Import company users (add users or update users)

If you have a large number of users to add or update, you may want to import the records, so you do not have to manually open and update each user record. You can import multiple users with a CSV file by doing the following:

Export a copy of the CSV file structure.
Populate the CSV file with user information.
Import the CSV file into Primavera Unifier.

Note: The License Manager controls the number of active users within a system. If the new users will exceed your license terms, you will receive an error message.

Note: If a User Administration design has been imported, the data elements that appear in the General tab of the User Properties can vary; these are the data elements that are exported in the Integration. Therefore, the columns in CSV file you see might vary from the CSV format described in this section.

To export a copy of the CSV file structure

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
2 ClickUser Administration > Company Users in the left Navigator.
3 Click the File menu and choose Export > Export Structure. A confirmation window opens. Do one of the following:
Click Open to open the file in Excel (or other editor that supports CSV files). You can save the file from here after previewing.
Click Save to save the file to your local drive. Enter a name for the file and click Save.

To export existing users for update

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
2 ClickUser Administration > Company Users in the left Navigator.
3 Choose File > Export > All, or select users in the log and choose File > Export > Selection. A confirmation window opens. Do one of the following:
Click Open to open the file in Excel (or other editor that supports CSV files). You can save the file from here after previewing.
Click Save to save the file to your local drive. Enter a name for the file and click Save.

To populate the CSV file with user information

1 Open Microsoft® Excel (or other program compatible with CSV format), and open the CSV file you just saved.
2 Enter or modify user information in the spreadsheet. The fields are discussed in the following table. Note the following:
Do not delete or change the order of the columns; this will make the file invalid.
Valid information must be entered into columns corresponding to required fields. An asterisk in the column header indicates required fields. (Expand the columns to see the asterisks if necessary.)
For non-text-entry fields (Time Zone, Date Format, Address), enter the corresponding code. Valid codes are found in the Primavera Unifier and uDesigner Reference Guide.
Non-required fields (column heading does not have an asterisk) are optional. You may enter information or leave these fields blank.
Usernames can have the characters A-Z a-z 0-9 but not a space or a special character @, dash or underscore. Usernames cannot be more than 64 characters long. See the Primavera Unifier and uDesigner Reference Guide for the list of valid entry codes for non-text-entry fields.
3 Save in CSV format.


In this column:

Do this:

First Name*

Enter user’s first name.

Last Name*

Enter user’s last name.


Enter user’s company title


Enter user’s email address

Work Phone

Enter user’s work phone number

Mobile Phone

Enter user’s cell phone number

Home Phone

Enter user’s home phone number


Enter user’s pager number


Enter user’s fax number

Login Username*

Enter a unique username that the user will use to log into Primavera Unifier


Enter a password that will allow the user to log in for the first time. The user can change the password after logging in.

Time Zone*

Enter the code for the Time Zone (see the Primavera Unifier and uDesigner Reference Guide for the list of codes). This is a required field, even if you are entering a user preferences Template Name (if the time zone specified in the template is different from this cell, the template selection will take precedence).

Date Format*

Enter the code for the Date Format (see the Primavera Unifier and uDesigner Reference Guide for the list of codes). This is a required field, even if you are entering a user preferences Template Name (if the date format specified in the template is different from this cell, the template selection will take precedence).


Enter the code for the company address to use with this user. (See the Primavera Unifier and uDesigner Reference Guide for the list of codes)

Template Name

If you have created user preferences templates, enter the name of the template to use for this user.


Enter a status code for this user: Active=1, On-Hold=2, Inactive=0

* = mandatory column

To import the CSV file into Primavera Unifier

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
2 ClickUser Administration > Users in the left Navigator.
3 Choose New > Import to import the completed CSV file.
4 Click Browse and navigate to where you saved the file.
5 Click OK to import. New users are created and existing users are updated.
6 Open the User record and setup the Groups, Permissions, Projects/Shells, Programs, and Proxy tabs as needed.

If any rows contain errors, no rows are imported. Error messages are listed in the CSV file.

To fix import errors

If you receive the Confirmation message:

Import could not be completed. Do you want to download a file with errors shown?

1 Click Yes to open the CSV file.
2 Fix the rows that contain errors.
3 Re-import the file.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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