Manage Support and e-Learning contact information (Contact tab)

In the Contact tab of the Edit Company window, you can provide your users with an e-mail address and/or phone number of your internal support staff. This information will be displayed in error messages users may encounter if their accounts become locked, on the Support window Contact tab, and at the bottom of e-mail notifications. The information included for e-mail notification can contain a hyperlink to your local support.

In addition, if your company is part of the eLearning suite of interactive tutorials, you can provide access information to your users in this tab. This space can also be used for any location (such as an internal website) where you have provided Primavera Unifier training materials.

To manage user support contact information

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
2 In the right pane, click the Open button. The Edit Company window opens.
3 Open the Edit Company window and click the Contact tab.
4 Under Support Contact Info and eLearning Access, you can add or modify the contact information as needed. See the following table for details.
5 Click Apply to save changes, or OK to save and exit the Edit Company window.



To complete this section:

Enter this information:

Support Contact Info

Email: E-mail address for company internal support.
Phone: Phone number for company internal support.
Instructions: Information that appears in the Support window Contact tab, as well as the Email and Phone from above. This provides information to your users on how the use the support information.
Email Notifications: Information that appears at the bottom of e-mail notifications. This field supports simple html formatting, and can include a hyperlink. For example:

<p>For YourCompany support, contact <a href=””></a> or 1-800-555-1212. </p>

which will display in the bottom of record email notifications as:

For YourCompany support, contact support@yourcompany or 1-800-555-1212.

eLearning Access

URL: Enter the URL for eLearning access. It is best to include the entire address
Label: This is the label for the URL above. The label can display the actual URL, or you can a different label. This will appear as a hyperlink to users.
Contact email: Enter an email address that you would like users to use if they need to contact someone. Enter a valid email format, e.g.,
Instructions: You can enter instructions or other information such as a contact phone number. This field does not support html formatting.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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