Edit group permissions (Permissions tab)

The permissions assigned here will be applied to all members of the group. Users within the group inherit permissions from the group. If a user is in more than one group, then the highest level of permissions granted in any group for a module will prevail.

Note: Permissions are described in the Primavera Unifier and uDesigner Reference Guide.

To assign permissions

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
2 ClickUser Administration>Groups in the left Navigator. The Groups log opens.
3 Select a group and click Open. The Groups window opens.
4 Click the Permissions tab.
5 You may click on the plus sign next to a module to expand the options. Scroll up or down, as needed.
6 Select a module in the upper portion of the window. Choose the Permission level for that module in the lower portion.
7 Click OK to save.

To copy permissions from a template

1 In the Permissions tab, click the Copy Permissions button.
2 Select the template and click OK. All permissions settings in the user record will be overwritten and replaced with the permission settings from the template.





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