Managing users in bulk

You can use bulk processing to manage users across a large number of projects or shells. Bulk processing means that you can perform the same action on a large number of user records without having to navigate to each record and perform the exact same action repeatedly. You can perform this bulk processing at the shell or project level. Bulk user management is performed using CSV file export and import. Importing user group assignments and importing users uses the existing Add Users permissions on a project or shell.

Note: For cases where users have the same first and last name, the combination of first name, last name, company, and e-mail address is used to uniquely identify a user. The e-mail address is required on all imported rows.

You can use bulk processing to:

Add or remove user group assignments
Add new users
Change the status of existing users
Update multiple users in the User logs for Company or Partner users


Change user group assignments or add new users in bulk

Change user status in bulk

Update multiple company or partner users




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