item Picker, SOV Picker, Fund Picker, Asset Picker, Project Picker, Shell Picker, and more.

Pull-down menu

Provides a list of items the user can choose from but cannot change (e.g., a date picker).

Radio buttons


Use where two values are possible and one must be selected.

Text box


A text box is usually used for smaller text (1 to 64 characters), but could be longer.

Dynamic Data Set

A dynamic data set allows one data element on the form to control both values and behavior of other data elements on the same form.

(In this example, choosing Yes in the Single Project field activated the Project Picker field below it.)





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